9 research outputs found

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Asuhan Sayang Ibu Pada Ibu Bersalin di Bidan Praktik Mandiri Kota Padang Tahun 2017

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    Faktor kematian ibu disebabkan oleh perdarahan pasca persalinan, eklamsia, sepsis, dan komplikasi keguguran. Namun ternyata masih ada faktor lain yang juga cukup penting salah satunya faktor psikis atau emosional yang dapat menjadi pemicu dari berbagai komplikasi persalinan. Pemerintah telah mengupayakan hal ini dengan membuat gerakan asuhan sayang ibu. Asuhan sayang ibu terbagi atas delapan belas item yang harus dilaksanakan secara komprehesif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan asuhan sayang ibu pada ibu bersalin di Bidan Praktik Mandiri Kota Padang. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kombinasi (Mix Methode) dengan model urutan pembuktian (sequential explanatory). Penelitian dilakukan di beberapa Bidan Praktik Mandiri (BPM) Kota Padang pada Bulan Desember 2017 – Februari 2018. Sampel penelitian kuantitatif adalah Bidan Pelaksanan di BPM sebanyak 39 yang dipilih dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Informan pada penelitian kualitatif adalah 3 orang bidan pelaksana, 3 orang pasien bersalin dan 3 orang keluarga pasien. Kemudian dilakukan analisa data dengan metode triangulasi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan lebih dari separoh bidan telah melakukan asuhan sayang ibu dengan baik. Item asuhan sayang ibu yang berkenaan dengan kebutuhan fisik sudah dilakukan dengan baik oleh lebih dari separoh bidan, namun yang berkenaan dengan komunikasi dan emosional ibu hanya dilakukan oleh kurang dari separo bidan. Informasi mendalam mengenai manajemen asuhan sayang ibu pada tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evalusi belum baik, namun pada tahap pengorganisasian sudah baik. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah asuhan sayang ibu masih belum berjalan sesuai dengan standar dan perlu di evaluasi. Kata Kunci : Asuhan sayang ibu, persalinan, Bidan Praktik Mandir

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Breastfeeding Patterns During the 2021 Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Breast milk is the most ideal nutrition for babies because it contains nutrients that are most suitable for the baby's needs and contains antibodies that can protect babies from various diseases, especially during the Covid-19 period. This study aims to determine the factors that influence breastfeeding patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. The research design used Correlative Analytical with Crosssectional approach. The sample of this research used purposive sampling. The number of samples is 97 breastfeeding mothers in the city of Padang in 2021. Collecting data using a structured questionnaire to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes, work status and breastfeeding patterns during COVID-19. The data analysis used was univariate and bivariate using Chi-square statistical test (p < 0.05).  Based on the results of the Kruskal Wallis test, of the 4 variables that are associated with breastfeeding patterns during Covid-19, only the knowledge variable has an Assymp sig = 0.049 (< 0.05), it can be concluded that there is a difference between a person's level of knowledge on breastfeeding patterns. during Covid-19.  While the education, work and attitude variables have an Assymp Sig value > 0.05 which means there is no difference between education, work and attitudes with breastfeeding patterns during Covid-19

    Gambaran Ukuran Antropometri Bayi Baru Lahir di Kota Padang

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    Latar Belakang : Ukuran antropometri bayi baru lahir digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menilai pertumbuhan bayi intrauterin. Ukuran antropometri yang abnormal dianggap sebagai tanda janin yang gagal mencapai pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang optimal. Tujuan: penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran ukuran antropometri bayi baru lahir di Kota Padang. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan observasional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Padang pada bulan November 2021 – Agustus 2022. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil trimester III (aterm) dengan besaran sampel sebanyak 97 orang. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara proporsional stratified random sampling. Data dikumpulkan secara observasional, data kemudian diolah secara komputerisasi menggunakan aplikasi SPSS dan dianalisa dengan analisis univariat dalam bentuk tabel rerata dan median. Hasil: hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa median berat badan, panjang badan, dan lingkar kepala bayi baru lahir di Kota Padang masing-masing adalah 3.000 gram, 48 cm, dan 34 cm. Rata-rata lingkar perut bayi baru lahir di Kota Padang adalah 33.404 cm dengan standar deviasi 2.1710 cm. Kesimpulan: Parameter antropometri bayi baru lahir di Kota Padang ini dapat memberikan referensi yang berguna dan membantu diagnosis hambatan pertumbuhan janin pada Etnis Minangkabau.

    Continuity Of Care Of Mrs. D During Preconception, Term I, II And III Of Pregnancy, Labour, Postpartum, Newborn And Family Planning Services In Pmb Kurao Padang

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    Maternal Mortality Rate is the ratio of maternal mortality during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum in every 100,000 live births. The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in the world in 2015 was estimated at 216 per 100,000 live births or an estimated 303,000 deaths. The target of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to reduce the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) below 70 per 100,000 live births. The RPJMN target in 2019 is 306 per 100,000 live births (Ministry of Health, 2019). Meanwhile, the IMR in the world is 10,000,000 people per year. IMR in Indonesia reaches 22 per 1,000 live births. The purpose of midwifery continuity of care is to provide continuous care starting from the preconception period, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and family planning. The research method is a description, the form of case study research, the subject of pregnant women Mrs. D is 26 years old at PMB with Kurao. The technique of collecting data is by interviewing and observing (observation) and using data analysis techniques in the field. The instruments used in this study were the format of midwifery care, interview guidelines, examination tools and the MCH Handbook. The results showed that the care given to Mrs. D is 26 years old starting from the preconception period, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and newborn and family planning is going well, the mother and baby are in good health. In conclusion, midwifery continuity of care provided with care starting from pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and newborns can provide benefits to mothers and babies in the process. Continuity of care midwifery care can optimize the detection of high-risk maternal and neonatal

    Effect of Implementation of Blended Learning Method on Student Learning Outcomes At Block 5a. Professional Ethics and Health Law in Undergraduate Midwifery Program, Faculty of Medicine Andalas University

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    Midwives are one of the main health workers as the spearhead of health development in an effort to accelerate the reduction of MMR and IMR. For this reason, midwives who are skilled in conducting clinical procedures are needed with analytical, critical and precise skills in the management of care for women. This can be generated through quality midwife education providers, which are determined by the availability of human resources (lecturers), the quality of infrastructure, classroom learning curricula, laboratory and clinical practice and the condition of the practice area.The learning method is one of the supporting methods for the successful achievement of graduate competencies. This study aims to analyze the effect of the implementation of the blended learning method on the learning outcomes of block 5A midwifery students.Professional Ethics and Health Law in Midwifery Undergraduate Study Program, FK Unand. Design pThis research is a quasi experiment with a control group design research design. The research subjects were given treatment, namely the blended learning method. The analysis used to test the hypothesis is to seedifferences in the mean (average) of data for the treatment group (this year) and the control group (last year) fordetermine whether there is an effect of the implementation of the blended learning method on the learning outcomes of block 5A students. This study applies online learning methods in Block 5A. Respondents who were given treatment in this study were BP18 students, and control respondents were BP17 students who had implemented Block 5A learning in the previous year without using online methods. The results of the unpaired t test with the level of significance (α) are <0.05, which results in a probability value (p) of 0.000, which means that there is an effect of the implementation of the blended learning method on the learning outcomes of Block 5A students. In conclusion, blended learning has a positive impact on increasing the value and motivation of student learning in Block 5

    The relationship between parenting and development of toddlers aged 1-5 years in the working area of Rawang public health center, Padang city

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    Children under five years of age when the increase in body structure and function becomes more complex and the ability to move fine, fine motion, language, and independence. The number of children under five who do not develop according to their age is triggered by parental care, where this care aims to meet the basic needs of toddlers so that they can grow and develop more optimally. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parenting and the development of children aged 1-5 years in the working area of Puskesmas Rawang, Padang City. This research uses quantitative design with a cross section. This research was conducted in the working area of Puskesmas Rawang, Padang City. Data collection was carried out in March 2020. The sample of this study is mothers who have children aged 1-5 years who are in the working area of Puskesmas Rawang, Padang City, amounting to 79 people. The technique used in this study is proportional random sampling, for data collection using a questionnaire. The results of this study obtained 79 respondents consisting of mothers and toddlers with an average age of 12-24 months. Descriptively democratic parenting has a proportion of under five development in accordance with the highest value, namely 95.6% while authoritarian is 11.5%. Democratic parenting style affects the optimal development of toddlers


