61 research outputs found

    Relations among education, religiosity and socioeconomic variables

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    This study demonstrates the relations of the position of education in the correlation between religiosity, and socioeconomic variables by using national-level, and large survey data. We used data from the international survey of 68 countries, and used statistical methods to create the composite scores of every variable. Next, we used Pearson and partial correlations to determine the significance of the relations between the three variables and path analysis to investigate the directions. The correlation coefficient between academic and religiosity variables was a significant and negatively high correlation; furthermore, the partial correlation was strong and significant when the socioeconomic variable was controlled. The correlation between religiosity and socioeconomic variables was a significant and negatively high correlation, and the partial correlation was not significant when the academic variable was controlled for. The correlation between academic and socioeconomic variables was a significant and positively high correlation, and the partial correlation was significant when the religious variable was controlled for. The path analysis reveals that the direction is as follows: socioeconomic, education, and finally, religiosity. Based on our results and the reviewed literature, this paper discusses how these results contribute to the secularization theory and how education mediates religiosity and socioeconomic variable.Keywords: education; international study; religiosity; socioeconomi

    The Implementation of Creative Problem Solving Model in Teaching of Biodeviersity at Senior High School

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    Abstract: Making students to be creative thinking need exercises in the form of tasks. Creative problem solving is the constructivist learning model to create creative, imaginative, and innovative solutions in the aim of training and teaching individuals to think differently in solving problems.The research focus was to find out students' learning outcome and creative thinking skills using creative problem solving-based learning. The participants were tenth  grade of senior high school in the school year 2019/2020 which were divided into science class as the control class (N=33), and X IPA 2 class as the experimental class (N=33). The research instrument used was a description test on biodiversity content with creative problem solving indicators, namely Clarify, Ideate, Develop, and Implement. Quantitative data analysis used was MANOVA test at a significant level of 5%. The results of this study were the average values for each indicator of creative thinking and learning outcomes in the experimental and control classes showing that the control class was lower than the experimental class. It means that learning outcomes and creative thinking skills through creative problem solving had an impact than the classes using creative problem solving. Therefore, there was a significant influence and a relationship among the creative problem-solving model, creative thinking skills, and learning outcomes which was indicated by the value of. 0.000<0.05

    The Investigation of Meta-Affective Differences Between Gender in Vocational High Schools During Learning Science

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    The presence of feelings has an impact on science learning, which involves not only studying theory but also practising. Making groups in learning sometimes do not pay attention to the ability to recognize and regulate the feelings of male and female students. This survey research is to investigate meta-affective based on students' experiences in learning science. The research instrument is a questionnaire compiled based on the Awareness Dimension (10 statements) and Regulation Dimension (7 statements) with the level of response, namely frequency (scale 1-6). The research subjects involved were 160 students in Vocational High Schools, with 80 males and 80 females. The results show a comparison between male and female students based on average responses. Students who were female had higher average response scores than students who were male in both the tests of affective awareness and affective control. With the exception of one item, both versions have the same score. The items are MATS-12 "If I get angry with myself when I do not understand a topic, I notice that feeling" on affective awareness and MATS-10 "If I feel angry when I am not successful, I try to control it". These results conclude that noticing angry feelings and controlling them is the same ability between male and female students. This suggests that, except for rage, which can be recognized and managed by both sexes of students, female students are better able to recognize and manage their emotions

    Estimation of utility weights for human papilloma virus-related health states according to disease severity

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    Scenarios for the different HPV-related health states. (DOCX 38 kb

    Undulatory topographical waves for flow-induced foulant sweeping

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    Diverse bioinspired antifouling strategies have demonstrated effective fouling-resistant properties with good biocompatibility, sustainability, and long-term activity. However, previous studies on bioinspired antifouling materials have mainly focused on material aspects or static architectures of nature without serious consideration of kinetic topographies or dynamic motion. Here, we propose a magnetically responsive multilayered composite that can generate coordinated, undulatory topographical waves with controlled length and time scales as a new class of dynamic antifouling materials. The undulatory surface waves of the dynamic composite induce local and global vortices near the material surface and thereby sweep away foulants from the surface, fundamentally inhibiting their initial attachment. As a result, the dynamic composite material with undulating topographical waves provides an effective means for efficient suppression of biofilm formation without surface modification with chemical moieties or nanoscale architectures

    Universal Bounding Box Regression and Its Applications

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    The Long-Term Impacts of Short-Term Professional Development: Science Teachers and Evolution

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    Background: Although a large body of work in science education has established the pervasive problem of science teachers\u27 alternative conceptions about evolution, knowledge deficits, and anti-evolutionary attitudes, only a handful of interventions have explored the mitigation of these issues using professional development (PD) workshops, and not a single study to our knowledge has investigated if positive outcomes are sustained long after program completion. The central aim of our study was to investigate the long-term consequences of an intensive, short-term professional development program on teachers\u27 knowledge of evolution, acceptance of evolution, and knowledge of the nature of science (NOS). Methods: Program efficacy was examined using a pre-post, delayed post-test design linked to quantitative measures of teacher knowledge, performance (explanatory competence), and acceptance using published instruments shown to generate reliable and valid inferences. Results: Our study is the first to report sustained large effect sizes for both knowledge of evolution, NOS, and acceptance change ~1.5 years after program completion. Concordant with other measures, teacher self-reports indicated that the PD program had lasting effects. Conclusions: Our study suggests that short-term PD built using specific research-based principles can have lasting impacts on teachers\u27 evolutionary knowledge and acceptance. Because evidence of sustained knowledge and belief change is prerequisite to downstream classroom studies (e.g., impacts on student learning), retention of evolutionary knowledge improvements and acceptance change emerge as central, but previously unstudied, components of teacher evolution PD