1,552 research outputs found

    Finding the set of k-additive dominating measures viewed as a flow problem

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    n this paper we deal with the problem of obtaining the set of k-additive measures dominating a fuzzy measure. This problem extends the problem of deriving the set of probabilities dominating a fuzzy measure, an important problem appearing in Decision Making and Game Theory. The solution proposed in the paper follows the line developed by Chateauneuf and Jaffray for dominating probabilities and continued by Miranda et al. for dominating k-additive belief functions. Here, we address the general case transforming the problem into a similar one such that the involved set functions have non-negative Möbius transform; this simplifies the problem and allows a result similar to the one developed for belief functions. Although the set obtained is very large, we show that the conditions cannot be sharpened. On the other hand, we also show that it is possible to define a more restrictive subset, providing a more natural extension of the result for probabilities, such that it is possible to derive any k-additive dominating measure from it

    Non-AIDS-related comorbidities in people living with HIV-1 aged 50 years and older: The AGING POSITIVE study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To characterize the profile of non-AIDS-related comorbidities (NARC) in the older HIV-1-infected population and to explore the factors associated with multiple NARC. METHODS: This was a multicentre, cross-sectional study including HIV-1-infected patients aged ≥50 years, who were virologically suppressed and had been on a stable antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen for at least 6 months. A multiple regression model explored the association between demographic and clinical variables and the number of NARC. RESULTS: Overall, 401 patients were enrolled. The mean age of the patients was 59.3 years and 72.6% were male. The mean duration of HIV-1 infection was 12.0 years and the median exposure to ART was 10.0 years. The mean number of NARC was 2.1, and 34.7% of patients had three or more NARC. Hypercholesterolemia was the most frequent NARC (60.8%), followed by arterial hypertension (39.7%) and chronic depression/anxiety (23.9%). Arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus were the most frequently treated NARC (95.6% and 92.6% of cases, respectively). The linear regression analysis showed a positive relationship between age and NARC (B=0.032, 95% confidence interval 0.015-0.049; p=0.0003) and between the duration of HIV-1 infection and NARC (B=0.039, 95% confidence interval 0.017-0.059; p=0.0005). CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence of NARC was found, the most common being metabolic, cardiovascular, and psychological conditions. NARC rates were similar to those reported for the general population, suggesting a larger societal problem beyond HIV infection. A multidisciplinary approach is essential to reduce the burden of complex multi-morbid conditions in the HIV-1-infected population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Does the outcome of diagnostic ultrasound influence the treatment modalities and recovery in patients with shoulder pain in physiotherapy practice? Results from a prospective cohort study

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Study design: Prospective cohort study including patients with shoulder pain in primary care physiotherapy. Background: There is an increased tendency to use diagnostic ultrasound to aid the diagnostic strategy and target treatment. It is a relatively cheap and accessible imaging technique but the implications for practice and patients are unknown. Objectives: To study the influence of diagnostic ultrasound (DUS) on diagnostic work-up, treatment modalities and recovery. Methods: Participants (n = 389) with a new episode of shoulder pain were assessed at baseline and followed for 6, 12 and 26 weeks. Diagnostic work-up, including the use of DUS, and treatment strategies were reported by the therapists at 3, 6 and 12 weeks. Results: Most patients (41%) were diagnosed with subacromial impingement/pain syndrome after physical examination or DUS. DUS was used in 31% of the participants. Tendinopathy was the most found abnormality in this sub-population. Patients who underwent DUS were more frequently treated using exercise therapy. Patients that not had DUS were more likely to receive massage therapy, trigger point therapy or mobilisation techniques. Logistic regression analyses did not show a significant association between DUS and recovery after 26 weeks (0.88, 95%CI:0.50–1.57). Correcting for the therapist as a confounder using a multilevel binary logistic regression did not show a significant cluster effect. Conclusion: Diagnostic US as a work-up component does not seem to influence diagnosis or recovery but does influence the choice of treatment modality. Conclusions are limited to observational data. High quality randomized trials should study the effect of DUS on recovery

    A1C as a Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes in Low- and Middle-Income Settings: Evidence from Peru

