105 research outputs found

    Person- and People-Centered Integrated Health Care for Alcohol Dependence – Whether It Is Real in the Present Moment

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    Alcohol continues to occupy a leading position in Europe as a popular substance of abuse. Together with cigarette smoking and obesity, alcohol is a major cause of preventable diseases. Harmful use of alcohol is one of the main factors contributing to premature deaths and disability and has a major impact on public health. The consequences of alcohol use on human health are enormous. Additionally, alcohol use can have harmful effects that do not directly affect the person who consumes alcohol (e.g. fetal alcohol syndrome, violations that are related to alcohol use…)Also, the harmful effects and consequences of alcohol use (e.g. acute and chronic illness, injuries in fights, at the workplace, in traffic, violent behavior, and death) create a great burden for the economic development of a society.Unfortunately, confirmed alcoholics that are still drinking are unlikely to be given a life insurance cover. On the other hand, if a person is now a recovering alcoholic with a considerable abstinence period, he/she may hope to get a good life insurance quote. Usually, a year or two is believed to be an adequate amount of time for a person to get a life insurance cover at an average price. However, this is only possible if the alcohol did not cause serious health issues to the person. Furthermore, relapsing after impatient rehabilitation can be viewed as an aggravating factor to get a life insurance.So far the research focused on the effects on the population level, such as the increase in taxes, advertising bans and the implementation of laws that prevent the use of alcohol in traffic. However, it seems that the problem may be viewed at the individual level.In any case, models of treatment should be tailored to the needs of the individual. These models should incorporate the reduction of alcohol intake, but also the path to abstinence. The plan should take into account the different (individual) needs for treatment, with regard to the degree of alcohol dependence and health status, but also include the needs of the family, community and broader society


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    This paper presents an integrative model of personality and personality disorder which incorporates psychoanalytic concepts with modern neuroscience. In addition, a dynamic, personalized, and context - and time-sensitive diagnosis of personality disorder is introduced. The authors cogently argue that all clinical variants of personality disorder share the same common deficit: fragmented basic units of experience at the nonconscious core of the mind (aka “partial object relations”). The fragmentation propagates through mental faculties (thought, motivation, emotion), as they self-organize into subsystems of personality, e.g., one’s sense of self, identity, character, moral values, rendering them polarized into extreme and thus adaptively suboptimal. The syndrome of personality disorder arises as a nonconscious compensatory maneuver of the fragmented mind to organize itself through a defensive but unrealistic self-image (e.g., narcissistic, schizoid, antisocial, etc.), giving rise to a host of unique symptoms. Symptomatic pharmacotherapy of personality disorder is best organized around four empirically derived domains of symptoms, shared by all variants to a variable degree: i) mood and anxiety dysregulation; ii) impulsivity, aggression, and behavior dyscontrol; iii) emotional disinterest and detachment; and iv) cognitive distortions and brief reactive psychoses. Pharmacotherapy targeting the above domains is nonspecific, as medications affect multiple domains simultaneously. Modest empirical evidence and considerable clinical benefits continue to support the use of medications in the overall symptomatic treatment of personality disorder

    The Reconfigurable Machinery Efficient Workspace Analysis Based on the Twist Angles

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    A novel methodology for the calculation, visualisation and analysis of the Reconfigurable Machinery Efficient Workspace (RMEW), based on the twist angles, is presented in this paper. The machinery\u27s kinematic parameters are used for calculating the workspace, while the efficient workspace is associated with the machinery\u27s path and includes the end-effector position and orientation. To analyse and visualise many different machinery efficient workspaces at the same time, the calculation is based on the previously developed and validated complex reconfigurable machinery\u27s kinematic structure named n-DOF Global Kinematic Model (n-GKM). An industrial robot is used as an example to demonstrate an application of n-GKM model. It is calculated only for the tool\u27s perpendicular orientation relative to the floor. Four different kinematic configurations based on twist angles (αi) were selected to demonstrate the outcomes. Their graphical representations show how the twist angles significantly affect the shape and size of the efficient workspace. RMEW can be used as a design tool for new machinery\u27s kinematic structure and layout design. This methodology can be applied for any tool orientation

    The measurement and analysis of economic growth dynamics in european countries

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    In this paper, the quantitative aspect of economic growth, i.e. its dynamics, is dealt with. Although it is common to observe the growth rate (intensity) when analyzing the growth dynamics of countries while neglecting growth variability, the fact that covering fluctuations in growth rates has clear motivation and practical significance is presented. On a sample of European countries, including Serbia, growth intensity and stability are analyzed in the paper in order to construct a growth dynamics indicator and an adjusted growth rate based upon these two components. Based upon the two constructed indicators, the position of each country in the sample and in the region (Western and Eastern Europe) which they belong to is analyzed. The detailed analysis and results indicate the importance of this approach when analyzing and comparing the economic growth of individual countries in the medium term and in the long term and when assessing effects on future economic growth and wellbeing


