374 research outputs found

    Managing requirements in market-driven software project: Agile methods view

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    Vrijeme do plasiranja na tržište i nedovoljno početno saznanje o potrebama dva su značajna problema po kojima se organiziranje potreba kod projekata razvijanja softvera za tržište razlikuje od projekata za softver po narudžbi. Ti se problemi mogu riješiti primjenom agilnih metodologija razvoja softvera kad se radi o tržišno orijentiranom softveru budući da Agilne metode naglašavaju dinamički pristup organiziranju potreba usko povezan s iterativnim ciklusom isporuke. U ovom radu, dinamički pristup Agilnih metoda definiranju potreba koristi se za uspješnu implementaciju složenog tržišno orijentiranog softverskog projekta.Time-to-market and insufficient initial requirements are two significant challenges that make managing requirements for market-driven software projects different from custom-made software projects. These challenges can be resolved by using agile software development methodologies for market-driven software development as agile methods put emphasis on a dynamic approach for requirement engineering which works closely with an iterative release cycle. In this study, dynamic requirement engineering approach of Agile methods was used for the successful implementation of market-driven complex software project

    Sustainable software engineering education curricula development

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    Climate change risk and environmental degradation are the most critical issues of our society. Our technology influenced daily life style involves many software and apps which are used by large society and their use is increasing than ever before. Sustainability is a significant topic for future professionals and more so for Information Technology (IT) professionals and software engineers due to its impact on the society. It is significant to motivate and raise concern among students and faculty members regarding sustainability by including it into Software Engineering curriculum. Key words: Sustainability, Sustainable Software Engineering, Curricula, Software Engineering.publishedVersio

    Analiza rizika globalnog razvoja programske podrške i prijedlog rješenja

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    Global software development is becoming a widely accepted practice in software industry. While benefits of global software development have been identified and publicized, potential risks have not been fully investigated and addressed. This paper analyzes the impacts of globalization on software development, especially its long term impact on software product quality and software industry competitiveness. This issue is rather critical for prominent software providers. Potential solutions are discussed to address these issues in order to reduce the risk and take advantage of the benefits of global software development.Globalni razvoj programske podrške postaje naširoko prihvaćen način rada u industriji programske podrške. Dok su njegove dobre strane uočene i obznanjene, mogući rizici nisu u potpunosti istraženi i odgovarajuće adresirani. Ovaj članak analizira učinke globalnog razvoja programske podrške, posebice njegov dugoročni utjecaj na kvalitetu programa i konkurentnost industrije programske podrške. Taj je moment razmjerno kritičan uglednim proizvođačima programa. Diskutirana su moguća rješenja za adresiranje tih problema kako bi se rizik umanjio i iskoristile dobre strane globalnog razvoja programske podrške

    Master Hand Technology For The HMI Using Hand Gesture And Colour Detection

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    Master Hand Technology uses different hand gestures and colors to give various commands for the Human-Machine(here Computer) Interfacing. Gestures recognition deals with the goal of interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithm. Gestures made by users with the help of a color band and/or body pose , in two or three dimensions , get translated by software/image processing into predefined commands .The computer then acts according to the command. There have been a lot work already developed in this field either by extracting hand gesture only or extracting hand with the help of color segmentation. In this project, both hand gesture extraction and color detection used for better, faster, robust, accurate and real-time applications. Red, Green, Blue colors are most efficiently detected if RGB color space used. Using HSV color space, it can be extended to any no of colors. For hand gesture detection, the default background is captured and stored for further processing. Comparing the new captured image with background image and doing necessary extraction and filtering, hand portion can be extracted. Then applying different mathematical algorithms different hand gestures detected. All this work done using MATLAB software. By interfacing a portion of Master hand or/and color to mouse of a Computer, the computer can be controlled same as the mouse. And then many virtual (Augmented reality) or PC based application can be developed (e.g. Calculator, Paint). It does not matter whether the system is within your reach or not; but a camera that is linked with the system must have to be near-by . Showing different gestures by your Master-Hand , the computer can be controlled remotely. If the camera can be set-up online, then the computer can be controlled even from a very far place online

    Automation testing tools : a comparative view

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    Effective software testing leads to assurance towards high quality in software development. Automation testing tool facilitates in faster testing process in testing stage thus completion and implementation of software on time. One of the most significant issues for automation is to select the automation-testing tool and the appropriate framework. The objective of this paper is to assess and compare twenty-one available automation-testing tools on twenty attributes in comprehensive manner. This study will assist software testing professionals and researchers towards further insight in this area. Keywords: test automation, automation tools, software testing, automation test frameworks, test automation typespublishedVersio

