6 research outputs found

    Ład prawny według Hobbesa i Kanta

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    The paper aims at comparing two concepts of legal order: retributive and utilitarian one. Kant turns out to be a typical representative of the first one; Hobbes represents the second. The main point of the argument is: what is the aim of punishment? Utilitarists think that the purpose of the penalty is to reduce the number of crimes. Proponents of the retributive theory stress the enforcement of justice as the main point of punishment. In the end the author tries to answer the question if supernaturalistic antropology is necessary as a foundation of retributive theory of punishment

    Teodycea a logika modalna. Bogusława Wolniewicza polemika z krytyką teodycei u Pierre’a Bayle’a

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    The essay aims at presenting original ideas of Bogusław Wolniewicz in the field of modal logic, which improve the traditional theodicy, criticized by Pierre Bayle. The classical theodicy attempts to reconcile divine omnipotence and God’s goodness. According to classical theodicy both of these elements can be reconciled, because evil is not the work of God, but a work of man – freedom is in fact necessary for a man so that he could do good, but to do good, a person automatically has to be able to do the evil (understood morally, not physically). Bayle’s argument says that freedom implies the possibility of evil and it does not imply its existence, and this means that evil can be avoided even with the assumption of freedom. Wolniewicz tries to refute that argument. He quotes a little known definitions of possibility derived from the logic of Megarian. It turns out to be an inspiration for him to introduce an original definition of possibility – “what is possible = what happened or what will happen in the future.” With this interpretation of possibility classic theodicy seems to be efficient.Referat ma na celu zaprezentowanie oryginalnych pomysłów Bogusława Wolniewicza z dziedziny logiki modalnej, które służą usprawnieniu tradycyjnej teodycei, krytykowanej przez Pierre'a Bayle'a. Klasyczna teodycea stara się pogodzić boską wszechmoc z bożą dobrocią. Według klasycznej teodycei oba te elementy dają się pogodzić, ponieważ zło nie jest dziełem Boga, lecz człowieka – wolność jest bowiem konieczna dla człowieka, aby ten mógł czynić dobro, ale aby czynić dobro, człowiek automatycznie musi móc czynić także zło (rozumiane moralnie, nie fizycznie). Argumentacja Bayle'a mówi natomiast, że choć wolność implikuje możliwość zła, to nie implikuje jednak jego istnienia, a to oznacza, że zła można uniknąć nawet przy założeniu wolności. Wolniewicz stara się obalić tę argumentację. W tym celu przywołuje on mało znane definicje możliwości wywodzące się z logiki megarejskiej, które dostarczają inspiracji do wprowadzenia oryginalnej definicji możliwości – „to co możliwe = to, co się zdarzyło lub to co zdarzy się w przyszłości". Przy takiej interpretacji modalnej teodycea klasyczna wydaje się być sprawn

    Teodycea a logika modalna. Bogusława Wolniewicza polemika z krytyką teodycei u Pierre’a Balye’a

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    The essay aims at presenting original ideas of Bogusław Wolniewicz in the field of modal logic, which improve the traditional theodicy, criticized by Pierre Bayle. The classical theodicy attempts to reconcile divine omnipotence and God’s goodness. According to classical theodicy both of these elements can be reconciled, because evil is not the work of God, but a work of man – freedom is in fact necessary for a man so that he could do good, but to do good, a person automatically has to be able to do the evil (understood morally, not physically). Bayle’s argument says that freedom implies the possibility of evil and it does not imply its existence, and this means that evil can be avoided even with the assumption of freedom. Wolniewicz tries to refute that argument. He quotes a little known definitions of possibility derived from the logic of Megarian. It turns out to be an inspiration for him to introduce an original definition of possibility – “what is possible = what happened or what will happen in the future.” With this interpretation of possibility classic theodicy seems to be efficient

    Geoproduct potential analysis based on the example of the GEOsfera Ecological and Geological Education Center in Jaworzno

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    At the time of discovering and exposing the scientific and educational potential of areas where mineral resources were exploited in the past, they have become a significant element in tourism elements. In the presented paper, the potential of the GEOsfera Ecological and Geological Education Centre in Jaworzno as a geoproduct was analysed. In the first part of the study, based on the published works and consultations with experts, the “geoproduct” was defined. Then the area, where the GEOsphere is located, was characterized. Its geology, the natural world, the way of land development and the promotion of geo-attractions located in this area are described. In the next stage, an analysis of the opinions of users regarding their perception of the GEOsphere was carried out. For this purpose, evaluations posted on social media and the collected survey results were used. As shown by the results, the majority of users of the GEOsfera are residents of Jaworzno – 63% of the respondents. The importance of the GEOsphere as an educational centre was indicated by 22% of visitors. About 5% of the respondents mentioned learning and obtaining information from the descriptions placed next to the exhibits in the centre. 93% of respondents recognised the graduation tower as the greatest attraction of the GEOsphere. Over 92% of people noticed the recreational role of the GEOsphere. 81% of users declared that they were satisfied with their visit to the GEOsphere. More than half of the respondents (56%) visited the GEOsfera with their family. A significant part of respondents (42%), pointed to the role of environmental protection, which is extremely important from the point of view of geoproducts’ design. The respondents also indicated that the GEOsphere has numerous geological, natural and educational functions and protects and promotes the geological heritage of the region

