164 research outputs found

    Biofloc Technology (BFT): A Tool for Water Quality Management in Aquaculture

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    Biofloc technology (BFT) is considered the new “blue revolution” in aquaculture. Such technique is based on in situ microorganism production which plays three major roles: (i) maintenance of water quality, by the uptake of nitrogen compounds generating in situ microbial protein; (ii) nutrition, increasing culture feasibility by reducing feed conversion ratio (FCR) and a decrease of feed costs; and (iii) competition with pathogens. The aggregates (bioflocs) are a rich protein-lipid natural source of food available in situ 24 hours per day due to a complex interaction between organic matter, physical substrate, and large range of microorganisms. This natural productivity plays an important role recycling nutrients and maintaining the water quality. The present chapter will discuss some insights of the role of microorganisms in BFT, main water quality parameters, the importance of the correct carbon-to-nitrogen ratio in the culture media, its calculations, and different types, as well as metagenomics of microorganisms and future perspectives

    Estudio epizootiológico de las dermatofitosis en perros y gatos

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    Se ha investigado la etiología de 141 casos de dermatitis en las especies canina (121 casos) y felina (17 casos). Mediante procedimientos dermatológicos de rutina, se comprobó la etiología micótica de veintisiete de ellos, encontrando una incidencia superior en gatos (58,82%) que en perros (13,71%). Las formas clínicas implicadas fueron: anular (60%), fávica (24%), kerion (12%) y onicomicosis (4%), no presentando una zona corporal específica de localización.A study was made of the aetiology of 141 cases of dermatitis in dogs (121 cases) and cats (17 cases). Rutine dermatological procedures revealed a mycotic aetiology in 27 animals, though it was more prevalent in cats (58,82%) than in dogs (13, 71%). Tbe clinicalforms involved uiere. annular (60%), favic (24%), kerion (12%) and onicomycosis (4%). No specific body site in the body was determined

    Educação em saúde com gestantes e mães sobre noções de cuidado com o neonato

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    Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados da implementação de uma intervenção em educação em saúde com gestantes e mães sobre noções de cuidado com o neonato na perspectiva das participantes. Metodologia: Investigação de abordagem qualitativa, delineada em pressupostos da pesquisa participante, realizada por meio de grupos focais como estratégia de diagnóstico e avaliação dos resultados de uma intervenção com 40 gestantes/mães. Resultados: Faixa etária prevalente de 14 a 26 anos de idade (72,5%), 50% primigestas e 50% multíparas, 25% relataram ter uma gestação, 12,5% duas gestações e 10% três gestações. Por meio do grupo focal diagnóstico constatou-se que algumas mães mantinham ações e hábitos equivocados e sentimentos negativos frente a práticas e cuidados de saúde do recém-nascido. No grupo focal de avaliação a experiência antes apavorante parecia atenuada e com redução de dor. Na higiene do recém-nascido houve demonstração de maior consciência do processo. Quanto à vacina e proteção, houve engajamento por parte das mães em geral. Conclusão: O conhecimento prévio das gestantes/mães acerca dos cuidados com o neonato eram empíricos e apresentavam limitações. Ao propor oficinas demonstrativas e participativas com estratégias educativas ativas foram acionados diferentes recursos e situações-problemas, que na avaliação das participantes auxiliou a promoção da saúde materna e do recém-nascido

    Removal of suspended solids from the effluents of a shrimp farm by the Blood Ark Anadara tuberculosa (Sowerby, 1833)

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    The potential of Anadara tuberculosa for bioremediation of shrimp farm effluents was evaluated in five field experiments performed in a semi-intensive shrimp farm in Sonora (NW Mexico), and yielded mean filtration, clearance and biodeposition rates of 33.10 mg/h/g, 0.41 L/h/g and 31.19 mg/h/g, respectively. This study demonstrates that A. tuberculosa adults can remove the particulate matter of a semi-intensive shrimp farms effluents

    Evaluation of the nutritional quality of Chaetoceros muelleri Schütt (Chaetocerotales: Chaetocerotaceae) and Isochrysis sp. (Isochrysidales: isochrysidaceae) grown outdoors for the larval development of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) (Decapoda: Penaeidae)

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    The biomass, proximal composition and fatty acid profile of Isochrysis sp., Chaetoceros muelleri and their mixture, grown under greenhouse conditions, were evaluated. The nutritional value of both species supplied as the monoalgal (Chaetoceros muelleri: Diet I, and Isochrysis sp. Diet II) and mixed diet (Diet III) for larval Litopenaeus vannamei was also assessed on the basis of the development and biochemical composition of the larvae. The highest protein levels were obtained in Diets I and II (40% and 35%, respectively). No significant differences in larval survival were found among the diets; however, larvae fed on Diet II had the lowest mean larval length

    Evaluación de la carga de bacterias heterótrofas y vibrios en un sistema de cultivo integrado camarón-molusco-macroalga

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    The load of heterotrophic bacteria and Vibrio spp. were evaluated in an integrated culture system of Litopenaeus vannamei Boone 1931, Mytella guyanensis Lamarck 1819 y Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi)Papenfuss, lasting for 45 days. The concentrations of heterotrophic bacteria were statistically similar at the beginning and at the end of the integrated culture and non-integrated culture (control), within a rangefrom 106 to 107 CFU/mL; however, at the end, the total counts of vibrios in non-integrated culture were significantly higher than in an integrated culture, up to 8.8×104 UFC/mL. The integrated culture systems showed the capability to maintain load low levels of heterotrophic bacteria without detriment of the shrimp survival, reducing additionally the load of Vibrio spp.Se evaluó la carga de bacterias heterótrofas y Vibrio spp. en un cultivo integrado con Litopenaeus vannamei Boone 1931, Mytella guyanensis Lamarck 1819 y Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss, llevado a cabo durante 45 días. La concentración de bacterias heterótrofas fue estadísticamente similar al inicio y final de los cultivos integrados y no integrados (control); con un intervalo de 106 a 107 UFC/mL. Sin embargo, las cuentas totales de Vibrio spp. fueron significativamente más altas en los cultivos no integrados, al final de los mismos con 8.8×104 UFC/mL. Los sistemas de cultivo integrados presentaron lacapacidad de mantener niveles bajos de carga bacteriana heterótrofa sin detrimento en la supervivencia de L. vannamei, además de reducir los niveles de vibrio

    Soil characterization for adobe mixtures containing Portland cement as stabilizer

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    One of the most economical ways to build with soil is to use adobe technique. There are several types of soils and most of them are not suitable for using to construct buildings. Physical and chemical characteristics of the soils will influence on its performance to use for buildings. This work aims to characterize physically, chemically and mineralogically two soil samples and study the dosage of mixtures for adobe using Portland cement as stabilizer. It was studied three different Portland cement content (6%, 9% and 12%) in the soil. The results showed that compressive strength of up to 5 MPa at 28 days for both type of soils studied with 12% of Portland cement. In addition, a comparison between two methods used for the particle size analysis of the soils. It was observed that the results differed in each method analysis. Overall this work has shown that to use these soils for adobe bricks, 9% of Portland cement is enough to reach the minimum compressive strength required by standard. Furthermore, this research brings results about the determination of the clay content of the soil, indicating that the traditional method to determine the size distribution curve by sieving and sedimentation may not be the most suitable to check this clay content. Keywords: Clay. Granulometric analysis. Soil-cement

    DNA metabarcoding of forensic mycological samples

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    DNA metabarcoding and massive parallel sequencing are valuable molecular tools for the characterization of environmental samples. In forensic sciences, the analysis of the sample’s fungal population can be highly informative for the estimation of post-mortem interval, the ascertainment of deposition time, the identification of the cause of death, or the location of buried corpses. Unfortunately, metabarcoding data analysis often requires strong bioinformatic capabilities that are not widely available in forensic laboratories. The present paper describes the adoption of a user-friendly cloud-based application for the identification of fungi in typical forensic samples. The samples have also been analyzed through the QIIME pipeline, obtaining a relevant data concordance on top genus classification results (88%).The availability of a user-friendly application that can be run without command line activities will increase the popularity of metabarcoding fungal analysis in forensic samples

    Comparação da resposta autonômica cardiovascular de praticantes de musculação, corredores de longa distância e não praticantes de exercício

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    The aim of the study was to compare the cardiovascular autonomic response (CAR) of recreational weight trainers, long distance runners and non-exercised subjects. Men, 21 to 55 years old, were grouped in: recreational weight trainers (W, n = 31), long distance runners (R, n = 28) and non-exercised (C, n = 35). Four strategies of evaluation of the CAR were selected: Resting heart rate (RHR), cold pressor test (CPT), heart rate variability (HRV) and heart rate recovery (HHR) following maximal exercise test. The RHR was lower (R = 54 ± 2; W = 62 ± 2; C= 65 ± 2 bpm; mean ± SE) and the HHR 60s post exercise was larger in the R group (R = 34 ± 3; W = 23 ± 1; C = 24 ± 2 bpm). The R group presented larger high-frequency (HF; 55.1 ± 4.0 n.u) and smaller low-frequency (LF; 43.1 ± 4.0 n.u) components of HRV than C group (HF = 40.7 ± 3.3; LF = 56.7 ± 3.5 n.u.). The W group did not show any differences compared to C group. The study's conclusion was that long-term weight-training program, unlike of long-term running training, it is not able to alter significantly the regulatory pattern of CAR.Objetivou-se comparar a resposta autonômica cardiovascular (RAC) de praticantes de musculação, corredores de longa distância e não praticantes de exercício. Homens, 21 a 55 anos, foram agrupados em: Praticantes Musculação (PM, n = 31); Praticantes Corrida (PC, n = 28); Controle (C, n = 35). Foram selecionadas quatro técnicas para avaliação da RAC: Frequência cardíaca de repouso (FCR), Teste pressórico do frio (TPF), Variabilidade da FC (VFC) e recuperação da FC pós-teste máximo em esteira. A FCR foi menor no grupo PC (PC = 54 ± 2; PM= 62 ± 2; C = 65 ± 2 bpm; média ± EPM). A recuperação da FC aos 60 s pós-teste de esforço foi maior no grupo PC (PC = 34 ± 3; PM = 23 ± 1; C = 24 ± 2; bpm). Quanto aos parâmetros espectrais de alta (HF) e baixa (LF) frequência da VFC, o grupo PC apresentou maior HF (55,1 ± 4,0 n.u) e menor LF (43,1 ± 4,0 n.u) comparado ao grupo C (HF = 40,7 ± 3,3; LF = 56,7 ± 3,5 n.u). O grupo PM não apresentou qualquer diferença de RAC em comparação ao grupo C. Conclui-se que prática contínua em musculação por longo prazo, diferentemente da prática de corrida de longa distância, não é capaz de alterar significativamente a RAC