84 research outputs found

    Sociology of Political Sociology: Why There Is a Need for Sociological Study of Political Sociology

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    Five basic areas in the sociology of political sociology are described in the paper. The sociology of political sociology is aimed at study of the social and particularly political conditions necessary for the optimal development of political sociology, the system of the sociological disciplines and sociological activities and the feedback effect of sociological activity on the more rational and humane development of society and the political sphere. The following categories are classified in the organizational categories of the system of political sociology: a) politics as an area of culture, b) the political system, c) political relations, d) political consciousness, e) the system of political norms and values, f) political organizations and institutions, g) political activity (behavior) and h) political potential. Then, each of the cited categories is considered in relation to other social spheres and categories in sociology. In the second part of the paper, the author extensively considers an answer to the question: why is it necessary to critically and sociologically study political sociology and the political sphere of society

    Pokročilé modelování povrchové drsnosti pomocí neuronových sítí, Taguchiho metody a genetického algoritmu

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    Modern manufacturing requires reliable and accurate models for the prediction of machining performance. Predicting surface roughness before actual machining plays a very important role in machining practice. This paper presents the modeling methodology for predicting the surface roughness in turning of unreinforced polyamide based on artificial neural networks (ANNs), Taguchi method and genetic algorithm (GA). The machining experiment was conducted based on Taguchi’s experimental design using L27 orthogonal array. Input variables consisted of cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and tool nose radius, while surface roughness (Ra) was considered as output variable. To systematically identify optimum settings of ANN design and training parameters, Taguchi method was applied. Furthermore, a simple procedure based on GA for enhancing the ANN model prediction accuracy was applied. Statistically assessed as an accurate model, ANN model equation was graphically presented in the form of contour plots to study the effect of the cutting parameters on the surface roughness.Moderní výroba vyžaduje spolehlivé a přesné modely pro predikci výkonu zpracování. Předvídání drsnost povrchu před vlastním zpracováním hraje velmi důležitou roli v obráběcí praxi. Tato práce představuje modelovou metodiku pro odhad drsnosti povrchu při soustružení z prostého polyamidu na bázi umělé inteligence neuronových sítí (ANNs), Taguchiho metodě a genetických algoritmů (GA). Obráběcí experiment byl proveden na základě experimentálního Taguchiho návrhu pomocí L27 ortogonální pole. Vstupními proměnnými jsou řezná rychlost, posuv, hloubka řezu a poloměru břitu, zatímco drsnost povrchu (Ra) je považována za výstupní proměnnou. Pro systematickou identifikaci optimálního nastavení ANN návrhu a odborné přípravy parametrů byla použita metoda Taguchi. Dále byl použit jednoduchý postup, založený na GA pro zvýšení přesnosti modelu ANN predikce. Statisticky vyhodnocený přesný model ANN rovnice byl graficky prezentován ve formě obrysů pro studium vlivu řezných parametrů na drsnost povrchu

    Optimization of machining processes using pattern search algorithm

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    Optimization of machining processes not only increases machining efficiency and economics, but also the end product quality. In recent years, among the traditional optimization methods, stochastic direct search optimization methods such as meta-heuristic algorithms are being increasingly applied for solving machining optimization problems. Their ability to deal with complex, multi-dimensional and ill-behaved optimization problems made them the preferred optimization tool by most researchers and practitioners. This paper introduces the use of pattern search (PS) algorithm, as a deterministic direct search optimization method, for solving machining optimization problems. To analyze the applicability and performance of the PS algorithm, six case studies of machining optimization problems, both single and multi-objective, were considered. The PS algorithm was employed to determine optimal combinations of machining parameters for different machining processes such as abrasive waterjet machining, turning, turn-milling, drilling, electrical discharge machining and wire electrical discharge machining. In each case study the optimization solutions obtained by the PS algorithm were compared with the optimization solutions that had been determined by past researchers using meta-heuristic algorithms. Analysis of obtained optimization results indicates that the PS algorithm is very applicable for solving machining optimization problems showing good competitive potential against stochastic direct search methods such as meta-heuristic algorithms. Specific features and merits of the PS algorithm were also discussed

    The Development and Characteristic of the Historical Method

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    The author has tried to point at the idea of the historical method itself, at some historical sources of its beginning, and at its principal forms and functions. Speaking of the history of the studied subject, we take into consideration the real Changes of the subject that take place from its beginning to its disappearance or its transformation into some other subject. The historical method denotes the way of the mental reproduction of the development of the studied subject and its changes. The historical method means the method of solving the researching tasks and difficulties in the process of comprehending the phenomenon or the subject. There are two kinds of changes: those adaptively repeating or functionally renewing the subject, and those changing the subject in such a way that it is being transformed into a new, till then non-existing state. The former are the changes in the society and the latter are the changes of the society itself. The subject may be studied in a distilled or pure form (as has been done by Marx in »Capital« for instance), or it may be studied in the form of the mental reproduction of the concrete forms of its appearances (Lenin’s work »The Development of Capitalism in Russia«). By using the historical method we can comprehend more clearly the historical place, the historical role and the corresponding specifications of the studied subject. By means of the historical method we can give the answer to the question whether the studied subject appears as the result of a definite historical process, or whether it appears as its starting point. It tells us whether it represents the trace or the remnant of the past, or the beginning and the germ of the phenomenon or the future subject, whether it is found in a developed or underdeveloped form

    Industrialization and the Class Structure of Yugoslav Modern Society

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    A major proportion of the current investigations connected with industrialisation are marked by the absence of a class approach. However, Yugoslav society too reveals, the presence of a clash between class structure and classless ideology. In the country\u27s self-managing society, industrialization as a form of social and economic development should lead towards eliminating the material and intellectual poverty of the widest sections of the population and towards reducing social and. economic differences. Prevailing views, as for instance the theory of the working people, fail to take account of the class structure of Yugoslav society which still reveals numerous contradictions. The working class still contains many groups w;ho live in extemely poor conditions. The author supports his view by numerous data on the difficult material, housing and working conditions of miners in Serbia

    Volba optimálních parametrů laseru při CO2 laserovém řezání pomocí Taguchi metody

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    Identification of laser cutting conditions that are insensitive to parameter variations and noise is of great importance. This paper demonstrates the application of Taguchi method for optimization of surface roughness in CO2 laser cutting of stainless steel. The laser cutting experiment was planned and conducted according to the Taguchi’s experimental design using the L27 orthogonal array. Four laser cutting parameters such as laser power, cutting speed, assist gas pressure, and focus position were considered in the experiment. Using the analysis of means and analysis of variance, the significant laser cutting parameters were identified, and subsequently the optimal combination of laser cutting parameter levels was determined. The results showed that the cutting speed is the most significant parameter affecting the surface roughness whereas the influence of the assist gas pressure can be neglected. It was observed, however, that interaction effects have predominant influence over the main effects on the surface roughness.Identifikace podmínek řezání laserem, které jsou citlivé na změny parametrů a hluk jsou velmi důležité. Tento článek demonstruje použití Taguchi metody pro optimalizaci drsnosti povrchu v CO2 laserové řezání nerezové oceli. Experiment řezání laserem byl naplánován a proveden v souladu s Taguchiho experimentálním návrhem pomocí ortogonálního pole L27. V experimentu byly uvažovány čtyři parametry řezání laserem jako síla laseru, rychlost řezání, tlak plynu a zaměření pozice

    Ethical considerations of patients video monitoring

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    Softverski prototip za optimizaciju i upravljanje proizvodnim procesima

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    Modeling of manufacturing processes aimed at better understanding, optimization and process control is very important in manufacturing practice. This is usually achieved by integrating empirical models with classical mathematical and meta-heuristic algorithms. In this paper, software prototype “Function Analyzer” for optimization and control of manufacturing processes is presented. It is based on the mathematical iterative search of entire space of possible input values. This way, the developed software is able to determine global extreme points of the process model and corresponding input values (process optimization). Furthermore, it is able to determine the optimal input values that satisfy the specified requirements for output value and accuracy (process control). The developed software is characterized by extendible architecture, flexible user interface and efficient operation. The abilities of software prototype “Function Analyzer” were demonstrated on two case studies. The first one considers the regression based modeling of dry turning of cold rolled alloy steel. The second case study considers the artificial neural network based modeling of dry turning of unreinforced polyamide.Modeliranje proizvodnih procesa s ciljem boljeg razumijevanja, optimizacije i upravljanja procesa je vrlo važno u proizvodnoj praksi. U tu svrhu obično se vrši integracija empirijskih modela procesa s klasičnim matematičkim i meta-heurističkim algoritmima. U ovom radu je predstavljen softverski prototip “Function Analyzer” za optimizaciju i upravljanje proizvodnih procesa koji se temelji na matematičkom iterativnom pretraživanju cijelog prostora mogućih ulaznih vrijednosti. Na taj način razvijeni softver je u mogućnosti odrediti globalne ekstremne točke modela procesa i odgovarajuće ulazne vrijednosti (optimizacija procesa). Nadalje, u stanju je odrediti optimalne ulazne vrijednosti koje zadovoljavaju određene uvjete za izlazne vrijednosti i točnosti (upravljanje procesa). Razvijeni softver karakterizira nadogradiva arhitektura, fleksibilno korisničko sučelje i učinkovit rad. Sposobnosti softverskog prototipa “Function Analyzer” su demonstrirane na dvije studije slučaja. Prva razmatra regresijsko modeliranje procesa tokarenja hladno valjanog legiranog čelika. Druga studija slučaja razmatra modeliranje procesa tokarenja neojačanog poliamida pomoću umjetne neuronske mreže


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    In this paper the performances, i.e. cutting force, moment and surface roughness, in the end milling of aluminum 6082-T6 with solid carbide end mill were measured and analyzed for different values of the cutting parameters: number of revolutions, feed rate and depth of cut. The cutting force and moment were measured using a Kistler piezoelectric dynamometer. Surface roughness was measured using a Mahr profilometer. The results were analyzed in the Minitab 17 software package, in order to determine the influence of the given factors on the performances and modeling of the milling process


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    Companies operating in today's machining environment are focused on improving their product quality and decreasing manufacturing cost and time. In their attempts to meet these objectives, the machining processes optimization is of prime importance. Among the traditional optimization methods, in recent years, modern meta-heuristic algorithms are being increasingly applied to solving machining optimization problems. Regardless of numerous capabilities of the Monte Carlo method, its application for solving machining optimization problems has been given less attention by researchers and practitioners. The aim of this paper is to investigate the Monte Carlo method applicability for solving single-objective machining optimization problems and to analyze its efficiency by comparing the optimization solutions to those obtained by the past researchers using meta-heuristic algorithms. For this purpose, five machining optimization case studies taken from the literature are considered and discussed