    Geoproduct potential analysis based on the example of the GEOsfera Ecological and Geological Education Center in Jaworzno

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    At the time of discovering and exposing the scientific and educational potential of areas where mineral resources were exploited in the past, they have become a significant element in tourism elements. In the presented paper, the potential of the GEOsfera Ecological and Geological Education Centre in Jaworzno as a geoproduct was analysed. In the first part of the study, based on the published works and consultations with experts, the “geoproduct” was defined. Then the area, where the GEOsphere is located, was characterized. Its geology, the natural world, the way of land development and the promotion of geo-attractions located in this area are described. In the next stage, an analysis of the opinions of users regarding their perception of the GEOsphere was carried out. For this purpose, evaluations posted on social media and the collected survey results were used. As shown by the results, the majority of users of the GEOsfera are residents of Jaworzno – 63% of the respondents. The importance of the GEOsphere as an educational centre was indicated by 22% of visitors. About 5% of the respondents mentioned learning and obtaining information from the descriptions placed next to the exhibits in the centre. 93% of respondents recognised the graduation tower as the greatest attraction of the GEOsphere. Over 92% of people noticed the recreational role of the GEOsphere. 81% of users declared that they were satisfied with their visit to the GEOsphere. More than half of the respondents (56%) visited the GEOsfera with their family. A significant part of respondents (42%), pointed to the role of environmental protection, which is extremely important from the point of view of geoproducts’ design. The respondents also indicated that the GEOsphere has numerous geological, natural and educational functions and protects and promotes the geological heritage of the region. W dobie odkrywania i eksponowania potencjału naukowego i edukacyjnego terenów, na których w przeszłości prowadzono eksploatację surowców, stają się one znaczącymi obiektami turystycznymi. W prezentowanej pracy dokonano analizy potencjału Centrum Edukacji Ekologiczno-Geologicznej GEOsfera w Jaworznie, zlokalizowanego na terenie wyrobiska surowców skalnych, jako geoproduktu. W pierwszej części opracowania, opierając się na dostępnych pracach publikowanych i konsultacjach z ekspertami, zdefiniowano „geoprodukt” oraz określono kryteria, jakie powinien spełniać. Następnie opisano teren, na którym zlokalizowana jest GEOsfera, uwzględniając geologię, elementy przyrody ożywionej oraz sposób zagospodarowania terenu i promowania geoatrakcji, które się tam znajdują. Na kolejnym etapie przeprowadzono analizę opinii użytkowników w zakresie postrzegania przez nich GEOsfery. Do tego celu wykorzystano oceny zamieszczone w mediach społecznościowych i zgromadzone wyniki badań ankietowych. Wykazały one, że większość spośród badanych użytkowników GEOsfery to mieszkańcy Jaworzna, którzy stanowili 63% ankietowanych. Znaczenie GEOsfery jako istotnego ośrodka edukacyjnego wskazało 22% odwiedzających. Około 5% pytanych doceniło uczenie się i pozyskiwanie informacji z opisów umieszczonych na tablicach obok eksponatów na terenie ośrodka. Jako największą atrakcję terenu GEOsfery 93% ankietowanych wskazało tężnię solankową. Ponad 92% respondentów dostrzegło rekreacyjną rolę GEOsfery i dogodne warunki do aktywnego spędzania czasu. 81% badanych zadeklarowało zadowolenie z wizyty. Ponad połowa respondentów (56%) odwiedziła GEOsferę z rodziną. Znaczna część ankietowanych (42%) zwróciła uwagę na znaczenie ochrony środowiska w funkcjonowaniu GEOsfery, co jest niezwykle ważną informacją przydatną podczas projektowania geoproduktu. Użytkownicy, którzy wzięli udział w badaniu, wskazali również, że GEOsfera ma liczne walory geologiczne, przyrodnicze i edukacyjne oraz chroni i promuje dziedzictwo geologiczne regionu

    Vladimir Jankélévitch – “Penser la mort?”

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    The article aims at reviewing Vladimir Jankélévitch’s book entitled “Penser la mort?” which is the only book of this author available in Polish translation. In the first part of the text the author tries to describe the views of Jankélévitch and emphasize their importance for the contemporary phi-losophy. Jankélévitch turns out to be a typical representative of the so-called philosophie de l’esprit . This classification is the starting point for further reflection and allows to look in the right way at the statements contained in the reviewed book. In the second part the author tries to polemicize with some thesies of Jankélévitch (relating to the problems of birth and death, the definition of religion and many different problems in the fields of philosophical anthropology and bioethics). The point of the text is (according to “Penser la mort?”) that the philosophical investigations of Jankélévitch seem to be not considered enough