492 research outputs found


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    Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act passed in 2010 is among the most significant regulatory reform acts since Great Depression. Proponents contend that its main provisions should help in preventing new financial distress, while detractors argue that it will endanger future economic growth due to too many restrictions on financial system and penalization of risk taking.Dodd-Frank zakonom o reformi Vol Strita i zaÅ”titi potroÅ”ača iz 2010. godine predviđene su najznačajne regulatorne reforme fnansijskog sistema od Velike depresije. Predlagači su smatrali da njegove glavne odredbe treba da pomognu u sprečavanju nove fnansijske krize, dok su protivnici zakona smatrali da će zakon ugroziti budući ekonomski rast obzirom da previÅ”e ograničava fnansijski sistem i predviđa kaznene odredbe za preuzimanje rizika

    The influence of heparin on the biological distribution of 99mTc-glucoheptonate

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    Ispitan je uticaj antikoagulantnog leka heparina na radiohemijski sastav i bioloÅ”ku distribuciju renalnog preparata 99mTc-glukoheptonata. Međudejstvo leka i radiofarmaceutika ispitano je u invitro uslovima, primenom radiohromatografske metode. Povećana koncentracija heparina dala je smanjenje frakcije 99mTc-glukoheptonata i povećan sadržaj frakcije koja odgovara 99mTc-heparinu. BioloÅ”kim eksperimentima potvrđeno je medudejstvo leka i radiofarmaceutika u in vivo uslovima, Å”to se manifestovalo u smanjenju lokalizacije 99mTc-glukoheptonata u bubrezima.The influence of heparin as the anticoagulant drug on the radiochemical composition and biological distribution of the renal reagent 99mTc-Glucoheptonate was examined. The interaction of the drug and radiopharmaceutical was examined under Ā»in vitroĀ« conditions, by radiochromatographic method. The increased concentration of heparin caused the decrease of 99mTc-Glucoheptonate fracton and, increased content of 99mTc-heparin fraction. Biological experiment confirmed interaction of drug and radiopharmaceutical also in Ā»in vivoĀ« conditions. Decreased localization of 99mTc-Glucoheptonate in kidneys was observed

    The influence of heparin on the biological distribution of 99mTc-glucoheptonate

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    Ispitan je uticaj antikoagulantnog leka heparina na radiohemijski sastav i bioloÅ”ku distribuciju renalnog preparata 99mTc-glukoheptonata. Međudejstvo leka i radiofarmaceutika ispitano je u invitro uslovima, primenom radiohromatografske metode. Povećana koncentracija heparina dala je smanjenje frakcije 99mTc-glukoheptonata i povećan sadržaj frakcije koja odgovara 99mTc-heparinu. BioloÅ”kim eksperimentima potvrđeno je medudejstvo leka i radiofarmaceutika u in vivo uslovima, Å”to se manifestovalo u smanjenju lokalizacije 99mTc-glukoheptonata u bubrezima.The influence of heparin as the anticoagulant drug on the radiochemical composition and biological distribution of the renal reagent 99mTc-Glucoheptonate was examined. The interaction of the drug and radiopharmaceutical was examined under Ā»in vitroĀ« conditions, by radiochromatographic method. The increased concentration of heparin caused the decrease of 99mTc-Glucoheptonate fracton and, increased content of 99mTc-heparin fraction. Biological experiment confirmed interaction of drug and radiopharmaceutical also in Ā»in vivoĀ« conditions. Decreased localization of 99mTc-Glucoheptonate in kidneys was observed

    Kvaliteta života promukle djece u Srbiji mjerena upitnikom Pediatric Voice-Related Quality of Life (PVRQOL)

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    Hoarseness occurs in children of both genders, from the earliest age and beyond, and is caused by improper use or overuse of vocal apparatus. The study included 91 hoarse children aged 6-12 (study group) and 243 healthy children (control group) of the same age. The study group underwent detailed medical history, phoniatric examination, larynx fiber endoscopy, allergy treatment, audiologic treatment, and pulmonary treatment. Pediatric Voice-Related Quality of Life questionnaire, Serbian version (PVRQOL) was completed by parents of both groups of children. We did not find statistically significant differences in the hoarse children based on diagnosis (muscle tension disorder and vocal fold nodules) and age in physical domain, socio-emotional and global domain score (p>0.01). The results showed that parents did not recognize hoarseness as a health problem in children. There were significant gender differences in the group of children with hoarseness, i.e. parents in all three PVRQOL questionnaire domains recognized hoarseness as a significant health problem in girls, but not in boys. The presence of hoarseness impairs the quality of life in pediatric population. Social and emotional domains indicated greater impact in boys.Promuklost se javlja kod djece oba spola, od najmlađe dobi i kasnije, a uzrokovana je nepravilnom upotrebom ili zloupotrebom vokalnog aparata. Ova studija obuhvatila je 91 promuklo dijete u dobi od 6-12 godina (ispitivana skupina) i 243 zdrave djece iste dobi (kontrolna skupina). U ispitivanoj skupini učinjena je detaljna anamneza, fonijatrijski pregled, fiberendoskopija larinksa, alergoloÅ”ki tretman, audioloÅ”ki tretman i pulmoloÅ”ki tretman. Roditelji djece obiju skupina odgovorili su na upitnik Pediatric Voice-Related Quality of Life (PVRQOL) na srpskom jeziku. Nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika kod promukle djece na osnovi dijagnoze (hiperkinetska disfonija i noduli glasnica) i dobi u fizičkoj domeni, u socio-emocionalnoj domeni i u globalnoj domeni (p>0,01). Rezultati su pokazali da roditelji nisu prepoznali promuklost kao zdravstveni problem kod djece. Postoje značajne spolne razlike u skupini promukle djece, tj. roditelji su prepoznali promuklost kao značajan zdravstveni problem u sve tri domene upitnika PVRQOL kod djevojčica, ali ne i kod dječaka. Prisutnost promuklosti smanjuje kvalitetu života u pedijatrijskoj populaciji. Socijalna i emocionalna domena imale su veći utjecaj kod dječaka

