441 research outputs found

    Linear-Combined-Code-Based Unambiguous Code Discriminator Design for Multipath Mitigation in GNSS Receivers

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    Unambiguous tracking and multipath mitigation for Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) signals are two important requirements of modern Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers. A GNSS discriminator design method based on optimization technique is proposed in this paper to meet these requirements. Firstly, the discriminator structure based on a linear-combined code is given. Then the requirements of ideal discriminator function are converted into the mathematical constraints and the objective function to form a non-linear optimization problem. Finally, the problem is solved and the local code is generated according to the results. The theoretical analysis and simulation results indicate that the proposed method can completely remove the false lock points for BOC signals and provide superior multipath mitigation performance compared with traditional discriminator and high revolution correlator (HRC) technique. Moreover, the proposed discriminator is easy to implement for not increasing the number of correlators

    In search of sustainable competitive advantage in the wood products industry : Evidence from China and Finland

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    Given the dramatic changes such as globalization, increasing energy costs, technology development and climate change that are occurring in the global business environment, the wood products industry faces the challenges of rising production costs, rapid technology transfer and increasing corporate environmentalism. Consequently, the traditional sources of competitive advantage based on economies of scale are no longer sufficient in today s highly competitive and dynamic market. Implementing a purely conventional low-cost strategy has thus become a less viable option for companies to sustain their competitiveness. Wood products companies must develop sustainable value-creation strategies in order to generate firm-level value added and create sustainable competitive advantage (SCA). Although understanding the sources of SCA has become an active area of research in the strategic management literature, research in this area that is specific to the wood products sector is in its nascent stages. This study contributes to the evolution of research on competitive advantage in the wood products industry by approaching it from the dynamic capability perspective (DCP) and natural resource-based view (NRBV) of the firm. Both quantitative and qualitative data and research methods were used to facilitate comparative analysis at multiple levels of decision-making. This dissertation examines the sources of SCA and the corresponding changes in competitive strategies in the wood products industry in two contexts: China and Finland. The results indicate a growing trend in transitions from production to market and to stakeholder orientation, from a cost leadership to a differentiation strategy, and from low value-added to high value-added products in both countries. Along with these transitions, the sources of SCA have changed from focusing solely on tangible resources to integrating intangible resources. This study provides useful references for strategic planning and analysis for producers in both emerging and established wood products markets, and also helps enrich our knowledge of using the DCP and NRBV of the firm as foundation theories to conduct strategic business research. As a preliminary step in understanding business dynamics and future development trends of the wood products industry, this dissertation opens up interesting avenues for future research. Both the type of strategic analysis and the research design used in this study could be applied to analyzing the wood products industry in other emerging or established markets.Puutuoteteollisuuden toimintaympäristö on murroksessa markkinoiden globalisoituessa, ilmastonmuutoksen vaikuttaessa markkinoihin ja energia- ja raaka-ainekustannusten noustessa. Lisäksi ympäristökysymyksillä on yhä suurempi painoarvo monilla asiakasmarkkinoilla. Perinteisten kustannusjohtajuuteen, aineellisiin resursseihin ja suurtuotannon etuihin pohjautuva kilpailukyky on heikentynyt ja puutuoteyritysten arvonluontimalli vaatii uudistumista. Vaikka yrityksen kilpailuetujen merkitys on korostunut strategisen johtamisen kirjallisuudessa, puutuoteteollisuuden koskevaa tutkimusta on kuitenkin niukasti. Teoreettisesti tämä väitöstutkimus analysoi kilpailuetujen kehittymistä puutuoteteollisuudessa dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien ja ympäristölähtöisen resurssipohjaisen mallin (ns. natural resource-based view) kautta. Tutkimus soveltaa sekä kvantitatiivisia että kvalitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä useilla eri päätöksentekotasoilla Kiinan ja Suomen puutuoteteollisuuden yrityksien vertailevaan analyysiin. Tulokset osoittavat lisääntyvää painottumista tuotantokeskeisestä strategiasta markkina- ja sidosryhmäkeskeiseen strategiaan sekä siirtymistä kustannusjohtajuudesta erilaistamisstrategiaan ja alhaisen jalostusasteen tuotteista korkeamman jalostusarvon tavoitteluun. Näiden myötä aineettomien resurssien merkitys kilpailuedun lähteenä on siirtynyt kohti aineettomia resursseja. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää yritysten strategisessa suunnitteluun ja markkinoiden analyysiin. Tutkimus auttaa ymmärtämään paremmin puutuotemarkkinoiden toiminnan muuttumista ja yritysten strategisia kehityspolkuja. Kehitettyä analyysikehikkoa voidaan jatkotutkimuksissa hyödyntää analysoitaessa puutuoteteollisuutta myös muilla maantieteellisillä alueilla sekä kehittyneillä että kehittyvillä markkinoilla

