12 research outputs found

    Anemija kronične bolesti: bolest ili adaptivni mehanizam

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    The anemia of chronic disease (ACD) is the most prevalent anemia after iron deficiency anemia. It is associated with infectious, inflammatory and neoplastic disease. ACD is a medical condition caused by the release of cytokines which mediate inflammatory and immune response (tumor necrosis factor, interleukins 1 and 6, and interferon). Abnormal iron metabolism with iron trapping in reticuloendothelial cells is primarily the cause of this condition, making iron unavailable for erythropoiesis although iron tissue reserves are elevated. Disorder in erythropoietin secretion and shortening of red cell life span also play a role in the pathogenesis of ACD. The main therapy is treatment of the underlying disorder and red cell transfusions in severe anemia. In more severe (protracted) anemias that lead to impaired quality of life and have an impact on the mortality and survival rate, erythropoiesis stimulating agents are used. Recently, new possibilities are being evaluated in terms of therapy for ACD in defined conditions, such as chelating agents, as well as hepcidin antagonist and other erythropoiesis stimulating agents.Anemija kronične bolesti je iza sideropenične anemije najraÅ”irenija vrsta anemije. Pojavljuje se uz infekcije, upale i zloćudne bolesti. Nastaje kao posljedica lučenja upalnih citokina koji posreduju u upalnom i imunom odgovoru (faktor nekroze tumora, inteleukin-1 i interferoni). Glavni poremećaj se sastoji u poremećenom metabolizmu željeza koje ostaje zarobljeno u stanicama retikuloendotelnog sustava i nije na raspolaganju eritropoezi iako ga u tkivnim rezervama ima u suviÅ”ku. Također je poremećeno lučenje eritropoetina i skraćen je poluživot eritrocita. Liječenje se sastoji u terapiji osnovne bolesti, transfuzijama eritrocita kod teže anemije, a kod dugotrajnih anemija koje ugrožavaju kavalitetu života i imaju utjecaj na ukupnu smrtnost i možda preživljenje terapija se po određenim definiranim uvjetima može provoditi tvarima koje stimuliraju eritropoezu. U novije vrijeme se razmatraju i druge mogućnosti liječenja poput kelirajućih tvari

    Visoka stopa uspjeÅ”nog liječenja zloćudnih limfoma u djece

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    Malignant diseases are one of the most common causes of mortality in children in Europe and America. In the past ten years, considerable advancement has been achieved in both the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, malignant lymphoma in particular. With the introduction of new therapeutic modalities (new combinations of cytostatics, radiotherapy, surgery, monoclonal antibodies, and bone marrow transplantation), a high rate of long-term remission and recovery is now possible to achieve.Maligne bolesti su jedan od vodećih uzroka smrtnosti djece u Europi i Americi. Posljednjih desetak godina učinjen je bitan napredak kako u dijagnostici tako i u njihovom liječenju, naročito u liječenju malignih limfoma. Uvođenjem novih metoda liječenja (nove kombinacije citostatika, zračenja, kirurÅ”kog zahvata, monoklonskih antitijela te transplantacije koÅ”tane srži) i u ovih bolesnika danas je moguće postići visok postotak dugotrajnih remisija i izlječenja

    FNA based diagnosis of head and neck nodal lymphoma [CitomorfoloŔka dijagnoza limfoma u području glave i vrata]

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    Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy has become a well established technique in the diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of patients with head and neck lesions. As in lymphoma diagnostics, FNA serves as a screening method in evaluating potentially affected lymph node for open or core biopsy. According to the World Health Organization classification of lymphoid neoplasms, today it is important to recognize cell morphology and reveal its phenotype, then combine it with different genotypic information and clinical data to provide appropriate therapy. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of FNA and immunocytochemistry based lymphoma diagnostic in head and neck region. We conducted a retrospective study during a period of three years where cases with either FNA diagnosis or clinical suspicion of newly recognized or relapsing lymphoma were reviewed. In the study were included patients that were referred to our laboratory from hematology department, in whom head and neck lymphadenopathia was found and lymph node FNA preceded other procedures. Two hundred eighty-five aspirations from 248 patients fulfilled study criteria. Adequate specimens were diagnosed as lymphoma in 100 cases (36%), in 65 male and 35 female patients, 76 in patients with newly discovered disease and 24 in patients with prior lymphoma diagnosis. Overall sensitivity of FNA specimens in the diagnosis of head and neck lymphomas was 90%, specificity 88%, predictive value of a positive result 97%, and predictive value of negative result 61%. Based on our results FNA corroborated with immunophenotyping by immunocytochemistry can be method of choice in primary lymphoma diagnosis as a method complementary to histopathology in lymphoma diagnostics

    Apoptosis of Leukemic Cells: A Case Report

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    Transformation of leukemic cells is associated with delay in maturation and in apoptosis, and to altered responsiveness to growth factors. However, some studies have revealed that Fas (CD95/APO1) which mediates apoptotic signal and decrease of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 are frequently observed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) M4/M5 leukemic cells. The aim of the study was to compare cytomorphology and cytochemistry of bone marrow (BM) apoptotic leukemic cells to preserved peripheral blood (PB) leukemic cells in our patient, a 76-year-old man with AML-M5b treated at Zagreb University Hospital Center. BM and PB of the AL patient were analyzed after Pappenheim and cytochemical stainings, and leukemic cells were classified according to FAB and WHO classification. Analysis of PB revealed leukocytosis and 80ā€“90% monocytic cells (46% monoblasts, 29% promonocytes and 11% monocytes). Only a few preserved monoblasts and promonocytes were found in BM, together with numerous morphologically altered cells with characteristic chromatin condensation and pyknosis of nucleus, as well as nuclear fragmentation and formation of apoptotic bodies. Thus, cytomorphology of PB leukemic cells pointed to proliferation of immature monocytic cells, and cytomorphology of BM to cell apoptosis. Cytochemistry of PB monocytic cells and BM apoptotic cells confirmed monocytic cell lineage because esterase was strongly positive in almost all BM apoptotic leukemic cells and PB leukemic cells, and esterase was completely inhibited with sodium fluoride. On the basis of these findings, AML-M5b was diagnosed in our patient. There are many possible explanations for our observation of BM leukemic cell apoptosis in a patient with AML-M5. The most reliable one is that apoptosis was induced ex vivo after BM aspiration in course of the air drying of BM specimen before staining. Mass BM leukemic cell apoptosis that was recorded in contrast to numerous preserved leukemic cells in PK could be probably connected to unfavorable ratio of relatively low concentration of cytokines in relation to high leukemic cell number in BM aspirated cytologic specimen

    FNA Based Diagnosis of Head and Neck Nodal Lymphoma

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    Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy has become a well established technique in the diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of patients with head and neck lesions. As in lymphoma diagnostics, FNA serves as a screening method in evaluating potentially affected lymph node for open or core biopsy. According to the World Health Organization classification of lymphoid neoplasms, today it is important to recognize cell morphology and reveal its phenotype, then combine it with different genotypic information and clinical data to provide appropriate therapy. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of FNA and immunocytochemistry based lymphoma diagnostic in head and neck region. We conducted a retrospective study during a period of three years where cases with either FNA diagnosis or clinical suspicion of newly recognized or relapsing lymphoma were reviewed. In the study were included patients that were referred to our laboratory from hematology department, in whom head and neck lymphadenopathia was found and lymph node FNA preceded other procedures. Two hundred eighty-five aspirations from 248 patients fulfilled study criteria. Adequate specimens were diagnosed as lymphoma in 100 cases (36%), in 65 male and 35 female patients, 76 in patients with newly discovered disease and 24 in patients with prior lymphoma diagnosis. Overall sensitivity of FNA specimens in the diagnosis of head and neck lymphomas was 90%, specificity 88%, predictive value of a positive result 97%, and predictive value of negative result 61%. Based on our results FNA corroborated with immunophenotyping by immunocytochemistry can be method of choice in primary lymphoma diagnosis as a method complementary to histopathology in lymphoma diagnostics

