97 research outputs found

    A review of Amlapitta

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    Over the last several decades our diet has become unhealthy and our lifestyle sedentary. These factors have resulted in an ever-increasing prevalence of the lifestyle disease. Among the environmental factors, lifestyle factors in particular being overweight, incorrect dietary habits, lack of regular physical activity and smoking have frequently been resulted in various gastrointestinal diseases. Lifestyle is an essential factor in heath. Unhealthy behavior can lead to illness, disability and even death. Earlier the diet used to include a lot of vegetables and fruits which gave nutritional value. With the fast-paced modern lifestyle the diet has also become fast. In a competitive world people have no time to cook meal or sit and eat slowly. People resort to fast foods frozen foods loaded with preservatives and skip on healthy nutritional food. Along with poor eating habits lack of physical fitness is a significant problem in modern lifestyle. Use of mobile phones, television, computers longer commutes have contributed to sleep deprivation. Lifestyle modifications are currently used as first line of treatment for subjects with gastrointestinal diseases


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    Changing lifestyle is responsible for increase in number of people suffering from Hypertension, Stress, Diabetes mellitus, Obesity, Heart ailments and other Non Communicable diseases. Among these life-style disorders hypertension is an important public health challenge worldwide. The disease Hypertension has no such clear cut reference in Ayurvedic texts. Eminent Ayurvedic scholar Vaidhya Brihaspati Dev Triguna Padam Vibhushan correlated high blood pressure with Vyana BalaVridhi. He postulated that increased Vyana Bala is responsible for increased Arterial pressure. Present study was conducted to explore evidence based therapeutic potential of Shankhpushpyadi Yoga in the management of Vyan Bal Vriddhi w.s.r. to Hypertension. The patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria and voluntarily wiling for trial were registered from O.P.D. & I.P.D. Dept. of Kayachikitsa R.G.G.P.G.AYU Hospital, Paprola. The Clinical trial was approved by I.E.C. The trial formulation contains Hydroalcoholic extract of Shankhpushpi 150 mg, Bhumyamlaki 250 mg, Punarnava 200 mg, Jatamanshi and Sarpagandha 100 mg each.  Clinical trial was of 45 days and total 30 patients were registered for the same.After45days analysis revealed that out of 30 patients, 4 patients showed excellent improvement,15 showed marked, 7 showed mild improvement and no improvement was noted in 2 patients. The mean systolic blood pressure before treatment was 148.71 mm of Hg which dropped to 140.14 mm of Hg at the end of 45 days therapy, with 5.28% reduction. The mean diastolic blood pressure before treatment was 95 mm of Hg which dropped to 87.142 mm of Hg at completion of trial with 8.27% reduction which was statistically significant.  Shankhpushpyadi yoga proved to be an effective and safe remedy for patients of Hypertension.&nbsp


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    The rapid modernization in India, fast food culture, stressful and speedy life, prevalent in urban areas is spreading its wings in remote villages too. Nowadays human beings are vulnerable to many disorders due to their altered life style and food habits. Among such metabolic disorders Vatarakta is one of them.Vatarakta is more distressing and common metabolic disorder prevalent in present era. It is characterised by severe pain, tenderness, inflammation and burning sensation in the affected joints. It is a Vatapradhana tridoshaja vyadhi where Rakta is main Dushya. Vatarakta is an illness where both Vata and Rakta are afflicted by distinct aetiological factors. Sedentary lifestyle along with mental stress, consumption of non-vegetarian and highly protein diet, excessive alcohol intake are some of the precipitating factors which causes acute exacerbation of Vatarakta. The aetiological factors responsible for Gouty arthritis, pathology and clinical features are quite similar with the Vatarakta. Due to excruciating pain, inflammation, joint deformity and restricted joint movements with the risk of various complications like urate nephropathy and urate nephrolithiasis its necessary to have a complete overview on all aspects of disease for treatment. Management of Vatarakta is a challenge as it is a disease of severe morbidity, chronicity and incurable to certain extent with associated complications. With certain life style modifications like low protein diet etc. and certain Ayurveda modalities viz. Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa its can be cure and prevented.


