323 research outputs found

    Isolated singularities of the prescribed mean curvature equation in Minkowski 33-space

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    We give a classification of non-removable isolated singularities for real analytic solutions of the prescribed mean curvature equation in Minkowski 33-space

    Frecuencia de comportamientos anormales y estereotipados en caballos de patrullaje policial urbano : estudio de 48 horas continuas

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    ABSTRACT: Abnormal and stereotypic behaviors in horses have been widely studied around the world and different epidemiological situations have been described for behavioral disturbances. Objective: To determine the frequency of abnormal and stereotypic behaviors in a population of police patrolling horses. Additionally, to establish chronic stress levels in the population of interest. Methods: Twenty police horses were evaluated. The animals went through 48 hours of continuous observation to record the frequency of normal, abnormal, and stereotypic behaviors. Cortisol index (CI) was calculated for all the subjects. Results: A 65% of the horses expressed behavioral disturbances, with 55% corresponding to stereotypies. The abnormal behaviors consisted on wood chewing, pawing, and bed eating. Stereotypic behaviors were weaving, stall walking, and aerophagia (crib-biting or wind sucking). According to the CI, 13 horses were under chronic stress (CI<0.30). Conclusion: High level of chronic stress, expressed as abnormal and stereotypic behaviors, was observed in the horses.RESUMEN: los comportamientos anormales y estereotipados en caballos han sido ampliamente estudiados en el mundo, así como también diversas situaciones epidemiológicas relacionadas con estos disturbios. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de los comportamientos anormales y estereotipados en una población de caballos de patrullaje de la policía y establecer su nivel de estrés crónico. Métodos: se evaluaron 20 caballos. Los animales fueron observados durante 48 horas continuas para recopilar los comportamientos anormales y estereotipados. El índice del cortisol (CI) fue calculado para todos los animales. Resultados: el 65% de la población estudiada expresó disturbios del comportamiento, y el 55% de dichos disturbios se clasificó como estereotipias. Los comportamientos anormales observados consistieron en lignofagia, patear y comer cama. Los comportamientos estereotipados fueron balanceo, caminar en círculos y aerofagia. El CI mostró presencia de estrés crónico en 13 caballos (CI<0.30). Conclusión: se encontró un alto porcentaje de estrés crónico en los caballos de la policía, expresado como comportamientos anormales y estereotipados

    Tristimulus weight functions to calculate musts color coordinates from 10-nm bandwidth spectral data

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    Color measurement of red musts is affected by errors due to the instrument architecture. The influence of bandwidth in color coordinates errors is studied and a set of weighting functions for the color coordinates calculation, from 10 nm spectral data, is proposed

    Atazanavir-Based Therapy Is Associated with Higher Hepatitis C Viral Load in HIV Type 1-Infected Subjects with Untreated Hepatitis C

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    Comunicación cortaWe assessed the relationship between atazanavir (ATV)-based antiretroviral treatment (ART) and plasma hepatitis C virus (HCV) viral load in a population of HIV/HCV-coinfected patients. HIV/HCV-coinfected patients who received ART based on a protease inhibitor (PI) or nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) were included. Patients were stratified by ART drug [ATV/rtv, lopinavir (LPV/rtv), efavirenz (EFV), nevirapine (NVP), and other PIs], HCV genotype (1/4 and 2/3), and IL28B genotype (CC and non-CC). The Kruskal-Wallis test and chi-squared test were used to compare continuous and categorical variables, respectively. Multivariate analysis consisted of a stepwise linear regression analysis. Six hundred and forty-nine HIV/HCV-coinfected patients were included. HCV genotype 1/4 patients who received ATV had higher HCV RNA levels [6.57 (5.9-6.8) log IU/ml] than those who received LPV [6.1 (5.5-6.5) log IU/ml], EFV [6.1 (5.6-6.4) log IU/ml], NVP [5.8 (5.5-5.9) log IU/ml], or other PIs [6.1 (5.7-6.4) log IU/ml] (p=0.014). This association held for the IL28B genotype (CC versus non-CC). The association was not found in patients carrying HCV genotypes 2/3. The linear regression model identified the IL28B genotype and ATV use as independent factors associated with HCV RNA levels. ATV-based therapy may be associated with a higher HCV RNA viral load in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients

    Combustion modeling in a pressurized gas turbine burner using Large-Eddy Simulations

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme under the ESTiMatE project, grant agreement No. 821418. The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources at MareNostrum and the technical support provided by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (IM-2020-3-0022, IM-2021-1-0016).García-Oliver, JM.; Pastor Enguídanos, JM.; Olmeda-Ramiro, I.; Both, A.; Mira, D. (2022). Combustion modeling in a pressurized gas turbine burner using Large-Eddy Simulations. 690-699. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19067769069

    Generalities of vertebrate responses to landscape composition and configuration gradients in a highly heterogeneous Mediterranean region

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    Aim To examine the distributional patterns of vertebrates (including birds, bats, carnivores and lagomorphs) along landscape composition and configuration gradients to better understand the effects of landscape modification on occurrence patterns at both species and community level. Location The region of Alentejo, a forest-dominated area of southern Portugal. Methods The study area was framed using 1647 hexagonal plots, each of 259 ha in size. Composition and configuration gradients were obtained for each plot by integrating the proportions of the main land cover types and their configuration patterns using multivariate analyses. Species-specific vertebrate responses were investigated using data from 75 plots in which carnivores, bats and lagomorphs were sampled, and from 135 plots in the case of birds. Community- level responses were investigated through changes in species richness and beta-diversity in 57 plots where all vertebrate groups were simultaneously sampled. At the species-level, an information-theoretic approach was used to determine the effects of landscape gradients on species’ responses. At the community level, Mantel tests were used to determine between-plot differences in species composition using the Sørensen dissimilarity index. Results We found that the occurrence patterns of most vertebrate species were best predicted by composition-related gradients, although configuration gradients were also frequently included in species-specific occurrence models. We also found a weak correlation between species richness and most landscape gradients suggesting a turnover in the identity of species, something that was corroborated by the stronger correlation between environmental gradients and beta-diversity measures. The amount of forest cover and landscape complexity (estimated as the heterogeneity in the size and number of land cover types) were the main composition and configuration gradients determining vertebrate responses at both species and community level. Main conclusions Our work contributes to a more refined understanding of the mechanisms underlying species distributional patterns in real-world human-modified landscapes. By uncovering generalities of species with multiple ecological requirements and by describing the entire landscape mosaic through landscape gradients, we also suggest that our work greatly helps to fill the gap between existing conceptual landscape models aimed to understand species distributional patterns in human-modified landscapes

    Verification of a clear-sky mesoscale simulation using satellite-derived surface temperatures

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    A mesoscale simulation for Majorca Island is made using the Méso-NH model for a spring night, under a slack synoptic pressure gradient with weak general winds and clear skies. The circulations over and around the island are driven mostly by the locally generated flows, due to the topography and the land–sea thermal contrast. The verification of mesoscale simulations in clear-sky conditions is difficult, especially if the network of stations is not very dense. The main objective of this work is to try to verify the mesoscale simulation using measurements from automatic weather stations and satellite measurements. The model outputs are compared with the available instrumental data and the representativeness of the stations is discussed. Furthermore, complete two-dimensional comparisons are made between the radiative surface temperatures produced by the model and those processed from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite sensors. The high temporal resolution of the MSG images also allows comparison of the temporal evolutions of the surface temperature between satellite pixels and model grid cells. The procedure permits assessment of the closeness of the simulation to in situ and remote sensing observations. The results of the comparison show that the model is able to reproduce most of the observed patterns, such as intense local cooling or persistent outflows at the largest basins.Funding was provided by the Spanish Government (Research Projects REN2003-09435, CGL2005-07105, and CGL2006-12474)