55 research outputs found

    Construction Project Monitoring with Site Photographs and 4D Project Models

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    Early and accurate measurement of progress is crucial for the success of a project. Early detection of discrepancies and deviation from the as-planned data allow more time for project participants to identify the best solution. Monitoring the construction progress requires the Project Managers to analyze a lot of as-built data. This time-consuming process is prone to error. To overcome this problem, people have started adopting Building Information Models (BIM) for monitoring the construction progress. In this paper, we have discussed how the site photographs, which are readily available at all project sites, can be effectively used for monitoring the progress. The 4D as-planned model is prepared at the beginning of the project. Then, a 3D model is reconstructed from time-lapsed as-built photos. For any given time, the progress can be tracked by comparing the 4D model and the 3D as-built model. The progress data is extracted by superimposing the reconstructed scene over the 4D as-planned model. The reconstructed model allows the as-built photographs to be geo-registered by the 4D as-planned model. As a result of this comparison, the progress data is then visualized in an AR environment. Progress is visualized in the 4D model using a quadrangle visualization scheme. This type of approach presents a realistic understanding of the construction progress and is a very good communication tool between project participants. We have discussed both interior and exterior construction progress monitoring is this paper

    Identification and hierarchical structure of critical success factors for innovation in construction projects: Chinese perspective

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    This paper identifies 20 critical success factors (CSFs) of innovation in China’s construction projects through literature review, a case study and expert interviews. Integrated Structural Modeling (ISM) and MICMAC (Impact Matrix Cross-reference Multiplication Applied to a Classification) analysis were used to hierarchically structure CSFs as well as to analyze their inter-relationships. The dependence and driver power of each factor were also analyzed. By doing this, this paper presents structural clarity and establishes a hierarchical order for prioritization for the decision-making. The findings show that most of the CSFs (19 out of 20) have strong inter-relationships. According to the law of vital few and trivial many, 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes for many events. This paper suggests that intensive effort should focus on the root source of CSFs: owner’s involvement and leadership, top management com­mitment, and strategic importance of the innovation project. Besides, external support, which is beyond the innovation project network, plays an important role in the success of innovation in China’s construction projects. First published online: 03 Nov 201

    Construction project organisation for 3D printing technology

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    Integracija tehnologije trodimenzionalnog (3D) ispisa u građevinske projekte potencijalno donosi mnoge prednosti kao što su smanjeni zahtjevi za radnom snagom na gradilištu, sigurnije upravljanje projektnim rokovima i budžetom te učinkovitije gospodarenje otpadom. Međutim, zamah tehnologije nije prema očekivanjima zbog nedostatka standardiziranih procesa i metodologija, ali i zbog izazova koje nameće nova tehnologija. Organizacijsku strukturu takvih projekata potrebno je sveobuhvatno proučiti. Ova studija nudi pregled postojećih studija i triju različitih studija slučaja u Njemačkoj, Ujedinjenome Kraljevstvu i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama u cilju istraživanja primarne razlike između uloga, odgovornosti i interakcija ključnih sudionika projekta unutar organizacijske strukture građevinskih projekata u sklopu kojih se primjenjuje tehnologija 3D ispisa. Razmatraju se uloge i odgovornosti klijenata/investitora, voditelja projekta/voditelja izgradnje, arhitekata, građevinskih inženjera, nadzornog inženjera i izvođača/glavnih izvođača. Dakle, moraju se uskladiti sva obilježja uloge ključnih sudionika i odgovornosti stvorenih tom tehnologijom u nastajanju. U suprotnome će kombinacija nove tehnologije i konvencionalne organizacije smanjiti vrijednost koju stvara nova tehnologija. Ključne riječiThe integration of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology into construction projects potentially yields many benefits, such as reduced site labour requirements, safer manoeuvring of project deadlines and budgets, and more effective waste management. However, the momentum of technology is not as expected owing to the lack of standardised processes and methodologies, and challenges imposed by the new technology. The organisational structure of such projects must be comprehensively studied. Studies on construction projects using the 3D printing technology are lacking. This study reviews the existing studies and three different case studies in Germany, United Kingdom, and United States of America to explore the primary differences between the roles, responsibilities, and interactions of key project participants within the organisational structure of construction projects using the 3D printing technology. The roles and responsibilities of clients/investors, project manager/construction managers, architects, structural engineers, quantity surveyor/project supervisor, and contractors/main contractors have been considered. Therefore, all features of the role of key participants and responsibilities to the new momentum created by this emerging technology must be aligned; otherwise, the combination of new technology and conventional organisation will reduce the value created by the new technology

    An eco-innovative framework development for sustainable consumption and production in the construction industry

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    Sustainable consumption and production have been increasingly required in the construction industry. However, previous studies have not yet comprehensively developed evaluation tools and methods to implement sustainable consumption and production. To achieve this objective, we utilized the eco-innovation, which provides effective analysis of sustainable consumption and production for the construction firms by eliminating subjectivity and ambiguity of evaluations. We adopted the fuzzy set theory to overcome the uncertainty occurring from the judgments of experts and utilized decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory approach to analyse the causal relationships between our methods and evaluation criteria. The results showed that environment and sustainable consumption are the key factors, while life cycle assessment, eco-labels, and environmental certification as well as improving eco-efficiency are critical to realizing sustainable consumption and production. The study enhances the understanding of the major players to achieve sustainable consumption and production, and link sustainable consumption and production with the eco-innovative practices. Our approach also improves the assessment accuracy, and the results provide viable suggestions for practical applications

    Estimating capital and operational costs of backhoe shovels

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    Material loading is one of the most critical operations in earthmoving projects. A number of different equipment is available for loading operations. Project managers should consider different technical and economic issues at the feasibility study stage and try to select the optimum type and size of equipment fleet, regarding the production needs and project specifications. The backhoe shovel is very popular for digging, loading and flattening tasks. Adequate cost estimation is one of the most critical tasks in feasibility studies of equipment fleet selection. This paper presents two different cost models for the preliminary and detailed feasibility study stages. These models estimate the capital and operating cost of backhoe shovels using uni-variable exponential regression (UVER) as well as multi-variable linear regression (MVLR), based on principal component analysis. The UVER cost model is suitable for quick cost estimation at the early stages of project evaluation, while the MVLR cost function, which is more detailed, can be useful for the feasibility study stage. Independent variables of MVLR include bucket size, digging depth, dump height, weight and power. Model evaluations show that these functions could be a credible tool for cost estimations in prefeasibility and feasibility studies of mining and construction projects

    Bim-Based Risk Identification System in tunnel construction

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    This paper presents an innovative approach of integrating Building Information Modeling (BIM) and expert systems to address deficiencies in traditional safety risk identification process in tunnel construction. A BIM-based Risk Identification Expert System (B-RIES) composed of three main built-in subsystems: BIM extraction, knowledge base management, and risk identification subsystems, is proposed. The engineering parameter information related to risk fac­tors is first extracted from BIM of a specific project where the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard plays a bridge role between the BIM data and tunnel construction safety risks. An integrated knowledge base, consisting of fact base, rule base and case base, is then established to systematize the fragmented explicit and tacit knowledge. Finally, a hybrid inference approach, with case-based reasoning and rule-based reasoning combined, is developed to improve the flexibil­ity and comprehensiveness of the system reasoning capacity. B-RIES is used to overcome low-efficiency in traditional information extraction, reduce the dependence on domain experts, and facilitate knowledge sharing and communication among dispersed clients and domain experts. The identification of a safety hazard regarding the water gushing in one metro station of China is presented in a case study. The results demonstrate the feasibility of B-RIES and its application effectiveness

    Developing a corporate social responsibility framework for sustainable construction using partial least squares structural equation modeling

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    Sustainable construction is vital for the embodiment of sustainable development, and corporate social responsibility practice is critical for construction firms to realize sustainable construction. However, the link between sustainable construction and corporate social responsibility is still in its infancy, and previous studies have not developed comprehensive methods for evaluating sustainable construction performance. We first established a conceptual corporate social responsibility framework based on the five aspects of sustainable construction: economic, environmental, social, stakeholders, and health and safety. Then, a set of criteria assessing sustainable construction performance was identified through a literature review and interviews with industry practitioners. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect primary data and identify the significance of the proposed criteria. Furthermore, partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to statistically validate the conceptual model and identify key factors for sustainable construction. The results revealed that health and safety, and environment are the key aspects, while site inspection and audits, providing a healthy and safe working environment, effective emergency management procedures and safety supervision, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, reducing pollution and waste, and corporate environmental management system are critical to achieving sustainable construction. Our study underlines the link between sustainable construction and corporate social responsibility, improves the evaluation accuracy, and provides new guidelines for practical applications

    A computerized risk evaluation model for public-private partnership (PPP) projects and its application

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    PPP projects usually involve more risks than other traditional procurement models because of their complexity. This paper presents the third stage of a funded study, which aims to develop a practical and computerized risk evaluation model for PPP projects. In the first and second stages, a risk hierarchal structure composed of 17 weighted risk factors is developed to describe risk profiles of PPP projects. The weightings and membership functions for risk factors are established using the Delphi survey technique and Fuzzy Set Theory. The risk evaluation model is then developed using a fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach. In the third stage, an automated decision support tool based on the risk evaluation model is designed for PPP practitioners by using Visual Basic for Application (VBA). The computerized tool can not only assist PPP participants to assess a PPP project's overall risk level for auxiliary investment decision, but can also help practitioners to identify the most risky areas of a PPP project for effective risk response. To demonstrate the applicability of the computerized model, an illustrative case is finally provided

    Developing a concession pricing model for PPP highway projects

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    The concession pricing is one of the most important issues during the negotiation period of PPP contracts. Pricing should vary in accordance with risks assumed by the private sector and embody equitable risk sharing between the government and the private sector to lower the minimum feasible concession price and ensure effective risk management. In this study, a general concession pricing model is developed through cost-benefit analysis from the perspective of the private sector. The model integrates project risk variables, price parameters, and other financial elements into a concession pricing formula based on cash flow table. Meanwhile, to cope with the occurrence of unforeseeable losses triggered by risk factors, such as interest rate fluctuation, inflation, traffic volume change, etc., a price adjustment mechanism is established to adjust the initial price and ensure the project's financial viability. The concession pricing model and adjustment mechanism allow the government and the private sector to reach a consensus on the tariff scheme of a PPP project. It is believed that the model is beneficial to create a “win-win” situation for both the government and the private sector