42 research outputs found

    Soil properties and vineyard site, precondition for chlorosis on calcareous soils of PleŔevica wine region

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    Uzgoj vinove loze na području PleÅ”evičkog vinogorja stoljetna je tradicija. Jedna od zastupljenijih bijelih sorata je Sauvignon bijeli, koji na odabranim položajima PleÅ”evičkog vinogorja postiže vrhunsku kvalitetu. Međutim, na velikom dijelu PleÅ”evičkog vinogorja nalaze se karbonatna bezstrukturna tla, praÅ”kasto ilovaste do praÅ”kasto glinasto teksture, sa vrlo malim kapacitetom za zrak. Zbog svega navednog česte su pojave kloroza i nekroza te potpunog propadanja trsova, pa je cilj rada utvrditi razloge ovih pojava. Istraživanja su provedena tijekom 2006. godine na 4 vinogradarka položaja: Å ipkovica,Veselnica, Klemenka te Borička, na sorti Sauvignon bijel. Kemijska svojstva i biljno hranidbeni kapacitet tla određeni su ispod zdravih i klorotičnih trsova standardnim analitičkim postupcima, a dobiveni rezultati podvrgnuti su statističkoj obradi. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja nije utvrđen signifikantan utjecaj količine ukupnih karbonata i fizioloÅ”ki aktivnog vapna na pojavu kloroze vinove loze. Količine ukupnih karbonata u tlu zdravih trsova kretale su se u rangu od 17,04-46,64%, dok je u tlu klorotičnih trsova utvrđeno 21,2-47,38%. Slična dinamika zamijećena je i kod količine fizioloÅ”ki aktivnog vapna u tlu: zdravi trsovi 14,75-34,50%, klorotični 16,25- 33,75%. Iako se u literaturi navodi, da povećana gnojidba tla kalijem može smanjiti intenzitet kloroze, u ovom istraživanju te tvrdnje nisu potvrđene. Na vinogradarskom položaju Veselnica klorotični trsovi pojavljivali su se i pri količini od 38-80 mg/100 g tla K2O u tlu. Multifaktorijelnom analizom parametara CaCO3, CaO, P2O5 i K2O utvrđeno je da ne postoji statistički opravdana interakcija između faktora lokacija i klorotiči trsovi. Utvrđeni rezultati upućuju na viÅ”egodiÅ”nja dodatna multidisciplinarana istraživanja, čije provođenje je već započelo.The vine growing has a long time tradition in the area of PleÅ”evica hill (south west of Croatian capital, Zagreb). One of the most widespread varieties is the Sauvignon white, which gives high quality grapes for premium wines on exceptional location. However, PleÅ”evica hill mostly has young soils with high content of calcium carbonate and poor physical properties ā€“ structure less soils aggregate, low area capacity and silt loam to silt clay texture. All these negative characteristics have a strong influence on chlorosis and vine plant necroses occurrence. The main aim of this research is determining factors of chlorosis and vine plant necroses. The researches were done during 2006 on four selected vineyard locations; Å ipkovica, Veselnica, Klemenka and Borička. The analysis of chemical parameters was made from each vineyard location, from two-soil areas ā€“ from normal and chlorotic vines. The obtained analysisā€™ results underwent statistical analysis. Based on statistical analysis there was not confirmed any significant influence of the total and active lime to vine leaf chlorosis. The range of total lime in soil, as a percentage of CaCO3, from non-chlorotic area were from 17.04- 46.64%, whereas in the chlorotic area the range was from 21.2- 47.38%. The similar dynamics was noted for soil active lime; non-chlorotic area from 14.75- 34.50%, chlorotic area from 16.25- 33.75%. The recent research claims that there is a positive influence of abundant potassium fertilization on vine leaf chlorosis, but it was not confirmed in our research. On Veselnica location, where the soil potassium content was in the range of 38.0- 80.0 mg K2O/100 g of the soil, the leaf chlorosis was widespread. By multifactorial analysis of the main soil parameters; the total lime (CaCO3), active lime (CaO), phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O), there wasnā€™t confirmed any significant interaction between the two factorslocation and chlorosis occurrence. The obtained results from this research imply the need for additional multidisciplinary research and its first step was this study