    Experience in Predicting Fault-Prone Software Modules Using Complexity Metrics

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    Complexity metrics have been intensively studied in predicting fault-prone software modules. However, little work is done in studying how to effectively use the complexity metrics and the prediction models under realistic conditions. In this paper, we present a study showing how to utilize the prediction models generated from existing projects to improve the fault detection on other projects. The binary logistic regression method is used in studying publicly available data of five commercial products. Our study shows (1) models generated using more datasets can improve the prediction accuracy but not the recall rate; (2) lowering the cut-off value can improve the recall rate, but the number of false positives will be increased, which will result in higher maintenance effort. We further suggest that in order to improve model prediction efficiency, the selection of source datasets and the determination of cut-off values should be based on specific properties of a project. So far, there are no general rules that have been found and reported to follow

    IoT platform for seafood farmers and consumers

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    There has been a strong growth in aquatic products supported by the global seafood industry. Consumers demand information transparency to support informed decisions and to verify nutrition, food safety, and sustainable operations. Supporting these needs rests on the existence of interoperable Internet of Things (IoT) platforms for traceability that goes beyond the minimum “one up, one down” scheme required by regulators. Seafood farmers, being the source of both food and food-information, are critical to achieving the needed transparency. Traditionally, seafood farmers carry the costs of providing information, while downstream actors reap the benefits, causing limited provision of information. Now, global standards for labelling, data from IoT devices, and the reciprocity of utility from collecting data while sharing them represent great potential for farmers to generate value from traceability systems. To enable this, farmers need an IoT platform integrated with other IoT platforms in the value network. This paper presents a case study of an enterprise-level IoT platform for seafood farmers that satisfies consumers’ end-to-end traceability needs while extracting data from requests for information from downstream actors. Keywords: IoT platform, seafood traceability, seafood farmer, reciprocity, supply chain, valuepublishedVersio

    Agent-oriented software engineering methodologies : analysis and future directions

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates in building cyber-physical systems, which are significant for Industry 4.0. Agent-based computing represents effective modeling, programming, and simulation paradigm to develop IoT systems. Agent concepts, techniques, methods, and tools are being used in evolving IoT systems. Over the last years, in particular, there has been an increasing number of agent approaches proposed along with an ever-growing interest in their various implementations. Yet a comprehensive and full-fledged agent approach for developing related projects is still lacking despite the presence of agent-oriented software engineering (AOSE) methodologies. One of the moves towards compensating for this issue is to compile various available methodologies, ones that are comparable to the evolution of the unified modeling language (UML) in the domain of object-oriented analysis and design. These have become de facto standards in software development. In line with this objective, the present research attempts to comprehend the relationship among seven main AOSE methodologies. More specifically, we intend to assess and compare these seven approaches by conducting a feature analysis through examining the advantages and limitations of each competing process, structural analysis, and a case study evaluation method. This effort is made to address the significant characteristics of AOSE approaches. The main objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of selected AOSE methodologies and provide a proposal of a draft unified approach that drives strengths (best) of these methodologies towards advancement in this area.publishedVersio

    DevOps and software quality : a systematic mapping

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    Quality pressure is one of the factors affecting processes for software development in its various stages. DevOps is one of the proposed solutions to such pressure. The primary focus of DevOps is to increase the deployment speed, frequency and quality. DevOps is a mixture of different developments and operations to its multitudinous ramifications in software development industries, DevOps have attracted the interest of many researchers. There are considerable literature surveys on this critical innovation in software development, yet, little attention has been given to DevOps impact on software quality. This research is aimed at analyzing the implications of DevOps features on software quality. DevOps can also be referred to a change in organization cultures aimed at removal of gaps between the development and operations of an organization. The adoption of DevOps in an organization provides many benefits including quality but also brings challenges to an organization. This study presents systematic mapping of the impact of DevOps on software quality. The results of this study provide a better understanding of DevOps on software quality for both professionals and researchers working in this area. The study shows research was mainly focused in automation, culture, continuous delivery, fast feedback of DevOps. There is need of further research in many areas of DevOps (for instance: measurement, development of metrics of different stages to assess its performance, culture, practices toward ensuring quality assurance, and quality factors such as usability, efficiency, software maintainability and portability). Keywords: DevOps, development, operations, software, software quality, automation, measurement, systematic mappingpublishedVersio

    A rule-based approach to embedding techniques for text document classification

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    With the growth of online information and sudden expansion in the number of electronic documents provided on websites and in electronic libraries, there is difficulty in categorizing text documents. Therefore, a rule-based approach is a solution to this problem; the purpose of this study is to classify documents by using a rule-based. This paper deals with the rule-based approach with the embedding technique for a document to vector (doc2vec) files. An experiment was performed on two data sets Reuters-21578 and the 20 Newsgroups to classify the top ten categories of these data sets by using a document to vector rule-based (D2vecRule). Finally, this method provided us a good classification result according to the F-measures and implementation time metrics. In conclusion, it was observed that our algorithm document to vector rule-based (D2vecRule) was good when compared with other algorithms such as JRip, One R, and ZeroR applied to the same Reuters-21578 dataset. Keywords: text classification; rule-based; word embedding; Doc2vec.publishedVersio