657 research outputs found

    Why Trade Associations Matter: Exploring Function, Meaning, and Influence

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    We explore the organizational characteristics of trade associations (TAs) and suggest theoretical approaches for undertaking research into or involving TAs in management and organization studies. Through emphasizing the role of TAs within and between industries and at the interface of business and society, we consider how TAs generate meaning and influence

    Penentuan Jumlah Optimal Line Pengiriman Secondary Raw Material Di Lantai Produksi (Studi Kasus PT. X,tbk)

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    Si Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan di PT. X,Tbk area gudang secondary raw material es krim, peneliti melihat terdapat bottleneck pada proses pengiriman secondary raw material seperti wrapper, outter, kacang, dan stick dalam proses pengiriman ke ruang produksi. Sehingga membuat terkendalanya proses pengiriman secondary raw material tersebut. Variabel terbagi menjadi 2 macam yaitu variabel terikat dan variabel bebas. Untuk variabel terikat berupa waktu kedatangan material dan waktu pengiriman material. Untuk pengumpulan data terbagi menjadi 2 berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Data sekunder yaitu kegiatan pengiriman line material dan data kebutuhan macam-macam material.Pengolahan data dengan software Simul8 untuk rancangan model line pengiriman, Dari hasil proses running dan berdasarkan tabel rangkuman hasil simulasi diatas dapat diketahui bahwa rata-rata tingkat kegunaan (utilitas) untuk periode produksi bulan oktober 2013 dengan jumlah 2 line pengiriman secondary raw material sebesar 92% artinya untuk pengiriman tersebut terjadi kesibukan dan antrian dalam sistem. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pengoptimalan atau penambahan jumlah line pengiriman. Maka peneliti melakukan simulasi model usulan dengan rancangan beberapa line pengiriman seberikut;\u27 jika jumlah line pengiriman berjumlah 3 unit maka tingkat kegunaan (utilization) didapat sebesar 74% yang artinya kondisi line tidak mengalami kesibukan yang sangat tinggi. Sedangkan untuk jumlah line pengiriman 4 unit didapat tingkat kegunaan (utilization) sebesar 41% artinya line tidak mengalami kesibukan yang tinggi, namun dengan tingkat sebesar 41% tersebut ada kecenderungan jika line nantinya akan banyak menganggur.Keywords : secondary raw material, simulasi antrian, simul8Abstraksi Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan di PT. X,Tbk area gudang secondary raw material es krim, peneliti melihat terdapat bottleneck pada proses pengiriman secondary raw material seperti wrapper, outter, kacang, dan stick dalam proses pengiriman ke ruang produksi. Sehingga membuat terkendalanya proses pengiriman secondary raw material tersebut. Variabel terbagi menjadi 2 macam yaitu variabel terikat dan variabel bebas. Untuk variabel terikat berupa waktu kedatangan material dan waktu pengiriman material. Untuk pengumpulan data terbagi menjadi 2 berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Data sekunder yaitu kegiatan pengiriman line material dan data kebutuhan macam-macam material.Pengolahan data dengan software Simul8 untuk rancangan model line pengiriman, Dari hasil proses running dan berdasarkan tabel rangkuman hasil simulasi diatas dapat diketahui bahwa rata-rata tingkat kegunaan (utilitas) untuk periode produksi bulan oktober 2013 dengan jumlah 2 line pengiriman secondary raw material sebesar 92% artinya untuk pengiriman tersebut terjadi kesibukan dan antrian dalam sistem. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pengoptimalan atau penambahan jumlah line pengiriman. Maka peneliti melakukan simulasi model usulan dengan rancangan beberapa line pengiriman seberikut;\u27 jika jumlah line pengiriman berjumlah 3 unit maka tingkat kegunaan (utilization) didapat sebesar 74% yang artinya kondisi line tidak mengalami kesibukan yang sangat tinggi. Sedangkan untuk jumlah line pengiriman 4 unit didapat tingkat kegunaan (utilization) sebesar 41% artinya line tidak mengalami kesibukan yang tinggi, namun dengan tingkat sebesar 41% tersebut ada kecenderungan jika line nantinya akan banyak menganggur.Keywords : secondary raw material, simulasi antrian, simul

    Role of clusterin in cell adhesion during early phases of programmed cell death in P19 embryonic carcinoma cells

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    AbstractThis study explored the role of clusterin in mechanisms of cell adhesion and apoptosis in P19 embryonic carcinoma cells. We found that serum deprivation induced transient but dramatic elevation in cell adhesion strength to the culture substrate and eventually led to apoptotic cell death. The time course of cell-adhesion increase overlapped temporally with the elevation of clusterin mRNA (peak 8 h after serum deprivation). The coincidental elevation of clusterin expression and cell adhesion strength preceded the schedule of apoptotic cell death. Clusterin antiserum partially antagonized cell adhesion, but did not modify the course of apoptosis. These data suggest that clusterin expression may partially control cell adhesion with no influence on apoptosis in P19 cells, under defined conditions

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dalam Kurikulum Merdeka SMP di Kota Blitar

