41 research outputs found

    Message Logging System

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou systému IBM AS/400 a jeho systému zpráv. Na základě některých jeho principů je následně navržen a implementován v jazyce Java vlastní logovací systém pro logování aplikací pro firmu Aegis s.r.o. V první části práce popisuje systém AS/400 a jeho systém zpráv a soustředí se především na následující oblasti: předdefinování zpráv a jejich uložení, typy zpráv, úrovně závažnosti zpráv, možnost práce s proměnnými v textu zpráv a způsob zasílání zpráv. Součástí práce je také analýza dalších systémů logování zpráv, přičemž jsou zde popsány syslog a syslog-ng používané na UNIXových systémech. Soustřeďuje se na: typy zpráv, úrovně závažností zpráv a možností filtrování zpráv a jejich ukládání. Dále pak popisuje utilitu Log4j pro  logování aplikací v Javě. V druhé části se práce věnuje návrhu a implementaci vlastního logovacího systému.This master's thesis in the first part describes the AS/400 and its message system and concentrates especially on the following areas: predefinition of messages and their storing, types of messages and levels of their importance, work with variables included in message text and ways of sending messages. On the basis of AS/400 message system is designed and implemented message log system for the application loggin for Aegis. s.r.o. The analysis of the message log systems is also a part of the work. The syslog and syslog-ngused in UNIX systems are described, concerning types of messages, importance of messages and filtering and storing of messages. It further describes possibilities of application logging based on Java in the specific case of the Log4jutility. In the second part thesis describes own log message systems design and implementation.

    Towards a symmetrical approach : the study of religions after postmodern and postcolonial criticism

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    "The symmetry postulate", as David Bloor formulated it, "enjoins us to seek the same kind of causes for both true and false, rational and irrational beliefs." Such a principle seems to conform to the common sense. At the same time it is often neglected in the field of social sciences. In the light of consequences of this principle, the academic study of religions seems to be predominantly an exercise in asymmetry: neglecting the voices of women and favouring men's worlds; preferring the voices of experts over those of lay participants, of elites over ordinary people; siding with the winners against the losers. The postmodern and postcolonial criticism of the Western scholarly tradition have brought number of such asymmetries to our sight. Yet, the symmetrical ways are still an unexplored territory. This workshop on the symmetrical approach would like to offer a chance to explore this unexplored territory together. We therefore invite students of religions, qualitative sociologists, anthropologists, and historians to exchange ideas and scholarly experience and examples of good practice at a workshop on the symmetrical approach in the study of religions held in Brno, Czech Republic


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    Studium religionistiky jako duchovní hledání

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    The main thesis of this work is an argument that the Study of religions can be (for one part of students) an important component of their individual religious development. The paper is focused on individual religiosity/spirituality, model of religious market and actually religious situation in Czech Republic. On basis of market metaphor I can analyse relation between spiritual oriented students ("spiritual seekers"), which represent a side of religious demang in the market metaphor, and the study of religions, which represent a side of supply. Study of this discipline, which is accredited by secular state, can represent one of the opportunity how to assemble a personal religious "bricolage".The main thesis of this work is an argument that the Study of religions can be (for one part of students) an important component of their individual religious development. The paper is focused on individual religiosity/spirituality, model of religious market and actually religious situation in Czech Republic. On basis of market metaphor I can analyse relation between spiritual oriented students ("spiritual seekers"), which represent a side of religious demang in the market metaphor, and the study of religions, which represent a side of supply. Study of this discipline, which is accredited by secular state, can represent one of the opportunity how to assemble a personal religious "bricolage"

    The occult aspects in metal music: from horror style to dark spirituality

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    In the last two decades, we can observe a trend that many metal bands have been accenting a serious interest in occult matter. As this article, reframing the history of metal music with respect to occult themes, argues, this trend started in the late '80s during the formation of extreme metal genres, especially black metal. In classical heavy metal, the occult topic was mostly based on a horror and fantasy discourse derived from the popular culture. The shift from heavy metal to extreme metal in the late ‘80s showed a different approach to using the occult as a topic in metal. For some extreme metal bands, the occult started to be an area of more serious interest. Thus, the occult dimension of metal has been more deeply connected with a milieu of dark spirituality.In the last two decades, we can observe a trend that many metal bands have been accenting a serious interest in occult matter. As this article, reframing the history of metal music with respect to occult themes, argues, this trend started in the late '80s during the formation of extreme metal genres, especially black metal. In classical heavy metal, the occult topic was mostly based on a horror and fantasy discourse derived from the popular culture. The shift from heavy metal to extreme metal in the late ‘80s showed a different approach to using the occult as a topic in metal. For some extreme metal bands, the occult started to be an area of more serious interest. Thus, the occult dimension of metal has been more deeply connected with a milieu of dark spirituality