81 research outputs found

    Quadruple helix of entrepreneurship and management education

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    This paper discusses the case of the entrepreneurship programme at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Maribor, where academics, entrepreneurs, and managers have joined forces to develop effective entrepreneurship education and training that stimulates creativity and innovation among students. The underlying philosophy of the programme is twofold. First, education for future entrepreneurs and managers of smaller companies, characterized by the despecialization of job tasks, resource scarcity, and self-employment, must differ from management education for larger companies, where task specialization can take place. Second, during their studies, students should improve their creativity, develop ability for recognize opportunity, gain confidence, and acquire practical managerial experience. Classroom experience itself is not sufficient for developing students\u27 understanding of the value of innovation and creativityrather, it should be upgraded through direct experience supported by real-life cases and role models. The discussion introduces the term quadruple helix of entrepreneurship education to stress the importance of four main players in such education: students, professors, entrepreneurs, and the supportive infrastructure of the entrepreneurship ecosystem


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    Social entrepreneurship is a growing phenomenon, both in practice and in the scientific community. The main goal of this research is to examine specific personal characteristics that might support one’s decision to pursue social entrepreneurship as a career choice. The research sample consisted of 114 students of two graduate entrepreneurship programs: Economics of Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin, University of Zagreb; and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek. Based on the scientific literature, we identified several potentially important personal characteristics: creativity, proactivity, compassionate love for humanity, hardship in life and moral judgement competence. These characteristics were adequately measured and compared between three groups of students: those that want to become commercial entrepreneurs, those that want to become social entrepreneurs, and those who have no entrepreneurial intentions. The methods we used were one-way ANOVA and factor analysis. Our results showed that the factor that differed the most between the observed groups was compassionate love for humanity. This factor might be the main driving force behind social entrepreneurial activities.Socijalno poduzetništvo je rastući fenomen, kako u praksi tako i u znanstvenoj zajednici. Glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja ispitati individualne karakteristike koje mogu podržati socijalno poduzetništvo kao karijerni izbor. Uzorak je obuhvatio 114 studenata dvaju diplomskih studija poduzetništva: Ekonomike poduzetništva na Fakultetu organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te Poduzetništva na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku. Na temelju znanstvene literature identificirano je nekoliko potencijalno važnih individualnih karakteristika: kreativnost, proaktivnost, suosjećajna ljubav prema čovječanstvu, životne poteškoće i moralna kompetencija. Te su karakteristike adekvatno izmjerene i uspoređene između triju skupina: studenata koji se žele baviti komercijalnim poduzetništvom, studenata koji se žele baviti socijalnim poduzetništvom i studenata koji nemaju nikakve poduzetničke namjere. Korištene su metoda faktorske analize i jednosmjerna ANOVA. Rezultati su pokazali da je faktor koji se najviše razlikuje između analiziranih grupa suosjećajna ljubav prema čovječanstvu. Ona bi mogla predstavljati glavnu pokretačku silu iza aktivnosti socijalnog poduzetništva

    Gender differences in the usage of resources in the entrepreneurial opportunity identification process in Slovenia and Croatia

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    While entrepreneurship research is usually focused on early-stage or established entrepreneurship, in this article we are taking a step back to earlier stages in the entrepreneurial process and focus on the opportunity identification and resources that might support it. The article provides a clearer insight into the extent of resources possessed by adults in Slovenia and Croatia, into gender differences in the opportunity identification process and the usage of resources within this process. Our research shows that women possess on average lower levels of resources, which explain their lower opportunity identification prevalence. Results show that the increase in resources, especially in the area of human capital consisting of skills, knowledge and experiences for entrepreneurship, has a significant and positive effect on opportunity identification among women

