93 research outputs found

    Paronomastic Infinitives in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic: A Typological Approach

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    In the present article we aim to describe the distribution and functions of preposed and postposed paronomastic infinitives in literary and spoken varieties of North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic (NENA). In the first part, the syntax and the function(s) of constructions involving a paronomastic infinitive will be described from a typological point of view. Syntactic and functional variation of NENA paronomastic infinitives largely corresponds to what is found in other Semitic languages, as well as in many languages belonging to other families. In the second part of the article we will address the rendering of Biblical Hebrew and Classical Syriac paronomastic infinitives in NENA Bible translations and offer a survey of various constructions found in spoken varieties and in the language of early Christian Neo-Aramaic poetry

    Whole-brain structural and functional neuroimaging of individuals who attempted suicide and people who did not: A systematic review and exploratory coordinate-based meta-analysis

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    Suicide is the cause of death of approximately 800,000 people a year. Despite the relevance of this behaviour, risk assessment tools rely on clinician experience and subjective ratings. Given that previous suicide attempts are the single strongest predictors of future attempts, we designed a systematic review and coordinate-based meta-analysis to demonstrate whether neuroimaging features can help distinguish individuals who attempted suicide from subjects who did not. Out of 5,659 publications from PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, we summarised 102 experiments and meta-analysed 23 of them. A cluster in the right superior temporal gyrus, a region implicated in emotional processing, might be functionally hyperactive in individuals who attempted suicide. No statistically significant differences in brain morphometry were evidenced. Furthermore, we used JuSpace to show that this cluster is enriched in 5-HT1A heteroreceptors in the general population. This exploratory meta-analysis provides a putative neural substrate linked to previous suicide attempts. Heterogeneity in the analytical techniques and weak or absent power analysis of the studies included in this review currently limit the applicability of the findings, the replication of which should be prioritised

    High hs-CRP levels after an attempted suicide : A matched case-control study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsWe found significantly higher levels of hs-CRP in 27 subjects who had recently attempted suicide compared to 27 age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. Moreover, the levels of hs-CRP in suicide attempters were not related to background or psychopathological characteristics, nor to the methods of suicide attempt. Our matched case-control study confirms previous observations of high levels of the inflammation marker hs-CRP in patients who have attempted suicide, irrespective of their underlying type and levels of psychopathology.Peer reviewe


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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar o diâmetro ideal de estacas para a produção de mudas de Platanus x acerifolia. As estacas utilizadas foram coletadas em árvores cuja a brotação apresentava-se com um ano de idade. Foram comparados três diâmetros de estacas: diâmetros inferiores a 1 cm, diâmetros entre 1 e 2 cm e diâmetros superiores a 2 cm. Todas as estacas possuiam 30 cm de comprimento. Decorridos 90 dias do plantio das estacas, foram medidas as alturas dos brotos, onde na qual o maior desenvolvimento foi observado nas estacas com diâmetro entre 1 e 2 centímetros

    Context-aware movie recommendation based on signal processing and machine learning

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    Most of the existing recommendation engines do not take into consideration contextual information for suggesting in-teresting items to users. Features such as time, location, or weather, may affect the user preferences for a particular item. In this paper, we propose two different context-aware ap-proaches for the movie recommendation task. The first is an hybrid recommender that assesses available contextual factors related to time in order to increase the performance of traditional CF approaches. The second approach aims at identifying users in a household that submitted a given rat-ing. This latter approach is based on machine learning tech-niques, namely, neural networks and majority voting classi-fiers. The effectiveness of both the approaches has been exper-imentally validated using several evaluation metrics and a large dataset


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    The new Forest Code (NCF) which substitutes the Law No. 4.771, Old Forestry Code (ACF), regulates the definition of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP’s) of waterway marginal ranges, considering that currently their delimitation must be done from the edge of the regular bed rail (LR), differently from the ACF, which indicated the APP range beginning from the larger hydrological river bed (LMH). The objective was to compare the application of the NCF in river ciliary range, opposite to the Old Code, as well as the difference between themselves, in a typically rural basin. The Arroio Grande study case was used, the extent of the LR was defined, as well as of LMH and its respective APP range, thus, forming the Permanent Protection Range (FPP). Within each protection strip, it was utilized the land use analysis and also its commonest difficulties that define the boundaries of the APP defining bed. Through the maps which were obtained, the APP of the Arroio Grande must be 50m from the LR rail, which is bounded through this river, and includes river shores and islands. The NCF brings as a contribution to permit the owners the adequacy of degraded areas using a minor range of preservation and facilitating the definition of LR by satellite images. Thus, one can compare the laws through the maps and conclude that the NCF has brought some progress such as the ease of in the demarcation of APP, but it is milder compared to the size of the protected area.O Novo Código Florestal Brasileiro (NCF), que revoga a Lei n. 4.771/1965, antigo Código Florestal (ACF), regulamenta a definição de Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs) das faixas marginais dos cursos d’água, sendo que atualmente sua delimitação deve ser feita a partir da borda da calha do leito regular (LR), diferentemente do ACF, que indicava o início da faixa de APP a partir do leito maior hidrológico (LMH) do rio. Objetivou-se comparar a aplicação no NCF em faixa ciliar de rio, frente ao antigo Código, bem como a diferença entre os mesmos, em uma bacia tipicamente rural. Utilizou-se como estudo de caso o Arroio Grande, definindo-se a extensão do LR, do LMH e respectiva faixa de APP, formando assim, a Faixa de Proteção Permanente (FPP). Dentro de cada faixa de proteção, foi realizada a análise do uso do solo e as dificuldades mais comuns encontradas para delimitação do leito definidor da APP. Por meio dos mapas obtidos, a APP do Arroio Grande deve ser de 50 metros a partir da calha do LR, que se trata da calha delimitada do rio, incluídas as praias e ilhas fluviais. O NCF traz como contribuição permitir aos proprietários a adequação das áreas degradadas com uma faixa menor de preservação e facilitar a definição do LR por meio de imagens de satélite.  Assim, podem-se comparar as legislações através dos mapas e concluir que o NCF trouxe alguns avanços, como a facilidade na demarcação da APP, mas é mais brando em relação ao tamanho de área protegida

    Cortical Complexity Estimation Using Fractal Dimension: A Systematic Review of the Literature on Clinical and Nonclinical Samples

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    Fractal geometry has recently been proposed as a useful tool for characterizing the complexity of the brain cortex, which is likely to derive from the recurrence of sulci–gyri convolution patterns. The index used to describe the cortical complexity is called fractal dimensional (FD) and was employed by different research exploring the neurobiological correlates of distinct pathological and nonpathological conditions. This review aims to describe the literature on the application of this index, summarize the heterogeneities between studies and inform future research on this topic. Sixty-two studies were included in the systematic review. The main research lines concern neurodevelopment, aging and the neurobiology of specific psychiatric and neurological disorders. Overall, the included papers indicate that cortical complexity is likely to reduce during aging and in various pathological processes affecting the brain. Nevertheless, the high heterogeneity between studies strongly prevents the possibility of drawing conclusions. Further research considering this index besides other morphological values is needed to better clarify the role of FD in characterizing the cortical structure