20 research outputs found

    Neurophysiological Defects and Neuronal Gene Deregulation in Drosophila mir-124 Mutants

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    miR-124 is conserved in sequence and neuronal expression across the animal kingdom and is predicted to have hundreds of mRNA targets. Diverse defects in neural development and function were reported from miR-124 antisense studies in vertebrates, but a nematode knockout of mir-124 surprisingly lacked detectable phenotypes. To provide genetic insight from Drosophila, we deleted its single mir-124 locus and found that it is dispensable for gross aspects of neural specification and differentiation. On the other hand, we detected a variety of mutant phenotypes that were rescuable by a mir-124 genomic transgene, including short lifespan, increased dendrite variation, impaired larval locomotion, and aberrant synaptic release at the NMJ. These phenotypes reflect extensive requirements of miR-124 even under optimal culture conditions. Comparison of the transcriptomes of cells from wild-type and mir-124 mutant animals, purified on the basis of mir-124 promoter activity, revealed broad upregulation of direct miR-124 targets. However, in contrast to the proposed mutual exclusion model for miR-124 function, its functional targets were relatively highly expressed in miR-124–expressing cells and were not enriched in genes annotated with epidermal expression. A notable aspect of the direct miR-124 network was coordinate targeting of five positive components in the retrograde BMP signaling pathway, whose activation in neurons increases synaptic release at the NMJ, similar to mir-124 mutants. Derepression of the direct miR-124 target network also had many secondary effects, including over-activity of other post-transcriptional repressors and a net incomplete transition from a neuroblast to a neuronal gene expression signature. Altogether, these studies demonstrate complex consequences of miR-124 loss on neural gene expression and neurophysiology

    The Hunchback temporal transcription factor establishes, but is not required to maintain, early-born neuronal identity

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    Background: Drosophila and mammalian neural progenitors typically generate a diverse family of neurons in a stereotyped order. Neuronal diversity can be generated by the sequential expression of temporal transcription factors. In Drosophila, neural progenitors (neuroblasts) sequentially express the temporal transcription factors Hunchback (Hb), Kruppel, Pdm, and Castor. Hb is necessary and sufficient to specify early-born neuronal identity in multiple lineages, and is maintained in the post-mitotic neurons produced during each neuroblast expression window. Surprisingly, nothing is currently known about whether Hb acts in neuroblasts or post-mitotic neurons (or both) to specify first-born neuronal identity. Methods: Here we selectively remove Hb from post-mitotic neurons, and assay the well-characterized NB7-1 and NB1-1 lineages for defects in neuronal identity and function. Results: We find that loss of Hb from embryonic and larval post-mitotic neurons does not affect neuronal identity. Furthermore, removing Hb from post-mitotic neurons throughout the entire CNS has no effect on larval locomotor velocity, a sensitive assay for motor neuron and pre-motor neuron function. Conclusions: We conclude that Hb functions in progenitors (neuroblasts/GMCs) to establish heritable neuronal identity that is maintained by a Hb-independent mechanism. We suggest that Hb acts in neuroblasts to establish an epigenetic state that is permanently maintained in early-born neurons

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of The Hunchback temporal transcription factor establishes, but is not required to maintain, early-born neuronal identity

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    Summary of three transgenic Gal4 line expression patterns in the NB7-1 or NB1-1 lineages. Black, high level; gray, low level; white, no expression. aCC, anterior corner cell; pCC, posterior corner cell. (TIF 1150 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of The Hunchback temporal transcription factor establishes, but is not required to maintain, early-born neuronal identity

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    Loss of Hunchback from post-mitotic neurons only does not alter embryonic neuronal morphology. U1-U5 motor neuron morphology detected by CQ2-gal4 driving expression of UAS-myristoylated:GFP (green). (a) control CQ2-gal4/+;UAS-myr:GFP/UAS-mCherry RNAi L2 larval CNS. Note projections out motor nerve roots and robust CNS projections. (b) CQ2-gal4/+;UAS-hb RNAi /UAS-myr:GFP L2 larval CNS. Note projections out motor nerve roots and robust CNS projections. (TIF 3032 kb