307 research outputs found

    Programação dos ensinos de línguas estrangeiras - metodologias de ensino-aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras - perspectiva diacrónica - com uma proposta prática

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    Este livro sintetiza as grandes orientações da didáctica das línguas estrangeiras através dos tempos e julga do valor de uma gama variada de métodos no ensino-aprendizagem dessas mesmas línguas estrangeiras. Evidencia a importância de uma acção educativa consciente e organizada com base na adopção de métodos e técnicas adequados. É um texto básico, sintético e, consequentemente, incompleto, para que possa constituir-se como um instrumento de trabalho e um ponto de partida para estudos e investigações complementares a levar a cabo por parte dos interessados

    Política científica e tecnológica : o passado recente e os desafios do futuro em Portugal

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    Mestrado em Economia e Gestão de Ciência e TecnologiaA política científica e tecnológica tem vindo a conhecer, cada vez mais e principalmente nos países mais desenvolvidos, um papel central no contexto das políticas nacionais. O estudo aprofundado destes temas revela-se de grande interesse, sendo essencial para o desenvolvimento dos países. O presente trabalho inicia se com a definição do que é a Ciência, de como a mesma evoluiu tendo em conta o sistema em que está inserida. De seguida são apresentadas mais algumas definições, imprescindíveis para o entendimento do assunto a ser tratado. As comunidades humanas passaram por vários estádios de evolução, mas foi a partir do momento em que a Ciência passou a ter grande aplicação prática que começaram a surgir necessidades de um acompanhamento por parte do Governo, nomeadamente na definição de modos de intervenção nesta área. O actual momento é considerado crucial para a afirmação das actividades de Ciência e Tecnologia pelos vários autores estudados, em resultado da trajectória iniciada com a II Grande Guerra, na qual a ciência foi utilizada para fins militares em grande escala. Desde esse período e até ao presente foram várias as fases por que passou a política neste domínio, onde a evolução económica, social c cultural da sociedade é consequência e envolvente do progresso. É de destacar que os EUA, considerados os líderes nesta matéria, a Europa e o Japão conheceram desenvolvimentos algo diferenciados no tempo. Após a análise da teoria considerada mais relevante, procedeu-se ao estudo da evolução do SCT português, designadamente, quais as estruturas que foram criadas e as estratégias e os programas que foram desenvolvidos. Nas conclusões apresentam-se algumas reflexões e indicam-se algumas sugestões para o desenvolvimento do nosso SCT.The Scientific and technological policy has been gaining over lhe years a central role in the developed countries in the context of national politics. The inlensive study of these matters is without a doubl of a great interest and is in deed essenlial for the dcvelopment of a country. This work begins with the definition of Science and how it evolves in its own system, followed by a set of definitions which will allow a bctter understanding of these matters. Scicnee as well as Humanity havc been suffering changcs over the years. Although in lhe past it has taken its course through several stages, it only gained relevance when Governments realised how important and crucial science can be. Its specific concept and its practical application forccd governments to pay a closer attention to the enormous technological breakthroughs that have been occurring as well as defining ways of intervention and Instruments to control it. If today science and technology activities represent a major player in our lives, and is studied by prestigious authors, that is the result of a trajectory that began in the second world war, when science was used for military purposes. Science and technology policy was at the time, and still continuous to be influenced by economical, social and cultural determinants. USA, Japan and European Union have known a distinguishable development through lime, with the USA being the leader in this matter. After we have discussed the central issues on the subject we will address the portuguese reality, namely, the structures that we have been creating as well the strategies and Programmes developed. Finally, we will present some of our reflections and suggestions for a better dcvelopment and improvement of the portuguese scientific and technological system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Internal preference mapping of milk–fruit beverages: Influence of color and appearance on its acceptability

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    The individual preferences of 100 consumers between 20 and 30 years old for the color of 16 milk–fruit juice beverages (MFJB) were investigated by preference mapping technique. Consumers were asked to evaluate, just by looking at the samples, how much they liked them (from “Extremely dislike” to “Extremely like”). The color of the samples was analyzed by two different instrumental techniques. Results obtained from the instrumental color measurement showed the wide diversity in hues of the beverages available in the market, and correlations between techniques proved that both of them were appropriate to analyze color. Results showed that participants preferred samples with orangish appearance instead of those with a whiter look. Anyway, punctuations given by the consumers suggest that generally, color of these products is not highly evaluated by consumers, as the best mean punctuation was 6.6.Consejería de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía P11-AGR-778

