
The analysis of threatened taxa from Orchidaceae family in Požega valley and surrounding mountains


Na području Požeške kotline i okolnoga gorja do sada je zabilježeno 1588 biljnih svojti vaskularne flore. U okviru porodice Orchidaceae utvrđeno je 36 svojti koje su raspoređene unutar 13 rodova. Među njima najbrojniji rodovi su: Orchis, Dactylorhiza i Ophrys. Najčešća staništa na kojima se nalaze svojte orhideja u Požeškoj kotlini i okolnom gorju su suhi pašnjaci, rubovi šuma i šikara, te svjetle šume. Terenskim istraživanjima tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine i usporedbom utvrđenih svojti s Crvenom knjigom vaskularne flore Hrvatske može se zaključiti da se u nekoj od kategorija ugroženosti nalaze 23 svojte (65,71%). Glavni razlozi njihove ugroženosti su neizravne posljedice, gubitak staništa i promjene u agroekosustavu. Od zabilježenih svojti samo 6 se nalazi pod zakonskom zaštitom. Dobiveni podaci o ugroženosti biljaka iz porodice Orchidaceae na području istraživanja navode na nastavak istraživanja kako bi se pravodobno poduzele potrebne mjere njihove zaštite.In the area of the Požega Valley and the surrounding mountains 1588 vascular plant taxa have been recorded so far. Thirty-six plant taxa of Orchidaceae family are members of 13 genera. The most abundant are Orchis, Dactylorhiza and Ophrys. Habitats that are most frequently occupied by orchid plant taxa in the Požega valley and the surrounding mountains are dry grasslands, forest and underbush edges, and bright forests. The results of field trials conducted in 2004 and 2005 were compared with the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia, inidicating that 23 plant taxa (65,71%) are threthened in some way. The main reasons for their status are indirect causes, such as loss of habitat, or changes in the agro-ecosystem. Only 6 out of all recorded plant taxa are legally protected. The obtained records on the endangerment of the Orchidaceae family in the investigated area call for further research, so that necessary plant protection measures could be implemented in a timely manner

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