    Die Frage der Sukzession in Familienbetrieben in Transitionsländern

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    In countries with a long history of entrepreneurship and market economy, significant research efforts have been devoted to family business succession. Such studies are rare in former communist countries, mainly because private enterprises were outlawed during the socialist economy era. Considering reports on the importance and complexity of succession issues, and taking into account the ageing of owners-managers of family enterprises, it is expected that an increasing number of family enterprises are going to face succession problems in transition countries in the near future. This paper reports on the rebirth of family enterprises in transition countries, and on results of a survey among 350 Slovenian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Family enterprises are still controlled mainly by the founding generation with no succession experiences, no role- -models, and almost no possibility of sharing succession experiences with others, since the majority of their colleagues’ owners-managers are the founders (not successors). Besides raising owners-managers’ awareness, also providing information on support available for facilitating business transfers, offering special training programs on business transfers, including succession topics in study programs, special counseling on business transfers, and the creation of a business sellers and buyers database/market place are urgently needed in transition economies.U zemljama s dugom poviješću poduzetništva i tržišne ekonomije zamjetni istraživački napori posvećeni su sukcesiji u obiteljskim poduzećima. Takve su studije rijetke u bivšim komunističkim zemljama uglavnom stoga što su privatna poduzeća bila izvan zakona u razdoblju socijalističke privrede. Razmatrajući izvještaje o važnosti i složenosti pitanja sukcesije, i uzimajući u obzir starenje vlasnika- menadžera obiteljskih poduzeća, očekuje se da će se u tranzicijskim zemljama sve veći broj obiteljskih poduzeća u bliskoj budućnosti suočiti s problemom sukcesije. Ovaj članak izvještava o ponovnom stvaranju obiteljskih poduzeća u tranzicijskim zemljama i o rezultatima istraživanja među 350 malih i srednjih slovenskih poduzeća (SME). Obiteljskim poduzećima uglavnom još upravljaju generacije osnivača koje nemaju iskustava sukcesije, jasnih uzora u tome, kao ni gotovo nikakve mogućnosti dijeljenja iskustava o sukcesiji s drugima, jer većinu njihovih kolega vlasnika-menadžera također čine osnivači (a ne sljednici). Osim razvijanja svijesti vlasnika-menadžera i pružanja informacija o raspoloživoj podršci koja može olakšati poslovne transfere, u tranzicijskim privredama prijeko je potrebno ponuditi posebne programe usavršavanja u poslovnim transferima, uključujući sukcesijske teme u studijskim programima, posebne savjetodavne usluge o poslovnim transferima i stvaranje baze podataka/tržišta poslovnih ponuđača i kupaca.In Ländern, in denen Unternehmertum und Marktwirtschaft auf eine lange Geschichte zurückblicken, widmet sich die Forschung in beträchtlichem Umfang der Frage der Sukzession in Familienbetrieben. In ex-kommunistischen Staaten sind solche Untersuchungen vor allem deshalb selten, weil sich in der sozialistischen Planwirtschaft private Betriebe außerhalb des Gesetzes befanden. In Anlehnung an Berichte über die Bedeutung und Komplexität der Sukzessionsfrage sowie im Hinblick auf das zunehmende Alter der Eigentümer und Manager von Familienbetrieben wird erwartet, dass in absehbarer Zeit eine immer größere Zahl von Familienbetrieben in den Transitionsländern mit dem Problem der Sukzession konfrontiert sein wird. Der vorliegende Artikel berichtet über die Wiederaufnahme von familieneigenen Betriebsgründungen in den Transitionsländern sowie über die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung, die in 350 slowenischen Klein- und Mittelbetrieben durchgeführt wurde. Im Großen und Ganzen steht den Familienbetrieben immer noch die Generation ihrer Gründer voran, die keinerlei Erfahrung mit der Sukzession haben noch aber klare Vorstellungen davon, ebensowenig die Möglichkeit zum diesbezüglichen Erfahrungsaustausch mit anderen, da ja die Mehrzahl ihrer Kollegen, wie sie selbst auch, Betriebsgründer sind (und nicht den Betrieb von jemandem übernommen haben). Die Transitionsländer müssen sich darum bemühen, auf der Seite der in Betriebseigentümer das Bewusstsein von Managern heranzubilden und ihnen Unterstützung beim Unternehmenstransfer anzubieten. Des Weiteren müssen Sonderprogramme angeboten werden, um Unternehmer über Betriebsübernahmen zu informieren, für entsprechende Schulungsprogramme und Ratgeberdienstleistungen zu werben und eine Datenbank für Unternehmensanbieter und -käufer zu gründen