    Influence of fertilization on growth of Thuja occidentalis \u27Smaragd\u27

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    Danas je joÅ” uvijek, nažalost, analiza tla u rasadniku prije sadnje određene ukrasne vrste rijetkost. Isto tako nije uobičajeno da se preporuke za gnojidbu temelje na konkretnim rezultatima stanja hraniva u tlu. Stoga je u rasadniku postavljen pokus na vrsti Thuja occidentalis \u27Smaragd\u27, kako bi se koriÅ”tenjem dvije razine kompleksnog mineralnog gnojiva (NPK 10-20-30) ispitao utjecaj gnojidbe na rast i razvoj biljaka, uspoređujući ih s negnojenom varijantom. Provedena istraživanja su pokazala da je gnojidba mineralnim gnojivom neovisno o količini utjecala je na porast visine biljaka tuje u odnosu na negnojenu varijantu. Gnojidba od 400 kg/ha NPK 10-20-30 utjecala je na porast visine biljaka za 20,8 cm u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, odnosno za razdoblje pokusa 38,62 cm. Gnojidba od 800 kg/ha NPK 10-20-30 utjecala je na porast visine biljaka za 21,51 cm u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, odnosno za razdoblje pokusa 40,73 cm. Na temelju kemijskih analiza tla utvrđeno je da u tlu nije doÅ”lo do značajnih promjena.Even today, the soil used in nursery gardens is still rarely analyzed prior to planting individual horticultural plants. It is not common either, to base fertilization recommendations on actual results of soil analyses. Therefore, an experiment was set up in the nursery garden using the species Thuja occidentalis ā€˜Smaragdā€™ (Arbor Vitae) with the objective to check the influence of fertilization to plants growth, comparing fertilized varieties with the non-fertilized one. During the experiment two varieties of a complex fertilizer (NPK 10-20-30) were used. Research results have shown that fertilization using fertilizers, disregarding the quantity used, improved the growth of Arbor Vitae plants in comparison with their non ā€“fertilized variety. Use of 400 kg/ha of NPK 10-20-30 caused the plants to grow 20,8 cm during one calendar year, i.e. 38,62 cm during the experimentation period. Use of 800 kg/ha of NPK 10-20-30 caused the plants to grow 21,51 cm during one calendar year, i.e.40,73 cm during the experimentate period. Chemical analyses showed no significant changes in the soil

    Macrominerals in Red Beet Root under Organic and Mineral Fertilization

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    Nutritive value of food should be an imperative and represents content of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. Macrominerals (P, K, Ca, Mg) have an irreplaceable role in the functioning of living organisms and are part of all important biomolecules. Therefore, the goal of present research was to determine the influence of fertilization on content of macrominerals in red beet. A field trial (2003-2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure ha-1, 500 and 1000 kg NPK 5-20-30 ha-1). Results show that the highest red beet phosphorus content was determined in treatment with stable manure. Higher level of applied potassium had depressing effect on calcium and magnesium uptake. By fertilization is possible to raise content of macrominerals in red beet, but it is recommended to apply combination of organic and mineral fertilizers

    Status of macronutrients in the leaf of variety \u27Å krlet bijeli\u27 (Vitis vinifera L.) by different fertilization

