1,512 research outputs found

    Analisis Senyawa Metabolit Sekunder Dan Uji Toksisitas Ekstrak Etanol Biji Buah Alpukat (Persea Americana Mill.)

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    Biji buah alpukat telah banyak digunakan sebagai obat tradisional, oleh karena itu diperlukan informasi ilmiah tentang kandungan kimia dan efek samping yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis senyawa-senyawa metabolit sekunder yang terkandung dalam biji alpukat, serta menentukan toksisitas ekstrak biji alpukat berdasarkan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BST). Skrining fitokimia merupakan suatu tahap seleksi awal untuk mendeteksi golongan senyawa kimia yang terdapat dalam ekstrak tumbuhan. Skrining fitokimia meliputi uji alkaloid, uji triterpenoid dan steroid, uji tanin, uji flavonoid dan uji saponin. Uji toksisitas menggunakan metode BST dengan bioindikator larva Artemia salina Leach. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis probit menggunakan SPSS 20.0 for Windows untuk mengetahui nilaiLethal Concentration50 (LC50). Berdasarkan skrining fitokimia, biji buah alpukat diketahui mengandung beberapa senyawa metabolit sekunder, yaitu alkaloid, triterpenoid, tanin, flavonoid dan saponin. Nilai LC50 yang diperoleh berdasarkan uji toksisitas biji buah alpukat mentega segar dan kering, serta biji buah alpukat biasa segar dan kering, yaitu masing-masing sebesar 42,270 mg/L, 36,078 mg/L, 36,924 mg/L, dan 34,302 mg/L

    ASEAN Youth Center di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Neo Vernacular

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    Years of 2015, is a new era in ASEAN region, goes to compromise of ASEAN Economic Society (MEA). Every citizen in ASEAN region has equal opportunity in economic competition, without exceptionyouths. One of the most issues about youth is youth increasing ability program in ASEAN region. To reach this program, It needs a facility as container that known with youth center. Indonesia as country has mainly actor in increasing youthparticipation. It signs that Indonesian was being hosted some youth agendas. Therefore nowadays, Indonesia has not youth center facility that it can be container youth activity.Because of that it should produce youth center facility in Indonesia. Pekanbaru has wellchosen as location of youth center in Indonesia because it has strategic location, besides ofMalacca strait in which International trade routes and directly beside of some ASEAN country. ASEAN youth center perhaps afford to be ASEAN youth representative. Youth center in Pekanbaru emphasis is post-modern architecture, it means is combine modern style between vernacular architecture. It emphasis will produce modern shape but it still has local tradition or local genius. The aim of this research is designing ASEAN youth center inPekanbaru with Neo-Vernacular architecture as paradigm. Generally the strategy on this design such as zoning, mass shape, outdoor / landscape, circulation, structure, and facade.The result of this research is getting ASEAN youth center design in which combine some ASEAN architecture style like Malay, Hindu temple and Buddha temple

    Pattern of Ecological Adaptation and Household Livelihood Strategies in Rural Pangumbahan

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    Desa Pangumbahan memiliki dinamika sosial masyarakat dengan adanya kegiatan ekonomi skala makrodalam bentuk konsesi perkebunan kelapa serta alternatif ekonomi baru untuk pengembangan industriekowisata ini. Tujuan penelitian ini mencoba untuk melihat seberapa jauh pola adaptasi ekologi danstruktur rumah tangga yang tinggal dalam masyarakat desa Pangumbahan yang ada saat ini. Penelitianini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan didukung dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa pola adaptasi ekologi Pangumbahan desa antara lain ditentukan oleh adanya konsesiperkebunan dan konservasi penyu yang membatasi kehadiran budaya masyarakat desa Pangumbahan.Keterbatasan sumber daya alam, manusia dan rumah tangga kekuatan keuangan untuk melakukan berbagaistrategi untuk bertahan hidup. Strategi yang dilakukan warga desa pendapatan rumah tangga Pangumbahanbervariasi. Dalam satu rumah tangga dapat menerapkan dua atau lebih jenis strategi penghidupan

    Development and Validation of a Semi-Empirical Model for Two-Phase Heat Transfer from Arrays of Impinging Jets

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    Two-phase jet impingement is a compact cooling technology that provides high-heat-flux dissipation at manageable pressure drop, with applications in cooling power electronics and server modules. The extensive set of geometrical parameters and operating conditions that determine the heat transfer behavior of jet impingement systems provide an attractive level of design flexibility. In the present study, a semiempirical approach is developed to predict heat transfer from arrays of jets of liquid that undergoes phase change upon impingement. In the modeling approach developed, the jet array is divided into unit cells centered on each orifice that are assumed to behave identically. Based on prior experimental observations, the impingement surface in each unit cell is divided into two distinct regions: a single-phase heat transfer region directly under the jet, and a surrounding boiling heat transfer region along the periphery. Single-phase convection and boiling heat transfer correlations available in the literature are used to estimate the heat transfer coefficient distribution in each region, and the mean surface temperature of the unit cell is estimated via area-averaging. An analysis is performed to show that the model outputs are sensitive to the heat transfer coefficient correlations used as inputs, with the choice depending on the heat flux input and the expected operating regime. Experiments are performed to validate the areaaveraged thermal performance predictions. The model results are also compared against experimental data in the literature. The semi-empirical modeling approach developed in this work successfully represents the different heat transfer modes and transitions that occur during two-phase jet impingement. The location of transition to boiling predicted by the model is consistent with prior experimental observations of an inward-creeping boiling front with increasing heat flux. The predicted temperature difference between the surface and the jet inlet across all experimental comparisons has a mean absolute percentage error of 3.88%. The proposed modeling approach is demonstrated to be a practical tool in the development of two-phase jet array impingement devices, allowing for parametric exploration across the expansive design space
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