654 research outputs found

    Indicatori di sostenibilità: la dimensione ‘ambiente’ dello sviluppo sostenibile

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    Prendendo le mosse dai precedenti studi e progetti di ricerca in tema di indici aggregati di sostenibilità, il presente lavoro ha come obiettivo quello di costruire un indice composito della dimensione ‘Ambiente’ dello sviluppo sostenibile per le regioni italiane, che parte da indicatori elementari di natura ambientale, appropriatamente raggruppati in temi. Una volta definiti gli indicatori elementari, questi vengono normalizzati, ponderati e raggruppati secondo tre livelli di aggregazione: indicatori elementari, indici tematici, indice sintetico di sostenibilità ambientale, EnvIndex. Tale indice è calcolato per le regioni italiane, laddove la maggior parte degli indicatori di sostenibilità sviluppati in letteratura si riferiscono ad un livello di aggregazione territoriale nazionale. La metodologia seguita per la sua costruzione è quella dell’Indice di performance ambientale, che permette di valutare i risultati delle politiche ambientali in termini di percentuale di conseguimento degli obiettivi prefissati, attraverso il metodo della “vicinanza al target”. L’EnvIndex aggrega 23 indicatori elementari, articolati in 4 temi: ‘Qualità dell’ambiente urbano’, ‘Tutela ambientale’, ‘Qualità del suolo’, ‘Qualità dell’acqua’. Ai fini del raggruppamento degli indicatori elementari nei 4 temi e dell’individuazione dei pesi da attribuire a ciascun indicatore nella costruzione degli indici tematici, è stata utilizzata l’analisi delle componenti principali, mentre l’indice sintetico EnvIndex è stato calcolato come somma ponderata dei 4 indici tematici con attribuzione di pesi uguali. Il vincolo costituito dalla difficoltà nel recuperare dati regionali su alcuni aspetti di tali tematiche ha inevitabilmente portato a trascurare elementi rilevanti ai fini della misurazione della sostenibilità ambientale e ciò deve essere tenuto in considerazione nella lettura dei risultati da noi ottenuti. Per questo motivo il presente lavoro si propone principalmente di offrire alcuni strumenti metodologici in tema di costruzione di indicatori sintetici di sostenibilità

    CHANTI: a Fast and Efficient Charged Particle Veto Detector for the NA62 Experiment at CERN

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    The design, construction and test of a charged particle detector made of scintillation counters read by Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) is described. The detector, which operates in vacuum and is used as a veto counter in the NA62 experiment at CERN, has a single channel time resolution of 1.14 ns, a spatial resolution of ~2.5 mm and an efficiency very close to 1 for penetrating charged particles

    Cardiopulmonary assessment in primary ciliary dyskinesia.

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    Background Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare, usually autosomal recessive disorder of ciliary dysfunction associated with lung involvement, which has a great impact on health. There is limited information concerning the aerobic fitness of children and adolescents with PCD. The aim of this study was to assess cardiopulmonary functional capacity and its relationship with pulmonary function and physical activity (PA) levels in patients with PCD. Design Ten patients with PCD (age 13·2±2·8years) underwent spirometry and cardiopulmonary exercise testing. PA was investigated through a questionnaire. Eight age- and body mass index-matched healthy children were enrolled as controls. Main variables were forced expiratory volume at 1s, peak oxygen uptake (VO 2peak) and time spent in PA. Results Forty per cent of patients with PCD had impaired lung function as expressed by FEV 1<85% predicted. Only patients with impaired lung function exhibited reduced VO 2peak (18·1±7·9mL/kg/min). Time spent in total daily PA was slightly lower in patients than controls, with no difference between patients with normal or reduced lung function. In multiple regression models, male gender (??=0·518, P=0·018), age (??=0·752, P=0·035) and time spent in vigorous PA (??=0·353, P=0·049) were independent predictors of aerobic fitness. Conclusions Assessment of resting pulmonary function and cardiopulmonary functional capacity could contribute to the evaluation of pulmonary impairment in PCD. Given the benefit of physical exercise on airway clearance and on general health and quality of life, patients with PCD should be encouraged to adopt an active lifestyle

    Muon Radiography Investigations in Boreholes with a Newly Designed Cylindrical Detector

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    Muons are constantly produced in cosmic-rays and reach the Earth surface with a flux of about 160 particles per second per square meter. The abundance of muons with respect to other cosmic particles and their capability to cross dense materials with low absorption rate allow them to be exploited for large scale geological or human-made object imaging. Muon radiography is based on similar principles as X-ray radiography, measuring the surviving rate of muons escaping the target and relating it to the mass distribution inside the object. In the course of decades, after the first application in 1955, the methodology has been applied in several different fields. Muography allows us to measure the internal density distribution of the investigated object, or to simply highlight the presence of void regions by observing any excess of muons. Most of these applications require the detector to be installed below the rock being probed. In case that possible installation sites are not easily accessible by people, common instrumentation cannot be installed. A novel borehole cylindrical detector for muon radiography has been recently developed to deal with these conditions. It has been realized with a cylindrical geometry to fit typical borehole dimensions. Its design maximizes the geometrical acceptance, minimizing the dead spaces by the use of arc-shaped scintillators. The details of the construction and preliminary results of the first usage are described in this paper. © 2022 by the authors

