6 research outputs found

    Rosai-Dorfman disease affecting the maxilla

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    Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD), formerly called sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy, is a non-neoplastic proliferative histiocytic disorder with behavior ranging from highly aggressive to spontaneous remission. Although the lymph nodes are more commonly involved, any organ can be affected. This study aimed to describe the features and the follow-up of a case of extranodal RDD. Our patient was a 39-year-old woman who was referred with an 11-month history of pain in the right maxilla. On clinical examination, some upper right teeth presented full mobility with normal appearance of the surrounding gingiva. Radiographic exams showed an extensive bone reabsorption and maxillary sinus filled with homogeneous tissue, which sometimes showed polypoid formation. An incisional biopsy demonstrated a diffuse inflammatory infiltrate rich in foamy histiocytes displaying lymphocytes emperipolesis. Immunohistochemistry showed positivity for CD68 and S-100, and negativity for CD3, CD20, and CD30. Such features were consistent with the RDD diagnosis. The patient was referred to a hematologist and corticotherapy was administrated for 6 months. RDD is an uncommon disease that rarely affects the maxilla. In the present case, the treatment was conservative, and the patient is currently asymptomatic after 5 years of follow-u

    PCC19 - Hiperplasia endotelial papilar intravascular em língua: relato de caso

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    A hiperplasia endotelial papilífera é uma lesão vascular benigna, rara e não-neoplásica que ocorre entre a terceira e a sexta década de vida e tem leve predileção pelo gênero feminino, sendo o lábio inferior, língua e mucosa bucal os locais mais acometidos. Paciente do gênero masculino, 62 anos, compareceu à Instituição relatando aparecimento de lesão arroxeada em língua há pelo menos2 anos

    Rosai-Dorfman disease affecting the maxilla

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    Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD), formerly called sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy, is a non-neoplastic proliferative histiocytic disorder with behavior ranging from highly aggressive to spontaneous remission. Although the lymph nodes are more commonly involved, any organ can be affected. This study aimed to describe the features and the follow-up of a case of extranodal RDD. Our patient was a 39-year-old woman who was referred with an 11-month history of pain in the right maxilla. On clinical examination, some upper right teeth presented full mobility with normal appearance of the surrounding gingiva. Radiographic exams showed an extensive bone reabsorption and maxillary sinus filled with homogeneous tissue, which sometimes showed polypoid formation. An incisional biopsy demonstrated a diffuse inflammatory infiltrate rich in foamy histiocytes displaying lymphocytes emperipolesis. Immunohistochemistry showed positivity for CD68 and S-100, and negativity for CD3, CD20, and CD30. Such features were consistent with the RDD diagnosis. The patient was referred to a hematologist and corticotherapy was administrated for 6 months. RDD is an uncommon disease that rarely affects the maxilla. In the present case, the treatment was conservative, and the patient is currently asymptomatic after 5 years of follow-u

    Plasma rico en fibrina (PRF) y placa de titanio en el tratamiento exitoso de un defecto óseo asociado a osteonecrosis causado por bisfosfonatos: reporte de caso