    A Novel Alignment-Free Method for Comparing Transcription Factor Binding Site Motifs

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    BACKGROUND: Transcription factor binding site (TFBS) motifs can be accurately represented by position frequency matrices (PFM) or other equivalent forms. We often need to compare TFBS motifs using their PFMs in order to search for similar motifs in a motif database, or cluster motifs according to their binding preference. The majority of current methods for motif comparison involve a similarity metric for column-to-column comparison and a method to find the optimal position alignment between the two compared motifs. In some applications, alignment-free methods might be preferred; however, few such methods with high accuracy have been described. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we describe a novel alignment-free method for quantifying the similarity of motifs using their PFMs by converting PFMs into k-mer vectors. The motifs could then be compared by measuring the similarity among their corresponding k-mer vectors. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We demonstrate that our method in general achieves similar performance or outperforms the existing methods for clustering motifs according to their binding preference and identifying similar motifs of transcription factors of the same family

    Computational analysis of LexA regulons in Cyanobacteria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The transcription factor LexA plays an important role in the SOS response in <it>Escherichia coli </it>and many other bacterial species studied. Although the <it>lexA </it>gene is encoded in almost every bacterial group with a wide range of evolutionary distances, its precise functions in each group/species are largely unknown. More recently, it has been shown that <it>lexA </it>genes in two cyanobacterial genomes <it>Nostoc sp</it>. PCC 7120 and <it>Synechocystis sp</it>. PCC 6803 might have distinct functions other than the regulation of the SOS response. To gain a general understanding of the functions of LexA and its evolution in cyanobacteria, we conducted the current study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our analysis indicates that six of 33 sequenced cyanobacterial genomes do not harbor a <it>lexA </it>gene although they all encode the key SOS response genes, suggesting that LexA is not an indispensable transcription factor in these cyanobacteria, and that their SOS responses might be regulated by different mechanisms. Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that <it>lexA </it>was lost during the course of evolution in these six cyanobacterial genomes. For the 26 cyanobacterial genomes that encode a <it>lexA </it>gene, we have predicted their LexA-binding sites and regulons using an efficient binding site/regulon prediction algorithm that we developed previously. Our results show that LexA in most of these 26 genomes might still function as the transcriptional regulator of the SOS response genes as seen in <it>E. coli </it>and other organisms. Interestingly, putative LexA-binding sites were also found in some genomes for some key genes involved in a variety of other biological processes including photosynthesis, drug resistance, etc., suggesting that there is crosstalk between the SOS response and these biological processes. In particular, LexA in both <it>Synechocystis sp. </it>PCC6803 and <it>Gloeobacter violaceus </it>PCC7421 has largely diverged from those in other cyanobacteria in the sequence level. It is likely that LexA is no longer a regulator of the SOS response in <it>Synechocystis sp</it>. PCC6803.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In most cyanobacterial genomes that we analyzed, LexA appears to function as the transcriptional regulator of the key SOS response genes. There are possible couplings between the SOS response and other biological processes. In some cyanobacteria, LexA has adapted distinct functions, and might no longer be a regulator of the SOS response system. In some other cyanobacteria, <it>lexA </it>appears to have been lost during the course of evolution. The loss of <it>lexA </it>in these genomes might lead to the degradation of its binding sites.</p

    Effects of Encapsulated Propolis on Blood Glycemic Control, Lipid Metabolism, and Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Rats

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    The present study investigates the encapsulated propolis on blood glycemic control, lipid metabolism, and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) rats. The animal characteristics and biological assays of body weight, fasting blood glucose (FBG), fasting serum insulin (FINS), insulin act index (IAI), triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were measured and euglycemic hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp technique were used to determine these effects. Our findings show that oral administration of encapsulated propolis can significantly inhibit the increasing of FBG and TG in T2DM rats and can improve IAI and M value in euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp experiment. There was no significant effects on body weight, TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C in T2DM rats treated with encapsulated propolis. In conclusion, the results indicate that encapsulated propolis can control blood glucose, modulate lipid metabolism, and improve the insulin sensitivity in T2DM rats

    Opportunities and Challenges in the Emerging Bioenergy Business: The Case of the Finnish Sawmill Industry