    Wenige Unternehmensgründungen durch Frauen

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    The main part of our paper presents an analysis of women’s participation in the entrepreneurial process in the earliest stage – we were interested in gender differences with regard to the ability to create or start a new business. Our research is based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) project. The results of this analysis revealed that there are evident differences between male and female entrepreneurs in the earliest stage of the entrepreneurship process, as well as among the 37 countries included in the GEM. There are a number of factors suggesting that dissimilar processes lead to opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship, which holds for men and women, and that processes that affect female entrepreneurship are different from those affecting male entrepreneurship. Specific attention in this paper is given, primarily, to Slovenia as well as to Croatia.Osnovu na{ega rada ~ini analiza sudjelovanja `ena u najranijem razdoblju poduzetni~koga procesa – zanimale su nas spolne razlike s obzirom na sposobnost otvaranja novih poslova (businesses). Na{e istra`ivanje temelji se na projektu Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM ili Globalno pra}enje poduzetni{tva). Rezultati ove analize otkrili su da postoje o~igledne razlike izme|u mu{kih i `enskih poduzetnika u najranijem razdoblju poduzetni~koga procesa, kao i me|u 37 zemalja uklju~enih u projekt GEM. ^itav niz ~inilaca upu}uje na razne procese koji pogoduju poduzetni{tvu iz prilike (opportunity entrepreneurship) ili nu`nosti (necessity entrepreneurship), {to vrijedi i za mu{karce i za `ene, i da se procesi koji utje~u na `ensko poduzetni{tvo razlikuju od onih koji djeluju na mu{ko poduzetni{tvo. Posebnu pozornost u ovom radu poklonili smo prije svega Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj.Die Grundlage dieses Artikels ist eine Analyse über die Beteiligung von Frauen in der frühesten Phase privaten Unternehmertums. Das Interesse der Verfasser galt hierbei geschlechtsgebundenen Unterschieden bezüglich der Fähigkeit zur Unternehmensgründung. Diese Untersuchung entstand im Rahmen des Projekts Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM oder Unternehmensgründungen im weltweiten Vergleich*). Die Analyseergebnisse erbrachten, dass es zwischen Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern in der frühesten Phase privaten Unternehmertums offenkundige Unterschiede gibt, ebenso zwischen den 37 Ländern, die in das GEM-Projekt eingebunden sind. Eine Reihe von Faktoren verweist auf das Bestehen verschiedener Prozesse, die der Unternehmensgründung aus Gelegenheit (opportunity entrepreneurship) oder jener aus Notwendigkeit (necessity entrepreneurship) förderlich sind, was für Männer und Frauen gleichermaßen gilt. Des Weiteren erkannte man, dass die Unternehmungsgründung durch Frauen anderen Prozessen unterliegt als die Unternehmungsgründung durch Männer. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmeten die Verfasser den diesbezüglichen Entwicklungen in Slowenien und Kroatien. * koordiniert durch das Babson College/USA und die London Business School (Anm. d. Üb.