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, in three groups of Peruvian adults, using fasting glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This study included adults from the PERU MIGRANT Study who had fasted ≥ 8 h. Fasting glucose ≥ 126 mg/dL and A1C ≥ 6.5% were used, separately, to define diabetes. Subjects with a current diagnosis of diabetes were excluded. 964 of 988 subjects were included in this analysis. Overall, 0.9% (95%CI 0.3-1.5) and 3.5% (95%CI 2.4-4.7) had diabetes using fasting glucose and A1C criteria, respectively. Compared to those classified as having diabetes using fasting glucose, newly classified subjects with diabetes using A1C (n = 25), were older, poorer, thinner and more likely to come from rural areas. Of these, 40% (10/25) had impaired fasting glucose (IFG). CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that the use of A1C as diagnostic criteria for type 2 diabetes mellitus identifies people of different characteristics than fasting glucose. In the PERU MIGRANT population using A1C to define diabetes tripled the prevalence; the increase was more marked among poorer and rural populations. More than half the newly diagnosed people with diabetes using A1C had normal fasting glucose

    Pain and analgesia in critical illness

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    A detecção, quantificação e tratamento da dor em doente crítico é, à longa data, uma preocupação dos clínicos que tra- balham em Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos. Não obstante, a dor é frequente em doentes críticos, independentemente do seu critério de admissão. Os autores apresentam uma revisão sobre analgesia em doente critico enfatizando o recurso a escalas apropriadas para o seu diagnóstico, quantificação e avaliação de terapêuticas efetuadas. São descritas as abordagens farmacológicas (sistémicas e regionais) recomendadas e discute-se a evolução do evento doloroso agudo a crónico em contexto de cuidados intensivos

    Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment in HIV Co-Infection in Portugal: Results from a Cohort OF 2133 Patients Presented by GEPCOI (Portuguese Coinfection Study Group)

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    Direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs) have recently changed the paradigm of hepatitis C therapy, significantly improving treatment response rates, patient life expectancy and quality of life. In Portugal, sofosbuvir (SOF) and SOF/ledipasvir (SOF/LDV) were fully reimbursed by the National Health System since early 2015 and generalized use of interferon-free DAA based regimens became current practice. During 2016, the remaining DAAs were sequentially added and covered by the same health access policy. The Portuguese Study Group of Hepatitis and HIV Co-infection (GEPCOI) collected data from 15 clinical centres in Portugal, pertaining to the HCV treatment experience with DAA regimens. A cohort of 2133 patients was analysed, representing one of the largest DAA treated HCV/HIV co-infected individuals. The global sustained virologic response (SVR) achieved was 95% in this real-life cohort setting. Linear regression analysis showed significant differences in treatment response rates when using SOF plus ribavirin (RBV) combination in genotype 2 or 3 infected individuals (P < .002) and in those with liver cirrhosis (P < .002). These findings corroborate that early treatment is mandatory in HIV/HCV co-infected patients, as response rates may be negatively influenced by higher fibrosis stages and suboptimal DAA regimens. The current national Portuguese health policy should continue to promote wider treatment access and individualized therapy strategies, aiming at the elimination of HCV infection in this high-risk co-infected population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A new CY elliptic fibration and tadpole cancellation

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    Tadpole cancellation in Sen limits in F-theory was recently studied by Aluffi and Esole. We extend their results, generalizing the elliptic fibrations they used and obtaining a new case of universal tadpole cancellation, at least numerically. We could not find an actual Sen limit having the correct brane content, and we argue that such a limit may not exist. We also give a uniform description of the fibration used by Aluffi and Esole as well as a new, simple, fibration which has non-Kodaira type fibers.Comment: 18 pages; added references and minor change

    The cost of promiscuity: sexual transmission of Nosema microsporidian parasites in polyandrous honey bees

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    Multiple mating (and insemination) by females with different males, polyandry, is widespread across animals, due to material and/or genetic benefits for females. It reaches particularly high levels in some social insects, in which queens can produce significantly fitter colonies by being polyandrous. It is therefore a paradox that two thirds of eusocial hymenopteran insects appear to be exclusively monandrous, in spite of the fitness benefits that polyandry could provide. One possible cost of polyandry could be sexually transmitted parasites, but evidence for these in social insects is extremely limited. Here we show that two different species of Nosema microsporidian parasites can transmit sexually in the honey bee Apis mellifera. Honey bee males that are infected by the parasite have Nosema spores in their semen, and queens artificially inseminated with either Nosema spores or the semen of Nosema-infected males became infected by the parasite. The emergent and more virulent N. ceranae achieved much higher rates of infection following insemination than did N. apis. The results provide the first quantitative evidence of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) in social insects, indicating that STDs may represent a potential cost of polyandry in social insects
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