    estudo das atividades de enfermagem e dos respetivos tempos de execução

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    Mestrado , Gestão em Enfermagem, 2013, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de LisboaOs recursos humanos são fundamentais para garantir o funcionamento das organizações. De acordo com a literatura, dotações insuficientes de enfermeiros têm um impacto negativo nos resultados dos clientes, profissionais e organização. Assim, o estudo das horas de enfermagem necessárias para que o enfermeiro desempenhe as funções que lhe estão acometidas nas unidades de saúde é fundamental para que os gestores possam tomar decisões de contratação, que garantam a segurança, qualidade e sustentabilidade do serviço de saúde. É neste contexto, que surge o presente estudo, que tem como finalidade a produção de conhecimento sobre as atividades que compõem o exercício profissional dos Enfermeiros na área específica do tratamento em ambulatório de pessoas com adição e a sua tradução em horas de enfermagem. Os objetivos do estudo são: “Identificar as atividades que compõem o exercício profissional dos enfermeiros nas Equipas de Tratamento do IDT, IP.” e “Identificar os tempos médios de execução de cada uma das atividades que compõem o exercício profissional dos enfermeiros nas Equipas de Tratamento do IDT, IP”. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza quantitativa, que utilizou como abordagem metodológica a Técnica de Delphi. O estudo decorreu em duas fases. Foram aplicados por via eletrónica questionários a 17 peritos na primeira fase e a 15 peritos na segunda fase. Procedeu-se à análise estatística dos dados, recorrendo ao software SPSS, versão 20. Os resultados obtidos remetem-nos para uma elevada abrangência da intervenção dos enfermeiros, tendo sido identificadas atividades relacionadas com a prestação de cuidados, gestão, formação, supervisão e assessoria. Como principais conclusões do estudo, destacamos o elevado grau de concordância relativamente às atividades de enfermagem propostas e, a identificação dos tempos médios de execução para cada atividade. Assim, consideramos que os resultados obtidos, poderão constituir-se como uma mais-valia para a definição da dotação de enfermeiros no contexto de cuidados estudado

    In vitro antioxidant capacity of tomato products: Relationships with their lycopene, phytoene, phytofluene and alpha-tocopherol contents, evaluation of interactions and correlation with reflectance measurements

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    Tomato products were analysed for their carotenoids and a-tocopherol contents to study the contribution of individual compounds to the antioxidant capacity and assess the existence of interactions. Besides, the applicability of reflectance measurements for the estimation of the Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) was explored. Statistically significant regression coefficients were found between TEAC values and carotenoids and a-tocopherol levels. Lycopene seemed to have the highest contribution, followed by phytofluene. The results showed that the antioxidant capacity of phytofluene warrants further investigation. It was observed that there can be interactions between lycopene and atocopherol, although just the lycopene/a-tocopherol ratio cannot be used to predict the kind of interaction. More knowledge of these interactions would supply new tools for the industry to develop more optimized ingredients. Finally, the lycopene levels and TEAC values can be estimated by considering reflectance readings at certain wavelengths, which is important for field and quality control application

    Characterizing the potential of the non-conventional yeast Saccharomycodes ludwigii UTAD17 in winemaking

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    Non-Saccharomyces yeasts have received increased attention by researchers and winemakers, due to their particular contributions to the characteristics of wine. In this group, Saccharomycodes ludwigii is one of the less studied species. In the present study, a native S. ludwigii strain, UTAD17 isolated from the Douro wine region was characterized for relevant oenological traits. The genome of UTAD17 was recently sequenced. Its potential use in winemaking was further evaluated by conducting grape-juice fermentations, either in single or in mixed-cultures, with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, following two inoculation strategies (simultaneous and sequential). In a pure culture, S. ludwigii UTAD17 was able to ferment all sugars in a reasonable time without impairing the wine quality, producing low levels of acetic acid and ethyl acetate. The overall effects of S. ludwigii UTAD17 in a mixed-culture fermentation were highly dependent on the inoculation strategy which dictated the dominance of each yeast strain. Wines whose fermentation was governed by S. ludwigii UTAD17 presented low levels of secondary aroma compounds and were chemically distinct from those fermented by S. cerevisiae. Based on these results, a future use of this non-Saccharomyces yeast either in monoculture fermentations or as a co-starter culture with S. cerevisiae for the production of wines with greater expression of the grape varietal character and with flavor diversity could be foreseen. View Full-Textinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Profile of human resources and skills needs in the portuguese tourism sector

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    The tourism sector has been presented as one of the most important sectors of diverse economies due to its capacity to contribute to economic growth and job creation. Being an industry of people, it directly depends on the performance of activities, skills, professionalism, quality and competitiveness, so it is essential to answer with precise planning politics which should be the most approximated ones to the real needs of the sector. In Portugal, the tourism sector continues to reinforce its importance in society and in the national economy since it remains the main exporting economic sector. On the other hand, the main challenge of this sector is qualifying and increasing the level of qualification of its workers due to their inadequate level of qualification, since 50% of the employed population in this sector has a primary education level. Therefore, it has defined, in its public policies, the goal of duplicating, in the next decade, the number of employees with high school education qualifications. In this sense, once skills are becoming the global currency of the 21st century, this study aims to feature the main soft skills that touristic human resources should hold, based on the importance given to them by the national entrepreneurs of the sector. This study is based on a sample of 555 answers and used a qualitative methodology throughout a profound review of the literature as well as a quantitative methodology where an online survey was implemented, expecting to develop the ideal profile of the tourism human resources. The results of the study suggest that the profile of human resources in the tourism sector should include skills such as teamwork, knowledge of market trends, ability to conduct efficient strategic processes and decisions, as well as language skills, sales skills and digital communication.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudio preliminar sobre la utilidad del color para clasificar los zumos de naranja según su elaboración

