29 research outputs found


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    Management is responsible for its own financial decisions. If we take into account, that fair value concept was shown in financial crisis as something that does not work anymore in this way; there is a big need to develop it for the future. Non-professional readers of financial statements believe, however, that company financials are the work of the public accounting firm that had signed the audit certificate. The main reason for bringing this point up is that when companies disclose Fair Value (FV) information in their financial statements, they are taking responsibility for the values disclosed. Management may often be encouraged to utilize the services of an outside professional, but at the end of the day, the outside appraiser is a hired gun. Although the appraiser has to take responsibility for his own work, hiring the appraiser does not absolve management of its ultimate responsibility. The obverse of this is also true. Management does not have to hire the appraiser to develop any fair value disclosures made in the financial statements. Developing FV information is not recommended as a do-it yourself undertaking, there is nothing in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations, however, that requires an outside appraiser


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    Nowadays, there are many demands coming from all over the world to establish or to secure the possibility of comparability of the information provided in financial statements, and to make this information as reliable and accurate as possible, and therefore making it useful and beneficial for anyone who uses them. These requests demand adjustment of the content of accounted data in every single country, which might have its own accounting standards, to international norms of accounting. Substantial form of the synchronization or unification that attempts to harmonize accounting is the International Accounting Standards / International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS), which are mainly focusing on financial statements, and seeking the solutions for problems connected with it. Financial statements, being one of the main concerns of the IAS/IFRS that should lead to a better comparability, higher predication and also to achieve higher utility for users, is getting more and more important. One of the tools that should help achieve these demands in financial statements is called “Fair value”. Despite the intents and plans, however it is still quite difficult to establish, whether its contribution to the improvement of accounting standards is really beneficial. Main aim of this paper is to examine and depict the advantages and disadvantages connected to the fair value, providing the reader with objective information and thorough insight into the problems and benefits of fair value.Partial objectives of this paper are to define the concept of fair value, to provide information about theoretical background and evolution of fair value and to examine and describe the possible future development of fair value

    European Real Estate Properties Valuation: Ten Years After Adopting IFRS 13

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    IFRS 13 had its mandatory implementation on January 1st, 2013. The new accounting standard, which represents one step closer to harmonization between U.S. GAAP and IFRS, aims to eliminate inconsistencies in fair value measurement and its related disclosures through the introduction of new reporting requirements, specifically for assets and liabilities with no active markets. Although these demands also encompass information concerning financial instruments, our focus was on the disclosure changes related to the fair value of investment properties, previously regulated solely by IAS 40. As investment properties comprise the majority of assets in the real estate industry, this sector was further examined. Through a statistical analysis of the sample companies’ annual reports for the periods immediately before and after the implementation of IFRS 13, the purpose of our descriptor-explanatory study was to investigate the level of compliance with IFRS 13 fair value disclosure requirements for investment properties in real estate companies in Europe. In order to answer this question, we first scrutinized the level of compliance with the new disclosure requirements brought up by the standard and then, intermediated by an adaptation of the model developed by Beretta & Bozzolan (2008), measured the disclosure quality for both periods considered. After data collection and analysis, our findings reveal that IFRS 13 does affect the disclosure quality of investment properties in real estate companies in Europe. Overall compliance is very high, while disclosure quality has increased since the implementation of IFRS 13. As a way to further broaden the research related to the more extensive disclosure requirements under IFRS 13, we suggest additional studies be undertaken where the point of view of the real estate companies could be explored. Moreover, it would be interesting to investigate whether the increased number of disclosures, both in relation to quantity and quality, is relevant from an analyst’s standpoint. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-03-04 Full Text: PD


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    Fraud in economics and accounting is the practice which is adopted within the framework of accounting system or in other words taking undue advantage of loopholes of accounting system is creative accounting. In highly competitive market, it becomes very important and necessary for every business to find new and innovative ways of running the business. And one of the new ways is creative accounting. Creative accounting is an art of manipulating the books of accounts in a manner that desired results can be drawn. Aggressive accounting, cooking the books and massaging the numbers are few common terms used in context of creative accounting. Creative accounting in present uncertain environment is facilitating management to accomplish personal goals as big, well established firms followed

    Emission features in a B[e] binary system V2028 Cyg

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    We present a preliminary analysis of our six-year observation campaign of the B[e] stellar system V2028 Cyg (MWC 623). The time variability of spectral features is described

    Changes in Traditional Activities of Industrial Area toward Sustainable Tourism Development

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential for restructuring industrial areas toward tourism development within local communities, with a special emphasis on the socio-cultural determinants of residents, as well as their attitudes regarding the sustainable development of tourism. The research is also oriented toward the interests of local communities with respect to entrepreneurial activities in the field of tourism within regions relying on traditional industries, in this case, one of the largest open-pit mining surfaces in Europe (near the Serbian town of Lazarevac). The survey was conducted on a sample of 273 respondents. The research results point to the residents’ attitudes regarding the acceptability of tourism development options, as well as their attitudes toward tourism development, with the aim of providing the conditions for a successful transition from a typical heavy industrial setting toward sustainable tourism development

    Razine kortikosterona i biokemijskih pokazatelja u krvi štakora kao modela za streptozotocinski dijabetes: utjecaj omjera n3/n6 u hrani

