572 research outputs found


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    State of the problem. Existing approaches to the linguistic analysis of complex sentences require rethinking as the classic comprehension of the role of interposition in the syntax of the complex sentence semantically and meaningfully limits it functional description. Author’s attitude towards the functioning of complex subject sentences with interpositive accesory part in the medical texts on otorhinolaryngology is presented in this paper so not only differents views on interposition in the linguistics is being explored but also the means of marking complex sentences parts and its functioning special features in the medical texts are being thoroughly examined.Methodology. Usage of scientific descriptions methods, observation and statistic analysis allowed to get accurate information on semantic and syntax structure of such sentences and their specifics in the medical texts.Results. Linguisic analysis of complex subject sentences based on the medical texts showed that interpostive state of the accessory part may have different formal expression what may be the reason to classify different complex sentences types by the marking of their accessory parts. Explored material shows that the accessory part interposition is quite ambiguous but along with it shows the specifics of scientific medical text.Area of results application. The results may be used not only for following research of scientific (medical) text but are also important in the pedagogical practice of teaching foreign medical students.Состояние вопроса. Сложившиеся подходы к лингвистическому анализу сложных предложений требуют переосмысления, так как классическое понимание роли интерпозиции в синтаксисе сложного предложения ограничивает ее функциональное описание семантически и конструктивно. В данном исследовании представлен авторский взгляд на функционирование сложноподчиненных предложений с интерпозитивной придаточной частью в текстах медицинской специальности «Оториноларингология», в связи с чем не только освещаются разные трактовки понимания интерпозиции в лингвистике но и подробно рассматриваются средства маркированности частей сложного предложения, их особенности функционирования в медицинском тексте.Методология проведения работы. Использование методов научного описания, наблюдения и статистического анализа позволило получить достоверную информацию о семантико-синтаксической структуре данного типа предложений и их специфике в текстах медицинской специальности.Результаты. Лингвистический анализ сложноподчиненных предложений на материале медицинских текстов показал: интерпозитивное положение придаточной части имеет разное формальное выражение, что является основанием для классификации типов сложных предложений по виду маркированности их придаточной части. Рассмотренный материал свидетельствует о том, что интерпозиция придаточной части весьма неоднозначна, но вместе с тем выявляет специфику научного (медицинского) текста специальности.Область применения результатов. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы не только для дальнейших исследований научного (медицинского) текста, но и важны в педагогической практике обучения иностранных студентов-медиков

    Переводческий комментарий как одно из средств экспликации оценочного потенциала языковых средств (на материале переводов романов В.Скотта «The Heart of Mid-Lothian» и «The Old Mortality» на русский язык)

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    The article is devoted to the problem, which is insufficiently explored both in linguistics and theory of translation: the potential of translator’s comment as a way of explication of evaluative meaning due to peculiarities of literary translation from English into Russian and intercultural communication. If there is no analogue of the certain evaluative means in target language, translator’s comment can become the only means carrying out this function.A number of the most typical cases when translator’s comment is the only possible way to express the author’s evaluation are considered here. Firstly, it is the use of grammatical peculiarities of the source language which are not represented in target language; secondly, it is the use of such stylistic devices as pun etc.; as a third case we can pay attention to reminiscences in literary texts. It is also necessary to use the comment if translator deals with the intensification of evaluation expressed by disclosure of an underlying form of a word, especially in case of archaic elements in its structure. Some famous novels by W. Scott in comparison with their Russian variants were used as a material for this research.Статья посвящена малоизученной как в лингвистике, так и в переводоведении проблеме: потенциалу переводческого комментария как способа экспликации оценки в рамках диалога культур. Если в языке-рецепторе отсутствует аналог того или иного средства выражения оценки, представленного в языке-источнике, переводческий комментарий может стать единственным средством, выполняющим данную функцию. На материале переводов на русский язык романов В. Скотта, характеризующихся обилием подобных несовпадений ввиду доминирования в них национального и историко-культурного факторов, нами выявлен ряд наиболее типичных случаев: использование грамматических ресурсов языка-источника, отсутствующих в языке-рецепторе; употребление таких приемов, как каламбур, игра слов; литературные реминисценции; интенсификация оценки путем раскрытия внутренней формы слова (в особенности – в тех случаях, когда в нем наличествует архаика), и т.п.Выявленные нами пять способов экспликации оценочного потенциала языковых единиц при помощи переводческого комментария позволяют говорить о его функциях применительно к аксиологической структуре и прагматической составляющей текста

    Biotechnology and advanced medical technologies

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    This study considers a complex synergy of biotechnologies and advanced medical technologies. The growing convergence of their positions is clearly shown in shaping the transformational era in healthcare. The study exposes developments ranging from precision gene editing to organ bioprinting and the rise of personalized medicine through extensive literature reviews, case study analyses, and expert interviews. Notwithstanding that these advancements promise unprecedented therapeutic and diagnostic capabilities, they also present challenges. Technological barriers in association with profound ethical problems, e.g., the implications of gene editing on future generations and issues of equity in healthcare, emphasize the complexity of this union. The article emphasizes the potential of this integration in the development of proactive health paradigms, stressing the significance of judicious utilization, continued dialogue, and ethical stewardship. The results show the following: although the fusion of biotechnologies and medical technologies holds great promise, it requires a prudent approach to research and application

    Use of landscapes near Tudakul reservoir eficiently

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    Following article deals with the natural geographical features of the Tudakul reservoir area, including the reservoir and its surroundings. They are sand-gravel-gypsum, brackish, sandy-sandy, porous sandstone (Buermana Plateau), waterside and ponds - forest, recreational and touristic, oasis, water landscapes. They were studied and relevant conclusions and recommendations were developed

    Precedent Text as a Special Kind of Code in the Internet Communication

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    Precedent texts should be considered as one of the most complicated and multifaceted phenomena which a) indicate common background knowledge of the interlocutors if they have such knowledge; b) work as a specific code for positive and negative emotions and ways of their expression, especially in the case of communication via Internet. The article highlights the hypothesis concerning complicacy of functions performed by precedent texts, and the changing of their range

    Antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant activity and polyphenol content of aerial parts and bulbs of Allium schugnanicum.

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    Objective: То study of antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant activity, and content of polyphenols in the bulb and aerial parts of an endemic species of onion A. schugnanicum. Methods: An ethanol-based extract was prepared from fresh plants. Total polyphenolic content (Folin) and ABTS antioxidant capacity assays were used to characterized extracts. Extracts obtained from bulbs, peduncle, and seeds demonstrated antibacterial activity against the reference Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 4929), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 4930) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 4927) strains, as well as against the hospital strains of the same types of bacteria, i.e. strains isolated from inpatient surgical patients. Results: The study found that ethanol extracts obtained from all organs of A. schugnanicum exhibit high inhibitory activity against the hospital and reference strains. In relation to reference then to hospital strains ethanol extracts were more active. The greatest bactericidal effect on both strains was exhibited by the bulb extracts. The extracts did not inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli. Fungicidal action characterized by growth inhibition zone of bulb and seeds, respectively. The extract obtained from the peduncle of this plant exhibited smaller inhibitory activity. The antioxidant capacity of A. schugnanicum different parts are shown in all the parts had a large antioxidant activity with dominating antioxidant capacity in seeds. The highest polyphenol level was found in the bulb. Conclusions: The study showed that A. schugnanicum may be a prospective species for developing botanical therapeutics