    General procedures in diagnosis of malignant diseases in dogs and cats

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    Tumors occur in all domestic and wild animals. They are most often diagnosed in dogs and cats, and their numbers increase from year to year. In the recent years, cancer is believed to be the most frequent cause of pet deaths. A speedy and reliable diagnosis is of paramount importance because it enables the veterinarian to begin therapy and make a prognosis. The objective of an early diagnosis is to enable the detection of neoplastic diseases before the tumor spreads throughout the organism, consequently enabling the timely administration of therapy and providing greater chances for curing the animal. A tumor is diagnosed on the grounds of the anamnesis, clinical picture, and special diagnostic procedures. The most frequently applied diagnostic procedures are laboratory diagnostics, cytology, biopsy and pathohistology, imaging diagnostics (roentgenography and roentgenoscopy, ultrasound diagnostics, endoscopy, computer tomography, magnetic resonance, and scintigraphy) and molecular diagnostics. Each of these methods has its advantages and faults in connection with costs, availability, sensitivity, specificity and quality of anatomic vs functional pictures. Every one of these techniques has its own field of implementation and each one provides different and additional information in connection with the nature and position of the primary lesion and the presence of metastases

    Sastav i antioksidativna aktivnost Picris echoides

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    Some flavonoids with antioxidant properties from the aerial parts of the plant species Picris echoides (family Asteraceae) were identified. Upon chromatography, the ethyl acetate extract afforded flavonoids, such as flavone apigenin (1) and its glucoside, cosmosiin (2), as well as common plant constituents from this family, flavonol galetin (3 3,4ā€™,5,6,7-pentahydroxyflavone) and 4,4ā€™,6,7-tetrahydroxyaurone (4). The structure of the aurone 4 has not been described so far in the literature and presented a very rare type of aurone skeleton. The structures of the isolated compounds were determined by interpretation of their physical and spectral data. The antioxidant activities of different extracts from Picris echoides were measured by the Schaal oven test at 60 ĀŗC and by the Rancimat method at 100 ĀŗC.Water/ethanol extracts (2:8, v/v), in concentrations of 0.02 and 0.05 %, showed lower activity than commercial tocopherol (Tch). On the contrary, the purified ethyl acetate extracts showed a strong concentration-dependent antioxidant effect. The investigation demonstrated that galetin was the main flavonol from this origin. According to the results of the two methods, galetin (3) showed a two-fold better activity than didTch and a lower activity than did butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). The aurone 4 exhibited significantly lower antioxidant activity than did galetin at the same concentration level. Thus, the plant species P. echoides is a new and favorable source of natural lipid antioxidants.Ispitan je hemijski sastav vodeno/etanolnog ekstrakta domaće biqke Picris echoides (familija Asteraceae). Izolovana su i identifikovana četiri flavonoida: apigenin (1), njegov 7-O-glukozid (2), galetin (3 3,4ā€™,5,6,7-pentahidroksi-flavon) i 4,4ā€™,6,7-tetrahidroksi-auron (4). Skelet tipa aurona 4 vrlo retko je prisutan u biqkama i njegova struktura do sada nije opisana u literaturi. Određena je antioksidativna aktivnost različitih ekstrakata biqke, kao i čistih flavonoidnih supstanci u uslovima Schaal oven testa na 60 ĀŗC i Rancimat metoda na 100 ĀŗC. Vodeno/etanolni ekstrakti (2:8) u koncentracijama 0,02 i 0,05 % pokazali su slabu aktivnost u pore- đenju sa tokoferolom, dok su etilacetatni ekstrakti, u istim koncentracijama delovali kao efikasni antioksidanti. Dokazano je da galetin (3) pokazuje duplo veću aktivnost od tokoferola

    Fe3O4 nanoparticles as additives for gamma-ray shielding: Structural and surface characterization

