501 research outputs found

    Les enjeux liĂ©s Ă  la lĂ©galisation de l’euthanasie et du suicide assistĂ© au Canada

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    Si on dĂ©sire lĂ©galiser l’euthanasie ou le suicide assistĂ©, on doit prĂ©alablement conclure que les mĂ©thodes actuelles pour abrĂ©ger la vie des personnes en phase terminale ne sont pas adĂ©quates. Actuellement, le suicide, le refus de traitement, l’arrĂȘt de traitement et le « double effet » ou le traitement agressif de la douleur mĂȘme lorsqu’il compromet la durĂ©e de vie (dont la sĂ©dation terminale est un exemple) sont toutes des activitĂ©s lĂ©gales au Canada. Nous soumettons que si jamais d’autres pratiques doivent ĂȘtre lĂ©galisĂ©es, le suicide assistĂ© devrait ĂȘtre privilĂ©giĂ© plutĂŽt que l’euthanasie puisque qu’il s’agit d’une approche plus respectueuse des droits du patient Ă  changer d’avis. L’expĂ©rience observĂ©e dans les Pays-Bas et en Oregon indique que 40 % des personnes qui demandent l’euthanasie changent d’idĂ©e aprĂšs avoir obtenu les moyens de mettre fin Ă  leurs jours ou aprĂšs avoir connu un soulagement de la douleur plus adĂ©quat. L’euthanasie et le suicide assistĂ© ne devraient pas se substituer Ă  l’accĂšs Ă  de bons soins palliatifs.In order to legalise euthanasia or assisted suicide one must first conclude that existing methods to foreshorten the life of the terminally ill are not adequate. Currently the practices of suicide, treatment refusal, stopping life-sustaining treatment and the “double effect” or aggressively treating pain symptoms even if life expectancy is compromised (of which terminal sedation is an example) are all legal in Canada. We contend that if other practices are legalized, assisted suicide should be considered rather than euthanasia, since this practice respects better the rights of patients to change their minds. Experiences in the Netherlands and in Oregon indicate that 40 % or more of people who request euthanasia change their minds after obtaining the means or ending their lives or after being offered better treatment of their symptoms. Euthanasia and assisted suicide should not substitute for good palliative care

    L’écologie familiale et la consommation de mĂ©dicaments chez les personnes ĂągĂ©es : commentaires sur un facteur important ignorĂ© dans les recherches et les projets de prĂ©vention

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    Une recension des recherches sur l'utilisation des médicaments chez les personnes ùgées de 1986 à 1996 confirme les résultats de recension jusqu'à 1986 (Mishara et McKim, 1989) : peu de recherches empiriques portent sur le rÎle de la famille dans les patrons d'utilisation des médicaments chez les aßnés. Cet article résume briÚvement des études sur les facteurs liés à une bonne utilisation des médicaments ainsi que les programmes de prévention de problÚmes liés à l'observance et les réactions indésirables aux médicaments chez les aßnés. Nous proposons une conceptualisation du rÎle de la famille comme composante de la résilience des aßnés et suggérons d'inclure la famille dans les stratégies de diminution des risques découlant d'une mauvaise utilisation des médicaments.A literature review from 1986 to 1996 on medication use by older persons confirms previous conclusions on studies up to 1986 (Mishara and McKim, 1989): there is little empirical research on the role of family members in patterns of medication use by elders. This article briefly summarizes studies of factors related to medication use and prevention programs aimed at reducing problems related to compliance and drug adverse reactions in older persons. We propose a conceptual model of the role of the family as a component of resiliency of elders and we suggest that family members be included in strategies for preventing the risks related to inappropriate use of medicines

    Notes on the fish resources of the Bahuda estuary, Orissa, India

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    Estuaries form an important site for the zoologist as these are the places known to be very rich in food and nutrients and so, become nesting-cum-breeding grounds for many species and also, own good species diversity. Bahuda estuary of Orissa is located at the inter-state border of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. Explored for many invertebrates, this estuary was not properly investigated for its rich fish fauna. Various surveys at Bahuda estuary revealed that it is an important site of study for the faunal diversity of fishes in the east coast. Forty-eight species belonging to 33 genera under eight orders and 22 families were examined referring standard literature· and methods. Most of the groups of fishes encountered are of commercial importance

    Le soutien social peut-il protéger les hommes de la tentative de suicide ?