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    Bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is a progressive condition that still has no consensus about its ideal treatment. Fibrin-rich plasma (FRP) therapy shows effectiveness on BRONJ’s treatment by clinicians. A 76-year-old male patient attended for our evaluation complaining of pain in his mouth for 8 months. The medical history showed multiple myeloma metastasis and the use of bisphosphonate (BP) for metastasis control. On intraoral clinical evaluation, suppuration and exposed bone was evident on posterior left mandible measuring approximately 4 centimeters. On panoramic radiograph, we observed a radiolucent image and an area of osseous trabeculae disorganization on left mandible. Computed Tomography (CT) image showed some destruction of lingual and buccal cortical, suggestive of bone sequestration. The treatment was to remove all necrotic bone and fill the defect with FRP from the patient's own blood. Sutures were placed to provide wound primary closure and after 2 months without evidence of exposed bone, the patient came complaining with pain again. After a panoramic radiograph, it was clearly observed a radiolucent image with an image of a jaw discontinuity line, suggestive of mandible fracture in the same side treated before. New surgery was performed and as the intraoral mucosa was perfectly healthy, an extraoral access was made. All the necrotic bone was removed and titanium plates were placed. After 3 months following up, there were signs of bone consolidation and no pain complaint by patient. The patient was able to eating properly and had his quality of life improved.La osteonecrosis de la mandíbula asociada a bisfosfonatos (BRONJ) es una afección progresiva que aún no tiene consenso sobre su tratamiento ideal. La terapia con plasma rico en fibrina (PRF) ha demostrado ser efectiva en BRONJ. El presente caso relata el tratamiento de un paciente masculino de 76 años que asistió quejándose de dolor en la boca durante 8 meses. Su historial médico reportó metástasis de mieloma múltiple y uso de bisfosfonatos, que había dejado de tomar tres meses antes. En la mandíbula posterior izquierda, la evaluación clínica intraoral presentó supuración y exposición ósea de aproximadamente 4 cm; en la radiografía panorámica se identificó una imagen radiotransparente y desorganización de trabéculas óseas; en la tomografía computarizada fue evidente cierta destrucción de la cortical lingual y bucal, que sugirió secuestro óseo. El diagnóstico fue osteonecrosis asociada a bisfosfonatos. El tratamiento consistió en extraer el hueso necrótico y llenar el defecto con PRF obtenido de la sangre del paciente. Se consiguió el cierre completo de la herida. Después de 2 meses, el paciente volvió a quejarse de dolor, una radiografía panorámica mostró una línea radiolúcida de discontinuidad, sugestiva de fractura mandibular en la zona tratada previamente. Se realizó una segunda cirugía con acceso extraoral ya que la mucosa oral se encontraba completamente sana. Se extrajo el hueso necrótico y se colocaron placas de titanio. Después de 3 meses de seguimiento, hubo signos de consolidación ósea y ausencia de dolor; el paciente pudo comer adecuadamente y su calidad de vida mejoró

    Recomendaciones para prevención y control de infecciones por SARS-CoV-2 en odontología

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    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the new pandemic of coronavirus pneumonia COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, in a short period of time, has spread to all regions of the world where the number of confirmed cases and deaths continues to rise. Along with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS) and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS), this is the third highly pathogenic human coronavirus that has emerged in the past two decades. Faced with this Public Health emergency, attempts have been made to control the global spread; however, in the vast majority of countries the capacity of their health systems has been overwhelmed. Appropriate measures have been found to reduce the risk of infection and effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic. In dentistry, due to the special nature of its procedures, the risk of cross infection is high and strict prevention and control measures are important, particularly due to possible care for asymptomatic patients capable of transmitting the virus. Given the urgent need to establish strict and effective infection control protocols, a review of the scientific evidence was carried out to analyze the epidemiological and infectious characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and to recommend prevention and control measures in relation to professionals and students of dentistry to block person-to-person transmission routes in dental clinics and hospitals.Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la nueva pandemia de neumonía por coronavirus COVID-19 o SARS-CoV-2, en un corto período de tiempo, se ha extendido a todas las regiones del mundo donde el número de casos confirmados y muertes sigue aumentando. Junto con el coronavirus del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo (SARS) y el coronavirus del Síndrome Respiratorio del Medio Oriente (MERS), este es el tercer coronavirus humano altamente patógeno que ha surgido en las últimas dos décadas. Frente a esta emergencia de Salud Pública, se ha intentado controlar la propagación global, sin embargo, en la gran mayoría de países se ha visto desbordada la capacidad de sus sistemas de salud. Se ha observado que medidas adecuadas pueden reducir el riesgo de infección y prevenir efectivamente la propagación de la epidemia. En odontología, debido a la naturaleza especial de sus procedimientos, el riesgo de infección cruzada es alto y las medidas estrictas de prevención y control son importantes, particularmente por la posible atención a pacientes asintomáticos capaces de transmitir el virus. Ante la urgente necesidad de establecer protocolos de control de infecciones estrictos y efectivos, se realizó una revisión de la evidencia científica para analizar las características epidemiológicas e infecciosas de SARS-CoV-2 y recomendar medidas de prevención y control en relación a los profesionales y estudiantes de la odontología a fin de bloquear las rutas de transmisión de persona a persona en clínicas y hospitales dentales