6 research outputs found

    Tatere i Norden før 1850 : Sosio-økonomiske og etniske fortolkningsmodeller

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    Avhandlingen består av en historiografisk og en realhistorisk del. Den historiografiske delen inneholder en analyse av de ulike fortolkningene av tatere og sigøynere i Vest-Europa fra 1400-tallet og opp til vår tid. Sentralt i denne delen er en kritisk gjennomgang av den sosio-økonomiske fortolkningsmodellen som har forstått taterne som en innenlandsk gruppe som har fått sitt særpreg gjennom en tilværelse i samfunnets ytterkanter. Gruppedannelsen blir forklart som et resultat av sosiale utstøtingsmekanismer, særlig knyttet til former for yrkesutøvelse som var sosialt stigmatiserende og til kriminalitet. I Norden har den sosio-økonomiske fortolkningsmodellen støttet seg på de genealogiske undersøkelsene til H.P. Hansen (Danmark), Kaspar Flekstad (Norge) og Adam Heymowski (Sverige). Mange seinere forskere har unnlatt å gå empirien og argumentasjonen til disse forskerne nærmere etter i sømmene. En del av argumentasjonen virker i dag nærmest kuriøs. Det dreier seg blant annet om den sterke vektleggingen av nordiske navneformer som et bevis på nordisk opprinnelse og om en form for sigøynerstereotypier som ser bort fra kulturelle endringsprosesser. Avhandlingens konklusjon er at de rent sosio-økonomiske fortolkningene ikke er tilstrekkelige til å forklare tatergruppas særpreg. Nyere genealogiske undersøkelser viser at taterne er en gruppe med en klar historisk kontinuitet. Det er ikke dekning for å hevde at taterbetegnelsen har skiftet betydning eller at den utelukkende har blitt brukt som en stigmatiserende merkelapp for omstreifere generelt. Avhandlingens del II er en analyse av gruppebetegnelser, økonomisk tilpasning og gruppeidentitet basert på kildestudier. En gjennomgang av nordiske rettssaker fra 1600-tallet og begynnelsen av 1700-tallet viser at myndighetene forsto taterne som en særgruppe basert på avstamningskriterier og oppfatninger om utenlandsk opprinnelse. Gjennom disse rettssakene får vi også et innblikk i taternes egenforståelse. Taternes gruppeidentitet var knyttet til oppfatninger om felles avstamning. I forhør identifiserte de seg selv som tatere eller ”zigenare” og vektla at de var ”født af tattersche folk” eller ”af zigenisk extraction”

    The climate, economic and equity effects of fuel tax, road toll and commuter tax credit

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    State-of-the-art travel demand models for Norway have been run with the aim of revealing the equity effects of selected policy measures for greenhouse gas abatement. The Oslo Intercity Regional Model, comprising roughly 43 per cent of Norway's five million population, was used to study short distance trips in southeastern Norway, i. e. in and around the capital city of Oslo. The NTM6 model for domestic, long distance travel was used to analyze domestic trips longer than 70 km one way. Both of these are network models of travel demand, predicting car ownership, trip frequency, destination choice, mode choice and route choice under user specified input assumptions. The following three policy options have been studied: (i) tripled toll rates and ferry fares everywhere in Norway, (ii) a NOK 0.20 (= € 0.024) per vehicle km road charge or equivalently higher fuel tax, and (iii) abolishment of the commuter tax credit, which in 2014 amounted to roughly € 0.05 per km for long-distance commuters. By design, these three policy options give rise to similar reductions in CO2 emissions from travel. While option (i) turns out to be highly inefficient, options (ii) and (iii) appear, in a partial travel demand analysis, to be welfare increasing even before CO2 abatement benefits. However, when the policy options are ordered according to their equity effects, the ranking becomes completely reversed. The abolishment of the commuter tax credit appears to hit people in low income neighbourhoods five to fifteen times harder than those living in high income zones. The fuel tax increase gives rise to corresponding inequity ratios between three and seven. The main explanation is that residents of remote, low income areas generally sustain longer commutes, and also to a larger extent depend on their cars for commuting than do workers in densely populated urban or suburban districts.acceptedVersio

    Drammensbiblioteket etter 7 års drift. Rapport til Nasjonalbiblioteket. Drammen 2014

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    Etter flere års drift og erfaring med «Det sømløse bibliotek», var det i 2013 tid for en evaluering og forslag til eventuelle endringer og forbedringer. Representanter for eierne av de tre bibliotekene, Høgskolen i Buskerud (HiBu) v/prorektor Gunnar Horgen, Buskerud fylkeskommune (BFK) v/utviklingssjef Kjersti Bærug Hulbakk, Drammen kommune (DK) v/kommunaldirektør Kari Høyer nedsatte derfor en arbeidsgruppe bestående av: Biblioteksjef Drammen, Monica Nyhus, fylkesbiblioteksjef Trond Minken, biblioteksjef HiBu Kari Fagerjord, «som utreder og lager en sammenstilling som vi som eiere kan benytte som underlag for en ny samarbeidsavtale for «Drammensbiblioteket»». Forventninger til arbeidsgruppa var « å få faglige innspill til en overordnet beslutning om ny avtale i partenes styrende organer (høgskolestyret og politiske organer).

    The climate, economic and equity effects of fuel tax, road toll and commuter tax credit

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    State-of-the-art travel demand models for Norway have been run with the aim of revealing the equity effects of selected policy measures for greenhouse gas abatement. The Oslo Intercity Regional Model, comprising roughly 43 per cent of Norway's five million population, was used to study short distance trips in southeastern Norway, i. e. in and around the capital city of Oslo. The NTM6 model for domestic, long distance travel was used to analyze domestic trips longer than 70 km one way. Both of these are network models of travel demand, predicting car ownership, trip frequency, destination choice, mode choice and route choice under user specified input assumptions. The following three policy options have been studied: (i) tripled toll rates and ferry fares everywhere in Norway, (ii) a NOK 0.20 (= € 0.024) per vehicle km road charge or equivalently higher fuel tax, and (iii) abolishment of the commuter tax credit, which in 2014 amounted to roughly € 0.05 per km for long-distance commuters. By design, these three policy options give rise to similar reductions in CO2 emissions from travel. While option (i) turns out to be highly inefficient, options (ii) and (iii) appear, in a partial travel demand analysis, to be welfare increasing even before CO2 abatement benefits. However, when the policy options are ordered according to their equity effects, the ranking becomes completely reversed. The abolishment of the commuter tax credit appears to hit people in low income neighbourhoods five to fifteen times harder than those living in high income zones. The fuel tax increase gives rise to corresponding inequity ratios between three and seven. The main explanation is that residents of remote, low income areas generally sustain longer commutes, and also to a larger extent depend on their cars for commuting than do workers in densely populated urban or suburban districts

    Remarkable effect of transdermal nicotine in children with CHRNA4- related autosomal dominant sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy

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    Objective Autosomal dominant sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy (ADSHE) is characterized by hypermotor seizures and may be caused by gain-of-function mutations affecting the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). Benefit from nicotine consumption has been reported in adult patients with this disorder. For the first time, the effect of transdermal nicotine is evaluated in children. Methods Transdermal nicotine was applied to three boys, two aged 10 years (7 mg/24 h) and one six years (3.5 mg/24 h). Autosomal dominant sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy was caused by the p.S280F-CHRNA4 (cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 4) mutation. The children suffered from frequent, persistent nocturnal seizures and had developed educational and psychosocial problems. Seizure frequency and cognitive and behavioral parameters were assessed before and after treatment. Results A striking seizure reduction was reported soon after treatment onset. Hypermotor seizures disappeared; only sporadic arousals, sometimes with minor motor elements, were observed. Psychometric testing documented improvement in cognitive domains such as visuospatial ability, processing speed, memory, and some areas of executive functions. Significance Nicotine appears to be a mechanistic treatment for this specific disorder, probably because of desensitization of the mutated receptors. It may control seizures resistant to conventional drugs for epilepsy and impact socioeducational function in children. This mode of precision therapy should receive more attention and should be available to more patients with uncontrolled CHRNA4-related ADSHE across the age span