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    The resources of currently dominant fossil fuels are limited, and their use causes greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, the public interest within the European Union has changed toward using renewable energy. Finland’s forest industry is one of the world leaders in producing and utilizing wood-based bioenergy. Hence, it is of interest to evaluate new value-creation opportunities and the consequent challenges that face the Finnish sawmill industry. In order to identify the strategic resources that enable developing competitive advantages in the emerging bioenergy field, we applied the natural resource-based view of strategy to the sawmill industry. In the empirical part, qualitative semi-structured interviews with managers of 23 sawmills based on the Delphi methodology were conducted in two phases. We identified partnerships with local community heat plants as a strategic resource for providing new business opportunities, apart from raw material availability and existing technologies. Although the Finnish sawmills have a long tradition in energy production, most energy-related investments have been made only during the past decade, and the sawmills would be keenly interested in increasing the efficiency of using their by-products through new investments. In conclusion, the Finnish sawmill industry being the local producer of wood-based bioenergy can support meeting the ambitious national target for renewable energy production for 2020. However, the volatile bioenergy policy changes act as a major factor of uncertainty in predicting the future development of the business environment and further increase the risk level for future investments. Keywords: opportunities, challenges, bioenergy, Finnish sawmill industry. Received 27 December 2011, Revised 22 March 2012, Accepted 19 April 2011


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    System of Field Operations for Double-Cropped Paddy Rice Production Mechanization in South China

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    Double-cropped paddy rice production in south China plays an important role in China’s food security. This production system represents 42.5 percent of the total available paddy rice area resulting in 40 percent of China’s total rice production. The field operation system in double-cropped paddy rice production area is complicated, and various technologies must be used in each field operation. For soil preparation, no-till approaches as well as plows or discs are used. For plant establishment, direct sowing and transplanting are used. Rice harvest can be accomplished using combine harvesting; mechanical reaping followed by manual collection and threshing The choice of the most suitable technology in each field operation and the overall system of field operations affects the development of paddy rice production mechanization. With the pressing need to mechanize The authors are solely responsible for the content of this technical presentation. The technical presentation does not necessarily reflect the official position of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), and its printing and distribution does not constitute an endorsement of views which may be expressed. Technical presentations are not subject to the formal peer review process by ASABE editorial committees; therefore, they are not to be presented as refereed publications. Citation of this work should state that it is from an ASABE meeting paper. EXAMPLE: Author\u27s Last Name, Initials. 2011. Title of Presentation. ASABE Paper No. 11----. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. For information about securing permission to reprint or reproduce a technical presentation, please contact ASABE at [email protected] or 269-932-7004 (2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA). Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest paddy rice production, it is necessary to analyze various systems of field operations that could be used in this production system. A survey of farmers, including both those who do and do not own machinery, and managers of custom agricultural machinery cooperatives was completed using questionnaires and telephone surveys in six provinces and regions in China. The survey included questions about basic participant demographics; development environment and status of paddy rice production mechanization; different mechanization technologies, cost of labor and machinery utilization; and factors affecting machinery utilization cost. Subsequently, the mechanization options for each field operation were analyzed based on machinery availability, operation scale and organizational pattern. In addition, the economic benefit of different systems of field operations was compared. In total, there were 14 possible machinery systems. Among these systems, those that have the high economical benefit use plowing as the tillage operation, blanket-type seedling or seedling cultivation in the field, followed by transplanting, chemical application, and combine harvesting

    Analysis of China's primary wood products market : sawnwood and plywood

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    China's primary wood processing industry and wood consuming sectors have experienced rapid growth in recent years. Industries like sawnwood and plywood have developed very quickly. The purpose of this study is to: 1) provide an overview of the demand, supply, imports and exports of raw wood and primary wood products in the China market between 1993 and 2007, 2) present quantitative estimates of the relative importance of factors influencing the demand, supply and exports of Chinese plywood, 3) draw conclusions about China's potentials and challenges for foreign enterprises, including Finnish companies. The information, analyses and findings presented in this study can give a reference for wood processing companies, especially for sawnwood and plywood firms, and governmental agencies in China. In addition, the study provides a basis for further study and research. Even though much information has been published in China, academic research in the Chinese woodworking market is scarce, and especially, time-series data is missing and unreliable. This study tries to fill this gap. It is based on secondary data collected from various sources, including literatures, journals, magazines, consulting reports, industry analysis, news, and so on. The annual time-series data obtained for variables in models are mainly gathered from original official Chinese sources. The study increases the information and understanding on the Chinese wood products markets by using descriptive and explanatory methods to analyze the data for background information, markets and empirical modeling. By employing econometric models, based on the elasticity estimates, Chinese plywood demand seems to be income elastic but price inelastic, Chinese plywood supply would be highly elastic with raw material price but scale inelastic, and Chinese plywood exports appear to be highly income elastic