    FNA Based Diagnosis of Head and Neck Nodal Lymphoma

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    Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy has become a well established technique in the diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of patients with head and neck lesions. As in lymphoma diagnostics, FNA serves as a screening method in evaluating potentially affected lymph node for open or core biopsy. According to the World Health Organization classification of lymphoid neoplasms, today it is important to recognize cell morphology and reveal its phenotype, then combine it with different genotypic information and clinical data to provide appropriate therapy. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of FNA and immunocytochemistry based lymphoma diagnostic in head and neck region. We conducted a retrospective study during a period of three years where cases with either FNA diagnosis or clinical suspicion of newly recognized or relapsing lymphoma were reviewed. In the study were included patients that were referred to our laboratory from hematology department, in whom head and neck lymphadenopathia was found and lymph node FNA preceded other procedures. Two hundred eighty-five aspirations from 248 patients fulfilled study criteria. Adequate specimens were diagnosed as lymphoma in 100 cases (36%), in 65 male and 35 female patients, 76 in patients with newly discovered disease and 24 in patients with prior lymphoma diagnosis. Overall sensitivity of FNA specimens in the diagnosis of head and neck lymphomas was 90%, specificity 88%, predictive value of a positive result 97%, and predictive value of negative result 61%. Based on our results FNA corroborated with immunophenotyping by immunocytochemistry can be method of choice in primary lymphoma diagnosis as a method complementary to histopathology in lymphoma diagnostics

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Apoptosis of leukemic cells: a case report [Apoptoza leukemijskih stanica - prikaz bolesnika]

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    Transformation of leukemic cells is associated with delay in maturation and in apoptosis, and to altered responsiveness to growth factors. However, some studies have revealed that Fas (CD95/APO1) which mediates apoptotic signal and decrease of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 are frequently observed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) M4/M5 leukemic cells. The aim of the study was to compare cytomorphology and cytochemistry of bone marrow (BM) apoptotic leukemic cells to preserved peripheral blood (PB) leukemic cells in our patient, a 76-year-old man with AML-M5b treated at Zagreb University Hospital Center. BM and PB of the AL patient were analyzed after Pappenheim and cytochemical stainings, and leukemic cells were classified according to FAB and WHO classification. Analysis of PB revealed leukocytosis and 80-90% monocytic cells (46% monoblasts, 29% promonocytes and 11% monocytes). Only a few preserved monoblasts and promonocytes were found in BM, together with numerous morphologically altered cells with characteristic chromatin condensation and pyknosis of nucleus, as well as nuclear fragmentation and formation of apoptotic bodies. Thus, cytomorphology of PB leukemic cells pointed to proliferation of immature monocytic cells, and cytomorphology of BM to cell apoptosis. Cytochemistry of PB monocytic cells and BM apoptotic cells confirmed monocytic cell lineage because esterase was strongly positive in almost all BM apoptotic leukemic cells and PB leukemic cells, and esterase was completely inhibited with sodium fluoride. On the basis of these findings, AML-M5b was diagnosed in our patient. There are many possible explanations for our observation of BM leukemic cell apoptosis in a patient with AML-M5. The most reliable one is that apoptosis was induced ex vivo after BM aspiration in course of the air drying of BM specimen before staining. Mass BM leukemic cell apoptosis that was recorded in contrast to numerous preserved leukemic cells in PK could be probably connected to unfavorable ratio of relatively low concentration of cytokines in relation to high leukemic cell number in BM aspirated cytologic specimen

