281 research outputs found

    First record of the family Prodoxidae (Lepidoptera: Adeloidea), Lampronia flavimitrella (Hübner), reported from Korea

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    AbstractThe family Prodoxidae is recorded for the first time from Korea, reporting Lampronia flavimitrella (Hübner) which was collected at Jeju-do Island. Redescription of the adult is given, with images of adult and male genitalia

    Language management in Korean-based companies in the Czech Republic

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    Language Management in Korean-based companies in the Czech Republic Abstract: This study explores a variety of simple and organized management in Korean-based multinational companies in the Czech Republic. The analysis is guided by seven research questions at the micro and macro levels: 1) How is the second language interaction in a balanced communicative situation (e.g., local employees vs. Korean local employees) managed? 2) How is the second language interaction in an unbalanced communicative situation (e.g., local employees vs. expatriates or service & product providers vs. foreign customers) managed? 3) What are the roles and impact of employees called 'Bridge (i.e., the Koreans speaking English and Czech, and the Czech speaking English and Korean)' in everyday multilingual interactions? 4) How is the official language policy in the company organized and formulated? 5) How does the company manage potential communicative problems experienced by the Korean and local employees? 6) How does the company manage potential communicative problems in the interaction of the employees, both Korean and local, with foreign customers (i.e., in an unbalanced communicative situation)? 7) How does the company manage potential socio-cultural problems in the interaction between Korean and local employees? Recorded and...Jazykový management v korejsko-českých firmách Abstrakt: Tato práce zkoumá různé formy jednoduchého a organizovaného managementu v mezinárodních korejsko-českých firmách. Analýza se zaměřuje na sedm výzkumných otázek na mikro- a makroúrovni: 1) Jak je manažována interakce druhého jazyka ve vyvážené komunikační situaci (např. místní zaměstnanci vs. korejští místní zaměstnanci)? 2) Jak je manažována interakce druhého jazyka v nevyvážené komunikační situaci (např. místní zaměstnanci vs. expatriati nebo poskytovatelé služeb a produktů vs. zahraniční zákazníci)? 3) Jaké jsou role a dopady zaměstnanců nazývaných "most" (tj. Korejci mluvící anglicky a česky a Češi mluvící anglicky a korejsky) v každodenní vícejazyčné interakci? 4) Jak je organizována a formulována oficiální jazyková politika ve firmě? 5) Jak firma manažuje potenciální komunikační problémy, s nimiž se setkávají korejští a místní zaměstnanci? 6) Jak společnost manažuje potenciální komunikační problémy v interakci zaměstnanců korejských i místních se zahraničními zákazníky (tj. v nevyvážené komunikační situaci)? 7) Jak společnost manažuje potenciální sociokulturní problémy v interakci mezi korejskými a místními zaměstnanci? Hlavní data této studie jsou nahrané a transkribované přirozeně se vyskytující interakce, zúčastněná pozorování, terénní...Institute of LinguisticsÚstav obecné lingvistikyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Unconscious code-switching between second and third language

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    D iplomová práce se zabývá neúmyslným přepínáním kódu mezi druhým a třetím věnovat se principům neúmyslného přepínání kódu a popsat a kategorizovat skutečné výskyty neúmyslného přepínání kódu mezi druhým a třetím jazykem. způsob osvojování druhého a třetího jazyka z Ve třetí se věnuje definici přepínání kódu a přehlednutí teoretických základů toho jevu. čtvrté kapitole je zaměřen na analýzu příčin přepínání kódu na základě usage psycholingvistického přístupu. kategorizací přepínání kódu šesté kapitole se věnuje analýze přepínání nahrávaných rozhovorů a výkladu možných faktorů působících neúmyslné přepínání kódu. Klíčová slova: Neúmyslné p řepínání kódu, bilingvismus, multilingvismus, usage based přístup, psycholingvistický přístup, funkční slova, osvojování, druhý jazyk, třetí jazykThe present diploma thesis focuses on the unconscious code-switching between second and third language. The main objective of this thesis is to deal with principles of unconscious code-switching, describe and categorize actual appearances of unconscious code-switching between second and third language. After introducing issues, the second chapter sums up the way of second and third language acquisition in terms of bilingualism and multilingualism. The third chapter presents a definition and theoretic bases of code-switching. The fourth chapter concerns the analysis of the reason for code- switching in terms of usage-based and psycholinguistic approaches. The fifth chapter presents a categorization of code-switching from syntactic and pragmatic perspectives. The sixth chapter concerns the analysis of cases of code-switching from recorded interviews and the explanation of possible factors causing unconscious code-switching. Key words: Unconscious code-switching, bilingualism, multilingualism, usage-based approach, psycholinguistic approach, function words, acquisition, second language, third language, WIPPÚstav českého jazyka a teorie komunikaceInstitute of Czech Language and Theory of CommunicationFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Molecular identification of Reesa vespulae (Milliron) (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), a newly recorded species from Korea

