18 research outputs found

    Analiza flore PožeŔke kotline i okolnoga gorja

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    Researching the vascular flora of the Požega Valley and the surrounding mountains, altogether 1467 plant taxa were recorded. An analysis was made of which floral elements particular plant taxa belonged to, as well as an analysis of the life forms. In the vegetation cover of this area plants of the Eurasian floral element as well as European plants represent the major proportion. This shows that in the phytogeographical aspect this area belongs to the Eurosiberian-Northamerican region. According to life forms, vascular plants are distributed in the following numbers: H=650, T=355, G=148, P=209, Ch=70, Hy=33.Istraživanjem vaskularne flore PožeÅ”ke kotline i okolnoga gorja ukupno je zabilježeno i utvr|eno 1467 biljnih svojti. IzvrÅ”ena je analiza pripadnosti pojedinih biljnih svojti određenim flornim elementima, te analiza životnih oblika. U biljnom pokrovu ovoga područja najveću ulogu imaju biljke euroazijskog flornog elementa, kao i europske biljke. To ukazuje da ovo područje u biljnogeografskom pogledu pripada euroazijsko-sjevernoameričkoj regiji. Prema životnom obliku vaskularne biljke su zastupljene u slijedećem broju: H=650, T=355, G=148, P=209, Ch=70, Hy=33

    Contribution to the Flora of the Požega valley and surrounding Mountains (Croatia)

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    Florističkim istraživanjima na području PožeÅ”ke kotline i okolnoga gorja utvrđeno je joÅ” 179 vrsta vaskulame flore koje za to područje dosad nisu bile zabilježene. U ovom prilogu donesen je popis tih vrsta da bi se upotpunilo poznavanje flore PožeÅ”ke kotline i okolnoga gorja. Uključujući biljke iz ovoga priloga, dosad su za floru PožeÅ”ke kotline zabilježene 1232 vrste vaskularne flore.In research into the flora of the Požega Valley and the surrounding mountains, 179 taxa of vascular flora (TomaÅ”ević 1995) were established that were not registered in previous research. The list of these taxa has been included in the enclosure in order to round up the knowledge about Požega Valley flora. A total of 1232 taxa of vascular flora have been registered in this area

    The analysis of threatened taxa from Orchidaceae family in Požega valley and surrounding mountains

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    Na području PožeÅ”ke kotline i okolnoga gorja do sada je zabilježeno 1588 biljnih svojti vaskularne flore. U okviru porodice Orchidaceae utvrđeno je 36 svojti koje su raspoređene unutar 13 rodova. Među njima najbrojniji rodovi su: Orchis, Dactylorhiza i Ophrys. NajčeŔća staniÅ”ta na kojima se nalaze svojte orhideja u PožeÅ”koj kotlini i okolnom gorju su suhi paÅ”njaci, rubovi Å”uma i Å”ikara, te svjetle Å”ume. Terenskim istraživanjima tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine i usporedbom utvrđenih svojti s Crvenom knjigom vaskularne flore Hrvatske može se zaključiti da se u nekoj od kategorija ugroženosti nalaze 23 svojte (65,71%). Glavni razlozi njihove ugroženosti su neizravne posljedice, gubitak staniÅ”ta i promjene u agroekosustavu. Od zabilježenih svojti samo 6 se nalazi pod zakonskom zaÅ”titom. Dobiveni podaci o ugroženosti biljaka iz porodice Orchidaceae na području istraživanja navode na nastavak istraživanja kako bi se pravodobno poduzele potrebne mjere njihove zaÅ”tite.In the area of the Požega Valley and the surrounding mountains 1588 vascular plant taxa have been recorded so far. Thirty-six plant taxa of Orchidaceae family are members of 13 genera. The most abundant are Orchis, Dactylorhiza and Ophrys. Habitats that are most frequently occupied by orchid plant taxa in the Požega valley and the surrounding mountains are dry grasslands, forest and underbush edges, and bright forests. The results of field trials conducted in 2004 and 2005 were compared with the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia, inidicating that 23 plant taxa (65,71%) are threthened in some way. The main reasons for their status are indirect causes, such as loss of habitat, or changes in the agro-ecosystem. Only 6 out of all recorded plant taxa are legally protected. The obtained records on the endangerment of the Orchidaceae family in the investigated area call for further research, so that necessary plant protection measures could be implemented in a timely manner


