7 research outputs found

    Specificities of recruitment and selection in the defence sector – the case of Montenegro

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    The paper analyses key specificities of recruitment and selection in the defence sector, providing an example of Montenegro. Personnel in ministries of defence and armed forces are public servants and constitute a part of national administrations in a larger sense, which need genuine professionals. From the legal point of view, there are usually several categories of staff within the defence sector: civil servants, military officials and civilian personnel in the armed forces, which all have some specificities due to the nature of the work they carry out in the public service. The paper first analyses key international standards on recruitment and selection in the public service and those which are specific for the defence sector. The central part of the paper examines key contentious issues in the legal framework regarding recruitment and selection in the defence sector of Montenegro, especially exemptions from the open competition rule, ministerial discretion in appointing the candidate from an open list, and the lack of a possibility to challenge security clearance decisions of perspective candidates (for military personnel and civilian personnel in the army). The authors conclude that although it is relatively easy to pinpoint necessary legal changes to improve the current system, it is not very likely that the system will be changed without a strong and unwavering political support, which will be able to force the holders of excessive powers to release it and ensure the observance of the merit principle

    Comparative review of the nutritional value of cold-pressed pumpkin (cucurbita pepo l.) Seed oil of different origins

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the nutritional value of seven samples of cold pressed pumpkin oil of different origins and influence of seed origin on the content of the most important bioactive components. Four samples of a pumpkin oil is obtained by cold pressing of the seeds of domestic and Austrian varieties, and three samples of cold pressed oils were obtained from the seeds of unknown origin, taken by free choice in the market. As indicators of the nutritional values are determined by the composition and content of fatty acids, tocopherols and sterols. In the composition of the fatty acid were oleic dominant (34.2 +/- 0.09-43.9 +/- 0.04%) and linolenic fatty acid (30.8 +/- 0.09-46.9 +/- 0.015%). This study confirmed that the oil pumpkin dominant beta+gamma-tocopherol, whose contents ranged from 34.65 +/- 0.03 to 44.59 +/- 0.69 mg/100 g. We determine the composition and content of Delta(7)-phytosterols, especially for specific oil pumpkins. It was detected five Delta(7)-sterols: spinasterol, Delta(7,22,25)-stigmastatrienol, Delta(7,25)-stigmastadienol, Delta(7)-stigmasterol and Delta(7)-avenasterol. Dominant content was Delta(7,22)-stigmastadienol or spinasterol with 39.98 to 50.31% of the total content of sterols

    Survival Benefit of the Late Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Patients after Acute Myocardial Infarction Who Are Or Who Are Not Treated with Thrombolysis

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    The impact of late percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) on long term mortality remains to be established. At currently, thrombolysis is accepted as standard therapy when PCI is not immediately available. However, PCI is often performed in stable patients with AMI who are/are not received thrombolysis . We performed the trial that enrolled myocardial infarction patients treated with thrombolysis, late PCI and medically to assess the potential benefits of delayed PCI. We follow up 164 consecutive patients after AMI one year. The patients are divided in two groups; first group-66 patients who received reperfusion (37 patients received only thrombolysis, 10 patients received thrombolysis and PCI 7-9 days after thrombolysis and 19 patients underwent only PCI after 7-9 days) and second group-98 patients medically treated. One year mortality was 3% in the reperfusion group (2/66) and 14,3% in the medical group (14/98) (p=0,016). There were not significant differences between groups about other end points-reinfarctus, coronary artery bypass surgery and PCI performed later after discharge. The major predictors of one year mortality were ages (p<0,001) and ejection fraction (p=0,003). Also, therapy with beta-blockers (p=0,002), statins (p=0,001) and ACE-inhibitors (p=0,024) was associated with better survival. Delayed PCI performed 7-9 days after AMI in the patients who underwent thrombolysis or those did not improves outcome at long-term follow-u

    Survival Benefit of the Late Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Patients after Acute Myocardial Infarction Who Are Or Who Are Not Treated with Thrombolysis

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    The impact of late percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) on long term mortality remains to be established. At currently, thrombolysis is accepted as standard therapy when PCI is not immediately available. However, PCI is often performed in stable patients with AMI who are/are not received thrombolysis . We performed the trial that enrolled myocardial infarction patients treated with thrombolysis, late PCI and medically to assess the potential benefits of delayed PCI. We follow up 164 consecutive patients after AMI one year. The patients are divided in two groups; first group-66 patients who received reperfusion (37 patients received only thrombolysis, 10 patients received thrombolysis and PCI 7-9 days after thrombolysis and 19 patients underwent only PCI after 7-9 days) and second group-98 patients medically treated. One year mortality was 3% in the reperfusion group (2/66) and 14,3% in the medical group (14/98) (p=0,016). There were not significant differences between groups about other end points-reinfarctus, coronary artery bypass surgery and PCI performed later after discharge. The major predictors of one year mortality were ages (p<0,001) and ejection fraction (p=0,003). Also, therapy with beta-blockers (p=0,002), statins (p=0,001) and ACE-inhibitors (p=0,024) was associated with better survival. Delayed PCI performed 7-9 days after AMI in the patients who underwent thrombolysis or those did not improves outcome at long-term follow-u

    Istorijski razvoj mehanizama za sprečavanje korupcije u zemljama jugoistočne Evrope

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    U radu se, između ostalog, analizira razvoj službeničkog sistema u Jugoslaviji, od završetka Drugog svetskog rata do početka do kraja osamdesetih godina prošlog veka upravljanje ljudskim resursima u državnoj upravi imalo je tri glavne faze razvoja. Prva faza započinje donošenjem Zakona o državnim službenicima 1946. godine, druga usvajanjem Zakona o javnim službenicima 1957. godine i treća koja počinje donošenjem Ustava iz 1974. godine. Zakon koji je regulisao status službenika u Saveznim organima uprave od 1978. godine bio je Zakon o osnovama sistema državne uprave, Saveznom izvršnom veću i saveznim organima uprave, koji je u pojedinim segmentima važio sve do raspada državne zajednice Srbije i Crne Gore 2006. godine. Autori zaključuju da dok se u prve dve faze jasno razlikuje poseban status službenika u odnosu na druge zaposlene u privatnom sektoru, treću faza razvoja odlikuje izjednačavanje statusa službenika sa statusom drugih zaposlenih (radnih ljudi). Ta promena posledica je izgradnje samoupravljanja i približavanja personalnih sistema u državnoj upravi sistemu u radnim organizacijama, tj. ustanovama i privrednim preduzećima. U Jugoslaviji se stvara jedinstven personalni sistem koji svojim osnovnim načelima obuvata sve radne ljude, dok specifičnosti za pojedine šire ili uže grupe organizacija treba da regulišu organi samoupravljanja u njima

    The most important bioactive components of cold pressed oil from different pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds

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    The composition and content of certain bioactive components of the cold pressed oil obtained from six samples of pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo L.) cultivated in Serbia were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The composition and content of fatty acids, tocopherols and phytosterols, and the total content of squalene were determined. The results indicate oil's excellent quality, with high contents of monounsaturated fatty acids (37.1 +/- 0.70-43.6 +/- 0.69 g/100 g of total fatty acids), total tocopherols (38.03 +/- 0.25-64.11 +/- 0.07 mg/100 g of oil), sterols (718.1 +/- 6.1-897.8 +/- 6.8 mg/100 g of oil) and especially squalene (583.2 +/- 23.6-747 +/- 16 mg/100 g of oil). High content of squalene, phytosterols and monounsaturated fatty acids recommend the use of this type of the oil in the nutritional and medical purposes