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    Monodisperse samples of magnetite nanoparticles in the size range of 5-13nm, were prepared by solvothermal synthesis and coprecipitation method. Obtained nanoparticles were characterized by different measurement techniques: X-ray diffraction analysis, transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction measurement, and Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy. Measurements confirmed that the utilized synthesis methods are able to produce size and shape-controlled nanoparticles of a high-quality, that is of the technological importance. The results of the performed study represent the first stage in preparation of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles as an additive to concrete, which will be used for the construction of the special military facilities where it is necessary to provide a protection against Ī³-ray radiation

    Analiza glasa pre i posle vokalne rehabilitacije kod bolesnika posle otvorene operacije glasnica

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    Background/Aim. The major role of larynx in speech, respiration and swallowing makes carcinomas of this region and their treatment very influential for patients' life quality. The aim of this study was to assess the importance of voice therapy in patients after open surgery on vocal cords. Methods. This study included 21 male patients and the control group of 19 subjects. The vowel (A) was recorded and analyzed for each examinee. All the patients were recorded twice: firstly, when they contacted the clinic and secondly, after a three-month vocal therapy, which was held twice per week on an outpatient basis. The voice analysis was carried out in the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Clinic, Clinical Hospital Center 'Zvezdara' in Belgrade. Results. The values of the acoustic parameters in the patients submitted to open surgery on the vocal cords before vocal rehabilitation and the control group subjects were significantly different in all specified parameters. These results suggest that the voice of the patients was damaged before vocal rehabilitation. The results of the acoustic parameters of the vowel (A) before and after vocal rehabilitation of the patients with open surgery on vocal cords were statistically significantly different. Among the parameters - Jitter (%), Shimmer (%) - the observed difference was highly statistically significant (p lt 0.01). The voice turbulence index and the noise/harmonic ratio were also notably improved, and the observed difference was statistically significant (p lt 0.05). The analysis of the tremor intensity index showed no significant improvement and the observed difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05 ). Conclusion. There was a significant improvement of the acoustic parameters of the vowel (A) in the study subjects three months following vocal therapy. Only one out of five representative parameters showed no significant improvement.Uvod/Cilj. Glavna uloga larinksa - govor, disanje i žvakanje - čine da karcinomi tog regiona i njihovo lečenje veoma utiču na kvalitet života tih bolesnika. Cilj ove studije bio je da se proceni značaj vokalne terapije kod bolesnika posle otvorene operacije na glasnicama. Metode. Ovo ispitivanje obuhvatilo je 21 bolesnika muÅ”kog pola i kontrolnu grupu koju je činilo 19 ispitanika. Kod svih bolesnika, sniman je i analiziran intenzitet vokala (A). Svi bolesnici snimani su dva puta, prvi put kad su se javili u ambulantu i drugi put posle tromesečne vokalne terapije. Vokalna terapija sprovodila se ambulantno, dva puta sedmično. Analiza glasa izvrÅ”ena je u ORL klinici Kliničko-bolničkog centra ,,Zvezdara' u Beogradu. Rezultati. Vrednosti akustičkih parametara kod bolesnika nakon otvorene operacije glasnica pre vokalne terapije i ispitanika kontrolne grupe značajno su se razlikovali u svim navedenim parametrima. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da je glas ispitanika pre vokalne terapije bio oÅ”tećen. Rezultati akustičkih parametara samoglasnika (A) pre i posle vokalne terapije kod bolesnika posle otvorene operacije na glasnicama statistički su se značajno razlikovali. Među parametrima Jitter (%) i Shimmer (%) razlika je bila visoko statistički značajna (p lt 0,01). Indeks turbulencije glasa i odnos Å”um/harmonik takođe su se značajno poboljÅ”ali, a razlika je bila statistički značajna (p lt 0,05). Analizom tremora kroz indeks intenziteta, nije doÅ”lo do značajnog poboljÅ”anja, a posmatrana razlika nije bila statistički značajna (p > 0,05). Zaključak. Nakon tromesečne vokalne terapije doÅ”lo je do značajnog napretka akustičkih parametara intenziteta vokala (A) analiziranih ispitanika. Od pet analiziranih reprezentativnih parametara samo jedan nije imao značajan napredak

    Fundamental drivers of prosperity in the European Union and Western Balkans countries

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    In this paper the aim is to identify key drivers that have contributed the most to the prosperity of European Union and Western Balkan countries in the 2007-2016 period. Empirical analysis is based on data for cumulative growth rate of values of nine original Legatum Prosperity Index (LPI) pillars and on implementation of Multivariate Data Analysis. Using Principal Component Analysis, four principal components are obtained and we named them: Economic Environment, Social Infrastructure, Institutional Framework and Life Conditions. Based on standardised score values of four new variables, we distinguish the countries that had the highest positive and negative score in each component. With cluster analysis based on LPI pillars growth rates, four clusters of countries have been formed: the first cluster consists of three Western Balkan countries, the second and third of, respectively, ten and four mostly new EU member state countries, and fourth of fourteen predominantly 'old' EU member countries. The analysis points out the fundamental drivers of prosperity in countries belonging to different clusters according to changes in values of nine LPI pillars in the previous decade. In all observed countries it is possible to identify certain similarities in the change of components of prosperity, as they are EU members or candidates for membership
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