1,065 research outputs found

    Characterizations and estimations of Size Biased Generalized Rayleigh Distribution

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    Since the widely using of the weighted distribution in many fields of real life such various areas including medicine, ecology, reliability, and so on , then we try to shed light and record our contribution in this field thru the research. In this paper, a new class of size-biased Generalized Rayleigh distribution is defined. A size-biased Generalized Rayleigh distribution, a particular case of weighted Generalized Rayleigh distribution, taking the weights as the variate values has been defined. The power and logarithmic moments of this family is defined. Some important theorems of SBGRD has been derived and studied. A new moment estimation method of parameters of SBGRD using its characterization is presented. In brief, this paper consists of presentation of general review of important properties of the new distribution. Bayes estimators of Size biased Generalized Rayleigh distribution (SBGRD), that stems from an extension of Jeffery’s prior (Al-Kutubi [13]) with a new loss function (Al-Bayyati [12]). We are proposing four different types of estimator. Under squared error loss function, there are two estimators formed by using Jaffrey prior and an extension of Jaffrey’s prior. The two remaining estimators are derived using the same Jeffrey’s prior and extension of Jeffrey’s prior under a new loss function. These methods are compared by using mean square error through simulation study with varying sample sizes. Keywords: Generalized Rayleigh distribution, Size biased generalized Rayleigh distribution, Logarithmic moment, squared error loss function, Al-Bayatti’s loss function

    Anàlisi espacio-temporal de la línia de costa i del foredune del sistema dunar de Sa Canova d’Artà (Mallorca)

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    [cat] Els sistemes platja-duna, són una de les morfologies sedimentàries més abundants a les Illes Balears. Aquests es troben composats per diferents subsistemes, els quals presenten diferents nivells de dinamisme. Des d’aquest punt de vista, la foredune és el sector més dinàmic de la part emergida del sistema i en la qual la vegetació té un paper clau per al desenvolupament de la resta del sistema. Tots i cada un dels sistemes existents a la comunitat autònoma i a la resta del món disposa d’una condicions/característiques que el fan peculiar i diferent a la resta; a part de les pròpies condicions físiques intrínseques al propi medi, a dia d’avui els sistemes han de fer front a tota una sèrie de pressions d’origen antròpic, destacant especialment l’activitat turística en el cas Balear. El cas d’estudi, és Sa Canova, situada al terme municipal d’Artà (NE de l’illa de Mallorca); aquest sistema tampoc n’és una excepció, al llarg del període d’estudi (1956-2012), ha sofert variacions, tant d’origen natural, com antròpic, les quals han tingut com a conseqüència el sistema dunar actualment existent.[eng] The beach-dune systems, are one of the most abundant sedimentary morphologies in the Balearic Islands. These are composed of different subsystems, which present different levels of dynamism. From this point of view, Foredune is the most dynamic sector of the emerging part of the system and in which vegetation plays a key role for the development of the rest of the system. Each and every one of the existing systems in the autonomous community and the rest of the world has conditions / characteristics that make it peculiar and different from the rest; Apart from the intrinsic physical conditions inherent in their own environment, today, systems have to deal with a whole series of pressures of anthropogenic origin, with special emphasis on tourism in the Balearic Islands. The case study is Sa Canova, located in the municipality of Artà (NE of the island of Mallorca); This system is not an exception either, during the period of study (1956-2012), it has undergone variations, both of natural origin and anthropic, which have resulted in the current dune system

    Point Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Helminthiaisis in Buffaloes of Jammu, India

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    The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthiasis in buffaloes of Jammu area of Jammu And Kashmir State for the period of one year. For this purpose, 173 faecal samples were collected from different areas (Bisnah, R S Pura, Sidrah, Jammu city and Akhnoor) of subtropical Jammu. Parasitological procedures used for the identification of helminthes were direct and indirect methods. The overall prevalence of helminthiasis was 38.72%. Helminthic infection was recorded throughout the year with seasonal variations

