195 research outputs found

    Pàncrees : ultrasons per a un millor diagnòstic

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    Les tècniques no invasives són essencials en medicina per al diagnòstic de malalties. Una d'aquestes tècniques és la ultrasonografia, una tècnica d'exploració que registra els ecos d'ones acústiques a l'interior del cos. Una de les aplicacions dels ultrasons és l'exploració del pàncrees.Las técnicas no invasivas son esenciales en medicina para el diagnóstico de enfermedades. Una de estas técnicas es la ultrasonografía, una técnica de exploración que registra los ecos de ondas acústicas en el interior del cuerpo. Una de las aplicaciones de los ultrasonidos es la exploración del páncreas.Non invasive techniques are essential for diagnosis in medicine. One of these techniques is the ultrasonography, an exploration technique that registers the echoes of acoustic waves inside the body. One of the applications of the ultrasounds is the exploration of the pancreas

    Clinical use of contrast-enhanced ultrasound beyond the liver: a focus on renal, splenic, and pancreatic applications

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    Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is a relatively novel, but increasingly used, diagnostic imaging modality. In recent years, due to its safety, quickness, and repeatability, several studies have demonstrated the accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity of CEUS. The European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology has recently updated the previous guidelines from 2012 for the use of CEUS in non-hepatic applications. This review deals with the clinical use and applications of CEUS for the evaluation of non-hepatic abdominal organs, focusing on renal, splenic, and pancreatic applications

    Applicazione della texture analysis delle immagini TC all'adenocarcinoma duttale del pancreas dopo chemioradioterapia neoadiuvante: correlazione con resecabilità e prognosi

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    copo Valutare la correlazione tra i risultati della texture analysis, la resecabilità, la sopravvivenza libera da recidiva (RFS) e la sopravvivenza globale (OS) nei pazienti con adenocarcinoma duttale del pancreas (PDAC) localmente avanzato e borderline resectable trattato con chemioradioterapia neoadiuvante

    CT Enhancement and 3D Texture Analysis of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms

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    To evaluate pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (panNENs) grade prediction by means of qualitative and quantitative CT evaluation, and 3D CT-texture analysis. Patients with histopathologically-proven panNEN, availability of Ki67% values and pre-treatment CT were included. CT images were retrospectively reviewed, and qualitative and quantitative images analysis were done; for quantitative analysis four enhancement-ratios and three permeability-ratios were created. 3D CT-texture imaging analysis was done (Mean Value; Variance; Skewness; Kurtosis; Entropy). Subsequently, these features were compared among the three grading (G) groups. 304 patients affected by panNENs were considered, and 100 patients were included. At qualitative evaluation, frequency of irregular margins was significantly different between tumor G groups. At quantitative evaluation, for all ratios, comparisons resulted statistical significant different between G1 and G3 groups and between G2 and G3 groups. At 3D CT-texture analysis, Kurtosis resulted statistical significant different among three G groups and Entropy resulted statistical significant different between G1 and G3 and between G2 and G3 groups. Quantitative CT evaluation of panNENs can predict tumor grade, discerning G1 from G3 and G2 from G3 tumors. CT-texture analysis can predict panNENs tumor grade, distinguishing G1 from G3 and G2 from G3, and G1 from G2 tumors

    Termoablazione a radiofrequenze nell'adenocarcinoma pancreatico: studio TC della termolesione e del residuo tumorale tramite texture analysis

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    Lo scopo di questo lavoro consiste nello studio TC della termoablazione a radiofrequenza applicata all’adenocarcinoma pancreatico e nella valutazione tramite texture analysis delle modificazioni tissutali da essa indotte

    Radiogenomica dell'adenocarcinoma duttale del Pancreas

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    Il tumore del pancreas ha una prognosi molto sfavorevole e il suo istotipo più frequente è l'adenocarcinoma duttale pancreatico (PDAC). Ci sono alcuni geni spesso mutati nella cancerogenesi del PDAC: KRAS, CDKN2a/INK4a, TP53 e DPC4/SMAD4. Lo scopo del nostro studio è trovare correlazioni tra parametri di texture analysis di TC e RM con i diversi geni mutati nel PDAC, in particolare con l'espressione di KRAS e TP53

    Ablazione a radiofrequenza dell'epatocarcinoma: l'uso della texture analysis dell'area ablata per predire la recidiva

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    Valutare il ruolo della texture analysis nella valutazione del rischio di recidiva locale dopo radioablazione di HCC
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