177 research outputs found

    Torovirus infection in animals: a review

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    Massive digestive disorders of neonatal calves, clinically manifested as diarrhea causing severe dehydration, toxemia, immunodeficiency and metabolic disorders, induce huge economic losses in animal husbandry. Etiopathogenetic lesions of the digestive organs are characterized by significant polymorphism, including a wide range of various (physiological, sanitary and infectious) factors. Massive gastroenteritises in neonatal calves are primarily caused by such infectious agents as viruses, bacteria and protozoa. Massive diarrheas are registered in 70–80% of newborn calves by the end of the first day of life. Diseased newborn calves die on day 5–10 and mortality ranges from 15 to 55%. Rotavirus, coronavirus, pestivirus, parvovirus, enterovirus and kobuvirus, along with bacteria, are most frequently detected in faecal samples collected from neonatal calves with diarrhea. Diagnostic and vaccine products for prevention of these infections have been developed in the Russian Federation. At the end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century a large number of cattle were imported to Russia from the countries affected with different contagious diseases (USA, Denmark, France, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, Finland, etc.). Despite the high activity and field effectiveness of vaccines against rotavirus and coronavirus infections and viral diarrhea, massive neonatal calf diarrheas causing significant economic losses were registered in a number of large-scale livestock farms. Torovirus as well as the above-mentioned pathogens were detected in fecal samples from diseased calves. This report provides data on torovirus infection indicating a wide geographical distribution of animal torovirus in many countries of the world. All this suggests the need to take into account torovirus infection when conducting epizootological investigations in farms affected with massive gastrointestinal diseases of neonatal calves

    On a class of integrable systems connected with GL(N,\RR)

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    In this paper we define a new class of the quantum integrable systems associated with the quantization of the cotangent bundle T(GL(N))T^*(GL(N)) to the Lie algebra glN\frak{gl}_N. The construction is based on the Gelfand-Zetlin maximal commuting subalgebra in U(glN)U(\frak{gl}_N). We discuss the connection with the other known integrable systems based on TGL(N)T^*GL(N). The construction of the spectral tower associated with the proposed integrable theory is given. This spectral tower appears as a generalization of the standard spectral curve for integrable system.Comment: LaTeX, 13 page

    Small business development and resource use in Russian regions

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    Relevance. The living standards in any country largely depend on how developed is this country’s business sector. The latter, in its turn, relies on the availability and efficient use of resources. The problem that arises in this respect and that this study seeks to address is how to measure the resource potential available for the development of small businesses in order to choose the optimal strategy of stimulating this sector for this or that region.Research objective. The aim of this research is to study resources available to small businesses and their use in Russian regions.Data and methods. The set of indicators used in our analysis helps us measure the activity of small businesses in Russian federal districts. The key elements of the assessment are based on the official statistics and include the following: average labor productivity of small businesses, the unit turnover per small enterprise, the number of small firms per 10,000 people. Each of these indicators was analyzed by using the methods of mathematical statistics according to the three criteria: stability (S); average values (M); and the variability of the results (V), which characterizes interregional differentiation within a federal district/country.Results. The article proposes a system of indicators for diagnosing small business development based on the concentration and performance of small-sized enterprises. The quantitative results of such analysis can be used for choosing strategies of small business development.Conclusion. There was a significant decline in entrepreneurial activity during the post-crisis period of 2017-2018 in Russia, which could be explained by the impact of foreign sanctions and the difficult economic situation in the country (inflation, a sharp rise in the price of resources, difficulties in communication with international partners, and the difficulty or even impossibility to adopt efficient technologies in a short time). As our analysis has shown, some of the Russian territories still have underutilized resource potential that can be used for stimulating small business development

