246 research outputs found

    On the origin of the superior long-term creep resistance of a 10% Cr steel

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    A low-nitrogen 10% Cr martensitic steel containing 3% Co and 0.008% B was shown to exhibit an extremely long creep rupture time of ∼4·104 h under an applied stress of 120 MPa at 650 °C. The creep behavior and evolution of lath martensite structure and precipitates during creep at these conditions were studied. The main feature of the microstructure under long-term creep is retention of the lath structure until ruptur

    Effect of short-term aging on the impact toughness of advanced 10% CR steel

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    Heat-resistant high-chromium martensitic steels are widely used in various critical components of fossil power plants due to their superior creep resistance and high-temperature strengt

    Effect of the strain rate on the low cycle fatigue behavior of a 10Cr-2W-Mo-3Co-NbV steel at room temperature

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    The effect of a strain rate varying from ̴10-3 to ̴10¯⁵ s¯¹ at a strain amplitude ranging from ±0.25% to ±0.6% on the low cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior and the microstructure of a 10%Cr-2%W0.7%Mo-3%Co-NbV steel with 0.008 wt.

    Impact toughness of a 10% Cr steel with high boron and low nitrogen

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    The effect of temperature on the impact toughness and fracture behavior of a 10% Cr-2% W-0.7% Mo-3% Co-0.05% Nb-0.2% V-0.008% B-0.003% N (all in wt%) steel was studied. The ductile-brittle transition (DBT) occurs at 10 °C. At the DBT temperature (DBTT), the onset of unstable crack propagation occurs at the maximum load. The mbrittlement is attributed to the onset of unstable crack propagation at stresses below the general yieldin

    Deformation microstructures, strengthening mechanisms, and electrical conductivity in a Cu-Cr-Zr alloy

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    Cr-0.06%Zr alloy subjected to multiple equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at temperatures of 473-673 K were investigated. The new ultrafine grains resulted from progressive increase in the misorientations of strain-induced low-angle boundaries during the multiple ECAP process. The development of ultrafine-grained microstructures is considered as a type of continuous dynamic recrystallizatio

    Microstructure and properties of fine grained Cu-Cr-Zr alloys after termo-mechanical treatments

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    Cu-Cr-Zr alloys provide an excellent combination of strength and electric conductivity and are frequently used as engineering materials in various electric/electronic devises. The present review deals with the microstructural design of Cu-Cr-Zr alloys, their alloying concept, thermo-mechanical processing based on technique of severe plastic deformation, physical mechanisms responsible for high strength and electric conductivit

    Effect of precipitation under long-term aging at 650°C on the tensile strength of advanced 10%Cr heat-resistant steel

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of long-term aging at 650°C on the tensile strength of advanced 10% Cr steel with low N and high B contents. Specific attention will be paid to the effect of changes in the microstructure and dispersion of the secondary phases on the strengt

    Nitrogen adsorption on graphene sponges synthesized by annealing a mixture of nickel and carbon powders

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    The present research has been supported by the National Research Programme for 2014–2017 “Multifunctional Materials and Composites, Photonics and Nanotechnologies”.Adsorption by graphene sponge (GS) manufactured by annealing nickel-carbon powder mixture in inert atmosphere has been studied. By determining the specific surface area (SSA) for the GS sample, it has been found that Brunauer, Emmett, Teller method (BET) of approximation of experimental isotherms gives wrong results in the pressure range of 0.025-0.12 because adsorption in this pressure region is affected by walls of ampoule. Real SSA value has been found by subtracting pore effect method (SPE) or by BET approximation in a low range of relative pressure of 0.0004-0.002.Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART