85 research outputs found

    Disseny d'un joc de taula per educar i sensibilitzar envers la pobresa energètica

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    Es dissenyarà un joc de taula educatiu dirigit a grups de adolescents entre 12 i 16 anys, que pugui ser utilitat en l'àmbit de l'educació formal (secundària) i no formal (esplais, biblioteques, caus, etc.) amb l'objectiu de sensibilitzar sobre el problema de la pobresa energètica, els actors implicats, les seves causes i possibles alternatives per a la seva gestió i solució

    Mapping Nighttime and All-Day Radiative Cooling Potential in Europe and the Influence of Solar Reflectivity

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    Radiative cooling is a natural process to cool down surfaces through the rejection of thermal radiation using the outer space as a cold sink, taking advantage of the transparency of the atmospheric windows (8–14 µm), which partially matches the infrared radiation band. With the development of new materials that have a high reflectivity of solar radiation, daytime radiative cooling can be achieved. This phenomenon depends on the optical properties of the surface and the local weather conditions. In this research, climatological data from 1791 weather stations were used to present detailed nighttime and all-day radiative cooling maps for the potential implementation of radiative cooling-based technologies. The paper offers a parametric study of the variation of the potential as a result of decreasing the solar reflectivity. The results show that southern Europe is the region with the highest potential while northern Europe holds more hours of available radiative cooling. After varying the solar reflectivity from 1 to 0.5 the average power reduces from 60.18 to 45.32 W/m2 , and energy from 527.10 to 264.87 kWh/m2 ·year. For solar reflectivity lower than 0.5, all-day radiative coolers behave as nighttime radiative coolers, but power and energy values improve significantly for high values of solar reflectivity. Small variations of solar reflectivity have greater impacts on the potential at higher reflectivity values than at lower ones.This research was funded by the Catalan Government, grant number 2017 SGR 659, and by the Spanish government (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades), grant number RTI2018-097669-A-I0

    Aging study of plastics to be used as Radiative cooling wind-shields for night-time radiative cooling - Polypropylene as an alternative to polyethylene.

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    Polyethylene has widely been used in radiative cooling applications because of high transmittance values in the atmospheric window. However, it presents optical and mechanical degradation when exposed to environmental conditions and must be replaced every few months. This paper aims to find an alternative to polyethylene to be used in a unique device, the Radiative Collector and Emitter (RCE), that combines solar collection and night-time radiative cooling. The aging evolution analysis of five cheap and market available plastic films (two low density polyethylene, one high density polyethylene, one polypropylene, and one fluorinated ethylene propylene) exposed to environmental conditions was performed. FT-IR spectra and mechanical traction tests were performed before and after 90 days of exposure to the environment. Results confirm that polyethylene undergoes a degradation process both when it is covered by a glass and when it is uncovered. However, it maintains high average transmittance values in the atmospheric window. Polypropylene has average transmittance values slightly lower than polyethylene, but its aging behaviour is better since no oxidative processes are detected when the material is covered with glass. For all this, PP-35 is an interesting candidate for night-time radiative cooling wind-shields.This publication is part of the grant RTI2018-097669-A-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. This publication is part of the grant PID2021- 126643OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. The authors would like to thank Generalitat de Catalunya for the project grant given to their research group (2017 SGR 659)

    CNS-border associated macrophages respond to acute ischemic stroke attracting granulocytes and promoting vascular leakage

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    The central nervous system (CNS) contains several types of immune cells located in specific anatomic compartments. Macrophages reside at the CNS borders surrounding the brain vessels, in leptomeningeal spaces and the choroid plexus, where they interact with the vasculature and play immunological surveillance and scavenging functions. We investigated the phenotypic changes and role of these macrophages in response to acute ischemic stroke. Given that CD163 expression is a hallmark of perivascular and meningeal macrophages in the rat and human brain, we isolated CD163+ brain macrophages by fluorescence activated cell sorting. We obtained CD163+ cells from control rats and 16 h following transient middle cerebral artery occlusion, after verifying that infiltration of CD163+ peripheral myeloid cells is negligible at this acute time point. Transcriptome analysis of the sorted CD163+ cells identified ischemia-induced upregulation of the hypoxia inducible factor-1 pathway and induction of genes encoding for extracellular matrix components and leukocyte chemoattractants, amongst others. Using a cell depletion strategy, we found that CNS border-associated macrophages participate in granulocyte recruitment, promote the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), increase the permeability of pial and cortical blood vessels, and contribute to neurological dysfunction in the acute phase of ischemia/reperfusion. We detected VEGF expression surrounding blood vessels and in some CD163+ perivascular macrophages in the brain tissue of ischemic stroke patients deceased one day after stroke onset. These findings show ischemia-induced reprogramming of the gene expression profile of CD163+ macrophages that has a rapid impact on leukocyte chemotaxis and blood-brain barrier integrity, and promotes neurological impairment in the acute phase of stroke