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    Analiza biljnog tkiva najpouzdanija je metoda za procjenu ishranjenosti vinograda jer hraniva u listu predstavljaju izvor hraniva za grozd tijekom faze dozrijevanja. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi utjecaj gnojidbe na status makroelemenata (N, P, K, Ca i Mg) u listu vinove loze sorte \u27Å krlet bijeli\u27 (Vitis vinifera L.). Usporedbom dobivenih vrijednosti s referentnim rasponima citiranim u literaturi utvrđen je stupanj ishranjenosti vinove loze navedenim hranivima. Primjenjena su četiri gnojidbena tretmana: NPK; NPK + Fertdolomit; NPK + Fertdolomit + Folibor B; NPK + Fertdolomit + Folibor B + Proteoleaf. Uzorkovanje cjelovitih listova obavljeno je u fazi cvatnje, Å”are i dozrijevanja tijekom tri godine istraživanja. Vrijednosti N u listu kretale su se od 1,88 % do 4,47 %, vrijednosti P varirale su od 0,18 % do 0,48 %, vrijednosti K u listu od 1,02 % do 1,96 %, vrijednosti Ca kretale su se u rasponu od 0,69 % do 2,70 % dok su vrijednosti Mg bile u rasponu od 0,16 % do 0,41 %. Usporedbom dobivenih vrijednosti s referentnim vrijednostima, neovisno o gnojidbi i godini, utvrđeno je da su vrijednosti N, P, K i Ca u listu vinove loze \u27Å krlet bijeli\u27 unutar raspona dok su vrijednosti Mg ispod donje granice referentne vrijednosti.Plant tissue analysis is the most reliable method for evaluating plant nutrition status because the nutrients in the leaf are a source of nutrient for the cluster during the ripening phase. The aim of this paper is to determine the influence of fertilization on the status of macroelements (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) in the leaf of the variety \u27Å krlet Bijeli\u27. By comparing the obtained values with the reference ranges cited in the literature, it has been established the level of nutrition status of the grapevine with macronutrients. Four fertilization treatments were applied: NPK; NPK + Fertdolomit; NPK + Fertdolomit + Folibor B; NPK + Fertdolomit + Folibor B + Proteoleaf. Whole leaf sampling was performed at the flowering, veraison and ripening phase during three survey years. The values of N in the leaves ranged from 1.88 % to 4.47 %, P values varied from 0.18 % to 0.48 %, K values varied from 1.02 % to 1.96 %, Ca values ranged from 0.69 % to 2.70 % while Mg values ranged from 0.16 % to 0.41 %. By comparing the obtained values with the reference values, independently of fertilization and year, it was found that the values of N, P, K and Ca in the leaves of grapevine \u27Å krlet bijeli\u27 are within the reference range, while the Mg values are below the reference range