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    The new media has changed the tourism and hospitality industry on many levels bringing an unprecedented change in the way consumers purchase the accommodation services. More and more consumers in a tourism industry use the new media in order to seek information and purchase. At the same time companies that sell accommodation services, or are intermediaries in their sales, are adapting and rapidly increasing an implementation of the new media in their business as a new and innovative channel of distribution. Use of the new media is therefore widely accepted by accommodation providers in a tourism today. This paper gives a brief review of main forms of the new media, which are used in purchasing and selling of the accommodation services, including web sites (and blogs), e-mail, social medias and mobile commerce. An empirical research have been conducted in order to investigate the role of the new media as a channel for distribution of accommodation services in tourism. Exploratory research used for survey a highly structured questionnaire answered by a sample of 102 respondents. The objective was to explore their experience and perspective of their use of the new media in seeking information and purchasing. According to the research, it can be concluded that the new media is the core and the key to a successful business, not only in the sale of accommodation services, but in the whole tourism and accommodation industry. As a result large share of the sales have moved to the new media as a dominant channel for distribution of such services


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    Florističkim istraživanjima požeÅ”koga gorja utvrđeno je nalaziÅ”te vrste Fritillaria orientalis Adams na grebenu Turjak, gospodarska jedinica Južni Papuk. Novim istraživanjima otkrivena je F. orientalis na grebenu PliÅ” (J. Papuk), zatim na grebenu Lukovačko brdo, gospodarska jedinica Krndija ā€“ Duzlučka planina, zapadno od kote 953, Veliki Papuk, gospodarska jedinica Zapadni Papuk, zatim na travnjaku, područje Mali Papuk, gospodarska jedinica Zapadni Papuk, nadmorska visina oko 800 m. Na tim nalaziÅ”tima vrsta raste na kamenjarskim travnjacima, na plitkim smeđim karbonatnim tlima, u sastavu Å”uma hrasta medunca. To su nova nalaziÅ”ta vrste u Hrvatskoj flori i čine sjevernu granicu areala te vrste u Hrvatskoj.The Floristic surveys of Pozega Mountains have identified the site of the species Fritillaria orientalis Adams on Turjak ridge within the management unit of South Papuk. In the latest surveys F. orientalis was discovered on the ridge Plish (South Papuk), then on the ridge of Lukovacko hill, management unit Krndija - Duzluk Mountain, west from 953 Hill, Veliki Papuk, management unit Western Papuk, on the altitude of about 800 m. On these sites the species grows on rocky grassland and shallow brown calcareous soils within the Pubescent oak woods. These are the new sites in Croatian flora and they represent the northern areal boundary of the species in Croatia

    Flora and Vegetation of Sovsko Lake

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    Sovsko jezero smjeÅ”teno je na sjevernim padinama Dilj-gore. Primjer je prirodnog jezera u brdsko-brežuljkastom području kontinentalne Hrvatske. PovrÅ”ina jezera iznosi oko 3.600 m2, a dubina u srediÅ”njem dijelu 8 ā€“ 10 m. Floristička istraživanja vrÅ”ena su u razdoblju 2007. ā€“ 2010. Jezero i uski obalni dijelovi odlikuju se bogatstvom flore i vegetacije. Zabilježeno je 175 vrsta vaskularne flore unutar 52 porodice i 126 rodova. U radu je obavljena taksonomska, ekoloÅ”ka i fitogeografska analiza (tablica 1, 2, 3). Taksonomska analiza ukazuje da od Pteridophyta ima 3 vrste (1,71%), na Magnoliopsida otpada 130 vrsta (74,85%), a na Liliopsida 42 vrste (24,00%) (tablica 1). Rezultati analize životnih oblika pokazuju da su među životnim oblicima najzastupljeniji hemikriptofiti s 94 vrste (54%), a zatim hidrofiti s 28 vrsta (16%) (tablica 2.). U fitogeografskoj analizi dominiraju biljke euroazijskog flornog elementa sa 60 vrsta (34,28%) te biljke Å”iroke rasprostranjenosti ā€“ 60 vrsta (34,28%) (tablica 3). Istraživanja vodenjarske i močvarne vegetacije pokazuju da se zajednice javljaju u 3 vegetacijska razreda, 7 redova, 7 sveza i u 11 zajednica (As. Lemno ā€“ Spirodeletum polyrrhizae, W. Koch, 1954., As. Lemnetum trisulcae, Knapp et Stoffers, 1962., As. Lemno-Utricularietum vulgaris, SoĆ³, 1947., As. Myriophyllo- Nupharetum, W. Koch, 1926., As. Phragmitetum australis, SoĆ³, 1927., As. Scirpetum lacustris, Schmale, 1939., As. Typhetum latifoliae, G. Lang, 1973., As. Typhetum angustifoliae, Pignatti, 1953., As. Caricetum ripariae, Knapp et Stoffers, 1962., As. Glycerietum fluitantis, Eggler, 1933., As. Oenantho aquaticae-Rorippetum amphibiae, Lohm., 1950.). Rezultati ovih istraživanja prilog su poznavanju flore i vegetacije na području Sovskog jezera te očuvanju prirodne baÅ”tine.Sovsko lake lies on the northern slope of Dilj-gora. It is an example of a natural lake in the mountainous hilly region of inland Croatia. Its area is around 3,6 hectares and depth in its middle part between 8 and 10 meters. Floristic research have been carried out in the period between 2007 and 2010. The lake itself and the narrow lake shore parts are characterized by rich flora and vegetation. 175 species of vascular flora within 52 families and 126 orders were recorded. This research covered taxonomic, ecological and phytogeograpic anaysis (Tables 1, 2, 3). Taxonomic analysis shows that there are 3 Pteridophyta species (1,71%), 130 Magnoliopsida species (74,85%) and 42 Liliopsida species (24%) (Table 1). The analysis of life forms shows that the most frequent one is hemicryptophytes with 94 species (54%), then hydrophytes with 28 species (16%) (Table 2). The phytogeographlc analysis is dominated by plants of Euroasian floral elements with 60 species (34,28%) and widespread plants with 60 species (34,28%) (Table 3). The research of water and marshland vegetation shows that associations apper in 3 vegetational classes, 7 orders, 7 alliances and 11 associations (As. Lemno - Spirodeletum polyrrhizae W. Koch 1954, As. Lemnetum trisulcae Knapp et Stoffers 1962, As. Lemno ā€“ Utricularietum vulgaris SoĆ³ 1947, As. Myriophyllo - Nupharetum W. Koch 1926, As. Phragmitetum australis SoĆ³ 1927, As. Scirpetum lacustris Schmale 1939, As. Typhetum latifoliae G. Lang 1973, As. Typhetum angustifoliae Pignatti 1953, As. Caricetum ripariae Knapp et Stoffers 1962, As. Glycerietum fluitantis Eggler 1933, As. Oenantho aquaticae ā€“ Rorippetum amphibiae Lohm. 1950). Results of this research contribute to knowledge on flora and vegetation in the area of Sovsko lake and protection of natural heritage