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    Temperament traits of Novelty Seeking, Harm Avoidance, Reward Dependence, and Persistence, are well defined in terms of their neural circuitry, neurochemical modulators, and patterns of associative learning. When heritably excessive, each of these traits may become a mechanistically fundamental biogenetic trait vulnerability for personality disorder. The other main risk factor for personality disorder is environmental, notably abuse, neglect, and psychological trauma. The emerging concept of mechanism-based pharmacotherapy aims to activate the brain’s homeostasis as the only available delivery system to re-calibrate complex neurophysiological participants in each of the temperament traits. In a positive feedback, a homeostasis-driven improvement of excessive temperament is expected to facilitate maturation of neocortical networks of cognition, most reliably in expert psychotherapy (Part I of this paper) and, ultimately, thereby improve top-down cortical control of subcortical affect reactivity. As an emerging concept informed by neuroscience and clinical research, mechanism based pharmacotherapy has the potential to be superior to traditional symptom-based treatments. Such mechanism-based approach illustrates what the pharmacological treatment of Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) might look like

    Effect of limited hydrolysis on traditional soy protein concentrate

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    The influence of limited proteolysis of soy protein concentrate on protein extractability, the composition of the extractable proteins, their emulsifying properties and some nutritional properties were investigated. Traditional concentrate (alcohol leached concentrate) was hydrolyzed using trypsin and pepsin as hydrolytic agents. Significant differences in extractable protein composition between traditional concentrate and their hydrolysates were observed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and by SDS-PAGE. All hydrolysates showed better extractability than the original protein concentrate, whereas significantly better emulsifying properties were noticed at modified concentrates obtained by trypsin induced hydrolysis. These improved properties are the result of two simultaneous processes, dissociation and degradation of insoluble alcohol-induced protein aggregates. Enzyme induced hydrolysis had no influence on trypsin-inibitor activity, and significantly reduced phytic acid content

    Intracerebral hemorrhage as a first sign of pheochromocytoma: case report and review of the literature

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    Pheochromocytomas and sympathetic paragangliomas are rare catecholamine-secreting tumours that represent very rare causes of intracerebral haemorrhage in the young, with only a few cases reported. A 32-year-old man presented to our emergency department because of sudden onset of severe headache. He had a six-month history of paroxysmal headache, palpitations, and sweating. During examination he became somnolent and developed left-sided hemiplegia. A computed tomographic (CT) scan of the brain showed a right temporoparietal haematoma. He was admitted to the Clinic for Neurosurgery and the haematoma was evacuated. The patient was comatose, on assisted respiration, with frequent hypertensive crises. An examination for possible secondary causes of hypertension was undertaken. Plasma metanephrine value was elevated (414 pg/mL, reference values < 90 pg/mL). Abdominal CT scans revealed a large mass (6 cm) in the right adrenal gland. After adequate control of the hypertension was achieved with nonselective alpha- and beta-adrenergic blockers the tumour was excised. The histopathologic findings confirmed the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. The genetic analysis demonstrated a duplication in exon 1 of the VHL gene. We reported a rare, potentially fatal complication of pheochromocytoma — an intracerebral haemorrhage. This case and review of similar rare cases in the literature illustrate the importance of early recognition of the characteristic symptoms of catecholamine excess in young patients with hypertension

    Strukturiranje ekološki prihvatljivih elastomernih kompozitnih materijala

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    For the waste rubber recycling, it is obligative to know the chemical composition of the waste products, if it is to be used in the new composite elastomeric material formulation. The composite elastomeric materials obtained from the waste rubber powder have a very diverse application (farm floors, sports stadiums, tyres production, in construction as a vibration protection material). The aim of this work was to prepare elastomeric composites based on recycled elastomer powder (REP). A few types of elastomeric materials were synthesized based on natural rubber, polybutadiene rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, (NR/BR/SBR, 40/40/20 phr), carbon black and recycled elastomer powder were synthesized. It was assessed that composites NR/BR/SBR/REP have shorter optimum curing time tc90 than samples without REP. By increasing the REP content the tc90 value and tensile strength are decreasing, but the abrasion resistance is increasing.Kod recikliranja otpadne gume neophodno je poznavati hemijski sastav otpadnog proizvoda, ukoliko će se on koristiti u recepturama za nove hibridne elastomerne materijale. Kompozitni elastomerni materijali dobijeni od praha otpadne gume imaju veoma raznovrsnu primenu (podovi na farmama, sportski stadioni, dobijanje pneumatika, u građevinarstvu kao materijali za zaštitu od vibracija itd). Cilj ovog rada je bio da se dobiju elastomerni kompoziti na osnovu reciklirane gume. Sintetisano je nekoliko tipova elastomernih materijala na osnovu prirodnog kaučuka, stiren-butadienskog kaučuka i polibutadienskog kaučuka (NR/BR/SBR, 40/40/20 phr), čestica čađi i recikliranog gumenog praha. Ustanovljeno je da kompoziti NR/BR/SBR/REP imaju kraće optimalno vreme umrežavanja u poređenju sa uzorcima NR/BR/SBR bez REP. Porastom količine REP smanjuje se vreme optimalnog umrežavanja i prekidna črstoća, a povećava se otpornost na abraziju

