232 research outputs found

    Association between circulating adiponectin levels and polycystic ovarian syndrome

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    Background: Low adiponectin levels in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have been largely attributed to obesity which is common among these patients. In addition, evidence also suggests that low adiponectin in PCOS may be related to insulin resistance (IR) in these women. However, studies on the role of adiponectin in younger and lean patients are limited. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the association of adiponectin levels in young and lean women with PCOS.<p></p> Methods: A case–control study was conducted at the Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan. Cases were 75 patients of PCOS with Body Mass Index (BMI) &23 aged 16–35 years and 75 healthy age and BMI matched controls were selected from family and friends of the cases. Demographic details, family history and past medical history were obtained through interview by a physician. Anthropometric measurements included weight and height of the participants. Fasting glucose, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), insulin, adiponectin, and androgen levels were determined. IR was calculated using homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). Logistic regression models were used to assess the association between adiponectin and PCOS after adjusting for co-variates.<p></p> Results: On multivariable analysis, PCOS cases were 3.2 times more likely to have low adiponectin level (OR = 3.2, 95% CI 1.49-6.90, p-value 0.003) compared to the controls after adjustment for age, BMI, family history, marital status, total cholesterol, HDL level and IR. Females with a family history of PCOS were significantly more likely to have lower adiponectin (OR = 3.32, 95% CI 1.27-8.67, p-value 0.014) compared to those who did not have a family history of PCOS. The associations of IR and family history with low adiponectin level also remained statistically significant after adjustments for covariates.<p></p> Conclusion: Serum adiponectin levels are independently associated with PCOS and are only partly explained by IR. Adiponectin level may serve as a potential independent biomarker for diagnosis of PCOS in young and lean women with fewer symptoms, or women with a family history of PCOS

    Geographical Forwarding Methods in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

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    Vehicular ad hoc networks are new and emerging technology and special class of mobile ad hoc networks that provide wireless communication between vehicles without any fixed infrastructure. Geographical routing has appeared as one of the most scalable and competent routing schemes for vehicular networks. A number of strategies have been proposed for forwarding the packets in geographical direction of the destination, where information of direct neighbors is gained through navigational services. Due to dynamically changing topologies and high mobility neighbor information become outdated. To address these common issues in network different types of forwarding strategies have been proposed. In this review paper, we concentrate on beaconless forwarding methods and their forwarding methods in detail


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    This study discusses the strategy of village government in increasing the Village's Original Income (PAD) through the Means of New Village Waterfall Tourism Object Kibul West Tabir District Merangin Jambi Province. This type of research is conducted descriptively Qualitatively. The results obtained from this study show that the village government's strategy in improving Village Native Income (PAD) through the means of waterfall attractions that is by maintaining the environment by keeping the waterfall clean so that the waterfall is maintained beauty and environment, Improving facilities in the tourist attraction area can cooperate with the government such as making rest facilities for visitors and businesses for the community, Urging the community to help cooperation in terms of preserving the environment such as greening and prohibiting the felling of trees, Making stalls selling food and drinks and opening souvenir shops in the tourist attraction area, Doing promotions by the management can be from social media such as instagram, facebook, and websites as well as from word of mouth promotion, Widening the road and giving fences on the edge of the ravine to make it safer for visitors.Keywords: Government Strategy, Village Native Income (PAD), Tourism Object Developmen


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    The Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) Banjar Regency is a forum for association of student organizations within the Banjar Regency. The registration process for organizational members is carried out conventionally, which must come to the PMII Kabupaten Banjar then filled out all available forms and collected them back to the administration department. Then a written test is held which will be held on the specified day, after the participant is declared to have passed, then the participant will be invited to carry out an interview test.  Documentation of activities on books and paper causes data recording to take a long time due to different handwriting and difficulty in reading them, books and paper are also prone to damage and loss. It is very difficult to find data from previous registered member because there is no good documentation. There is also no standard committee election fee, which creates difficulties in choosing a new committee.  With the Information System, the registration service process, written tests until interviews can be well documented and stored, data retrieval becomes faster also data management is more structured. The management system for each member also facilitates the management of existing members in the PMII Kabupaten Banjar and can be used as a reference when forming a committee. Testing User Acceptance on the application of the system gets Cronbach Alpha value of 0.654, which means that the reliability is included

    Identifikasi Ketunaan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus dengan Algoritma Iterative Dichotomiser 3 (ID3)

