Analiza flore Požeške kotline i okolnoga gorja


Researching the vascular flora of the Požega Valley and the surrounding mountains, altogether 1467 plant taxa were recorded. An analysis was made of which floral elements particular plant taxa belonged to, as well as an analysis of the life forms. In the vegetation cover of this area plants of the Eurasian floral element as well as European plants represent the major proportion. This shows that in the phytogeographical aspect this area belongs to the Eurosiberian-Northamerican region. According to life forms, vascular plants are distributed in the following numbers: H=650, T=355, G=148, P=209, Ch=70, Hy=33.Istraživanjem vaskularne flore Požeške kotline i okolnoga gorja ukupno je zabilježeno i utvr|eno 1467 biljnih svojti. Izvršena je analiza pripadnosti pojedinih biljnih svojti određenim flornim elementima, te analiza životnih oblika. U biljnom pokrovu ovoga područja najveću ulogu imaju biljke euroazijskog flornog elementa, kao i europske biljke. To ukazuje da ovo područje u biljnogeografskom pogledu pripada euroazijsko-sjevernoameričkoj regiji. Prema životnom obliku vaskularne biljke su zastupljene u slijedećem broju: H=650, T=355, G=148, P=209, Ch=70, Hy=33

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