    Soil reaction_ a crucial preconditions for choosing horticultural plants

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    Da bismo vanjski prostor Å”to ljepÅ”e i ekonomičnije uredili, potrebno je dobro poznavati tlo i biljku, ali i sve one čimbenike koji na njih utječu. Oblikovanje prostora, bilo da se radi o okućnici ili bilo kojem drugom segmentu krajolika: voćnjaku, vinogradu, povrtnjaku, cvjetnjaku ili travnjaku, a to znači hortikulturi u njezinom punom značenju, zahtijeva pomno planiranje i pripremu. Jedan od vrlo važnih čimbenika u pripremi tla je dobro poznavanje reakcije tla (pH). Reakcija tla značajno utječe na primanje svih hraniva, a varira ovisno o potrebama kultura od kiselog do alkalnog. Cilj ovog rada je detaljno obraditi potrebe pojedinih ukrasnih vrsta za reakcijom tla, koristeći rezultate terenskih istraživanja i uspoređujući ih s navodima u literaturi. U tu svrhu koriÅ”tene su kemijske analize (reakcija tla u 1M KCl) koje je proveo Zavod za ishranu bilja, Agronomskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, uz vizualno praćenje u okoliÅ”u. Prema dobivenim rezultatima istraživanja 47% od ukupno 131 očitanog uzorka spada u neutralna tla (D). U alkalna tla (E) spada 37%, u slabo kisela (C) spada 11%, u kisela tla (B) 5 %, a u kategoriju jako kiselih tala (A) uÅ”ao je samo jedan uzorak. Stoga rezultati naÅ”ih istraživanja ukazuju da često puta navodi u literaturi za pojedine ukrasne vrste nisu apsolutno primjenjivi u datim okolnostima, odnosno da su primjenjivi uz manje ili veće korekcije. Općenito se za krajobrazno uređenje individualnih i javnih povrÅ”ina preporuča slabo kisela do neutralna reakcija tla (5,5,-7,2 ā€“ CD), jer većina ukrasnog bilja uspjeÅ”no raste u tom rasponu. Za vrste koje viÅ”e vole ekstremnu pH reakciju tla, potrebno je provesti korekciju primjenom adekvatnih gnojiva ili supstrata. Tako se Erica sp. i Rhododendron sp. preporučuju za jako kisela i kisela tla (pH 4,0-5,5 ā€“ AB) dok za slabo kisela tla (5,5-6,5 ā€“ C) predlažemo Abies sp., Cupressus sp., Juniperus sp., Pinus sp., te trave. Za kiselo tlo (4,5-5,5 ā€“ B) predlažemo Hydrangeu (plavu), Ilex sp., te Picea sp. Za slabo kiselo i neutralno tlo (5,5-7,2 ā€“ CD) Chrysanthemum sp., Magnolia sp., Quercus sp., Rosa sp. i Hedera sp. Neutralna reakcija (6,5-7,2 ā€“ D) optimalna je za rodove Chamaecyparis i Prunus. Za tla neutralne i alkalne reakcije (6,5-7,2 ā€“ DE) predlažemo neÅ”to veći broj vrsta iz rodova Acer, Araucaria, Buxus, Crataegus, Forsythia, Hydrangea (roza i bijela), Lavandula, Thuja, te Vinca. Å irok raspon reakcije tla (5,5-7,5 ā€“ CDE) podnose vrste iz roda Carpinus, Cedrus, Corylus, Cotinus, Cotoneaster i Taxus.Economy and aesthetic quality of landscaping require a good knowledge of soil and plant, but also of all the factors that affect them. Landscaping, wether a private holding or any other segment of the landscape: orchard, vineyard, vegetable garden, flower garden or lawn, which means horticulture in the full sense of the word, requires careful planning and preparation. One of the very important factors in soil preparation is a good understanding of soil reaction (pH). Soil reaction has a strong influence on all nutrients uptake and varies, dependending on crop requirements, from acid to alkaline. The aim of this paper is to deal in detail with the soil reaction requirements of particular ornamental species, using the results of field research and comparing them with the literature reports. For this purpose, use was made of the chemical analyses (soil reaction in 1M KCl) made in the Department of Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, along with visual monitoring in the landscape. According to the research results, 47% of the 131 analyzed samples are neutral soils (D), 37% alkaline soils (E), 11% weakly acid soils (C), 5% acid soils (B), while only one sample belongs to the category of very acid soils (A). Hence our results show that literature reports for particular ornamental species are often not absolutely applicable in the given conditions, or that their application requires certain corrections. Weakly acid to neutral soil reaction (5,5-7,2 ā€“ CD) is generally recommended for landscape planning of individual and public areas, because most ornamental plants grow well within this range. For species that prefer extreme pH reaction of the soil, corrections should be made by applying adequate fertilizers or substrates. Thus, Erica sp. and Rhododendron sp. are recommended for very acid and acid soils (pH 4,0-5,5 ā€“ AB) while we suggest Abies sp., Cupressus sp., Juniperus sp., Pinus sp., and grasses for weakly acid soils (5,5-6,5 ā€“ C). Hydrangea (blue), Ilex sp., and Picea sp. are recommended for acid soils (4,5-5,5 ā€“ B). Chrysanthemum sp., Magnolia sp., Quercus sp., Rosa sp. and Hedera sp. are recommended for weakly acid and neutral soils (5,5-7,2 ā€“ CD). Neutral reaction (6,5-7,2 ā€“ D) is optimal for genera Chamaecyparis and Prunus. A larger number of species from the genera Acer, Araucaria, Buxus, Crataegus, Forsythia, Hydrangea (pink and white), Lavandula, Thuja, and Vinca are recommended for soils of neutral and alkaline reaction (6,5-7,2 ā€“ DE). Species of the genera Carpinus, Cedrus, Corylus, Cotinus, Cotoneaster and Taxus tolerate a wide range of soil reaction (5,5-7,5 ā€“ CDE)

    Status of Fe, Mn and Zn in red beet due to fertilization and environment

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    Soil is a non-renewable resource, so it should be taken care of it. High quality food with sufficient yield for a growing human population can be produced only if plant nutrients are added to the soil by fertilizers to increase soil fertility, but the fertilizers have to be used economically, with the aim of raising the nutrient content available in the soil in order to meet plantsā€™ needs. The goal of the present investigation was to determine the effect of application of organic and mineral fertilizers as well as the effect of research environment on micronutrient content in red beet root. A field trial (2003ā€“2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method, with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure*ha-1, 500 and 1,000 kg NPK 5-20-30*ha-1). After digestion of plant material with concentrated HNO3, iron, manganese, and zinc were determined by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). The highest average red beet root micronutrient contents (270 mg Fe*kg-1 in dry matter, 96 mg Zn*kg-1 in dry matter, and 53 mg Mn*kg-1 in dry matter) were determined in the first research environment (BraÅ”ljevica in 2003) with low potassium soil content. There was a general decreasing trend in contents of the studied micronutrients (Fe, Mn and Zn) with NPK 5-20-30 fertilization (and by application of high doses of potassium), certainly due to antagonistic activity with potassium. It is suggested to fertilize with both 500 kg NPK 5-20-30*ha-1 and microelement fertilizers