    Characterisation of the Medipix3 detector for 60 and 80 keV electrons

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    In this paper we report quantitative measurements of the imaging performance for the current generation of hybrid pixel detector, Medipix3, used as a direct electron detector. We have measured the modulation transfer function and detective quantum efficiency at beam energies of 60 and 80 keV. In single pixel mode, energy threshold values can be chosen to maximize either the modulation transfer function or the detective quantum efficiency, obtaining values near to, or exceeding those for a theoretical detector with square pixels. The Medipix3 charge summing mode delivers simultaneous, high values of both modulation transfer function and detective quantum efficiency. We have also characterized the detector response to single electron events and describe an empirical model that predicts the detector modulation transfer function and detective quantum efficiency based on energy threshold. Exemplifying our findings we demonstrate the Medipix3 imaging performance recording a fully exposed electron diffraction pattern at 24-bit depth together with images in single pixel and charge summing modes. Our findings highlight that for transmission electron microscopy performed at low energies (energies <100 keV) thick hybrid pixel detectors provide an advantageous architecture for direct electron imaging

    Effect of Silver Ions on Ethylene Metabolism of Mustard Grown Under Irrigated and Non- irrigated Conditions

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    A field experiment was conducted during the winter season of 2004-2005 at the Experimental farm of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India on mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czen and Coss, cultivar Alankar) under irrigated and non -irrigated  conditions to evaluate the application of 0  and 200 µl/L  ethrel (E200) or 1 mM silver thiosulphate (S) at flowering stage along with a basal  uniform application of 80 kg N ha-1 on leaf area, plant dry mass, net photosynthetic rate and seed yield. Silver thoisulphate, which inhibits the physiological action of ethylene was used in the experiment with ethrel. Ethrel is a source of ethylene and its effects are manifested through physiological action of ethylene. Ethrel 200 µl/L (E200) treatment enhanced leaf area, net photosynthetic rate, plant dry mass and seed yield by 10.6, 9.1, 7.7 and 11.6% over S treatment. So silver thiosulphate (S) reduces the physiological action of ethrel (source of ethylene) in this study. This clearly indicates that silver ions used in this experiment in the form of silver thiosulphate inhibits the action of ethylene metabolism in mustard

    Biopesticides: Ecofriendly and biorational alternatives to vegetable production and environmental sustainability

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    Insect pests, nematodes and plant diseases of vegetables are generally controlled by frequent applications of chemical pesticides with an objective to increase crop productivity and obtain greater profit in conventional farming. With consumers' awareness and perception, vegetables without residue of chemicals are being preferred in local and export markets. For this purpose, plant-derived crude products or formulated pesticides can be eco-friendly, effective and economical for an average producer. Several pressures have accelerated the search for more environmentally and toxicologically safe and more selective and efficacious pesticides. Biopesticides, including microbial pesticides, entomopathogenic nematodes, baculoviruses, plant derived pesticides, and insect pheromones are receiving increased exposure in scientific annals as alternatives to chemical pesticides and also as key components of integrated pest management (IPM) systems. The reality, however, is that biopesticides currently represent only a small fraction (1.3%) of the world pesticide market. However, the growth rate for biopesticides over the next 10 years has been forecast at 10–l5% per annum in contrast to 2% for chemical pesticides. It is imperative to make aware the farming community regarding the use of biopesticides to reduce the environmental pollution

    Effect of ethrel and nitrogen on nitrate reductase activity, photosynthesis, biomass and yield of mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern and Coss)

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          The plants of mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern and Coss; cultivar Alankar) were treated with 200 µL/L ethrel (2-chloro ethyl phosphonic acid) at flowering stage (60 d after sowing) along with basal application of nitrogen 40, 60, and 80 kg N ha-1. Effect of ethrel and nitrogen on leaf area index (LAI), net photosynthetic rate (PN), nitrate reductase (NR) activity and plant dry mass were recorded at 80 and 100 d after sowing. At harvest pods plant-1, 1000 seed mass and seed yield were recorded. Ethrel 200 µL/L x 80 kg N ha-1 treatment enhanced all the characteristics studied during the experiment

    Operation of a novel large area, high gain, single stage gaseous electron multiplier

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    The operation of a novel large area micro-patterned gaseous electron multiplier, made from a 125 micron thick copper claded kapton foil, the COBRA_125, is presented. The COBRA_125 is equiped with 3 independent electrodes which allow to establish 2 independent multiplication regions in a single micro-patterened gaseous electron mutiplier. We report on the operation of a COBRA_125 with an active area of 100×100 mm2. Charge gains above 104 and energy resolutions in the range 18%–20% were achieved in a mixture of Ar-CH4 (90%–10%) by irradiation with X-rays from 55Fe source. Gain and energy resolutions were stable over the detector area, with maximum deviation from the average values of 8% and 15%, respectively
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