7 research outputs found

    Lobiopa insularis Castelau (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) : danos a campo e associação com fungos em morango

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Francine Lorena CuquelCo-orientadora: Profa. Dra. Maria Aparecida Cassilha ZawadneakDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia. Defesa : Curitiba, 21/02/2017Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Produção vegetalResumo: A broca-dos-frutos Lobiopa insularis é relatada como uma praga importante de morangueiro, pelos prejuízos ocasionados aos morangos e pela dificuldade de controle. As larvas e adultos desta espécie são associados a frutos danificados e a fungos fitopatogênicos, os inviabilizando para o consumo e comercialização. Todavia, as informações sobre esta praga ainda são incipientes. Assim, esse estudo teve como objetivos caracterizar e quantificar os danos ocasionados por L. insularis em diferentes estádios de maturação dos frutos e identificar associações deste inseto com fungos em morangueiro. Para o bioensaio de caracterização de danos foram utilizados morangos em diferentes estádios de maturação (verde, semi-maduro ou maduro) infestados com larvas ou adultos de L. insularis. Para o bioensaio de associações fúngicas, foram selecionados os cadáveres dos adultos que mostraram contaminação por fungos. Os isolados fúngicos foram identificados por sequenciamento molecular. Larvas e adultos de L. insularis ocasionaram injúrias em todos os estádios de maturação. Contudo, os diâmetros das lesões e as percentagens de injúrias foram maiores em frutos semi-maduros e maduros. Os morangos semi-maduros e maduros apresentaram incidência de Rhizopus sp. quando infestado com larvas ou adultos. Nos três estádios de maturação foram observadas posturas próximas às sépalas. O isolamento fúngico confirmou a presença de 320 amostras fúngicas recuperadas a partir dos cadáveres de L. insularis. O maior número de espécies encontradas pertence aos gêneros Penicillium e Fusarium, seguidos por Talaromyces e Aspergillus. Os gêneros Clonostachys, Scedosporium, Purpureocillium, Trichoderma e Rhizopus foram representados apenas por uma espécie. Esse estudo fornece informações básicas que poderão contribuir no manejo da praga em campo. Palavras-chave: Fragaria x ananassa, broca-dos-frutos, Coleoptera, NitidulidaeAbstract: The sap beetle Lobiopa insularis is reported as an important pest of strawberry, due to damage caused to strawberries and to difficult control. Larvae and adults of this species are associated with damaged fruits and phytopathogenic fungi, making fruits unsuitable for consumption and marketing. However, information about this pest is still incipient. This study aimed to characterize and quantify damages caused by L. insularis at different fruit maturation stages and to identify associations of this insect with fungi in strawberry. In a bioassay designed to characterize damages we used strawberries at different maturation stages (green, semi-ripe, or ripe) infested with L. insularis larvae or adults. In a bioassay on fungal associations, cadavers of adults showing fungal contamination were selected. Fungal isolates were identified by molecular sequencing. L. insularis larvae and adults caused injuries at all maturation stages. However, lesion diameters and damage percentages were higher in semi-mature and mature fruits. Semi-ripe and ripe strawberries showed incidence of Rhizopus sp. when infested with adults. Eggs were observed near the sepals at the three maturation stages. Fungus isolations confirmed the presence of 320 fungal samples recovered from L. insularis corpses. The highest number of species found belongs to the genera Penicillium and Fusarium, followed by Talaromyces and Aspergillus. The genera Clonostachys, Scedosporium, Purpureocillium, Trichoderma, and Rhizopus were represented by only one species. This study provides basic information that may contribute for pest management in the field. Key words: Fragaria x ananassa, sap beetles, Coleoptera, Nitidulida

    Morphological characterization of fruit, seed and seedling, and seed germination test of Campomanesia guazumifolia

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    Abstract: Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O. Berg. is a native fruit species, with ecological importance and potential to be exploited by food and medical industries. There is a lack of studies enabling its on-site conservation and propagation for commercial purposes. The objective of this work was to morphologically characterize the fruit, seed and seedling development stage of this species, as well as to determine an efficient protocol for the germination test, aiming at the commercial production of seedlings. Different temperatures (20, 25, 30 and 20-30 °C), substrates (blotting paper, sand and vermiculite) and light regimes (presence and absence) were tested in order to evaluate the germination power of seeds. Fruits are bacoid, rounded, with a fleshy pericarp and hairy surface, and with an intense yellow coloration. Seeds have a reniform shape and a lateral recess, with a membranous, brown and verrucose-glanulose tegument. It has a crass embryo, with a well developed hypocotyl-radicle axis and vestigial cotyledons. Seedlings are epigeal and phanerocotylar. It is recommended to conduct the germination test for the species with temperatures of 25 or 30 ºC, on paper substrates, with light presence or absence, and with the first test count performed 23 days and the final count 50 days after sowing

    Morphological characterization of fruit, seed and seedling, and seed germination test of Campomanesia guazumifolia

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    <div><p>Abstract: Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O. Berg. is a native fruit species, with ecological importance and potential to be exploited by food and medical industries. There is a lack of studies enabling its on-site conservation and propagation for commercial purposes. The objective of this work was to morphologically characterize the fruit, seed and seedling development stage of this species, as well as to determine an efficient protocol for the germination test, aiming at the commercial production of seedlings. Different temperatures (20, 25, 30 and 20-30 °C), substrates (blotting paper, sand and vermiculite) and light regimes (presence and absence) were tested in order to evaluate the germination power of seeds. Fruits are bacoid, rounded, with a fleshy pericarp and hairy surface, and with an intense yellow coloration. Seeds have a reniform shape and a lateral recess, with a membranous, brown and verrucose-glanulose tegument. It has a crass embryo, with a well developed hypocotyl-radicle axis and vestigial cotyledons. Seedlings are epigeal and phanerocotylar. It is recommended to conduct the germination test for the species with temperatures of 25 or 30 ºC, on paper substrates, with light presence or absence, and with the first test count performed 23 days and the final count 50 days after sowing.</p></div

    Sampling methods and metereological factors on pests and beneficial organisms in strawberries

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    We characterize the population dynamics of pests and beneficial organisms in strawberries to assess the impact of two meteorological factors (temperature and precipitation) and define the most appropriate method for monitoring insects in strawberries crop. Population dynamics were monitored weekly using the plant beat method and Möericke traps in Albion strawberries. Measurements were taken in organic strawberry farms over two growing seasons, from March 26, 2010 to August 23, 2010 (first season - 2009/2010) and from October 4, 2010 to March 21, 2011 (second season - 2009/2010) in the municipality of Pinhais, Paraná state, southern Brazil (25º25'S; 49º08'W). We collected a total of 7,971 pests and 1,987 beneficial organisms. The most abundant pests were Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the first growing season and Tetranychus urticae (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) in the second. Beneficial organisms from Acari, Araneae, and Hymenoptera parasitoids predominated in both seasons. Temperature and precipitation were the the primary climatic factor associated with the population variation of aphids. Populations of C. fragaefolii grew when the temperature was between 16°C and 25ºC. We found that plant beat was the fastest and most suitable method for strawberry pests monitoring since it captured insects that were effectively colonizing the plants. This study contributes to a better understanding of the entomofauna associated with cultivation of organic strawberry