    Calculation of Constructions of Variable Thickness by Method of Steepest Descent

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    The technique of calculation of structural elements of variable thickness is discussed in the article. Such constructive elements are described by differential equations with variable coefficients, for the implementation of which it is necessary to have a reliable calculation method that allows obtaining a fairly accurate solution. The most effective method for calculating such structures is the steepest descent method, developed by L.V. Kantorovich. Within the framework of this article, the idea of the method is set forth in the example of solving problems of bending a beam and a plate of variable thickness. A sequence is given for calculating the design of a variable MSD thickness using the example of a statically indeterminate beam, where the bending equation for a beam of constant cross section was used as the initial approximation. Then this method was generalized to a more complex two-dimensional construction - a plate of variable thickness. The problem of constructing the initial approximation for solving a partial differential equation was solved. As an example, we considered a square plate in plan, hinged on the contour. The results of the calculation were compared with the results obtained by the finite difference method. In solving specific problems by the method of steepest descent, it was revealed that it differs from direct methods, such as, for example, Ritz-Timoshenko, Bubnov-Galerkin, which consists in the fact that successive approximations in solving problems are not obtained in a priori chosen form, but in the form , determined by the problem itself. In the MSD, the solution is corrected qualitatively in the course of implementing the method, and when solving the problem by variational methods, we choose the approximating function and thereby set the solution configuration. The use of the MSD makes it possible to obtain finite formulas for determining the stress-strain state of structures of variable thickness, which will allow them to quickly implement their variant design


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    The algorithm of Kantorovich gradient method applied to nonlinear problems of construction mechanics and mechanics of deformable solids, proposed in [1], is applied to the study of the bending of physically nonlinear plates of variable thickness. This article should be considered as a logical development of the content of the work [2

    The employment rate in university sports students of different courses of physical training faculty

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    The article deals with the employment rate of students in sports, as a prerequisite for healthy lifestyle. Shows that at the Faculty of Physical Education of T. G. Shevchenko State Chernihov National Pedagogical University (Ukraine) in participations in the line-up of national teams at regional level and above are involved graduate students and of 2 course, and minimal quantity of 3 coursesВ статье рассматривается степень занятости студентов спортом как предпосылка ведения ими здорового образа жизни. Показывается, что на факультете физического воспитания Черниговского национального педагогического университета имени Т. Г. Шевченко (Украина) в наибольшей степени в составе сборных команд на уровне области и выше задействованы студенты магистратуры и 2 курса, а в наименьшей – 3 курс

    Investigation of Changes of Short-range Ordering and Electron Density in Simulating Alloys Based on Iron

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    Short-range ordering and electron density in simulation alloys, containing Cr, Mo, W and V as a doping addition, were studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy and positron annihilation methods. A number of peculiarities was observed in alloys with vanadium as a doping

    Асиметрії гемостаза як показник фізіологічної адаптації на дію навколишнього зовнішнього середовища

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    As it is demonstrated in experiments on rats, polarized ligt influence on head right and left hemispheres cause different degreed reactions from blood coagulation and fibrinolysis side. This difference is conected with polarized light action to peroxidative lipid oxidation (PIO) reactions course, antioxidative enzymes aitivity, brain hemispheres procoagulant and fibrinolytic features. They are unegual in different hemispheres and this asymmetry is supported (enforced) by polarized light action. Polarized light is haemostasis asymmetries modulator in brain hemispheres that is, probably, adaptation reaction under physiological conditions directed to normal (asymmetrical) interrelations creation betwen them.У експериментах на щурах показано, що дії поляризованим світлом на праву і ліву половину голови викликають різну ступень реакції з боку згортання крові і фібриноліза. Ця різниця пов’язана з впливом поляризованого світла на перебіг реакцій перекисного окислення ліпідів (ПОЛ), активність антіоксидантних ферментів, прокоагулянтних і фібринолітичних властивостей півкуль мозку. У різних півкулях вони неоднакові і ця їх асиметрія підтримується (посилюється) дією поляризованого світла. Поляризоване світло є модулятором асиметрій гемостаза в півкулях мозку, що, мабуть, є реакцією адаптації у фізіологічних умовах, що спрямована на створення нормальних (асиметричних) взаємостосунків між ними