208 research outputs found

    Updating the Dual C and O Isotope—Gas-exchange Model: A Concept to Understand Plant Responses to the Environment and Its Implications for Tree Rings

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    The combined study of carbon (C) and oxygen (O) isotopes in plant organic matter has emerged as a powerful tool for understanding plant functional responses to environmental change. The approach relies on established relationships between leaf gas exchange and isotopic fractionation to derive a series of model scenarios that can be used to infer changes in photosynthetic assimilation and stomatal conductance driven by changes in environmental parameters (CO2, water availability, air humidity, temperature, nutrients). We review the mechanistic basis for a conceptual model, in light of recently published research, and discuss where isotopic observations do not match our current understanding of plant physiological response to the environment. We demonstrate that (1) the model was applied successfully in many, but not all studies; (2) although originally conceived for leaf isotopes, the model has been applied extensively to tree-ring isotopes in the context of tree physiology and dendrochronology. Where isotopic observations deviate from physiologically plausible conclusions, this mismatch between gas exchange and isotope response provides valuable insights into underlying physiological processes. Overall, we found that isotope responses can be grouped into situations of increasing resource limitation versus higher resource availability. The dual-isotope model helps to interpret plant responses to a multitude of environmental factors

    A review of the Cis-Andean species of Hemibrycon GĂŒnther (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae: Stevardiinae), with description of two new species

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    As espĂ©cies de Hemibrycon que ocorrem a leste das Cordilheiras dos Andes sĂŁo revisadas com base na anĂĄlise do material tipo e exemplares adicionais. Nove espĂ©cies sĂŁo redescritas: H. beni da bacia do rĂ­o Beni, BolĂ­via; H. helleri do alto rĂ­o Ucayali, Peru; H. huambonicus para as bacias dos rĂ­os Huallaga e Marañon, Peru; H. jeslkii para as porçÔes superiores das bacias dos rios Marañon, Ucayali e Madeira, BolĂ­via, Brasil e Peru; H. metae para a bacia do rĂ­o Orinoco, ColĂŽmbia e Venezuela, e bacias costeiras do Caribe na Venezuela; H. polyodon (espĂ©cie-tipo) para a bacia do rĂ­o Pastaza, Equador; H. surinamensis para as bacia costeiras da Guiana Francesa e Suriname, e porção inferior das bacias dos rios TapajĂłs, Tocantins e Xingu, Brasil; H. taeniurus para os rios da ilha de Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago; H. tridens para a bacia do alto rĂ­o Ucayali, Peru. Duas espĂ©cies novas sĂŁo descritas: H. inambari para a bacia do alto rĂ­o Madre de Dios, Peru e H. mikrostiktos para a bacia do rĂ­o Ucayali, Peru. Estas espĂ©cies distinguem-se principalmente pelo padrĂŁo de colorido e caracteres merĂ­sticos. A ĂĄrea de distribuição do gĂȘnero Ă© ampliada para as porçÔes inferiores das bacias do TapajĂłs, Tocantins e Xingu, Brasil, com o primeiro registro de H. surinamensis para este paĂ­s. Uma nova diagnose e descrição sĂŁo fornecidas para a espĂ©cie-tipo do gĂȘnero, apesar de ter sido recentemente redescrita. A sĂ©rie-tipo de H. helleri previamente considerada questionĂĄvel Ă© encontrada e descrita. Hemibrycon coxeyi e H. pautensis sĂŁo considerados sinĂŽnimos juniores de H. polyodon. Tetragonopterus (Hemibrycon) trinitatis, anteriormente considerada como species inquirenda em Characidae, e Hemibrycon guppyi sĂŁo sinĂŽnimos juniores de H. taeniurus. Hemibrycon orcesi Ă© transferida para Boehlkea. É apresentada uma chave taxonĂŽmica para as espĂ©cies do gĂȘnero a leste das Cordilheiras dos Andes.The species of Hemibrycon occurring in the east of the Andean Cordilleras are reviewed based on their type series and additional specimens. Nine species are redescribed: H. beni from rĂ­o Beni basin, Bolivia; H. helleri from the upper rio Ucayali, Peru; H. huambonicus from the rĂ­os Huallaga and Marañon basins, Peru; H. jeslkii from the upper portions of rĂ­os Marañon, Ucayali and Madeira basins, Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru; H. metae from rĂ­o Orinoco basin, Colombia and Venezuela, and Caribbean coastal basins of Venezuela; H. polyodon (type species) from rĂ­o Pastaza basin, Ecuador; H. surinamensis from coastal basins of French Guiana and Suriname, and from lower rios TapajĂłs, Tocantins and Xingu basins, Brazil; H. taeniurus from river basins from Trinidad Island, Trinidad and Tobago, and H. tridens from upper rĂ­o Ucayali basin, Peru. Two new species are described: H. inambari from the upper rĂ­o Madre de Dios basin, Peru and H. mikrostiktos from rĂ­o Ucayali basin, Peru. These species are distinguished among themselves mainly by the color pattern, and meristic characters. The distribution area of the genus is enlarged reaching the lower TapajĂłs, Tocantins and Xingu river basins, Brazil, with the first record of the occurrence of H. surinamensis in this country. A new description and diagnosis is provided for the type species of the genus, regardless its recent redescription. The type series of H. helleri that was previously considered dubious is found and described. Hemibrycon coxeyi and H. pautensis are considered junior synonyms of H. polyodon. Tetragonopterus (Hemibrycon) trinitatis, previously considered species inquirenda in Characidae, and Hemibrycon guppyi are junior synonyms of H. taeniurus. Hemibrycon orcesi is transferred to Boehlkea. A taxonomic key for the species of the genus to the east of the Andean Cordilleras is presented

    A new species of Bryconops (Teleostei: Characidae) from the rio Madeira basin, Northern Brazil

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    Uma nova espĂ©cie de Bryconops Ă© descrita para um tributĂĄrio do rio Madeira na bacia do rio Amazonas, Brasil. Bryconops piracolina pertence ao subgĂȘnero Bryconops por nĂŁo possuir dentes ou raramente apresentar apenas um dente na maxila, e por possuir uma ĂĄrea nua na face entre o segundo e terceiro infraorbitais. A espĂ©cie nova se distingue de todas as espĂ©cies do subgĂȘnero Bryconops pela presença de uma grande mancha negra na base da nadadeira dorsal. AlĂ©m disto, difere de todas as espĂ©cies do gĂȘnero, exceto B. inpai, por possuir a nadadeira adiposa inteiramente preta. Difere de B. inpai pela ausĂȘncia de manchas umerais. Difere de todas as espĂ©cies de Bryconops, exceto B. caudomaculatus, por possuir as Ășltimas escamas da sĂ©rie longitudinal de escamas da linha lateral sem poros alĂ©m da terminação da placa hipural e difere de B. caudomaculatus pelo menor nĂșmero de escamas com poros da linha lateral (31-36, mĂ©dia 34,6 vs. 37-43 mĂ©dia, 40,6; respectivamente).A new species of Bryconops is described from a tributary to the rio Madeira in the Amazon basin, State of RondĂŽnia, Brazil. Bryconops piracolina belongs to the subgenus Bryconops by having no teeth or rarely one tooth in the maxilla, and a naked area on cheek between the second and third infraorbitals. The new species is distinguished from all species of this subgenus by the presence of a large black blotch on dorsal-fin base. Furthermore, it is distinguished from all congeners, except B. inpai, by possessing the adipose fin entirely black. It differs from B. inpai by the lack of humeral spots. It further differs from all species of the subgenus Bryconops, except B. caudomaculatus, by having the last scales of the longitudinal series of scales that bears the lateral line series not pored beyond the end of the hypural plate, and differs from B. caudomaculatus by the smaller number of pored lateral line scales (31-36, mean 34.6, vs. 37-43, mean = 40.6, respectively)

    New species of miniature fish from MarajĂł Island, ParĂĄ, Brazil, with comments on its relationships (Characiformes: Characidae)

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    A new miniature species of the family Characidae from Marajó Island, Pará State, Brazil is described and assigned to the genus Tyttobrycon. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners primarily by having multicuspid teeth on jaws, and additionally by having the combination of 5-7 premaxillary teeth, dorsal fin only with scattered melanophores and the presence of an adipose fin