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    Implementasi kurikulum Merdeka memberikan dampak yang beragam di masyarakat, salah satunya adalah mata pelajaran Pancasila yang terintegrasi dengan mata pelajaran PPKN yang memiliki empat komponen yakni Bhineka Tunggal Ika, NKRI Pancasila, dan undang-undang Dasar 1945. Setiap komponen ini memiliki capaian pembelajaran yang berbeda meskipun dapat diintegrasikan. Di samping itu capaian kompetensi peserta didik tidak lagi berdasarkan tingkatan atau kelas tetapi berdasarkan pada fase peserta didik. Capaian pembelajaran peserta didik usia SMP masuk dalam fase  D  dan E. Beberapa SMP di Kota Blitar telah resmi  menerapkan IKM.Namun demikian masih banyak hal yang perlu dikaji untuk ditingkatkan kembali efektivitas dan efisiensinya.Dengan pendekatan kualitatif penelitian ini berusaha untuk menggali informasi mengenai implementasi pembelajaran Pancasila di SMP di Kota Blitar pada kurikulum merdeka seinggah menghasilkan suatu model implementasi pembelajaran Pancasila yang bisa menjadi rujukan bersama untuk diterapkan dan dikembangkan di sekolah. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September sampai November dengan narasumber guru-guru PPKn. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga komponen besar yang mendukung terlaksananya implementasi Merdeka belajar khususnya pembelajaran Pancasila yang pertama kebijakan yang kedua stakeholder yang meliputi pimpinan/kepala sekolah guru komite atau wali murid Mitra/komunitas  sosial dan yang ketiga peserta didik sebagai objek dari output pembelajaran

    X-ray CT and multiphase flow characterization of a 'bio-grouted' sandstone core : the effect of dissolution on seal longevity

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    Microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) is a novel method for controlling permeability in the subsurface with potential for sealing or reducing leakage from subsurface engineering works such as carbon sequestration reservoirs. The purpose of this research was to measure, at core scale, the change in reservoir permeability and capillary pressure due to MICP during seal formation, then to monitor the integrity of the seal when exposed to acidic groundwater capable of causing dissolution. The experiment was carried out with a Berea sandstone core mounted in a high pressure core holder within a medical X-ray CT scanner. Multiple full volume CT scans gave spatially resolved maps of the changing porosity and saturation states throughout the experiment. Porosity and permeability decreased with MICP whilst capillary pressure was increased. Dissolution restored much of the original porosity, but not permeability nor capillary pressure. This lead to the conclusion that injection pathways were coupled with carbonate precipitation hence preferential flow paths sealed first and transport of the dissolution fluid was limited. Provided a high enough reduction in permeability can be achieved over a substantial volume, MICP may prove to be a durable bio-grout, even in acidic environments such as a carbon sequestration reservoir

    Potential benefits and disbenefits of the application of water treatment residuals from drinking water treatment processes to land in Scotland:development of a decision support tool

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    Water Treatment Residuals (WTRs) are a by-product of the addition of chemical coagulants to water during the water treatment process and are a mixture of water and organic and inorganic matter that coagulates during the treatment process. WTRs often contain metals such as iron, aluminium, and manganese that have been oxidised as part of the process or are constituents of the coagulation chemicals used. The metals within WTRs are of interest with regard to applying these sludges to agricultural land. WTRs can also contain beneficial organic matter and nutrients (primarily nitrogen). The nature of the benefits delivered is largely dependent on the quality of the raw water and these beneficial components are generally found in much smaller quantities in WTRs than are found in sewage sludge produced from wastewater. However, WTRs can still be used to enhance the physical properties of soils. As urban populations increase in size, it is anticipated that the tonnage of WTRs will increase significantly in the future. At present, the majority of WTRs are disposed of in landfills; however, landfill charges are increasing significantly, making disposal of an increasing tonnage of WTRs financially unviable. In terms of a circular economy, the procedure of reusing WTRs for alternative applications satisfies the Scottish Government’s goals in terms of waste prevention and reducing the amount of material being sent to landfill as set out in the Proposals for Legislation in 2019. Given the potential benefits in terms of cost savings and compliance with government legislation, and the complexities of understanding where and when WTRs can be used in land applications, we developed a Decision Support Tool (DST) that uses data obtained from an extensive review of approaches in other countries to assist in decision making. We also conducted a pre-application analysis and provided guidance on when and where WTRs can be used in land applications and when they are not suitable, presented in a simplified format that requires few inputs from the user in order to simplify the process and removes the requirement for a specialist operator during pre-application analyses

    Vibrations of cable-suspended rehabilitation robots

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    Rehabilitation robots help the treatment of diseases by performing cyclic exercises for a long period of time. These exercises must perform movements of the patient's limbs; thus, the robots are required to be flexible and safe. Among rehabilitation robots, cable robots are widely used due to their unique properties, such as being lightweight and the possibility of being equipped with magnetic hooks to improve both safety and ease of use. However, the elasticity and flexibility of cables result in vibrations of the payload and hooks. In this paper, the forced vibrations due to rehabilitation exercises are studied. Since the previous studies of the authors showed a weak coupling between longitudinal and transverse vibrations, a two-cable planar model for the study of transverse vibrations is developed. The model makes it possible to study the forced transverse vibrations due to both cable motion and robot motion. Stiffness and damping of the patient's arm are considered. Results show that the cable system exhibits a simple linear behavior when excited by robot motion and a non-linear behavior when excited by cable motion
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