27 research outputs found

    Network protocols used for management and QoS assurance in data networks

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    Hlavním cílem této práce bylo srovnání protokolů používaných pro správu aktivních prvků IP sítí a zajištění QoS. Bakalářská práce podrobně popisuje zejména protokol SNMP a možnosti jeho využití při zajišťování kvality služeb v datových sítích. Práce se hlavně zaměřuje na srovnání a analýzu jednotlivých verzí SNMP. Dalším cílem této práce bylo prostudovat strukturu a vlastnosti MIB databáze pro technologii DiffServ. Tato práce se zaměřuje na definici MIB pro technologii DiffServ a provádí analýzu této větve MIB. Následně bylo úkolem v programovacím jazyce C/C++ vytvořit moduly front typu First In First Out (FIFO), Priority Queuing (PQ) a Weighted Round Robin (WRR), které zajištují řazení paketů v databázi DiffServ MIB. Tyto moduly jsou naprogramované s ohledem na jeho další využití v simulačním prostředí Opnet Modeler.The main aim of this work was to compare network protocols used for management of active elements of the IP network and to assure QoS in data network. The bachelor work in detail describes especially SNMP protocol and possibilities of assuring quality of services in data networks. This works primary goal it to compare and analyze different versions of SNMP. The next aim of this work was to learn about structure and characteristics of the MIB database for DiffServ technology. This work studies definition of the MIB for the DiffServ technology and do the basic analyze of these MIB branches. Subsequently in programming language C/C++ create modules for creating queues. The type was First In First Out (FIFO), Priority Queuing (PQ) and Weighted Round Robin (WRR), which are used to sort packets in database DiffServ MIB. This modules are programmed with reference to his next usage in simulation environment Opnet Modeler.

    Advanced solution of SIP communication server with a new approach to management

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    The paper deals with the development of an advanced solution for a SIP communication server. Works were carried out within the scope of Bright Embedded Solution for IP Telephony (BESIP) project. The output of the project should be a modular architecture with additional functionality such as speech quality monitoring and security of IP telephony. We sought to unify the configuration of individual components based on the NETCONF protocol. In order to be able to implement the idea into OpenWrt, we had to integrate a complex support for the NETCONF configuration protocol. Our modifications of OpenWrt in respect of NETCONF were accepted by the OpenWrt community and have been included in OpenWrt/Trunk branch. The paper explains and describes the whole concept of the BESIP project and its individual modules.Web of Science59454954

    Fertility trends in Serbia during the 1990s

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    The 1990s represent an exceptionally complex period for the population of Serbia. In addition to the impact of long-term factors, various tumultuous events affected its demographic development, such as breaking apart of former Yugoslavia, armed conflicts in the neighboring countries, sanctions imposed by the international community, social changes (transition transformation or regression), deep economic crisis, collapse of social stratification political problems, institutional crisis, and NATO military intervention. Maladjustment to the changed system of values and norms, lower level of personal attainment, feeling of insecurity, and living under permanent stress are the main features of life at an individual psychological level. Deprivation or living at the subsistence level are the main elements of the economic cost sustained by the majority of the population. How have these changes affected an individual's decision to have children? The analysis of futility indicators points to an obvious decline in the number of births across low fertility regions of Serbia. Also, the analysis has raised the question why the decline in population fertility in the low fertility regions was not even higher, bearing in mind the experiences undergone by the countries with economy in transition as well as the depth of the crisis in society. In that sense several factors come to mind. The most important are the universality of marriage socio-psychological investigations confirmed domination of the traditional character or mentality in Serbia during the 1990s, and the government’s approach to the issue of fertility improved during this time. Besides demographic needs were carefully taken into account in all amendments to the old and formulation of the new measures in the area of social policy. Mention should be made of measures ensuring employment rights of women and their entitlement to maternity leave, maternity pay, and provision of institutionalized care for the children. On the other hand under-reporting of live births, lack of knowledge on the size and characteristics of emigration flows limited the analysis of population fertility in Kosovo and Metohia. But, registered data as well as survey results show to the perseverance of the fertility model of transitional type displaying obvious traditional elements

    Bytový dům

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta stavební. Katedra (225) pozemního stavitelstv