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    The study was carried out to investigate the influence of dietary n6/n3 ratio in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetes on serum biochemistry and corticosterone values in blood in 15 Wistar male rats assigned into three experimental groups, two diabetic and a control group (STZ-N3, STZ-N6, CON) fed with different diets (n6/n3 ratio: ≈ 1, n6/n3 ratio: ≈60, CON n6/n3 ratio: ≈7). Significantly higher values of alkaline phosphatase (AP) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and lower levels for triglyceride and albumin were noticed in both STZ treated groups compared to the control. The values for blood urea nitrogen (BUN) were increased in only the STZ-N3 group compared to the control (P<0.05). The values for the total bilirubin (P<0.05) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (P<0.05) were higher in only the STZ-N6 group compared to the control. In addition,the STZ-N3 group had lower albumin values compared to the STZ-N6 group (P < 0.001). Corticosterone values did not significantly differ among all three experimental groups indicating similar levels of stress. In conclusion, the n6/n3 ratio significantly influences blood biochemical parameters in STZ-treated rats. Nevertheless, neither the n6/n3 ratio nor blood sampling and handling influences corticosterone values, which proved the validity of the STZ-induced rodent model of diabetes mellitus in the experimental conditions described.Pokus je proveden kako bi se istražio utjecaj udjela n6/n3 u hrani na biokemijske pokazatelje i vrijednost kortikosterona u serumu štakora kojima je primjenom streptozotocina uzrokovan dijabetes. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 15 mužjaka štakora Wistar podijeljenih u tri skupine: dvije skupine dijabetičara i kontrolnu skupinu (STZ-N3, STZ-N6, CON). Svaka je skupina hranjena različitim udjelom n3/n6: STZ-N3 udjelom n6/n3 ≈ 1, STZ-N6 udjelom n6/n3 ≈ 60, CON udjelom n6/n3 ≈ 7. U objema pokusnim skupinima utvrđene su znakovito više vrijednosti alkalne fosfataze (AP) i betahidroksimaslačne kiseline (BHB) te niže vrijednosti triglicerida i albumina u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Vrijednosti glukoze (BUN) bile su povišene samo u skupini STZ-N3 u odnosu na kontrolnu (P < 0,05). Vrijednosti ukupnog bilirubina (P < 0,05) i alanine-transferaze (ALT) (P<0,05) bile su više samo u skupini STZ-N6 u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Skupina STZ-N3 imala je nižu vrijednost albumina u odnosu na skupinu STZ-N6 (P < 0,001). Vrijednost kortikosterona nije se znakovito razlikovala među skupinama posredno dokazujući da među njima postoji slična razina stresa. Zaključno, omjer n3/n6 u hrani utjecao je na određene biokemijske pokazatelje u krvi štakora tretiranih streptozotocinom. No omjer n3/ n6, postupak uzorkovanja krvi i baratanje štakorima nisu utjecali na vrijednosti kortikosterona čime je dokazana valjanost animalnog modela sa streptozotocinom uzrokovanom šećernom bolešću u opisanim uvjetima pokusa

    Effect of structure of polymers grafted from graphene oxide on the compatibility of particles with a silicone-based environment and the stimuli-responsive capabilities of their composites

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    This study reports the utilization of controlled radical polymerization as a tool for controlling the stimuli-responsive capabilities of graphene oxide (GO) based hybrid systems. Various polymer brushes with controlled molecular weight and narrow molecular weight distribution were grafted from the GO surface by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP). The modification of GO with poly(n-butyl methacrylate) (PBMA), poly(glycidyl methacrylate) (PGMA), poly(trimethylsilyloxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMATMS) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was confirmed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) coupled with online Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Various grafting densities of GO-based materials were investigated, and conductivity was elucidated using a four-point probe method. Raman shift and XPS were used to confirm the reduction of surface properties of the GO particles during SI-ATRP. The contact angle measurements indicated the changes in the compatibility of GOs with silicone oil, depending on the structure of the grafted polymer chains. The compatibility of the GOs with poly(dimethylsiloxane) was also investigated using steady shear rheology. The tunability of the electrorheological, as well as the photo-actuation capability, was investigated. It was shown that in addition to the modification of conductivity, the dipole moment of the pendant groups of the grafted polymer chains also plays an important role in the electrorheological (ER) performance. The compatibility of the particles with the polymer matrix, and thus proper particles dispersibility, is the most important factor for the photo-actuation efficiency. The plasticizing effect of the GO-polymer hybrid filler also has a crucial impact on the matrix stiffness and thus the ability to reversibly respond to the external light stimulation.Grant Agency of the Czech RepublicGrant Agency of the Czech Republic [16-20361Y]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic program NPU I [LO1504]; Research & Innovation Operational Programme - ERDF [313021T081]; project VEGAVedecka grantova agentura MSVVaS SR a SAV (VEGA) [2/0129/19]; European UnionEuropean Union (EU) [CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_027/0008464]; Operational Program Research and Development for innovations; European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)European Union (EU); national budget of Czech Republic within project CPS -strengthening research capacity [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0409]; National Science Centre, Poland [UMO-2016/23/P/ST5/02131]; European Unions' Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant [665778

    Mechanismus zvedání trubky dávkovače

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