    Content of Mineral N in Soil and Tomato Yields Considering Fertigation and Mulch

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of application of different amounts of N fertilizer added by fertigation and different mulches on the total mineral N in the plough soil layer and yield of tomatoes. The two-year study (2007 and 2009) was conducted on hydromeliorated deep Terra Rossa near Pula. In two-factor experiment, set in a split-plot design, the main factor was N fertilization (NF) in three levels: 60 (NF1), 120 (NF2), and 180 (NF3) kg N ha-1. Subfactor was soil mulch (M), also in three levels: without mulch (WM), straw mulch (SM), and mulch with black polyethylene film (BPM). Different NF significantly affected the amount of N min in the soil. Only in 2009, mulch as well as interaction between NF and DAT had significant impact on the amount of N min in soil. Nitrogen fertilization did not significantly affect the total yields of tomatoes, except the application of NF2 and BPM that generated significantly higher yields of tomatoes in 2007. Recommended technology is application of NF2 and BPM, but with ecological point of view it would be justified to use the nitrogen fertilization with only 60 kg N ha-1

    Causes of lawn and ornamental plants degradation at the Patriotic War Memorial Cemetery in Vukovar

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    Provedena istraživanja imala su za cilj utvrditi razloge propadanja travnjaka i ukrasnog bilja na Memorijalnom groblju žrtava Domovinskog rata u Vukovaru. U tu svrhu otvorena su tri reprezentativna pedoloÅ”ka profila iz kojih su uzeti uzorci tla za fizikalne i kemijske analize te sedam prosječnih uzoraka tla u kojima su određena kemijska svojstva tla te biljno hranidbeni kapacitet tla. Određivanje fizikalnih i kemijskih svojstava tla obavljeno je u Zavodu za ishranu bilja Agronomskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu standardnim analitičkim metodama. Na temelju provedenih istraživanja fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava tla utvrđeni su značajni propusti u pripremi tla i uzgojnog supstrata za biljke. To se prvenstveno odnosi na slabu dreniranost tla Å”to uzrokuje povrÅ”insko stagniranje oborinskih i drugih voda, zbog pojave nepropusnog sloja tla i zbijenost tla u vrijeme suÅ”nog razdoblja. Također su utvrđena vrlo nepovoljna fizikalna i kemijska svojstva tla (visoka pH vrijednost), a relativno niski biljno-hranidbeni kapacitet tla. Zbog vrlo slabe propusnosti tla, potrebno je postaviti sustav cijevne drenaže koji će omogućiti odvođenje suviÅ”ne vode u pojedinim razdobljima godine. UnoÅ”enjem većih količina organske tvari (treseta cca 4-5 L/m2 i zrelog stajskog gnojiva cca 4-5 kg/m2) i pijeska te dobrim mijeÅ”anjem s postojećim tlom, povećat će se propusnost, kapacitet tla za zrak i vodu i stabilnost strukture, a umanjit će se specifična masa tla volumna i zbijenost tla. Povoljna pH reakcija tla za određenu kulturu može se postići unoÅ”enjem različitih količina treseta odgo-varajuće pH vrijednosti. Osnovnom gnojidbom s većim količinama mineralnih gnojiva, poglavito fosfornih, povećava se fond pristupačnih hraniva u tlu.The aim of the research was to find the reasons for lawn and ornamental plants degradation at the Patriotic War Memorial Cemetery in Vukovar. For this purpose, three representative pedological profiles were opened, from which soil samples were taken for physical and chemical analyses. Seven average soil samples were also taken for determining soil chemical properties and the plant nutrition capacity. Physical and chemical properties of the soil were analyzed in the Department of Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, by standard analytical methods. Analyses of the soil physical and chemical properties revealed considerable oversights in the soil and substrate preparation for cultivation. This primarily applies to poor soil drainage, which caused surface retention of precipitation and other waters because of the formation of a soil layer impervious to water and compactness during the dry period. Excessively high soil reaction (pH value) was also recorded as well as a relatively low plant nutrition capacity. Due to very poor soil permeability, a pipe drainage system should be installed to enable draining of surplus water that appears in some parts of the year. Higher amounts of organic matter (cca 4-5 L/m2 peat and ca 4-5 kg/m2 ripe manure) and sand well mixed with the existing soil will increase the soil permeability, air capacity and structure stability. Specific soil volume and compactness will also be reduced. Acid Lithuanian peat will lower the pH value, while higher mineral fertilizer (mainly phosphorus) rates will raise the levels of available nutrients in soil