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    Cette Ă©tude tente d’examiner si le soutien social peut constituer un facteur de protection de la tentative de suicide chez les hommes et, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant, Ă  identifier quelles sont les formes et les sources de soutien les plus importantes. Elle compare deux groupes d’hommes qui ont vĂ©cu des Ă©vĂ©nements de vie sĂ©vĂšres au cours des 12 derniers mois : 40 hommes admis Ă  l’urgence d’un hĂŽpital suite Ă  une tentative de suicide et 40 hommes sans antĂ©cĂ©dent suicidaire. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que les hommes qui ont tentĂ© de se suicider perçoivent moins de soutien disponible dans leur entourage et sont moins satisfaits du soutien reçu suite Ă  l’évĂ©nement le plus difficile survenu au cours de la derniĂšre annĂ©e. L’aide tangible et l’assurance de sa valeur sont les formes de soutien les plus importantes. L’étude souligne l’importance du soutien social dans la prĂ©vention des comportements suicidaires chez les hommes.The goal of this study is to investigate whether social support may constitute a protective factor for attempted suicide among men and, if so, to identify the most important sources and forms of support. The study compares two groups of men who experienced comparable stressful events during the last 12 months : 40 men admitted to hospital emergency following suicide attempts, and 40 men with no history of suicide attempts. Results indicate that the men who attempted suicide perceive less support available and are less satisfied with the support they received following the most difficult stressful event that occurred in the last year. Concrete help and reassurance of worth are the forms of support that appear to be of most importance. This study highlights the importance of social support in the prevention of suicidal behaviours among men.Este estudio intenta examinar si el apoyo social puede constituir un factor de protecciĂłn de la tentativa de suicidio en los hombres y, en caso contrario, identificar cuĂĄles son las formas y fuentes de apoyo mĂĄs importantes. Compara dos grupos de hombres que han vivido experiencias graves en el curso de los Ășltimos 12 meses: 40 hombres admitidos en urgencias de un hospital despuĂ©s de una tentativa de suicidio y 40 hombres sin antecedentes de suicidio. Los resultados indican que los hombres que han intentado suicidarse perciben menos ayuda disponible en su entorno y estĂĄn menos satisfechos del apoyo recibido despuĂ©s del evento mĂĄs difĂ­cil transcurrido en el curso del Ășltimo año. La ayuda tangible y tener la seguridad de ser valiosos son las formas de apoyo mĂĄs importantes. El estudio subraya la importancia del apoyo social en la prevenciĂłn de los comportamientos suicidas en los hombres.Este estudo tenta examinar se o apoio social pode constituir um fator de proteção da tentativa de suicĂ­dio nos homens e, se for o caso, identificar quais sĂŁo as formas e as fontes de apoio mais importantes. Ele compara dois grupos de homens que viveram acontecimentos de vida graves durante os Ășltimos 12 meses: 40 homens recebidos na urgĂȘncia de um hospital por uma tentativa de suicĂ­dio e 40 homens sem antecedente suicidĂĄrio. Os resultados indicam que os homens que tentaram se suicidar recebem menos apoio disponĂ­vel ao seu redor e sĂŁo menos satisfeitos do apoio recebido apĂłs o acontecimento mais difĂ­cil que ocorreu durante o Ășltimo ano. A ajuda tangĂ­vel e a segurança de seu valor sĂŁo as formas de apoio mais importantes. O estudo ressalta a importĂąncia do apoio social na prevenção dos comportamentos suicidĂĄrios nos homens

    No departure to "Pandora"? Using critical phenomenology to differentiate "naive" from "reflective" experience in psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine (A comment on Schwartz and Wiggins, 2010)

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    The mind-body problem lies at the heart of the clinical practice of both psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine. In their recent publication, Schwartz and Wiggins address the question of how to understand life as central to the mind-body problem. Drawing on their own use of the phenomenological method, we propose that the mind-body problem is not resolved by a general, evocative appeal to an all encompassing life-concept, but rather falters precisely at the insurmountable difference between "natural" and a "reflective" experience built into phenomenological method itself. Drawing on the works of phenomenologically oriented thinkers, we describe life as inherently "teleological" without collapsing life with our subjective perspective, or stepping over our epistemological limits. From the phenomenology it can be demonstrated that the hypothetical teleological qualities are a reflective reconstruction modelled on human behavioural structure