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    AbstractA museum pest belonging to the family Dermestidae was found in the Museum of Sunchon National University, Sunchon, Korea and identified using its morphological characteristics and a DNA-based analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene. This marks the first recorded appearance of this pest, which is identified as Reesa vespulae (Milliron), in the Korean Peninsula. We provide the details of the morphological diagnosis with the habitus of its adult and larva and its COI barcode data, and introduce historical data about its invasion around the world

    Improving 3D Imaging with Pre-Trained Perpendicular 2D Diffusion Models

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    Diffusion models have become a popular approach for image generation and reconstruction due to their numerous advantages. However, most diffusion-based inverse problem-solving methods only deal with 2D images, and even recently published 3D methods do not fully exploit the 3D distribution prior. To address this, we propose a novel approach using two perpendicular pre-trained 2D diffusion models to solve the 3D inverse problem. By modeling the 3D data distribution as a product of 2D distributions sliced in different directions, our method effectively addresses the curse of dimensionality. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method is highly effective for 3D medical image reconstruction tasks, including MRI Z-axis super-resolution, compressed sensing MRI, and sparse-view CT. Our method can generate high-quality voxel volumes suitable for medical applications.Comment: ICCV23 poster. 15 pages, 9 figure

    Promptable Behaviors: Personalizing Multi-Objective Rewards from Human Preferences

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    Customizing robotic behaviors to be aligned with diverse human preferences is an underexplored challenge in the field of embodied AI. In this paper, we present Promptable Behaviors, a novel framework that facilitates efficient personalization of robotic agents to diverse human preferences in complex environments. We use multi-objective reinforcement learning to train a single policy adaptable to a broad spectrum of preferences. We introduce three distinct methods to infer human preferences by leveraging different types of interactions: (1) human demonstrations, (2) preference feedback on trajectory comparisons, and (3) language instructions. We evaluate the proposed method in personalized object-goal navigation and flee navigation tasks in ProcTHOR and RoboTHOR, demonstrating the ability to prompt agent behaviors to satisfy human preferences in various scenarios. Project page: https://promptable-behaviors.github.i

    Heterogeneity of Skin Surface Oxygen Level of Wrist in Relation to Acupuncture Point

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    The distribution of partial oxygen pressure (pO2) is analyzed for the anterior aspect of the left wrist with an amperometric oxygen microsensor composed of a small planar Pt disk-sensing area (diameter = 25 μm). The pO2 levels vary depending on the measurement location over the wrist skin, and they are systematically monitored in the analysis for both one-dimensional single line (along the wrist transverse crease) and two-dimensional square area of the wrist region. Relatively higher pO2 values are observed at certain area in close proximity to the position of acupuncture points with statistical significance, indicating strong relationship between oxygen and acupuncture point. The used oxygen microsensor is sensitive enough to detect the pO2 variation depending on the location. This study may provide information helpful to understand possible physiological roles of the acupuncture points

    Emergence of the brain-border immune niches and their contribution to the development of neurodegenerative diseases

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    Historically, the central nervous system (CNS) was regarded as ‘immune-privileged’, possessing its own distinct immune cell population. This immune privilege was thought to be established by a tight blood-brain barrier (BBB) and blood-cerebrospinal-fluid barrier (BCSFB), which prevented the crossing of peripheral immune cells and their secreted factors into the CNS parenchyma. However, recent studies have revealed the presence of peripheral immune cells in proximity to various brain-border niches such as the choroid plexus, cranial bone marrow (CBM), meninges, and perivascular spaces. Furthermore, emerging evidence suggests that peripheral immune cells may be able to infiltrate the brain through these sites and play significant roles in driving neuronal cell death and pathology progression in neurodegenerative disease. Thus, in this review, we explore how the brain-border immune niches may contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and multiple sclerosis (MS). We then discuss several emerging options for harnessing the neuroimmune potential of these niches to improve the prognosis and treatment of these debilitative disorders using novel insights from recent studies