    A factor analytic study of the Italian National Institute of Health Quality of Life – Core Evaluation Form (ISSQoL-CEF)

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    Objectives: The Italian National Institute of Health Quality of Life - Core Evaluation Form (ISSQoL-CEF) is a specific questionnaire measuring health-related quality of life for human immunodeficiency virus-infected people in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. The main goal of this study was to examine the construct validity of this questionnaire by confirmation of its hypothesized dimensional structure. Methods: Baseline quality of life data from four clinical studies were collected and a confirmatory factor analysis of the ISSQoL-CEF items was carried out. Both first-order and secondorder factor models were tested: Model 1 with nine correlated first-order factors; Model 2 with three correlated second-order factors (Physical, Mental, and Social Health); Model 3 with two correlated second-order factors (Physical and Mental/Social Health); Model 4 with only one second-order factor (General Health). Results: A total of 261 patients were surveyed. Model 1 had a good fit to the data. Model 2 had an acceptable fit to the data and it was the best of all hierarchical models. However, Model 2 fitted the data worse than Model 1. Conclusions: The findings of in this study, consistent with the results of previous study, pointed out the construct validity of the ISSQoL-CEF. © 2010 Lauriola et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

    Análisis de diversidad genética en poblaciones de Bauhinia forficata subsp. pruinosa (Pezuña de vaca, o buey, Pata de vaca) mediante el uso de marcadores moleculares

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    Bauhinia. forficata Link. subsp. pruinosa (Vogel) Fortunato & Wunderlin, crece naturalmente desde Paraguay, Sur de Brasil hasta Argentina, y tiene antecedente de uso ornamental y terapéutico (diurético, antidiarreico, hipoglucemiante). Este proyecto tiene como objetivo la caracterización de poblaciones de bauhinia forficata subsp pruinosa utilizando marcadores moleculares. Existen SSRs diseñados en taxones afines: Cercis canadensis L. y C. chinensis, de los que hay antecedentes de transferibilidad entre especies. Por ello se evaluó su transferencia en las poblaciones de Bauhinia. Estos resultados asociados a los que se obtengan de las evaluaciones químicas permitirán conocer su relación con los biotipos que se identifiquen.  Para esto, se extrajo ADN mediante el método de Dellaporta (1983) de 10 individuos del Jardín botánico Arturo E. Ragonese, se cuantificó y se realizó PCR de los SSRs seleccionados. El producto se sembró, junto con un marcador de peso molecular, en geles desnaturalizantes de poliacrilamida en cubas de secuenciación teñidos con nitrato de plata y revelados con hidróxido de sodio. Hasta el momento, se evaluaron 15 SSRs (6 provinieron de C. chinensis   y 9 de C. canandensis). De estos 15 SSRs, 11 mostraron productos de amplificación. De ellos 9 fueron polimórficos indicando diferencias interpoblacionales, que podrían indicar variabilidad química y por lo tanto resta correlacionar la actividad biológica de los distintos biotipos. Además, algunos SSRs mostraron más de un locus, información que respalda lo señalado por Poggio et al. que en la subfamilia Cercidoideae, Bauhinia (2n=28) se generó por hibridación y poliploídia a partir del ancestro Cercis (2n= 14). Además, se realizó el muestreo de 20 puntos de colecta distribuidas en las provincias de Misiones, Córdoba y Buenos Aires de por lo menos tres individuos por punto. Estos individuos serán evaluados mediante técnicas de SSR para determinar mediante distintos parámetros la variabilidad intra e interpoblacional

    Health related quality of life outcomes in HIV-Infected patients starting different combination regimens in a randomised multinational trial: the INITIO-QoL Substudy

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    The health-related quality of life (HRQoL) outcomes in HIV-infected, treatment-naive patients starting different HAART regimens in a 3-year, randomized, multinational trial were compared. HRQoL was measured in a subgroup of patients enrolled in the INITIO study (153/911), using a modified version of the MOS-HIV questionnaire. The regimens compared in the INITIO trial were composed by two NRTIs (didanosine + stavudine) plus either an NNRTI (efavirenz) or a PI (nelfinavir), or both (efavirenz + nelfinavir). Primary HRQoL outcomes were Physical and Mental Health Summary scores (PHS and MHS, respectively). During follow-up, an increase of PHS score was observed in all treatment arms. The MHS score remained substantially unchanged with the four-drug combination and showed with both NNRTI- and PI-based three-drug regimens a marked trend toward improvement, which became statistically significant when a multiple imputation method was used to adjust for missing data. Overall, starting all the combination regimens compared in the INITIO study was associated with a maintained or slightly improved HRQOL status, consistently with the positive immunological and virological changes observed in the main study. The observed differences in the MHS indicate a possible HRQoL benefit associated to the use of three-drug, two-class regimens and no additional benefit for the use of four-drug, three-class regimens, confirming that three-drug, two-class regimens that include two NRTIs plus either an NNRTI or a PI should be preferred as initial treatment of HIV infection