    An Integration of Predictive Coding and Phenomenological Approaches

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    Current theories in the framework of hierarchical predictive coding propose that positive symptoms of schizophrenia, such as delusions and hallucinations, arise from an alteration in Bayesian inference, the term inference referring to a process by which learned predictions are used to infer probable causes of sensory data. However, for one particularly striking and frequent symptom of schizophrenia, thought insertion, no plausible account has been proposed in terms of the predictive-coding framework. Here we propose that thought insertion is due to an altered experience of thoughts as coming from “nowhere”, as is already indicated by the early 20th century phenomenological accounts by the early Heidelberg School of psychiatry. These accounts identified thought insertion as one of the self-disturbances (from German: “Ichstörungen”) of schizophrenia and used mescaline as a model-psychosis in healthy individuals to explore the possible mechanisms. The early Heidelberg School (Gruhle, Mayer-Gross, Beringer) first named and defined the self- disturbances, and proposed that thought insertion involves a disruption of the inner connectedness of thoughts and experiences, and a “becoming sensory” of those thoughts experienced as inserted. This account offers a novel way to integrate the phenomenology of thought insertion with the predictive coding framework. We argue that the altered experience of thoughts may be caused by a reduced precision of context-dependent predictions, relative to sensory precision. According to the principles of Bayesian inference, this reduced precision leads to increased prediction-error signals evoked by the neural activity that encodes thoughts. Thus, in analogy with the prediction-error related aberrant salience of external events that has been proposed previously, “internal” events such as thoughts (including volitions, emotions and memories) can also be associated with increased prediction-error signaling and are thus imbued with aberrant salience. We suggest that the individual’s attempt to explain the aberrant salience of thoughts results in their interpretation as being inserted by an alien agent, similarly to the emergence of delusions in response to the aberrant salience of sensory stimuli

    Application des connaissances scientifiques en prĂ©vention du suicide : VĂ©rification d’une stratĂ©gie fondĂ©e sur la communautĂ© de pratique

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    Cet article a pour objectif de dĂ©crire une expĂ©rience pilote fondĂ©e sur les principes d’action des communautĂ©s de pratique (CoP), afin de rapprocher chercheurs et milieux de pratique en prĂ©vention du suicide et favoriser une meilleure utilisation des connaissances scientifiques. Des professionnels (n = 15) de diffĂ©rents organismes concernĂ©s par la prĂ©vention du suicide au QuĂ©bec et dissĂ©minĂ©s sur tout le territoire (Centres de prĂ©vention du suicide, centres jeunesse, direction de santĂ© publique, milieux hospitaliers), ainsi que des chercheurs (n = 4) et un animateur de la communautĂ© ont participĂ© Ă  cette expĂ©rience innovante. La CoP a permis d’obtenir des effets sur la rĂ©ceptivitĂ© envers les connaissances, l’accĂšs aux ressources et aux connaissances et le dĂ©veloppement de collaboration entre les membres. Des conditions prĂ©alables semblent cependant nĂ©cessaires Ă  des collaborations accrues entre recherche et pratique, notamment un rapprochement sur le plan des valeurs et une relation fondĂ©e sur la confiance et le respect de l’autre et la capacitĂ© d’investir du temps dans le dĂ©veloppement de relations de travail.The objective of this article is to describe a pilot experiment based on community of practice (CoP) action principles and aimed at bridging the gap between suicide prevention researchers and practitioners and encouraging better utilization of research knowledge. Participants in this innovative experiment included professionals (n = 15) from a variety of Quebec organizations concerned with suicide prevention located throughout the province (suicide prevention centers, youth centers, public health department, hospital settings), researchers (n = 4) and one community animator. The CoP made it possible to obtain effects on receptivity to knowledge, access to resources and knowledge, and the development of collaboration between members. However, it would appear that certain preconditions are necessary for increased collaboration between researchers and practitioners, notably the development of greater common ground in terms of values and a relationship based on trust and mutual respect and the ability to invest time in the development of work relations

    A Study of Advanced Online Shopping Web Application with its Impact on Consumer Intention to Purchase Online and Seller Intention to Sell Online

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    The purpose of this study is to develop an advanced web application for online shopping and to increase the customer and seller intention to buy and sell via online web platform. This study is focused on variables of website characteristics, customer and seller interactions, physical telepresence and consumers thoughts and their feedback towards online shopping web applications. And behavioral controls of customers and sellers which will describe the consumer thoughts and intention towards the online purchasing. This study reveals the customer’s and seller’s perspective and attitude towards the online purchasing and online shopping. And this study explores about factors that affect to build a trust and intention in consumers towards online purchasing. A web application will be developed by considering above mentioned factors. Smart bay is the improved web application that is planning to develop by analyzing above mentioned all focused areas to perform with vast area of functions in very user-friendly environment