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    Abstract. Disability Identification of Children with Special Needs Using An Iterative Dichotomiser 3 Algorithm (ID3). By using the identification of children with special needs, information about children having abnormalities will be collected, and the results are used as the basis for preparing the child's learning program. Identifying disabilities process requires instruments classifying the issues and the disorders. The current disability identification process is extremely complicated, where the average number of instruments made by schools/institutions is 100 pieces. The complexity can also be observed in the presence of similar items as well as some of the same items on different disabilities. The process can be accelerated by doing data mining. One of its models is Iterative Dichotomiser (ID3) that can solve problems by generating a decision tree. This research implemented ID3 model to 152 symptoms as attribute, 11 labels, and 84 data. This model had 91.81% accuracy with cross-validation test. Decision tree generated by this model can make disabilities identification easier. Keywords: Children with Special Needs, Identification, Iterative Dichotomiser (ID3)Abstrak. Dengan adanya Identifikasi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus akan terhimpun informasi apakah seorang anak mempunyai kelainan kemudian hasilnya dijadikan dasar penyusunan program pembelajaran anak tersebut. Proses identifikasi ketunaan memerlukan instrumen-instrumen dimana dari instrumen tersebut dapat diklasifikasikan sehingga dapat diketahui kecenderungan dari penyimpangan atau kelainan yang dimiliki. Proses identifikasi ketunaan saat ini sangat rumit dimana ratarata jumlah butir instrumen yang dibuat sekolah/lembaga sebanyak 100 buah. Kerumitan juga dapat dilihat dengan adanya butir yang mirip pada ketunaan yang berbeda. Proses ini dapat dipermudah dengan melakukan data mining. Salah satu modelnya adalah Iterative Dichotomiser 3(ID3) yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah dengan menghasilkan pohon keputusan. Dari total instrumen sebanyak 152 Gejala dan data set identifikasi sebanyak 84 ABK, dihasilkan node dari pohon keputusan sebanyak 11 rule. Klasifikasi metode ID3 telah diuji dengan cross-validation dan mendapatkan akurasi sebesar 91.81%. Hasil Pohon keputusan dari metode ID3 memudahkan dalam memprediksi identifikasi ketunaan pada ABK.Kata Kunci: Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, Identifikasi, Iterative Dichotomiser (ID3

    Effects of Subcapsularis Neuro Muscular Reduction (NMR) in Adhesive Capsulitis

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    Background: To determine the effects of Subscapularis Neuromuscular Reduction (NMR) in Adhesive Capsulitis patients on pain, Range of Motion (ROM) and Quality of life. Methods: In this randomized controlled trail patients with freezing and frozen stage of Adhesive capsulitis and limited range of movement were included. Patients were randomly divided into control (Group A) and experimental group (Group B). The patients of Group A were treated with conventional physical therapy treatment protocol and patients of group B were treated with subscapularis neuromuscular reduction along with conventional physical therapy. The patient outcome measures were assessed using numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), SPADI (shoulder pain and disability index) and ranges via goniometry. Data was analyzed by SPSS 21. Results: Both group showed significant improvement, but the end value comparison showed significant difference. NMR (Neuromuscular Reduction) on Subscapularis muscles improved the pain, ROM and Patient functional status more as compared to the conventional physical therapy group. The NPRS mean value for control group was 2.90±1.09 and mean value for experimental group was 2.05±1.10with p value of 0.021 while the mean value of SPADI for control group was33.52±9.96 and for experimental group was 26.72±8.00 with p value of 0.026. Conclusion: Treatment groups showed improvement by reducing pain, improving range of motion and functional status but neuromuscular reduction of subscapularis muscles was found to be more effective


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    The purpose of the research was to test and analyze the influence of price, promotion and quality of products against purchasing decision of motorcycle tire brand Swallow at PT. Industri Karet Deli Medan. Researchers conducted research on PT. Industri Karet Deli Medan which is located at Jalan KL Yos Sudarso No. KM. 8.3, Tj. Mulia, Kec. Medan Deli, Medan City. Researchers planned research activities in September 2019 – April 2020. This research approach is quantitative research. Types of quantitative descriptive research. The nature of this research is an expreslanatory descriptive study. The population in this research is a customer who purchases in PT. Industri Karet Deli Medan, which amounted to 370 customers, where the validity and reliability testing used by researchers is as many as 30 customers and The rest are 192 customers as test samples. The classic assumption tests used include: normality test, multicholinenierity test, and heteroskedestisity test. This data analysis Model uses multiple regression analyses. The results of the research and the conclusion of the research is a price of 2.297 with a significant value of 0.000 partially significant effect on the customer's purchase decision at PT. Industri Karet Deli Medan. Promotion of 3.944 with a significant value of 0.022 partially significantly influential to the customer's purchase decision at PT. Industri Karet Deli Medan. The product quality of 4.890 with a significant value of 0.000 is partially influential in the customer purchase decision at PT. Industri Karet Deli Medan.  Keywords : price, promotion, product quality, purchase decisio
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