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    Vatarakta is a disease which is encountered in the population leading to a sedentary lifestyle. The change in lifestyle is the main cause of many diseases, Vatrakta being one of these. Based on the causes, signs and symptoms, Vatarakta may be correlated to gouty arthritis in modern medicine. Gout is an abnormality of purine metabolism that causes hyperuricemia and deposition of monosodium urate crystal. Its prevalence has increased across the globe.2.1 million people are affected with gout worldwide. In India, it has been reported that the prevalence of gout is 2-6 per 1000. It is a potential signal for unrecognized co- morbidities like obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and renal diseases. The purpose of this study is to explore and find out an effective, inexpensive, easily available and well accepted drug with minimal or no complications for this dreadful condition. 30 patients who were diagnosed with Vatarakta w.s.r Gouty Arthritis were allocated randomly into 2 groups. The test drug i.e., Bodhi vriksh twak kashaya 50ml B.I.D with Madhu was given to 15 patients of group A. The standard drug Amritaadikwath 50ml B.I.D, which was given to 15 patients of group B. The course of treatment was 60 days. Subjective parameters were assessed before and after the treatment as per the grade score. Serum uric acid was done before trial and on completion of trial i.e., 60th day. Data obtained during the trial was tabulated and statistically analyzed

    Investigating the Failure Modes of the AUC metric and Exploring Alternatives for Evaluating Systems in Safety Critical Applications

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    With the increasing importance of safety requirements associated with the use of black box models, evaluation of selective answering capability of models has been critical. Area under the curve (AUC) is used as a metric for this purpose. We find limitations in AUC; e.g., a model having higher AUC is not always better in performing selective answering. We propose three alternate metrics that fix the identified limitations. On experimenting with ten models, our results using the new metrics show that newer and larger pre-trained models do not necessarily show better performance in selective answering. We hope our insights will help develop better models tailored for safety-critical applications


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    Medoroga is a condition in which there is an excessive accumulation of Meda Dhatu in the body. Accumulation of Medo Dhatu in different parts of the body causes blockage of Strotsa which ultimately leads to poor nourishment of other Dhathus. Lack of exercises and Kaphavardhak Ahar Viharar are the two main causes of Medoroga. In modern times, way of life has changed drastically to quick nourishments and inactive tendencies throughout the world. Because of these factors, accumulation of Meda dhatu happens immensely. In Ayurveda, dyslipidemia is considered under Medoroga. Dyslipidemia is an emerging serious health abnormality associated with co-morbidities including CVD that continues to be the leading cause of death worldwide. It is characterized by an increase in cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL levels, and a decrease in HDL levels. The present study has been designed to compare the efficacy of Triphala Kwath and Trikatu capsules on various clinical parameters in the management of Medoroga w.s.r to dyslipidemia. Twenty patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were randomly selected for the trial and put into two groups of ten patients each. Trikatu capsules were given to patients in group I and Triphla kwath with Madhu and Trikatu capsules in combination were given to patients of group II for 8 weeks. Patients were thoroughly assessed on various scientific parameters during the complete trial period. In group II, a significant (p<0.001) improvement was observed in subjective parameters and serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL levels while in group I, a significant (p<0.001) improvement was observed in HDL only. It may affirmatively be construed from the study that the best impact of the trial drugs was observed with Triphala Kwatha with Madhu and Trikatu Capsule together (i.e. Group II). This combination therapy was most effective in reducing the overall lipid profile with substantial gains related to subjective as well as objective parameters without any adverse effects

    PromptAid: Prompt Exploration, Perturbation, Testing and Iteration using Visual Analytics for Large Language Models

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained widespread popularity due to their ability to perform ad-hoc Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks with a simple natural language prompt. Part of the appeal for LLMs is their approachability to the general public, including individuals with no prior technical experience in NLP techniques. However, natural language prompts can vary significantly in terms of their linguistic structure, context, and other semantics. Modifying one or more of these aspects can result in significant differences in task performance. Non-expert users may find it challenging to identify the changes needed to improve a prompt, especially when they lack domain-specific knowledge and lack appropriate feedback. To address this challenge, we present PromptAid, a visual analytics system designed to interactively create, refine, and test prompts through exploration, perturbation, testing, and iteration. PromptAid uses multiple, coordinated visualizations which allow users to improve prompts by using the three strategies: keyword perturbations, paraphrasing perturbations, and obtaining the best set of in-context few-shot examples. PromptAid was designed through an iterative prototyping process involving NLP experts and was evaluated through quantitative and qualitative assessments for LLMs. Our findings indicate that PromptAid helps users to iterate over prompt template alterations with less cognitive overhead, generate diverse prompts with help of recommendations, and analyze the performance of the generated prompts while surpassing existing state-of-the-art prompting interfaces in performance
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