20 research outputs found

    Accelerating Economic Growth and Reducing Poverty: The Road Ahead

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    It outlines the broad framework and the strategy for poverty reduction based on four pillars: (a) accelerating economic growth while maintaining the macroeconomic stability; (b) improving the governance; (c) investing in human capital; and (d) targeting the poor and the vulnerable. The PRSP also highlights the programs and policies of the Government under each of these pillars and proposed indicators to monitor the outcome of these policies as well as intermediate indicators for social sectors.poor, vulnerable, livestock, fisheries, law, statistics, poverty, pakistan, governance, economic growth, social sectors,

    Finance Bill 2005

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    To give effect to the financial proposals of the Federal Government for the year beginning on the first day of July, 2005, and to enact and amend certain laws:Pakistan, Finance Bill 2005, Economics

    Agriculture and Nutrition in Pakistan: Pathways and Disconnects 1

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    Results of the latest nationwide nutrition survey show that the ‘South Asian paradox’ of persistently high rates of undernutrition despite respectable rates of economic growth appears to hold true for Pakistan. Although nutrition has largely been framed as a health issue in Pakistan, it is an outcome of complex processes. Amongst various economic sectors, agriculture – a sector that employs 45 per cent of the workforce in Pakistan – might have direct implications for nutrition outcomes through drivers such as the availability and diversity of food and income distribution. Using evidence from Pakistan, this article reviews trends and policymaking in agriculture and applies a framework for analysing pathways between agriculture and nutrition. It then goes on to highlight potential disconnects in the agriculture?nutrition linkage and identifies areas for future research