    Frecuencia serológica y molecular de Leishmania spp y Trypanosoma cruzi y factores asociados en perros con signos sugestivos de infección por tripanosomátidos en Quintana Roo, México

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 40 dogs with clinical signs suggestive of infection by Leishmania spp and Trypanosoma cruzi in the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Blood, skin and bone marrow samples were taken. Indirect immunofluorescence (IFI) tests for detection of anti-Leishmania infantum and immunochromatic test for the detection of anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in serum were performed. In addition, molecular analyses were performed using PCR to detect Leishmania spp in bone marrow and skin and T. cruzi in bone marrow. Histopathological analyses of the skin and cytology of the bone marrow were carried out in search of lesions and trypanosomatid agents. The results showed that 3 (7.5%) and 6 (15%) dogs with anti-L. infantum and T. cruzi antibodies were detected, respectively. Molecular analyses detected 17 dogs positive for infection by T. cruzi (42.5%) and none for infection by Leishmania spp. Dogs with low body condition showed greater seropositivity to T. cruzi using Fisher’s exact test (p<0.05). Parasites of the genus Leishmania did not actively participate in the pathological processes of the animals; however, a high frequency of animals infected with T. cruzi was observed.Se realizó un estudio transversal con una muestra de 40 perros con signos clínicos sugestivos de infección por Leishmania spp y Trypanosoma cruzi en el municipio de Lázaro Cárdenas, Quintana Roo, México. Se tomaron muestras de sangre, piel y médula ósea. Se realizaron las pruebas de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI) para detección de anticuerpos anti-Leishmania infantum e inmunocromática para detección de anticuerpos anti-Trypanosoma cruzi en suero. Además, se realizaron análisis moleculares, mediante PCR para la detección de Leishmania spp en médula ósea y piel y T. cruzi en médula ósea. Se realizaron análisis histopatológicos de piel y citológicos de médula ósea en busca de lesiones y agentes tripanosomátidos. Se detectaron 3 (7.5%) y 6 (15%) perros con anticuerpos anti-L. infantum y T. cruzi, respectivamente. En los análisis moleculares se detectaron 17 perros positivos a la infección por T. cruzi (42.5%) y ninguno a la infección por Leishmania spp. Los perros con baja condición corporal presentaron mayor seropositividad a T. cruzi mediante la prueba exacta de Fisher (p<0.05). Los parásitos del género Leishmania no participaron activamente en los procesos patológicos de los animales estudiados; sin embargo, se observa una alta frecuencia de animales infectados por T. cruzi

    Gut microbiome signatures linked to HIV-1 reservoir size and viremia control

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    The potential role of the gut microbiome as a predictor of immune-mediated HIV-1 control in the absence of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is still unknown. In the BCN02 clinical trial, which combined the MVA.HIVconsv immunogen with the latency-reversing agent romidepsin in early-ART treated HIV-1 infected individuals, 23% (3/13) of participants showed sustained low-levels of plasma viremia during 32 weeks of a monitored ART pause (MAP). Here, we present a multi-omics analysis to identify compositional and functional gut microbiome patterns associated with HIV-1 control in the BCN02 trial. Viremic controllers during the MAP (controllers) exhibited higher Bacteroidales/Clostridiales ratio and lower microbial gene richness before vaccination and throughout the study intervention when compared to non-controllers. Longitudinal assessment indicated that the gut microbiome of controllers was enriched in pro-inflammatory bacteria and depleted in butyrate-producing bacteria and methanogenic archaea. Functional profiling also showed that metabolic pathways related to fatty acid and lipid biosynthesis were significantly increased in controllers. Fecal metaproteome analyses confirmed that baseline functional differences were mainly driven by Clostridial es. Participants with high baseline Bacteroidales/Clostridiales ratio had increased pre-existing immune activation-related transcripts. The Bacteroidales/Clostridiales ratio as well as host immune-activation signatures inversely correlated with HIV-1 reservoir size. The present proof-of-concept study suggests the Bacteroidales/Clostridiales ratio as a novel gut microbiome signature associated with HIV-1 reservoir size and immune-mediated viral control after ART interruption. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s40168-022-01247-6

