50 research outputs found


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    La categoría contenido comprende los conocimientos, habilidades, capacidades y valores, en la cual se sustenta el estudio de la lengua. La enseñanza de las estructuras gramaticales constituye uno de los contenidos de las disciplinas lingüísticas para la formación de profesionales de la educación. En la actualidad se utiliza el análisis discursivo-funcional como método que integra en el texto las dimensiones semántica, sintáctica y pragmática. Sin embargo, no siempre se da tratamiento a estos contenidos siguiendo esta concepción, sino que se ha limitado a la descripción, sin vincularlos con los procesos de comprensión y construcción textual. En el trabajo se presenta una propuesta de actividades para el análisis del sintagma nominal en el texto a través de los procesos de comprensión y construcción textual. Su aplicación ha permitido el perfeccionamiento del estudio de esta estructura atendiendo al análisis integral en el texto para el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas

    Exercises of Communication for courses related to Business Management and Organizational Behaviour of the Bachelor’s degree in Tourism

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    Nos basamos en los estudios que caracterizan a los estudiantes de turismo como aprendices activos. Esto significa que son personas que prefieren aprender mediante situaciones y problemas concretos. Por lo tanto, disfrutan más cuando los docentes utilizan estrategias de aprendizaje activo como la metodología de estudios de casos, el aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) o las dinámicas de aprendizaje cooperativo versus a las clases magistrales o las exposiciones teóricas. Se proponen dos actividades prácticas para utilizar en la docencia de las asignaturas relacionadas con la dirección de empresas y el comportamiento organizacional del grado de turismo sobre la comunicación grupal.We build on studies that characterize tourism studnets as activist learners. This means that they prefer to learn from concrete problems and situations. Therefore, they enjoy the most when instructors active learning strategies such as the case study method, problem-based learning, or cooperative learning compared to wide theoretical classes and expositions. We propose two practical activities to be used when teaching courses related to tourism business management and organizational behavior of the bachelor’s degree in tourism on the topic of groups’ communication


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    Debido a que existe diversa bibliografía, y esta no está al alcance de todos los profesionales, que requieren de las normas ortográficas desde una perspectiva histórica, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo explicar varias razones sobre la evolución ortográfica hispana, teniendo presente los cambios de sonidos de algunas letras en su proceso histórico, para que los usuarios se actualicen en las normas oficiales de la Real Academia Española (RAE). Quedan esclarecidos los sonidos que les correspondieron a varias de sus letras en diacronía; se precisa, además, sobre cómo interpretar y pronunciar el español colonial en Cuba y otros países del Caribe, asimismo se orienta la forma de emplear las citas textuales en cuanto a la ortografía en las publicaciones científico-académicas que se escribieron en otros momentos, y finalmente se detallan normas ortográficas que se han renovado en la última década del siglo XXI. Se emplearon métodos de análisis y síntesis, el histórico-lógico que permitieron la elaboración del artículo

    American tegumentary leishmaniasis: epidemiological and molecular characterization of prevalent Leishmania species in the State of Tocantins, Brazil, 2011-2015

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    Determination of the epidemiological profile of the American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) and identification of Leishmania species that are prevalent in the State of Tocantins were carried out through a retrospective and descriptive study based on data reported in SINAN, in the period from 2011 to 2015. Molecular techniques such as PCR-RFLP and PCR-G6PD to amplify Leishmania DNA were performed on stored on Giemsa-stained slides from lesion scarifications of ATL patients who were amastigote-positive by the direct microscopic examination. There were 1,434 ATL cases in Tocantins reported in this period. The highest incidence was reported in men aged over 60 years, rural residents, the most affected ethnic group was mixed ethnicity (mixed black and white) and the ones with lower education. The predominant clinical form was cutaneous, being diagnosed mainly by laboratory methods. Pentavalent antimonial was effective in resolving cases. The predominant species found in 271 analyzed samples from 32 municipalities located in 8 different health regions of Tocantins was Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Identifying the epidemiological profile and characterizing the Leishmania spp species on regional level is essential to establish control and prevention behaviors, minimizing the number of cases and treatment resistance, recurrence and evolution to mucosal forms

    Leishmania spp.: isolamento de parasitos pela inoculação de macerados de biopsias de pacientes em camundongos deficientes em interferon gama