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    Air Susu Ibu merupakan cairan kehidupan terbaik yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh bayi yang mengandung berbagai zat yang penting untuk tumbuh kembang bayi dan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. ASI eksklusif merupakan pemberian ASI saja pada bayi sampai umur 6 bulan tanpa tambahan cairan ataupun makanan lain. Berdasarkan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari pelaksanaan praktek kerja lapangan komunitas yang dilakukan di RW 01 Kelurahan Batuang Taba, tanggal 14-18 November 2022 terdapat 63% ibu yang menyusui tidak memberikan ASI secara eksklusif. Sehingga penulis berupaya untuk melakukan intervensi dengan metode penyuluhan kesehatan kepada ibu bayi tentang ASI eksklusif di wilayah setempat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah survey analitik. Diharapkan dengan menggunakan metode ini dapat membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang ASI eksklusif. Berdasarkan analisis terhadap kuisioner pretest dan post-test yang diberikan pada 6 responden, dapat dilihat distribusi jawaban yang diperoleh sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Persentase pengetahuan meningkat secara signifikan. Pada saat dilakukan pretest 83,3% ibu berpengetahuan kurang dan 16,7% berpengetahuan cukup. Setelah dilakukan intervensi dan dilakukan post-test didapatkan 50% ibu berpengetahuan baik, 33,3% berpengetahuan cukup, dan 16,7% berpengetahuan kurang. Hasil dari kegiatan ini didapatkan pengetahuan ibu meningkat secara signifikan. Pada saat dilakukan pretest 83,3% ibu berpengetahuan kurang dan 16,7% berpengetahuan cukup. Setelah dilakukan intervensi dan dilakukan post-test didapatkan 50% ibu berpengetahuan baik, 33,3% berpengetahuan cukup, dan 16,7% berpengetahuan kurang


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    Bayi Baru Lahir dan neonatus memiliki resiko ganggguan kesehatan paling tinggi, berbagai masalah kesehatan bisa muncul, sehingga tanpa penanganan yang tepat, akan memiliki dampak berbahaya pada bayi. Saat ini, Indonesia sedang menghadapi bencana nasional non alam Covid-19 sehingga pelayanan kesehatan maternal dan neonatal menjadi salah satu layanan yang terkena dampak baik secara akses maupun kualitas. Kasus Covid-19 untuk wilayah Sumatera Barat yang masih meningkat dan kasus positif tidak hanya terjadi pada wanita yang sehat, namun juga ada yang tanpa gelaja, wanita hamil, menyusui, bayi baru lahir, anak dan dewasa. Agar ibu dan bayi tetap dapat selalu mendapatkan asuhan selama masa pandemi, maka sebagai bidan dapat dilakukan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan (Continuity of care) pada ibu dan keluarga dengan lebih inovatif dengan tetap harus memperhatikan protokol kesehatan dalam memberikan asuhan pada ibu dan bayi. Tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya angka derajat kesehatan yang lebih baik pada bayi, sehat fisik dan tumbuh serta berkembang secara normal di era pandemi covid-19. Metode yang dipakai dengan melakukan survey dan wawancara untuk pengumpulan data, analisis data, penyajian data, merumuskan pembahasan dan selanjutnya diberikan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi (KIE) dilakukan dengan metode daring dengan menggunakan aplikasi SMS,video conference, zoom,WA dan aplikasi lainnya. Kata kunci : Bayi Baru Lahir, Neonatus, Covid-19, Continuity of Care ABSTRACT Newborn and neonatus&nbsp; have the highest risk of health problems, various health problems can arise. So that without proper handling, it will have a dangerous impact on the baby. Currently, Indonesia is facing a national non-natural disaster Covid-19 so that maternal and neonatal health services are among the services that are affected both in terms of access and quality. Covid-19 cases for the West Sumatra region are still increasing and positive cases do not only occur in healthy women, but also those who are uneasy, pregnant, breastfeeding, newborns, children and adults. So that mothers and babies can always receive care during the pandemic, as a midwife continuous midwifery care can be carried out for mothers and families more innovatively while still having to pay attention to health protocols in providing care to mothers and babies. The goals in this event that will be achieved are to increase the health status in babies, physically healthy and grow and develop normally in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used by conducting surveys and interviews for data collection, data analysis, data presentation, formulating discussions and give the education, information by online using SMS, video conferencing applications, zoom, WA and other video applications. Keywords: Newborns, Neonates, Covid-19, Continuity of Care &nbsp

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Menuju Kelurahan Sehat di Kelurahan Lambung Bukit, Pauh, Kota Padang

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    Community service activities related to community midwifery care aim to explore existing health and midwifery problems, find solutions with the community, and make promotive and preventive efforts for the problems found. The method started with interviews using questionnaire instruments with the people in Kampung Pinang, Lambung Bukit Village, Pauh District, Padang City. The next step was holding a Village Community Consultation (MMD) and intervene based on the results of the MMD decision. The activity resulted in 70% of people having the habit of disposing of waste by burning it, 40% disposing of wastewater into ditches/rivers, and 74% of couples of childbearing age not using family planning (KB) contraception. Health education about personal hygiene, environmental cleanliness, waste processing methods, and family planning contraceptives were provided. The method used was counselling and using leaflet media for further education. There needs to be cooperation in all sectors, assistance from the environmental cleanliness, health and midwifery sectors, and direct involvement from community leaders. The existence of a cooperation schedule and evaluation of activities will enable the continued application of the education provided in a better direction to improve the level of health and an optimal environment