    Gut microbiome signatures linked to HIV-1 reservoir size and viremia control

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    Background: The potential role of the gut microbiome as a predictor of immune-mediated HIV-1 control in the absence of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is still unknown. In the BCN02 clinical trial, which combined the MVA.HIVconsv immunogen with the latency-reversing agent romidepsin in early-ART treated HIV-1 infected individuals, 23% (3/13) of participants showed sustained low-levels of plasma viremia during 32 weeks of a monitored ART pause (MAP). Here, we present a multi-omics analysis to identify compositional and functional gut microbiome patterns associated with HIV-1 control in the BCN02 trial. Results: Viremic controllers during the MAP (controllers) exhibited higher Bacteroidales/Clostridiales ratio and lower microbial gene richness before vaccination and throughout the study intervention when compared to non-controllers. Longitudinal assessment indicated that the gut microbiome of controllers was enriched in pro-inflammatory bacteria and depleted in butyrate-producing bacteria and methanogenic archaea. Functional profiling also showed that metabolic pathways related to fatty acid and lipid biosynthesis were significantly increased in controllers. Fecal metaproteome analyses confirmed that baseline functional differences were mainly driven by Clostridiales. Participants with high baseline Bacteroidales/Clostridiales ratio had increased pre-existing immune activation-related transcripts. The Bacteroidales/Clostridiales ratio as well as host immune-activation signatures inversely correlated with HIV-1 reservoir size. Conclusions: The present proof-of-concept study suggests the Bacteroidales/Clostridiales ratio as a novel gut microbiome signature associated with HIV-1 reservoir size and immune-mediated viral control after ART interruption. Video abstract

    Establim contacte: guia plàstica de contacte amb tacte

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    Control oficial; MCA; Plàstics; AlimentsControl oficial; MCA; Plásticos; AlimentosOfficial control; MCA; Plastics; FoodL’objectiu d’aquesta publicació és facilitar les tasques de control oficial que duen a terme els tècnics de l’ASPCAT en les inspeccions a les empreses que fabriquen i/o importen materials i objectes en contacte amb aliments de naturalesa plàstica. Per aquest motiu, hem elaborat un procediment i una guia d’inspecció que intenta sistematitzar i establir una priorització dels aspectes a avaluar en les unitats de control. El procediment inclou la sistemàtica a seguir per a la realització de les unitats de control i en la guia s’especifiquen els diferents aspectes a revisar. Per a cada un dels ítems a valorar s’inclou una introducció normativa, s’especifiquen els aspectes que s’haurien d’avaluar en la visita d’inspecció i es concreta com efectuar-ne la revisió. Hem volgut aprofundir en l’avaluació de la conformitat dels MCA: l’assignació de simulants, les condicions d’assaig, la verificació dels resultats dels assajos de migració i en definitiva, la conformitat dels MCA. Considerem que és un aspecte cabdal verificar la conformitat i alhora també una tasca complexa. Per aquest motiu, els hi dediquem una atenció especial.El objetivo de esta publicación es facilitar las labores de control oficial que realizan los técnicos de ASPCAT y ASPB en las inspecciones de empresas que fabrican y/o importan materiales plásticos y objetos en contacto con alimentos. Por ello, hemos elaborado un procedimiento y una guía de inspección que trata de sistematizar y establecer una priorización de los aspectos a evaluar en las unidades de control oficial. El procedimiento incluye la sistemática a seguir para la realización de las unidades de control y la guía especifica los diferentes aspectos a revisar. Para cada uno de los elementos a evaluar, se incluye una introducción normativa, se especifican los aspectos que deben evaluarse durante la visita de inspección y se define cómo llevar a cabo la revisión. Queríamos profundizar en la evaluación de la conformidad de los MCA: la asignación de simulantes, las condiciones de ensayo y la verificación de los resultados de los ensayos de migración, en definitiva, la conformidad de los MCA. Consideramos que es un aspecto clave para verificar la conformidad y al mismo tiempo también es una tarea compleja. Por ello, les prestamos especial atención.The aim of this publication is to facilitate the official control tasks carried out by ASPCAT and ASPB technicians in the inspections of companies that manufacture and/or import plastic materials and objects in contact with food. For this reason, we have drawn up a procedure and an inspection guide that tries to systematize and establish a prioritization of the aspects to be evaluated in the control units. The procedure includes the system to follow for the realization of the control units and the guide specifies the different aspects to be reviewed. For each of the items to be assessed, a normative introduction is included, the aspects that should be assessed during the inspection visit are specified and it is defined how to carry out the review. We wanted to deepen the assessment of the conformity of the MCAs: the assignment of simulants, the test conditions, and the verification of the results of the migration tests, in short, the conformity of the MCAs. We consider that it is a key aspect to verify conformity and, at the same time, it is a complex task. For this reason, we pay special attention to them