7 research outputs found


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    In the title mol­ecule, C39H45NO6, the two tetra­methyl­octa­hydroxanthen-1,8-dione substituents are arranged approximately parallel to each other and approximately perpendicular to the plane of the pyridine ring. The six-membered xanthene rings adopt flattened boat conformations with the O and methine C atoms deviating from the plane of the other four atoms


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    The methyl­ene C atom in the title compound, C13H16N2S, is connected to a five-membered thia­zole ring and a mesityl substituent. The rings are aligned at 75.4 (1)°. The amino substitutent inter­acts with the ring N atom of an adjacent mol­ecule by an inter­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bond, generating a helical chain running along the b axis


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    In the title compound, C13H14N2OS, four C atoms of the phenyl ring are disordered over two sets of sites in a 0.60 (3):0.40 (3) ratio. The heterocyclic ring is essentially planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.017 Å) and forms dihedral angles of 82.0 (2) and 79.3 (3)°, respectively, with the major and minor occupancy components of the phenyl ring. The crystal packing features N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, which link the mol­ecules into C(6) chains running parallel to the b axis


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    The methyl­amino­propyl chain in the title compound, C13H21NO, adopts an extended zigzag conformation and the N atom shows a trigonal coordination. The N atom acts as hydrogen-bond acceptor to the hy­droxy group of an adjacent mol­ecule, generating a helical chain running along the b axis. The amino H atom is not involved in hydrogen bonding


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    The title compound, C17H27NO, features a bufferfly-shaped substituted 2-propanol having an aromatic ring on the 1-carbon and a piperidine ring on the 3-carbon. The piperidine ring adopts a chair conformation and its N atom shows a trigonal coordination. In the crystal, the hy­droxy group inter­acts with the N atom of an inversion-related mol­ecule, generating an O—H⋯N hydrogen-bonded dimer


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    In the title compound, C24H35NO2, the planes of the two aromatic rings form a dihedral angle of 72.76 (4)°. In the crystal, molecules are linked by O—H...O and O—H...N hydrogen-bond interactions, forming an extended two-dimensional framework parallel to the ab plane