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    Isolation of Leishmania parasite and species identification are important for confirmation and to help define the epidemiology of the leishmaniasis. Mice are often used to isolate pathogens, but the most common mouse strains are resistant to infection with parasites from the Leishmania (Viannia) subgenus. In this study we tested the inoculation of interferon gamma knockout (IFNγ KO) mice with biopsy macerates from Leishmania-infected patients to increase the possibility of isolating parasites. Biopsies from twenty five patients with clinical signs of leishmaniasis were taken and tested for the presence of parasites. Immunohistochemical assay (IHC) and conventional histopathology detected the parasite in 88% and 83% of the patients, respectively. Leishmania sp. were isolated in biopsy macerates from 52% of the patients by culture in Grace's insect medium, but 13% of isolates were lost due to contamination. Inoculation of macerates in IFNγ KO mice provides isolation of parasites in 31.8% of the biopsies. Most isolates belong to L. (Viannia) subgenus, as confirmed by PCR, except one that belongs to L. (Leishmania) subgenus. Our preliminary results support the use of IFNγ KO mice to improve the possibility to isolate New World Leishmania species.O isolamento e a identificação da espécie de parasito do gênero Leishmania são importantes para a confirmação e auxiliam na epidemiologia da leishmaniose. Os camundongos são freqüentemente utilizados para isolar patógenos, porém, as linhagens mais comuns de camundongos são resistentes à infecção por parasitos do subgênero Leishmania (Viannia). Neste estudo, avaliamos a inoculação de macerados de biópsias de pacientes infectados em camundongos deficientes do gene do interferon gama (IFNγ KO) como um método para aumentar a possibilidade de isolar Leishmania spp. Biópsias de 25 pacientes infectados com Leishmania sp. foram avaliadas para a presença de parasitos pelos métodos de imunohistoquímica (IHC) e histopatologia convencional. Os parasitos foram observados, respectivamente, em 88% e 83% das biópsias. Leishmania sp. foi isolada de macerados de biópsia de 52% dos pacientes infectados, quando cultivados em meio Grace, porém, 13% destes isolados foram perdidos devido a contaminações. Inoculação dos macerados em camundongos IFNγ KO proporcionou o isolamento de parasitos oriundos de 31,8% dos pacientes. A maioria dos isolados pertence ao subgênero L. (Viannia), exceto um que pertence ao subgênero L. (Leishmania), como confirmado pela reação da polimerase em cadeia. Nossos resultados preliminares sugerem que o uso de camundongos IFNγ KO pode ser útil para aumentar a possibilidade de isolamento de leishmânias encontradas nas Américas

    A dysflagellar mutant of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis isolated from a cutaneous leishmaniasis patient

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Parasites of the <it>Leishmania </it>genus alternate between the flagellated extracellular promastigote stage and intracellular amastigotes. Here we report the characterization of a <it>Leishmania </it>isolate, obtained from a cutaneous leishmaniasis patient, which presents peculiar morphological features.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The parasite was cultured <it>in vitro </it>and characterized morphologically using optical and electron microscopy. Identification was performed based on monoclonal antibodies and internal ribosomal spacer typing. <it>In vitro </it>macrophage cultures, murine experimental models and sand fly infections were used to evaluate infectivity <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The isolate was identified as <it>Leishmania </it>(<it>Viannia</it>) <it>braziliensis</it>. In the atypical promastigotes grown in culture, a short flagellum surrounded or interrupted by a protuberance of disorganized material was observed. A normal axoneme was present close to the basal body but without elongation much further outside the flagellar pocket. A disorganized swelling at the precocious end of the axoneme coincided with the lack of a paraflagellar rod structure. The isolate was able to infect macrophages <it>in vitro</it>, induce lesions in BALB/c mice and infect <it>Lutzomyia longipalpis</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Notwithstanding the lack of an extracellular flagellum, this isolate infects macrophages <it>in vitro </it>and produces lesions when inoculated into mice. Moreover, it is able to colonize phlebotomine sand flies. Considering the importance attributed to the flagellum in the successful infection and survival of <it>Leishmania </it>in the insect midgut and in the invasion of macrophages, these findings may bring new light into the infectious mechanisms of <it>L</it>. (<it>V</it>.) <it>braziliensis</it>.</p

    Terpenes increase the lipid dynamics in the Leishmania plasma membrane at concentrations similar to their IC50 values.

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    Although many terpenes have shown antitumor, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic activity, the mechanism of action is not well established. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of the spin-labeled 5-doxyl stearic acid revealed remarkable fluidity increases in the plasma membrane of terpene-treated Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes. For an antiproliferative activity assay using 5×10(6) parasites/mL, the sesquiterpene nerolidol and the monoterpenes (+)-limonene, α-terpineol and 1,8-cineole inhibited the growth of the parasites with IC50 values of 0.008, 0.549, 0.678 and 4.697 mM, respectively. The IC50 values of these terpenes increased as the parasite concentration used in the cytotoxicity assay increased, and this behavior was examined using a theoretical treatment of the experimental data. Cytotoxicity tests with the same parasite concentration as in the EPR experiments revealed a correlation between the IC50 values of the terpenes and the concentrations at which they altered the membrane fluidity. In addition, the terpenes induced small amounts of cell lysis (4-9%) at their respective IC50 values. For assays with high cell concentrations (2×10(9) parasites/mL), the incorporation of terpene into the cell membrane was very fast, and the IC50 values observed for 24 h and 5 min-incubation periods were not significantly different. Taken together, these results suggest that terpene cytotoxicity is associated with the attack on the plasma membrane of the parasite. The in vitro cytotoxicity of nerolidol was similar to that of miltefosine, and nerolidol has high hydrophobicity; thus, nerolidol might be used in drug delivery systems, such as lipid nanoparticles to treat leishmaniasis