250 research outputs found
Vehicle emission of greenhouse gases in municipality solid waste collecting and handling
Motor vehicles pollution has become an issue because of the steady increase from both, the number of vehicles in use and the distance travelled by each vehicle every year. Throughout the last 50 years, mobile sources of fossil fuel combustion have become the major threat to air quality around the world. The main polluting emissions coming from vehicles are: carbon monoxide (CO), NOx, hydrocarbons (HC) and particles. In this research we will discuss and present a way of calculating the vehicle emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG) in municipality solid waste (MSW) collecting and handling processes
Влијание на животната средина при експлоатација во јамите
Јавното претпријатие за подземна експлоатација на јаглен се наоѓа во состав
на Електростопанство на Србија од 1990год. Во овој состав влегуваат осум рудници
со тринаесет производни единични-јами. До 1990год. Рудниците беа самостојни
претпријатија и ја претставуваа главната стопанска дејност, тогаш, а и сега во слабо
развиените општини во Србија. Во текот на процесот на производство наидуваа на
многу тешкотии кои произлегувале од сложените услови на експлоатација. Но и
покрај доскорашните надворешни санкции, рудниците успешно работеа. Најголем
пад на производството, за околу 20%, дојде 1994год. напрема 1990год. Но сепак
произведените количини на јаглен тогаш допринеле да се подмират некои витални
енергетски потреби (индустријата и домаќинствата).
Сите рудници се наоѓаат во живописни предели и туристички места и објекти
(Соко бања, Ресавска пештера, манастирите Манасија, Студеница, Раваница и др.).
Наведениве факти ја потенцираат потребата за заштита на природата, како
од еколошко така и од економско гледиште. Праксата покажала дека подземната
експлоатација на јаглен има помалку влијание на животната средина во однос на
останатата индустрија
Control and management of environmental noise
The negative effects caused by noise in the society are observed in the literature by several authors (Berglund & Lindvall, eds, 1995). The negative effects of noise can be direct (hearing loss, speech difficulties, sleep disorder), indirect or secondary effects, such as long-term effects on physical and mental health as a result of long-term disturbance of noise exposure and prolonged sleep disorder.
Considering that the World Health Organization (WHO 1947) defines health as complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease, commitment to the community in the control and management of environmental noise is a quite clear. Job (1996) highlights the indirect adverse health effects of noise, as probable cause for the reaction of society, in order to take appropriate measures for its control. The common goal is to satisfy necessity that all activities in the community must comply with the desire of people to quietly society.
Operational objectives include requirements for the protection, promotion and improvement of quality of life, or the need for environmentally sustainable development, reducing health risks and prevent environmental degradation. This policy seeks to promote environmental well-being by preventing and minimizing noise.
In this paper will be given a review of main processes involved in the implementation of policy for control and management of noise level.
Keywords: control, management, noise level, environmenta
Criteria for environmental noise assessment
The noise assessment generally refers to the assessment of noise impact from a specific source, such as noise originating from certain industrial plants, road traffic, and this is not always an easy task. Practically in every surrounding, a number of different sources contribute to the ambiental noise at a certain point. Standardization of noise level includes recommendations for noise level prescribed by legislation, which are enabling stay in the environment without danger to human health. Application of criteria on existing noise sources are made in case of significant modification in existing sources or in case of complaints of surrounding community.
This paper will be presented noise criteria that used to achieve the objectives of reducing the environmental noise impact as part of the policy for management and control of environmental noise.
Keywords: noise, assessment, criteria, environmen
Personal exposure to respirable dust in extractive industries in Western Balkan countries
Despite the various advancements made in recent years,
workers in the extractive industries continue to face the potential hazard of exposure to detrimental particulate matter. Also, despite the significant economic contribution of the extractive industries to the Western Balkan region, there is a lack of data pertaining to the level of
personal dust exposure experienced by people employed in these industries. This study shows the findings of a personal exposure sampling program that was carried out in five distinct enterprises located in Macedonia, Serbia, and Albania. The respirable personal dust levels observed at metal mining sites displayed a wide range of values, ranging from 0.12 to 1.78 mg/m3. The dust exposure experienced by workers in the industrial mineral processing sector has
a similar range, from 0.04 to 4.71 mg/m3. The measured values at the locations where metal processing occurs were determined to be the most minimal on record, falling within the range of 0.03 to 1.36 mg/m3.