    Nekateri vidiki etike podjetja v družinskih podjetjih v Sloveniji

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    At the most basic level a family enterprise may be defined as an enterprise, which is controlled by members of a single family. But family enterprises are not homogenous. They vary in terms of degrees of family involvement. The research cognitions described in the present paper show that 30,9 % of the observed enterprises face strong influence of the families through the ownership as well as management of the enterprise. The main purpose of our paper is therefore to better understand the association between the degree of involvement of a family in ownership and management of a family enterprise and the business behavior of family enterprise in different business situations. The main data source for our paper is the survey of 350 SMEs in Slovenia. Overall findings suggest that enterprises, characterized by a high degree of family involvement do not differ significantly from the firms that are characterized as non-family ones, regarding the total sales revenues, economic efficiency, value added per employee, export orientation and cooperation with large companies. The same goes for firms characterized with a low degree of family involvement. It is very likely, that in the present state of development of family firms and market economy in Slovenia, the degree of family involvement is not crucial for business behavior and business performance regarding the variables analyzed. Several extensions of our research are also proposedDružinsko podjetje lahko opredelimo kot podjetje, ki ga obvladujejo člani družine. Vendar pa družinska podjetje niso homogena skupina podjetij. Razlikujejo se glede na stopnjo vključenosti družine. Po rezultatih raziskave, ki jo opisujemo v prispevku, je v 30,9% proučevanih podjetij prisoten močan vpliv družine z lastništvom in vodenjem teh podjetij. Glavni namen prispevka je zato razširiti razumevanje povezave med stopnjo vključenosti družine v lastništvo in management ter obnašanjem dru- žinskega podjetja v različnih poslovnih situacijah. Glavni vir podatkov je bila raziskava 350 malih in srednje velikih podjetij v Sloveniji. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se podjetja z visoko stopnjo družinske vključenosti v podjetje bistveno ne razlikujejo od nedružinskih podjetij, in sicer ko gre za proučevanje razlik v poslovnih prihodkih, uspešnosti, dodani vrednosti na zaposlenega, izvozni usmerjenosti in sodelovanju z velikim podjetji. Enaka ugotovitev velja tudi za podjetja z nizko stopnjo vključenosti družine v podjetje. Glede na trenutno stanje razvoja družinskih podjetij in tržne ekonomije v Slovenji stopnja vključenosti družine v podjetje ni ključnega pomena za obnašanje in uspešnosti podjetij (z vidika analiziranih spremenljivk). V prispevku predlagamo tudi smeri nadaljnjega raziskovanj

    Obrazovanje za socijalno poduzetništvo i njegova povezanost s percepcijom poželjnosti i izvodljivosti socijalnog poduzetništva kod studenata poslovne ekonomije

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the association between social entrepreneurship education and experience in prosocial behaviour on the one hand and the perceived desirability and feasibility of social entrepreneurship among business students on the other. A sample consisting of business students was selected bearing in mind the possible implications of this study on business education curricula. The sample included 512 soon-to-graduate business students from five countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and The Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia. Our results indicate a statistically significant positive association between the “know what” component of social entrepreneurship education and both the desirability and the feasibility of social entrepreneurship. The “know how” component of social entrepreneurship education is statistically significantly positively associated with the feasibility of social entrepreneurship. Experience in prosocial behaviour has a statistically significant positive association with both the desirability and the feasibility of social entrepreneurship. Our results suggest that social entrepreneurship education programmes should include gaining some experience in volunteering, activism and making donations. These activities focus students’ attention on social problems and empower them to find proper solutions.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ispitati povezanost obrazovanja za socijalno poduzetništvo i iskustva u prosocijalnom ponašanju s jedne strane s percepcijom poželjnosti i izvodljivosti socijalnog poduzetništva kod studenata poslovne ekonomije s druge strane. Uzorak koji čine studenti poslovne ekonomije izabran je imajući u vidu implikacije ovog istraživanja na nastavne planove poslovnog obrazovanja. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 512 studenata poslovne ekonomije na posljednjim godinama studija iz pet zemalja: Austrije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Slovenije i Makedonije. Rezultati ukazuju na statistički značajnu pozitivnu povezanost između komponente „znati što“ obrazovanja za socijalno poduzetništvo te poželjnosti i izvodljivosti socijalnog poduzetništva. Komponenta „znati kako“ obrazovanja za socijalno poduzetništvo je statistički značajno pozitivno povezana s izvodljivošću socijalnog poduzetništva. Iskustvo u prosocijalnom ponašanju ima statistički značajnu pozitivnu povezanost kako s poželjnošću tako i s izvodljivošću socijalnog poduzetništva. Rezultati upućuju na to da bi obrazovanje za socijalno poduzetništvo trebalo uključivati stjecanje iskustava u volontiranju, aktivizmu i doniranju. Te aktivnosti usmjeravaju pažnju studenata na društvene probleme i osposobljavaju ih za njihovo rješavanje

