15 research outputs found

    Ionogram inversion F1-layer treatment effect in raytracing

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    This paper shows the importance of the F1-layer shape in the electron density profiles obtained from ionograms with different inversion techniques when the profiles are used in ray tracing. This layer often controls the propagation on the path with ranges less than about 2000 km, particularly for spring and summer periods. Ionograms from two different stations, Hainan (19.4N, 109E) and El Arenosillo (37.1N, -6.7E), obtained during the month of July 2002 (average sunspot number: 99.6) during geomagnetic quiet conditions (Ap-index between 9 and 15) are analyzed. The profiles obtained with two different inversion techniques with different options are used together with the ray tracing program of the Proplab-Pro software. This program calculates the features of the received signal as angle of arrival, path length, height of reflection and range for each given profile assumed to define a spherically symmetric ionosphere in the region along the path. For each ionospheric condition (location, day, hour) the difference between range values obtained with Proplab-Pro program using profiles from the two techniques and the different options (POLAN no valley, POLAN valley, POLAN1-layer and NHPC) are considered

    Validation of a method for ionospheric electron density reconstruction by means of vertical incidence data during quiet and storm periods

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    A preliminary validation of the technique developed using the NeQuick ionospheric model and the «effective ionization parameter» Az, based on vertical total electron content data ingestion, was carried out in a previous study. The current study was performed to extend the analyzed conditions and confirm the results. The method to validate this technique is based on a comparison between hourly F2 peak values measured with Vertical Incidence (VI) soundings and those calculated with the new technique. Data corresponding to different hours and seasons (equinox, summer solstice, and winter solstice) during the period 2000-2003 (high and medium solar activity conditions) were compared for all available ionosonde stations. The results show a good agreement between foF2 and hmF2 values obtained with the new technique and measurements from vertical incidence soundings during quiet and storms conditions

    A model assisted ionospheric electron density reconstruction method based on vertical TEC data ingestion

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    A technique to reconstruct the electron density of the ionosphere starting from total electron content values has been developed using the NeQuick ionospheric electron density model driven by its effective ionization parameter Az. The technique is based on the computation of Az values for a suitable worldwide grid of points. A simple way to obtain relevant Az grids is to use global vertical Total Electron Content (TEC) maps to define for each grid point as Az value, the one that minimizes the difference between the experimental and the modeled vertical TEC. Having a global grid of Az values it is possible to compute the electron density at any point in the ionosphere using NeQuick. As a consequence, slant TEC values for specific ground station to satellite links or ionosphere peak parameter values at any location can be calculated. The results of the comparisons between experimental and reconstructed slant TEC as well as experimental and reconstructed peak parameters values indicate that the proposed reconstruction method can be used to reproduce the observed ionosphere in a realistic way

    Longitudinal Differences Observed in the Ionospheric F-Region During the Major Geomagnetic Storm of March 31, 2001

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    A new ionospheric sounding station using a Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (CADI) was established for routine measurements by the “Universidade do Vale do Paraiba (UNIVAP)” at S˜ao Jos´e dos Campos (23.2_ S, 45.9_ W), Brazil, in August 2000. A major geomagnetic storm with gradual commencement at about 01:00 UT was observed on 31 March 2001. In this paper, we present and discuss salient features from the ionospheric sounding measurements carried out at S. J. Campos on the three consecutive UT days 30 March (quiet), 31 March (disturbed) and 1 April (recovery) 2001. During most of the storm period, the foF2 values showed negative phase, whereas during the two storm-time peaks, large F-region height variations were observed. In order to study the longitudinal differences observed in the F-region during the storm, the simultaneous ionospheric sounding measurements carried out at S. J. Campos, El Arenosillo (37.1_ N, 6.7_W), Spain, Okinawa (26.3_ N, 127.8_ E), Japan and Wakkanai (45.5_ N, 141.7_ E), Japan, during the period 30 March–1 April 2001, have been analyzed. A comparison of the observed ionospheric parameters (h0F and foF2) in the two longitudinal zones (1. Japanese and 2. Brazilian-Spanish) shows both similarities and differences associated with the geomagnetic disturbances. Some latitudinal differences are also observed in the two longitudinal zones. In addition, global ionospheric TEC maps from the worldwide network of GPS receivers are presented, showing widespread TEC changes during both the main and recovery phases of the storm. The ionospheric sounding measurements are compared with the ASPEN-TIMEGCM model runs appropriate for the storm conditions. The model results produce better agreement during the quiet period. During the disturbed period, some of the observed F-region height variations are well reproduced by the model results. The model foF2 and TEC results differ considerably during the recovery period and indicate much stronger negative phase at all the stations, particularly at the low-latitude ones