    Aktivnost enzima katalaze i sadržaj organskih kiselina kod Hajdučke trave (Achillea millefolium) sa sanirane deponije „Žitkovac“ Rudarsko metalurško hemijskog kombinata „Trepča“

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    In this comparative study, the activity of enzyme catalase and total content of organic acids were determined in undergroung and above-ground plant parts of medicinal plant Achillea millefolium from tailing pond “Žitkovac” of Mining and Metallurgical Chemical Company „Trepča“ and from uncontaminated area near city of Niš. Catalase activity was measured using the gasometric method and the values obtained for this activity were expressed as ml of O2. The content of organic acids in the plant material was detrmined by modified titration method in the presence of indicator. An increased catalase activity on tailing pond, in comparison with uncontaminated habitat, is a result of stress that is caused by chemical changes in the soil on tailing pond representing good metabolic ways of detoxification, which belongs to the mechanisms of defence and acquiring resistance. An increased content of organic acids in samples on tailing pond is an efficient mechanism reducing the heavy metal uptake, binding them to complexes and allowing the plant growth at high level of contamination.U ovom komparativnom istraživanju određeni su aktivnost enzima katalaze i ukupan sadržaj organskih kiselina u podzemnim i nadzemnim delovima lekovite biljke hajdučka trava (Achillea millefolium) sa sanirane deponije „Žitkovac“ Rudarsko Metalurško Hemijskog Kombinata „Trepča“ i nezagađenog područja okoline Niša. Aktivnost katalaze je izmerena korišćenjem gasometrijske metode i izražena u ml kiseonika. Sadržaj organskih kiselina u bilјnom materijalu određen je modifikovanom metodom titracije u prisustvu indikatora. Uvećanje aktivnosti enzima katalaze kod uzoraka na deponiji u poređenju sa nezagađenim staništem je rezultat stresa uzrokovan hemijskim promenama u zemljištu i predstavlja metabolički vid razgradnje štetnih jedinjenja, odnosno detoksikacije, koja spada u kvalitetne mehanizme sticanja otpornosti, kao odgovor na izmenjene uslove u životnoj sredini. Povećan sadržaj organskih kiselina u uzorcima sa deponije je efikasan mehanizam, koji smanjuje unos teških metala u bilјku vezujući se za njih u komplekse i omogućava rast biljke pri visokom nivou kontaminacije

    Sadržaj pigmenata hloroplasta u lekovitoj biljci Teucrium chamaedrys sa sanirane deponije Rudarsko metalurško hemijskog kombinata “Trepča”

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    In this paper, the contents of chloroplast pigments (chlorophyll a, b, a+b and carotenoids) in the leaves of medicinal plant Teucrium chamaedrys from tailing pond „Žitkovac“ of Mining and Metallurgical Chemical Company „Trepča“ and from uncontaminated area near city of Niš were compared. Chloroplast pigments were determined spectrophotometrically in the acetone extracts of experimental and control samples of plant material. The contents of chlorophyll a, a+b and ratio a/b were higher in leaves of samples from tailing pond in comparison with control samples from uncontaminated habitat near city of Niš. In response to stress conditions caused by pollution and full intensity of sunlight in samples of leaves from tailing pond providing the protection of chlorophyll from photooxidation or ultraviolet radiation damage.U ovom radu upoređen je sadržaj pigmenata hloroplasta (hlorofil a, b, a+b, karotenoidi) iz listova lekovite bilјne vrste podubica - Teucrium chamaedrys sa deponije „Žitkovac“ Rudarsko Metalurško Hemijskog Kombinata „Trepča“ i nezagađenog područja okoline Niša. Pigmenti hloroplasta su određeni spektrofotometrijski u acetonskim ekstraktima eksperimentalnih i kontrolnih uzoraka bilјaka. Sadržaj hlorofila a, a+b i odnos a/b je bio veći kod u uzorcima listova sa deponije u poređenju sa kontrolnim uzorcima sa nezagađenog staništa iz okoline Niša. Kao odgovor na stresne uslove uzrokovane zagađenjem i punim intenzitetom sunčeve svetlosti zabeležen je i povećan sadržaj karotenoida kod uzoraka listova sa deponije, što obezbeđuje zaštitu hlorofila od fotooksidacije odnosno štetnog dejstva ultravioletnog zračenja