    Nasledstvo v malih in srednje velikih podjetjih v Sloveniji

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    On the basis of information from various national studies in the EU it is estimated that an increasing number of small and medium-sized enterprises will face changes of owners-managers in the coming years. The main objective of the study, based on the sample of Slovenian small and medium-sized enterprises, was to find out how Slovenian owners-managers are preparing the management and ownership succession.The results indicate that one fifth of the surveyed ownersmanagers are preparing the transfer of management and/or ownership in the next five years. More than one fifth of those owners-managers, who are not preparing the transfer of management and/or ownership, share the opinion that “succession planning is not necessary”. As the succession planning is one of the main factors of the succession effectiveness, raising the owners’-managers’ awareness of the importance to start preparations and succession planning should be one of important measures of entrepreneurship policy. Key words: succession, succession planning, successor, small and mediumsized enterprises, family enterpriseRezultati raziskav v državah članicah EU kažejo, da lahko v prihajajočih letih pričakujemo naraščanje števila malih in srednje velikih podjetij v katerih bo prišlo do menjave generacij lastnikov-managerjev. Z raziskavo vzorca slovenskih malih in srednje velikih podjetij smo želeli ugotoviti, kako se na nasledstvo v vodstvu in lastništvu pripravljajo slovenski lastniki-managerji. Ugotovili smo, da se na prenos vodstva in/ali lastništva v naslednjih petih letih pripravlja petina anketiranih lastnikov-managerjev. Več kot petina tistih lastnikov-managerjev, ki se še ne pripravlja na prenos vodstva in/ali lastništva, meni, da »planiranje nasledstva ni potrebno«. Ker je planiranje nasledstva eden od ključnih dejavnikov za uspešnost prenosov vodstva in /ali lastništva, bi veljalo tudi v Sloveniji razmišljati o tem, kako povečati zavest lastnikov-managerjev o pomenu pravočasnih priprav na prenos vodstva in lastništva podjetja. Ključne besede: nasledstvo, planiranje nasledstva, naslednik, mala in srednje velika podjetja, družinsko podjetj

    Vzdržljivost podjetniške aktivnosti

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    The GEM survey provides a deeper insight into national entrepreneurship and its characteristics than can be provided by other statistical sources, especially those based solely on data obtained from existing enterprises. With the individual at the heart of the research, GEM also covers his attitude towards entrepreneurship, his ambitions and qualifications for entrepreneurship, his perception of society\u27s attitude towards entrepreneurship, as well as individuals at all stages of the entrepreneurial process, until the establishment of the company, business growth and termination of business. GEM\u27s research ambition is to measure key elements of society\u27s attitudes towards entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity and differences in individuals\u27 aspirations in as many countries as possible, and to identify influential factors that encourage or hinder entrepreneurial activity. All this in order to provide a platform for assessing the impact of entrepreneurial activity on economic growth and to identify policy measures to strengthen entrepreneurship. GEM has developed an appropriate methodology that is consistent with the GEM conceptual framework and is able to provide insight into the social, cultural, political and economic context, taking into account the level of development of each national economy and the development of key business conditions.Raziskava GEM omogoča bolj poglobljen vpogled v nacionalno podjetništvo in njegove značilnosti, kot ga lahko zagotovijo drugi statistični viri, predvsem tisti, ki temeljijo zgolj na podatkih, pridobljenih s strani obstoječih podjetij. S posameznikom v središču raziskovanja, GEM namreč zajame tudi njegov odnos do podjetništva, njegove ambicije in usposobljenost za podjetništvo, njegovo dojemanje odnosa družbe do podjetništva, pa tudi posameznike v vseh fazah podjetniškega procesa, od začetnih razmislekov, da bi se podali na podjetniško pot, do ustanovitve podjetja, poslovanja, rasti in prenehanja poslovanja. Raziskovalna ambicija GEM je, da bi v čim več državah meril ključne elemente družbenega odnosa do podjetništva, podjetniško aktivnost in razlike v aspiracijah posameznikov ter zaznaval vplivne dejavnike, ki spodbujajo ali ovirajo podjetniško aktivnost. Vse to z namenom zagotavljanja platforme za ocenjevanje vpliva podjetniške aktivnosti na ekonomsko rast ter odkrivanja političnih ukrepov za krepitev podjetništva