This study provides empirical evidence that showcases the ongoing prevalence of elevated levels of respirable dust exposure among workers employed in the extractive industry in Western Balkan countries. The results emphasize the ongoing necessity for the adoption of efficient monitoring and control measures in order to mitigate dust exposure among employees in extractive sectors
Scanning electron microprobe characterization of air filters from the Kavadarci town and Tikveš valley
The paper presents data from SEM characterization of Air Filters from Kavadarci town
and Tikveš valey, Republic of Macedonia. Several filters from air pumps were submitted for characterization
of particulate matter by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) / Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy
(EDS).The method of individual particle analysis provides important information about the composition
and morphology of the particles, information that otherwise cannot be obtained by bulk analysis methods.
The SEM–EDS technique is a valuable tool for the characterization of particles of less than 10 μm
(PM10). Additionally, the identification of the morphology and chemical composition of these particles
provides valuable information for the determination of their origin. EDS analyses revealed that the filters
contained several aluminosilicate phases, including illite, plagioclase, quartz, and possibly amphibole/pyroxene
and chlorite. Other phases observed were calcite, gypsum, iron oxides/hydroxides, chromites, silver
minerals, and metallic phases. Minor nickel was found associated with metal oxides and stainless
steel. No indicated of fibrous materials
Geochemistry and origin of particles pm-10 in the area of Tikveš, Republic of Macedonia
We analyzed 13 aerosol samples collected on two sites in 2012: one in a commercial-industrialarea and one in a residential area of Tikveš area. Coarse (PM 10) fractions were analyzed by ICP-MS at University inŠtip. Seasonal gravimetric trends are obvious with higher concentrations in winter for both sides due to bad conditionsof air circulation. Three main sources are proposed: (1) a natural source (crustal-geological formations) to whichMg, Li, Th, Na, Ca, U, Sr, Ca, Ti, V are related; (2) an industrial combustion source, which carries Cu, Mo, As, Zn,Pb; and (3) and nickel smelter source, characterized by high levels of Ni, Cr, Fe, Co, Mn
Cloud computing as business perspectives for product lifecycle management systems
In a dynamic economic environment, the company’s survival may depend on the ability to focus on core business and quick adaptation. Yesterday’s profitable business model can’t be counted on to translate into future growth
and profits. As the business adapts to changing government and industry regulations, evaluates new business partnerships and anticipates competitive threats, IT needs to help the business find new ways to respond of such of fastchanges. At the same time, plans for change must often be made in the context of limited resources for finances, people, technology, and power
Fire risk assessment and computer simulation of fire scenario in underground mines
Unsafe working conditions in underground mines have led to a number of accidents, loss of life, damage to property,
interruption of production, etc. Safety is essential in mining industry, which in recent years mainly focuses on injury
prevention in the workplace through a variety of procedures and employee training. The primary goal of this paper is to
present a methodology with systematic analysis to determine the most risky places for fire occurrence in underground
mines and using a computer simulation to determine the movement of smoke and fire gases trough underground mining
facilities from which depends the safe evacuation of all employees
Opportunities for repairing the unloading bunker on shaft Golema Reka - Sasa Mine
The paper presents a repairing strategy for the damaged unloading bunker in the “Golema Reka” shaft hoisting system, including technology, equipment materials and work organization with special concern for workers safety. Several possibilities are reviewed and optimal approach is defined. Such works are of crucial importance for proper functioning of the “Sasa” Mine hoisting system and could serve as example for similar operations in underground mines
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