    Ionogram inversion F1-layer treatment effect in raytracing

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    This paper shows the importance of the F1-layer shape in the electron density profiles obtained from ionograms
 with different inversion techniques when the profiles are used in ray tracing. This layer often controls the propagation
 on the path with ranges less than about 2000 km, particularly for spring and summer periods. Ionograms
 from two different stations, Hainan (19.4N, 109E) and El Arenosillo (37.1N, -6.7E), obtained during the month
 of July 2002 (average sunspot number: 99.6) during geomagnetic quiet conditions (Ap-index between 9 and 15)
 are analyzed. The profiles obtained with two different inversion techniques with different options are used together
 with the ray tracing program of the Proplab-Pro software. This program calculates the features of the received signal
 as angle of arrival, path length, height of reflection and range for each given profile assumed to define a spherically
 symmetric ionosphere in the region along the path. For each ionospheric condition (location, day, hour) the
 difference between range values obtained with Proplab-Pro program using profiles from the two techniques and
 the different options (POLAN no valley, POLAN valley, POLAN1-layer and NHPC) are considered

    Validation of a method for ionospheric electron density reconstruction by means of vertical incidence data during quiet and storm periods

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    A preliminary validation of the technique developed using the NeQuick ionospheric model and the «effective ionization parameter» Az, based on vertical total electron content data ingestion, was carried out in a previous study. The current study was performed to extend the analyzed conditions and confirm the results. The method to validate this technique is based on a comparison between hourly F2 peak values measured with Vertical Incidence (VI) soundings and those calculated with the new technique. Data corresponding to different hours and seasons (equinox, summer solstice, and winter solstice) during the period 2000-2003 (high and medium solar activity conditions) were compared for all available ionosonde stations. The results show a good agreement between foF2 and hmF2 values obtained with the new technique and measurements from vertical incidence soundings during quiet and storms conditions. European Community Fifth Framework Programm

    A model assisted ionospheric electron density reconstruction method based on vertical TEC data ingestion

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    A technique to reconstruct the electron density of the ionosphere starting from total electron content values has
 been developed using the NeQuick ionospheric electron density model driven by its effective ionization parameter
 Az. The technique is based on the computation of Az values for a suitable worldwide grid of points. A simple
 way to obtain relevant Az grids is to use global vertical Total Electron Content (TEC) maps to define for each
 grid point as Az value, the one that minimizes the difference between the experimental and the modeled vertical
 TEC. Having a global grid of Az values it is possible to compute the electron density at any point in the ionosphere
 using NeQuick. As a consequence, slant TEC values for specific ground station to satellite links or ionosphere
 peak parameter values at any location can be calculated. The results of the comparisons between experimental
 and reconstructed slant TEC as well as experimental and reconstructed peak parameters values indicate
 that the proposed reconstruction method can be used to reproduce the observed ionosphere in a realistic way

    The 11.08.1999 solar eclipse and the ionosphere: a search for the distant bow-wave

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    The advantage of studying eclipse disturbances is the perfect predictability of their 4D source geometry, which allows for preparation of adapted systems and schedules. The total solar eclipse period of August 11, 1999 across Europe was notable for exceptionally uniform solar disk, steady solar wind and quiet magnetospheric conditions. Large-scale gravity wave activity prior to the eclipse however disturbed the initial 0900 LT thermosphere weather. This rapid letter is an advance summary about one particular aspect of the West European ionosonde and radar results of the eclipse experiment. It focusses on the possible emergence of a distant eclipse frontal bow-wave. This was expected as a consequence of the supersonic shock of stratospheric Ozone cooling. First-look data of Vertical Incidence Digisonde records are greatly improved by their Real-Time acquisition of inverted true-height pro>les. The EBRE (Tortosa, Spain) foF1 and foF2 simultaneous oscillations observed from the second to the fourth hour following maximum solar occultation appear as convincing indicators of the bow-wave signature. Large ?uctuations in foF1 and foF2 during some of our control days, of usual gravity wave character, emphasize the importance of meteorologic disturbances on mid-latitude ionosphere variability

    Behavior of the scale height at the F2 layer peak derived from Digisonde measurements at two European stations

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    A new technique is presented to estimate the electron density topside profile from information derived from ground-based ionograms. The electron density above the F2 peak is approximated by an a-Chapman function with constant scale height (Hm). The scale height is derived from the shape of the bottomside profile near the F2 peak. Digisonde data obtained at two European stations: Ebro (40.4 N, 0.3 E) and El Arenosillo (37.1 N; 353.2 E) for different times of day, seasons, and periods of the solar cycle to study the variations of Hm. The results of the analysis are in good agreement with those reported by other authors. A table of values is presented for typical hours of the day and different seasons and solar activity conditions. This study, once extended to a larger database, will support modeling Hm as a function of time, season, latitude, solar activity and magnetic activity, and contribute to the formulation of the topside electron density in the IRI model