    LOCALITY OF THE SPECIES Iris croatica Horvat et Horvat, M. IN POZEGA VALLEY

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    Tijekom florističkih i fitocenoloÅ”kih istraživanja PožeÅ”ke kotline otkriveno je postojanje osjetljive (VU) i subendemske vrste Iris croatica Horvat et Horvat, M. Na nalaziÅ”tu je načinjen popis vrsta te su određeni ekoloÅ”ki faktori za svjetlost, temperaturu i vlažnost prema Ellenbergu. Novo nalaziÅ”te pokazuje da je vrsta rasprostranjena i istočnije od do sada poznatih nalaziÅ”ta u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj.During the floristic and phytocenological research in Požega Valley, a locality of vulnerable (VU) and subendemic species of Iris croatica Horvat et Horvat, M. has been discovered. Alongside locality, a list of plants that are dominant in the surrounding vegetation, and their indicator value of light, temperature and humidity according to Ellenberg is given. New locality shows that the species have spread more to the east from the localities in northwest Croatia than known until now


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    Globalno tržiÅ”te i brzi tempo promjena uzrokovan stalnim napretkom tehnologije postavljaju pred marketing nove izazove. U posljednja je dva desetljeća sve viÅ”e istaknut problem zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a i upravljanja otpadom rezultirao restriktivnijom zakonodavnom regulativom i pojavom ekoloÅ”ki svjesnih, tzv. ā€œzelenih potroÅ”ačaā€. Za većinu su domaćih poduzeća ekoloÅ”ke norme i mjere za zbrinjavanje otpada dodatni troÅ”ak, dok istovremeno primjeri iz razvijenoga svijeta pokazuju da mnoga poduzeća koja primjenjuju viÅ”e standarde zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a od propisanih, kreirajući pritom dodatnu vrijednost ponudom tzv. ā€œzelenihā€ proizvoda, Å”tede na troÅ”kovima pakiranja i, omogućujući ponovnu upotrebu i recikliranje odbačenih proizvoda, ostvaruju veće profite. Problem gospodarenja otpadom u Republici Hrvatskoj, veoma je zabrinjavajući, a uvjeti ugovora o članstvu u Europskoj uniji i propisi koji se unutar Unije već primjenjuju uključuju vrlo precizne i obvezujuće norme vezane uz ovu problematiku. Želeći potaknuti ekoloÅ”ku osjetljivost i veću uključenost domaćih poduzeća u rjeÅ”avanje problema zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a, autori u radu opisuju i predlažu primjenu tzv. ā€œkoopetitivnogā€ marketinÅ”kog modela, putem stvaranja mreže ā€œsuradnjeā€ u koju svaki sudionik - poslovni subjekt, bez obzira na konkurentsku tržiÅ”nu poziciju, ulaže dio raspoloživih internih resursa u stvaranje veće, zajedničke koristi, odnosno veće vrijednosti za sve sudionike. Za bolje razumijevanje rada bitno je istaknuti da su se autori usmjerili na obradu samo jednoga uskog dijela, od niza mogućih različitih aspekata i pristupa ovom ā€œlokalno-globalnomā€ problemu.Global market and fast pace of changes fueled by the constant advancement of technology faces marketing with a new challenge. In recent two decades the present problem of ecology and waste management have resulted with the more restrictive legal framework and emergence of ecologically conscious ā€“ ā€œgreen consumersā€. Most of the domestic companies consider ecological legislature and measures for waste management as an additional operating cost. Examples show that some of the organizations that apply additional standards of environmental concern create an additional value through the creation of the ā€œgreen productsā€. At the same time those organizations are saving on costs of packaging and through concepts such as reuse and recycling create larger profi ts. In the Republic of Croatia, waste management situation is very serious, while terms of membership for the European Union and legislature within the Union are very detailed and abiding. In order to increase ecological conscience and greater involvement of domestic companies in dealing with the problem of environmental protection, the authors suggest applying the so called co-opetative marketing model, through creation of co-operative networks in which every participant ā€“organization, regardless of competitive position on the market, invests part of itā€™s available internal resources in creating greater, mutual benefit, or value for all participants in the chain. For better understanding of this paper it is important to note that authors are focusing on only one of many aspects and approaches to this ā€œlocal-globalā€ problem