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    En este trabajo se caracteriza el color de los zumos de naranja comerciales y se explora la utilidad de las coordenadas cromáticas CIELAB para clasificarlos según el proceso de elaboración. 41 muestras de zumos comerciales 15 de ellos procedentes de zumo a base de concentrado (ZC) y 26 procedentes de naranjas exprimidas (ZE) fueron analizadas por espectrorradiometría. Se observaron diferencias significativas en todos los parámetros colorimétricos (p<0, 05) excepto para la coordenada L*. Los zumos procedentes de concentrado (ZC) presentaron un valor medio de croma de 63, 78±2, 36 y de tono 83, 42±2, 10, mientras que los zumos procedentes de naranjas exprimidas (ZE) presentaron mayores valores de croma (C* ab=73, 11±2, 62) y menores de tono (hab=80, 87º±1, 68º). Con el objetivo de determinar qué variables permiten clasificar los zumos según su proceso de fabricación, se realizó un análisis discriminante. Las mejores predicciones se obtuvieron para los modelos que incluían las variables L* y C* ab. La aplicación de las funciones discriminantes obtenidas a un set de 25 muestras de test, produjo un porcentaje de acierto del 100%.In this study the colour of commercial orange juices has been characterized and the utility of CIELAB colour coordinates to classify them according to their processing has been investigated. 41 samples of commercial orange juices, 15 from concentrate (ZC) and 26 from squeezed oranges (ZE) were analyzed by spectroradiometry. Significant differences were obtained in all colorimetric parameters (p<0.05) except for the coordinate L* . Juices made from concentrate (ZC) showed an average value for chrome of 63.7±2.36 and for hue 83.42±2.10, while squeezed orange juices (ZE) showed higher chrome values (C* ab=73.11±2.62) and lower hue values (hab=80.87º±1.68º). Discriminant analysis was performed with the aim of selecting the variables which allows the classification of the juices according to their manufacturing process. The best predictions were obtained for the models which included L* and C* ab variables. The application of the discriminant functions to a set of 25 juices, resulted in a 100% of correct classifications.Junta de Andalucía P08-AGR-0378

    Optic Coherence Tomography Angiography in Diabetic Retinopathy

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a progressive microvascular disease considerer as the most important cause of acquired vision loss in the world. OCT angiography (OCT-A) has drastically improved the diagnosis and follow-up of DR showing alterations before changes in the fundus will be visible. With OCT-A, it is possible to quantify several parameters such as the macular vascular density (MVD) and foveal avascular zone (FAZ). This new technique will be important for early detection, follow- up, and monitoring treatment response. OCTA is a very promising image technique that is continually improving and offers numerous advantages over FA in DR management; nevertheless, there are technical limitations that must be improved

    Effects of grazing pressure on activity and richness of bats in a Portuguese silvo-pastoral system

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    Background High Nature Value Farmlands (HNVF) harbor species dependent upon habitats maintained by low-intensity farming. Among HNVF, the montado (dehesa in Spain) is a multifunctional system declining due to droughts, pathogens, and increasing grazing pressure. Specifically, grazing pressure leads to compact soils and hinders natural tree regeneration. Regrettably, there is a dearth of information supporting management decisions on the side-effects of high grazing pressure on HNVF-dwelling biodiversity. In particular, little is known about the impact of grazing pressure on bats, a group of species of special conservation concern that may provide key ecosystem services such as biological pest control. Purpose We investigated patterns of activity levels and community composition of insectivorous bats to test the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between the level of livestock grazing pressure within montado HNVF parcels and patterns of insectivorous bats’ presence and activity. Our specific aims were to (i) assess separately the effects of grazing pressure on bat activity and species composition, (ii) test the predictive significance of key covariates (e.g., insect availability). Methods We conducted this study in 2014 in the Natura 2000 network site “Monfurado”, southern Portugal. This site is specifically acknowledged for its well-preserved montados providing feeding areas for bat species. We quantified acoustically bat flight activity and species richness in farm parcels dominated by cork oak trees. Per parcel, we selected two separate locations (high vs. low grazing pressure) based on landowners’ interviews and grazing pressure indicators, totaling 42 sampling locations. We then used linear mixed-effects modeling to evaluate the effects of grazing pressure and covariates on activity and species richness. Results Bat activity and bat species richness peaked at low grazing pressure locations. Bat activity also increased with tree cover and in locations where livestock grazing signs were old or absent. Conversely, bat activity at low grazing pressure locations decreased with distance to the nearest standing water body. Discussion Our study clearly demonstrated that locations maintained under high grazing pressure within HNVF can have negative consequences for bats, which are acknowledged as good bioindicators of habitat quality. In order to promote better habitat for bats, practitioners should avoid favoring grazing-prone areas (e.g., rotating the location of livestock feeders, drinkers, and gates) across montado HNVF. Broadly, ecosystem services provided by bats for HNVF must be enhanced through sustainability oriented agro-environment schemes under the Economic Community Rural Development Program, including the reduction of stocking density