    Chemometric waters analysis of Osijek-Baranja County water-wells

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    Na području Osječko-Baranjske županije, na povrÅ”ini od 4152 km2, nalaze se 264 naselja. Voda za ljudsku potroÅ”nju lokalnom stanovniÅ”tvu osigurava se iz 21 županijskog vodocrpiliÅ”ta. Cilj ovog rada bio je primjenom metoda deskriptivne statističke analize obraditi podatke dobivene jednogodiÅ”njim monitoringom navedenih vodocrpiliÅ”ta te utvrditi korelaciju među vrijednostima analiziranih parametara. Statistička analiza pokazuju vrlo ujednačene vrijednosti temperature i pH vrijednosti u uzorcima vode ispitanih vodocrpiliÅ”ta dok vrijednosti koncentracije željeza, mangana, amonijaka i arsena te mutnoće i boje osciliraju. Izmjerene vrijednosti parametara kakvoće vode analizirane su i kemometrijskim metodama. Faktorskom analizom dobivena je korelacijska matrica koja prikazuje odnose među izmjerenim vrijednostima analiziranih svojstava i koncentracija. Klasterskom analizom kreirani su klasteri i dendrogram sa sličnim vrijednostima i promjenama u uzorcima. Analiza glavnih komponenti pokazala je 11 značajnih međusobnih veza i sličnosti između svojstava i koncentracija. Kumulativno, one uzrokuju 95, 76 % varijabilnosti unutar analiziranog seta podataka i utječu na međusobnu značajnu razliku u kemizmu sirovih voda Osječko-baranjske županija.The Osijek-Baranja County, with the surface of 4152 km2, have 264 settlements wich are supplied with drinking water obtained from 21 water-wells. In this paper, the results of descriptive statistical analysis reveal the basic characteristics of groundwater samples. The results show uniform values of temperature and pH in water samples. By comparing of the results and the prescribed permissible values, elevated concentrations of iron, manganese, ammonia and arsenic were found, as well as elevated values of turbidity and color in certain samples. The measured values of water qualiy were also analyzed by chemometric methods. Factor analysis yields a correlation matrix showing relationships between measured values of analyzed properties and concentrations. Aplication of cluster analysis resulted shown clusters on dendrogram with similar values and changes in water samples. The analysis of major components revealed 11 significant relationships and similarities between properties and concentrations. Cumulatively, they cause 95.76% variability within the analyzed data set and because of that, groundwater samples in Osijek-Baranja County differ significantly among them

    Evaluation of chemical status of Kopački rit surface water bodies through analysis of selected heavy metals through one-year period

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    Močvarni ekosustavi predstavljaju najproduktivnije ekosustave na Zemlji. Zbog izmjene suhe i vlažne faze osiguravaju raznolikost ekoloÅ”kih uvjeta na istom staniÅ”tu te podržavaju veliku bioraznolikost flore i faune. Dinamika plavljenja Kopačkog rita posljedica je njegovog geografskog smjeÅ”taja na području uŔća Drave u Dunav. Kemijsko stanje povrÅ”inske vode utvrđuje se na temelju prosječne (PGK) i maksimalne godiÅ”nje koncentracije (MGK). TeÅ”ki metali ubrajaju se u grupu najopasnijih anorganskih onečiŔćujućih tvari zbog bionerazgradivosti, bioakumulacije i zbog ugradnje u hranidbene mreže. Otopljeni u vodi nalaze se u ionskom obliku i ne mogu se bioloÅ”ki razgraditi, ali se mogu bioakumulirati. U sklopu projekta Naturavita na području Kopačkog rita provedeno je uzorkovanje i analiza žive, nikla, kadmija i olova te njihovih spojeva na 19 postaja kroz jednogodiÅ”nji period od 12 ciklusa. Prema rezultatima, za sve mjerne postaje izmjerene prosječne (PGK) i maksimalne godiÅ”nje koncentracije (MGK) ne prelaze SKVO iz Uredbe o standardu kakvoće vode (NN 96/2019) te je na svim postajama postignuto dobro kemijsko stanje.Wetlands are the most productive ecosystems on Earth. Due to the undergoing wet ā€“ dry cycles, they ensure the diversity of ecological conditions and support high biodiversity. The dynamics of the Kopački rit floodplain water regime is a consequence of its geographical location in the area of the Drava ā€“ Danube confluence. The chemical status of surface water is based on the annual average concentrations (AAC) of the substances and on the maximum annual concentration (MAC). Heavy metals are among the most dangerous inorganic pollutants due to biodegradability, bioaccumulation, toxicity and due to incorporation into food chains. Dissolved in water, they are in ionic form and non-biodegradable and tend to accumulate in living things in the process of bioaccumulation. As part of the Naturavita project in the Nature Park Kopački rit, sampling and analysis of mercury, nickel, cadmium, lead and their compounds were carried out at 19 locations through one-year period of 12 field survey cycles. According to the obtained results, at all sampling locations, the measured average (AAC) and maximum annual concentrations (MAC) do not exceed allowable concentration according to Regulation on water quality standard (OG 96/2019). Good chemical status has been achieved at all sampling locations