    Administration and configuration of simplified database QoS MIB

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    Hlavným cieľom tejto práce bolo naštudovať problematiku protokolu SNMP a databáz MIB, za účelom zamerania sa na správu a konfiguráciu databáze MIB pomocou protokolu SNMP. Táto práca sa zameriava na vytvorenie komunikačného modelu typu Manager – Agent v prostredí OPNET Modeler. V tomto modelovacom nástroji sa vytvára výmena informácií zo strany Managera na stranu Agenta prostredníctvom SNMP správ. Práca sa hlavne zameriava na vytvorenie správy SNMP podľa definovaných pravidiel, následne na vyčítanie informácii z databáze MIB na strane Agenta a ukladanie týchto informácií na strane Managera do vlastnej MIB databáze. Výmena informácií prebieha prostredníctvom typu správ GetRequest, GetNext a GetResponse. Tieto modeli sú naprogramované v jazyku C/C++ a následne implementované do prostredia OPNET Modeler.The main aim of this work was to study the issue of the SNMP protocol and MIB database in order to focus on management and configuration of MIB database using the SNMP protocol. The Master's thesis in detail describes especially creating a communications model of the Manager - Agent type in an OPNET Modeler. In this modeling tool we created exchange of information from the side of the Manager to the side of the Agent via SNMP packets. The Master's thesis is mainly focused on the creation of the SNMP packet according to defined rules, then on reading of information from the MIB database on the side of the Agent and saves this information to the Manager’s MIB database. Exchange of informations is realized via the messages of type GetRequest, GetNext and GetResponse. These models are programmed in language C/C++ and then implemented into the environment of OPNET Modeler.

    Administration and configuration of simplified database QoS MIB

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    The main aim of this work was to study the issue of the SNMP protocol and MIB database in order to focus on management and configuration of MIB database using the SNMP protocol. The Master's thesis in detail describes especially creating a communications model of the Manager - Agent type in an OPNET Modeler. In this modeling tool we created exchange of information from the side of the Manager to the side of the Agent via SNMP packets. The Master's thesis is mainly focused on the creation of the SNMP packet according to defined rules, then on reading of information from the MIB database on the side of the Agent and saves this information to the Manager’s MIB database. Exchange of informations is realized via the messages of type GetRequest, GetNext and GetResponse. These models are programmed in language C/C++ and then implemented into the environment of OPNET Modeler

    Malicious traffic monitoring and its evaluation in VoIP infrastructure

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    The paper deals with the need to enhance security of the VoIP infrastructure. There are several ways to achieve an enhancement in security. We opted for the honeypot which can provide us information about attacker’s behaviour. We will examine in particular a VoIP honeypot referred to as Artemisa. It is one of many existing honeypots tailored for IP telephony. The paper describes its function and application within a real IP telephony infrastructure. The aim of another tested honeypot is to gather data about the attacks while simulating a SSH server. The gathered information could be crucial for further improvements of the existing security mechanism in our VoIP network.Scopu

    IP Telephony Server Emulation for Monitoring and Analysis of Malicious Activity in VOIP Network

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    The paper aims at gathering information about attacks from real internet infrastructure and their analysis. For this purpose, we prepared a set of honeypots monitoring various aspects of VoIP infrastructure including SIP endpoint and SSH terminal emulation. SIP endpoints are registered with real SIP registrar and the incoming calls are routed to a honeypot according the rules in dialplan. The honeypot gathers valuable data about hacker's activity with no threat to production systems. Analysis of the honeypot data is crucial for further improvement of existing security mechanisms in VoIP networks. The paper describes the honeypot's behaviour and brings an analysis of a detected malicious activity as well

    Monitoring the quality of speech in the communication system BESIP

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    This paper deals with the monitoring and evaluation of speech quality between two endpoints which has been developed in the BESIP project (Bright Embedded Solution for IP Telephony). The BESIP is a simple and effective solution for SIP communication server enabling an easy integration into a computer network based on open-source solutions. This device serves to provide IP telephony for smaller workplaces. The main reason for the development and implementation of a module for monitoring into the BESIP system was the ability to evaluate speech quality. The principle of this module is based on an ability to assess an estimated speech quality at the user’s side without the necessity to compare original and degraded signals. The speech quality evaluation is performed in accordance with ITU-T G.107.Scopu