830 research outputs found

    Phenomenology of chiral damping in noncentrosymmetric magnets

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    A phenomenology of magnetic chiral damping is proposed in the context of magnetic materials lacking inversion symmetry breaking. We show that the magnetic damping tensor adopts a general form that accounts for a component linear in magnetization gradient in the form of Lifshitz invariants. We propose different microscopic mechanisms that can produce such a damping in ferromagnetic metals, among which spin pumping in the presence of anomalous Hall effect and an effective "ss-dd" Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya antisymmetric exchange. The implication of this chiral damping in terms of domain wall motion is investigated in the flow and creep regimes. These predictions have major importance in the context of field- and current-driven texture motion in noncentrosymmetric (ferro-, ferri-, antiferro-)magnets, not limited to metals.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Urban growth, regeneration and social inclusion in Porto Alegre: the City Entrance Integrated Programme case study

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    Since 1989 Porto Alegre has become an international reference for planning (UN Habitat, 1996) and regeneration practices associated also with the Participatory Budget process (Pacheco, 2001; Fedozzi, 1998), aiming at poverty reduction and social inclusiveness (Getúlio Vargas Foundation, 2004; UNDP, 2003; UN/UMP, 2003). Within the new city masterplan approved in 1999 the City Entrance Integrated Programme (henceforth PIEC) has been delivered since 2002 (Vargas, 2003; PMPA, 2014). The paper critically analyses the outcomes of the 4th District’s regeneration process and relate them to recent trends in terms of informal rapid urbanisation, social and ecological indicators. The findings highlight how, even though enjoying economic development and positive macro-economic trends, Porto Alegre is facing new or increasing challenges in terms of housing needs, informal urbanisation, social and environmental resilience. Unexpected internal people displacement, together with real estate speculation and the rise of new informal urbanization, provide a worrying picture of increasing inequalities across the city. The paper provides a reflection on the shortcomings and the fragility of the planning process, especially in terms of social and environmental impact, to draw some provisional conclusions and directions for further research activities

    Current induced domain wall dynamics in the presence of spin orbit torques

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    Current induced domain wall (DW) motion in perpendicularly magnetized nanostripes in the presence of spin orbit torques is studied. We show using micromagnetic simulations that the direction of the current induced DW motion and the associated DW velocity depend on the relative values of the field like torque (FLT) and the Slonczewski like torques (SLT). The results are well explained by a collective coordinate model which is used to draw a phase diagram of the DW dynamics as a function of the FLT and the SLT. We show that a large increase in the DW velocity can be reached by a proper tuning of both torques.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Al-Substitution Effects on Physical Properties of the Colossal Magnetoresistance Compouns La0.67ca0.33mno3

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    We present a detailed study of the polycrystalline perovskite manganites La0.67Ca0.33AlxMn1-xO3 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.5) at low temperatures and high magnetic fields, including electrical resistance, magnetization, ac susceptibility. The static magnetic susceptibility was also measured up to 1000 K. All the samples show colossal magnetoresistance behavior and the Curie temperatures decrease with Al doping. The data suggest the presence of correlated magnetic clusters near by the ferromagnetic transition. This appears to be a consequence of the structural and magnetic disorder created by the random distribution of Al atoms.Comment: 13 pages including 5 figure

    Fedosov Quantization of Lagrange-Finsler and Hamilton-Cartan Spaces and Einstein Gravity Lifts on (Co) Tangent Bundles

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    We provide a method of converting Lagrange and Finsler spaces and their Legendre transforms to Hamilton and Cartan spaces into almost Kaehler structures on tangent and cotangent bundles. In particular cases, the Hamilton spaces contain nonholonomic lifts of (pseudo) Riemannian / Einstein metrics on effective phase spaces. This allows us to define the corresponding Fedosov operators and develop deformation quantization schemes for nonlinear mechanical and gravity models on Lagrange- and Hamilton-Fedosov manifolds.Comment: latex2e, 11pt, 35 pages, v3, accepted to J. Math. Phys. (2009

    High domain wall velocities induced by current in ultrathin Pt/Co/AlOx wires with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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    Current-induced domain wall (DW) displacements in an array of ultrathin Pt/Co/AlOx wires with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy have been directly observed by wide field Kerr microscopy. DWs in all wires in the array were driven simultaneously and their displacement on the micrometer-scale was controlled by the current pulse amplitude and duration. At the lower current densities where DW displacements were observed (j less than or equal to 1.5 x 10^12 A/m^2), the DW motion obeys a creep law. At higher current density (j = 1.8 x 10^12 A/m^2), zero-field average DW velocities up to 130 +/- 10 m/s were recorded.Comment: Minor changes to Fig. 1(b) and text, correcting for the fact that domain walls were subsequently found to move counter to the electron flow. References update

    Domain wall tilting in the presence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in out-of-plane magnetized magnetic nanotracks

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    We show that the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) can lead to a tilting of the domain wall (DW) surface in perpendicularly magnetized magnetic nanotracks when DW dynamics is driven by an easy axis magnetic field or a spin polarized current. The DW tilting affects the DW dynamics for large DMI and the tilting relaxation time can be very large as it scales with the square of the track width. The results are well explained by an analytical model based on a Lagrangian approach where the DMI and the DW tilting are included. We propose a simple way to estimate the DMI in a magnetic multilayers by measuring the dependence of the DW tilt angle on a transverse static magnetic field. Our results shed light on the current induced DW tilting observed recently in Co/Ni multilayers with inversion asymmetry, and further support the presence of DMI in these systems.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 1 Supplementary Material

    Electric-field control of domain wall nucleation and pinning in a metallic ferromagnet

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    The electric (E) field control of magnetic properties opens the prospects of an alternative to magnetic field or electric current activation to control magnetization. Multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) have proven to be particularly sensitive to the influence of an E-field due to the interfacial origin of their anisotropy. In these systems, E-field effects have been recently applied to assist magnetization switching and control domain wall (DW) velocity. Here we report on two new applications of the E-field in a similar material : controlling DW nucleation and stopping DW propagation at the edge of the electrode

    Magnetic domain wall motion in a nanowire: depinning and creep

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    The domain wall motion in a magnetic nanowire is examined theoretically in the regime where the domain wall driving force is weak and its competition against disorders is assisted by thermal agitations. Two types of driving forces are considered; magnetic field and current. While the field induces the domain wall motion through the Zeeman energy, the current induces the domain wall motion by generating the spin transfer torque, of which effects in this regime remain controversial. The spin transfer torque has two mutually orthogonal vector components, the adiabatic spin transfer torque and the nonadiabatic spin transfer torque. We investigate separate effects of the two components on the domain wall depinning rate in one-dimensional systems and on the domain wall creep velocity in two-dimensional systems, both below the Walker breakdown threshold. In addition to the leading order contribution coming from the field and/or the nonadiabatic spin transfer torque, we find that the adiabatic spin transfer torque generates corrections, which can be of relevance for an unambiguous analysis of experimental results. For instance, it is demonstrated that the neglect of the corrections in experimental analysis may lead to incorrect evaluation of the nonadiabaticity parameter. Effects of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling on the domain wall motion are also analyzed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure