7 research outputs found

    Uso de antagonistas α-adrenérgicos n-fenilpiperazínicos, composições farmacêuticas contendo os mesmos e processos para sua preparação

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    Em 9/11/2004: Publicação do Pedido Arquivado Definitivamente - Art. 216 § 2º e Art. 17 § 2º da LPI. Publicação de pedido definitivamente arquivado devido à não apresentação de procuração ou devido à apresentação de um pedido posterior Encerrada a instância administrativa. Pode ser adquirido no Banco de Patentes do Centro de Documentação e Informação Tecnológica do INPI - CEDIN - o folheto com o relatório descritivo, reivindicações, desenhos e resumo do pedido.DepositadaSão descritos antagonistas a-adrenérgicos fenilpiperazínicos. Utilidade para o tratamento de sintomas do trato urinário inferior, incluindo o tratamento de hiperplasia benigna da próstata em mamíferos, preferencialmente humanos; são também descritas composições farmacêuticas contendo os referidos compostos e processos para sua preparação

    Therapeutic approaches for tumor necrosis factor inhibition

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) consists of an inflammatory cytokine essential for homeostasis and organism defense. Despite its physiological relevance, both increased biosynthesis and release of TNF lead to the exacerbation of inflammatory and oxidative responses, which are related to the pathogenesis of a host of diseases of an inflammatory, autoimmune and/or infectious nature. In this context, effective therapeutic approaches for the modulation of TNF have been the focus of research efforts. Approximately one million individuals worldwide have been treated with biotechnological inhibitors of this cytokine, the so-called anti-TNF biopharmaceuticals. However, given the high risk of infection and the limitations related to cost and administration routes, new therapeutic approaches aimed at biological targets that directly or indirectly modulate the production and/or activation of TNF appear promising alternatives for the discovery of new anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory orally active drugs and are therefore discussed in this paper.O fator de necrose tumoral (do inglês, tumor necrosis factor - TNF) consiste em uma citocina inflamatória essencial para a homeostase e defesa do organismo. A despeito de sua relevância fisiológica, o aumento da biossíntese e liberação do TNF conduzem à exacerbação das respostas inflamatória e oxidativa, as quais estão relacionadas à patogênese de várias doenças de natureza inflamatória, auto-imune e/ou infecciosa. A busca por abordagens terapêuticas eficientes na modulação do TNF tem sido alvo de diversos esforços de pesquisa. Aproximadamente um milhão de pessoas ao redor do mundo já foi tratado com inibidores biotecnológicos desta citocina, os chamados biofármacos anti-TNF. Entretanto, em face ao elevado risco de infecções e as limitações relacionadas ao custo e a via de administração, novas abordagens terapêuticas com foco em alvos que modulem, de forma direta ou indireta, a produção e/ou ativação do TNF surgem como alternativas promissoras para a descoberta de novos fármacos antiinflamatórios e imunomoduladores ativos por via oral e serão discutidas neste trabalho

    Acompanhamento clínico e laboratorial de equinos naturalmente infectados por Anaplasma phagocytophilum

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    This study identified the main clinical and laboratorial alterations of Anaplasma phagocytophilum naturally infected horses that were treated using oxytetracycline as the only medicine, totalizing 5 treatments. It was evaluated six horses presenting clinical symptoms with a definitive diagnostic by direct observation of blood smears or PCR. All he animals showed alterations on hematology and serum biochemistry, compatible to an acute infection. During the treatment, it was seen that the values of almost all the evaluated parameters returned to normal. Animals diagnosed with acute infection presented hypoalbuminemia, hyperglobulinemia and diminished values of ALT and AST. The use of oxytetracycline in equines must be done with caution due to the risk of myositis and diarrhea and is necessary the biochemistry profile follow up to avoid any problems during the treatment.O presente trabalho identificou as principais alterações clínicas e laboratoriais de equinos naturalmente infectados por Anaplasma phagocytophilum e tratado utilizando-se oxitetraciclina de longa ação como único medicamento, num total de cinco aplicações. Foram avaliados seis equinos com infecção natural pelo agente Anaplasma phagocytophilum apresentando sintomatologia clínica e com diagnóstico definitivo realizado por meio de exame direto de esfregaço sanguíneo e PCR. Os animais apresentaram alterações nos valores hematimétricos e bioquímicos antes do tratamento, compatíveis com infeções de caráter agudo. Ao longo do tratamento observou-se melhora clínica e retorno aos valores de referência para a maioria dos parâmetros avaliados. Os animais com infecção aguda diagnosticada pela presença de inclusão intracitoplasmática ou PCR apresentaram hipoalbuminemia, hiperglobulinemia e diminuição nas concentrações de ALT e AST no momento do diagnóstico retornando aos valores de referência após o tratamento. A utilização de oxitetraciclina de longa ação em equinos deve ser realizada com muita cautela devido aos riscos de miosite e diarreias e se faz necessário o acompanhamento laboratorial, do perfil bioquímico destes animais, a fim de se evitar quaisquer problemas ao longo do tratamento

    Therapeutic approaches for tumor necrosis factor inhibition

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) consists of an inflammatory cytokine essential for homeostasis and organism defense. Despite its physiological relevance, both increased biosynthesis and release of TNF lead to the exacerbation of inflammatory and oxidative responses, which are related to the pathogenesis of a host of diseases of an inflammatory, autoimmune and/or infectious nature. In this context, effective therapeutic approaches for the modulation of TNF have been the focus of research efforts. Approximately one million individuals worldwide have been treated with biotechnological inhibitors of this cytokine, the so-called anti-TNF biopharmaceuticals. However, given the high risk of infection and the limitations related to cost and administration routes, new therapeutic approaches aimed at biological targets that directly or indirectly modulate the production and/or activation of TNF appear promising alternatives for the discovery of new anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory orally active drugs and are therefore discussed in this paper

    Anaplasma phagocytophilum direct detection and exposure evidence in equines from two breeding farms from Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT: Equine granulocytic anaplasmosis is caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilum, a gram negative, obligatory intracellular bacterium, member of Anaplasmataceae family, included in the Rickettsiales order. Little is known about the disease, transmission dynamics, genetic diversity and prevalence in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. This work aimed to do a serosurvey using indirect immunofluorescent assay (IFA) test and evaluation of buffy coat smears, and nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as diagnostic methods, to determine the disease situation in horses from two manga-larga marchador breeding farms located in the municipalities of Ataléia e São Vicente de Minas, in Minas Gerais state. It was found that 76% (131/172) of the animals were considered reactive for IFA test, and the total of 12.8% was positive at buffy coat smears analysis. At PCR analysis, it was found 1.94% of the samples positive to the infection. Those samples were sequenced and showed 96% of similarity to A. phagocytophilum from a Ixodes ricinus tick. There is a high frequency of animals with the evidence of contact to A. phagocytophilum on the two evaluated properties in this study, which was proved by positiveness in PCR analysis. New researches must be carried out to better understand the epidemiologic and clinical dynamic of the disease in the state of Minas Gerais