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    Globalno tržiÅ”te i brzi tempo promjena uzrokovan stalnim napretkom tehnologije postavljaju pred marketing nove izazove. U posljednja je dva desetljeća sve viÅ”e istaknut problem zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a i upravljanja otpadom rezultirao restriktivnijom zakonodavnom regulativom i pojavom ekoloÅ”ki svjesnih, tzv. ā€œzelenih potroÅ”ačaā€. Za većinu su domaćih poduzeća ekoloÅ”ke norme i mjere za zbrinjavanje otpada dodatni troÅ”ak, dok istovremeno primjeri iz razvijenoga svijeta pokazuju da mnoga poduzeća koja primjenjuju viÅ”e standarde zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a od propisanih, kreirajući pritom dodatnu vrijednost ponudom tzv. ā€œzelenihā€ proizvoda, Å”tede na troÅ”kovima pakiranja i, omogućujući ponovnu upotrebu i recikliranje odbačenih proizvoda, ostvaruju veće profite. Problem gospodarenja otpadom u Republici Hrvatskoj, veoma je zabrinjavajući, a uvjeti ugovora o članstvu u Europskoj uniji i propisi koji se unutar Unije već primjenjuju uključuju vrlo precizne i obvezujuće norme vezane uz ovu problematiku. Želeći potaknuti ekoloÅ”ku osjetljivost i veću uključenost domaćih poduzeća u rjeÅ”avanje problema zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a, autori u radu opisuju i predlažu primjenu tzv. ā€œkoopetitivnogā€ marketinÅ”kog modela, putem stvaranja mreže ā€œsuradnjeā€ u koju svaki sudionik - poslovni subjekt, bez obzira na konkurentsku tržiÅ”nu poziciju, ulaže dio raspoloživih internih resursa u stvaranje veće, zajedničke koristi, odnosno veće vrijednosti za sve sudionike. Za bolje razumijevanje rada bitno je istaknuti da su se autori usmjerili na obradu samo jednoga uskog dijela, od niza mogućih različitih aspekata i pristupa ovom ā€œlokalno-globalnomā€ problemu.Global market and fast pace of changes fueled by the constant advancement of technology faces marketing with a new challenge. In recent two decades the present problem of ecology and waste management have resulted with the more restrictive legal framework and emergence of ecologically conscious ā€“ ā€œgreen consumersā€. Most of the domestic companies consider ecological legislature and measures for waste management as an additional operating cost. Examples show that some of the organizations that apply additional standards of environmental concern create an additional value through the creation of the ā€œgreen productsā€. At the same time those organizations are saving on costs of packaging and through concepts such as reuse and recycling create larger profi ts. In the Republic of Croatia, waste management situation is very serious, while terms of membership for the European Union and legislature within the Union are very detailed and abiding. In order to increase ecological conscience and greater involvement of domestic companies in dealing with the problem of environmental protection, the authors suggest applying the so called co-opetative marketing model, through creation of co-operative networks in which every participant ā€“organization, regardless of competitive position on the market, invests part of itā€™s available internal resources in creating greater, mutual benefit, or value for all participants in the chain. For better understanding of this paper it is important to note that authors are focusing on only one of many aspects and approaches to this ā€œlocal-globalā€ problem