322 research outputs found

    A language-independent method for the alignement of parallel corpora

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    PACLIC 20 / Wuhan, China / 1-3 November, 200


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     Since assessment is an indispensable part of education, curriculum makers, educators and teachers have engaged in an ongoing discussion of how to address student performance. A variety of assessments including both short-term and long-term ones can be applied during or at the end of the learning process. Among such types, authentic assessment is a prominent approach. This paper is going to advocate authentic assessments as it fosters students' growth and teachers' pedagogical strategies. In addition, it helps to reach the goals of educational practices through the authenticity of equity and innovation when students actively seek their own ways to appreciate what they have learnt. Particularly, in a writing skills class, learners can take this opportunity to improve step by step their own proficiency in the use of written words. The paper, hence, discusses how authentic assessment can be applied to develop college students' writing through classroom observation and a set of semi-structured interviews. The result of the study revealed that using authentic assessment is an effective strategy for enhancing students’ interest in writing process and writing task fulfillment. Students would find it easier to become skillful writers at their English levels. The study, therefore, recommends more uses of authentic assessment in teaching writing skills as well as in teaching and learning the English language in general

    Identification and estimation of the marine ecosystem services surrounding selected offshore islands of Vietnam

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    Intertidal and larger marine ecosystems surrounding the islands of Bach Long Vi (Northern Vietnam), Con Co (Central Vietnam) and Tho Chu (Southernmost Vietnam) which have typical and valuable ecosystems are planned as marine protected areas. They are the study area of this paper on identification and estimation of these ecosystem services. The total economic valuation concept is used to estimate the total value of the ecosystems during the period March 2014 to October 2015. The marine ecosystems surrounding Bach Long Vi Island were estimated servicing 599,047.8 million VND (Vietnam Dong)/year in total (corresponding to 26.62 million USD (US dollar—1 USD = 22,503.68 VND (rate May 1, 2015)); calculated per hectare; this value corresponds with 94 million VND/year. The marine ecosystems surrounding Con Co Island provide a total monetary service of 267,518 million VND/year (approximately, 12 million USD/year); this corresponds with 307 million VND/ha/year. The marine ecosystems surrounding the Tho Chu archipelago were worth 565,236 million VND/year (approximately, 25 million USD/year); this corresponded with 125.47 million VND/ha/year. These figures show the most significant service value of marine ecosystems, particularly around the three islands


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    Purpose of the study: Innovation is seen as the key to improving quality and productivity, thereby promoting competition and economic growth. This study analyzes the impact of innovation on economic growth through various measures, such as research and development spending, the number of researchers, number of patents as well as trademark registrations. Research results are evidence to recommend policies for intellectual-based economic growth. Methodology: Literature review and empirical analysis conducted in the study. The empirical method is a two-step System Generalize Methods of Moments (GMM), aiming at reliable results. Accessing the World Bank Database, research data from 64 developed and developing countries are collected from 2006 to 2014. Main Findings: The empirical findings show that innovation plays a crucial contribution in promoting economic growth, similar to national openness and government spending on education. This study also finds a positive impact on foreign investment flows and their spillover role in enhancing the correlation between innovation and economic growth. Applications of this study: The findings of this study focus on the contributions of innovation, foreign direct investment inflows, and other macro factors that can be enforced to improve economic growth by policymakers. Novelty/Originality of this study: The study uses different measures of innovation, including inputs such as the number of researchers, research and development expenditure, and outputs as the number of patents and number of trademark registrations. Empirical findings are found consistently, thus confirming that innovation is very important for economic growth. The study also shows convincing evidence confirming the positive contribution of foreign direct investment as well as its spillover effect on innovation and economic growth

    Isolation and characterization of chlorpyrifos-degrading bacteria in tea-growing soils

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    The excess use of pesticides in the agricultural sector has caused environmental pollution and affected the complete ecosystem. Among the various commonly used pesticides, chlorpyrifos (CPF) is widely used against multiple agrarian pests due to its effectiveness and higher insecticidal activities. However, along with its beneficial usage, CPF has various residual effects on the environment, causing multiple negative impacts on aquatic organisms and human health. Consequently, methods for eliminating CPF in the background are essential. Among the currently available approaches to CPF remediation, biological methods using microorganisms are eco-friendly and cost-effective. Therefore, this study was conducted to isolate and characterize chlorpyrifos-degrading bacteria from the tea-growing soil of Vietnam. For this, soil samples were collected from the 20 tea-growing areas of Vietnam. From the collected samples, three bacterial strains viz., Methylobacterium populi CNN2, Ensifer adhaerens VNN3, and Acinetobacter pittii CNN4 have been isolated by using streak plate method and identified based on 16S rRNA gene analysis. The study results showed that under laboratory conditions, E. adhaerens VNN3 had the highest CPF degradation ability and was followed by the strain M. populi CNN2. In liquid medium, CPF concentration (100 mg/L) was reduced by 95.2% and 81.4% by E.adhaerens VNN3 and M. populi CNN2, respectively, after 72 h. Further, under in-vitro conditions, the concentration of CPF was reduced from 500 mg/kg to 112 ± 1.73 (77.6%) and 197 ± 2.08 mg/kg (60.6%) by E. adhaerens VNN3 and M. populi CNN2, respectively. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that E. adhaerens VNN3 and M. populi CNN2 can be used for CPF-contaminated agricultural soil remediation

    Impact of trained human resources, adoption of technology and international standards on the improvement of accounting and auditing activities in the agricultural sector in Viet Nam

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    Recently, the adoption of accounting and auditing standards in the agricultural sector has been a global phenomenon that has gained increasing trend due to the significant role of the agricultural industry in the country's economy. Thus, the present study examines the impact of trained human resources, technology adoption, and international standards on improving accounting and auditing activities in the agricultural sector in Vietnam. The present research investigates the moderating impact of agricultural, institutional support among the linkage of trained human resources, technology adoption, international standards, and improvement of accounting and auditing activities in the agricultural sector. The present article has adopted the questionnaires to gather the primary data from selected respondents. The current research has applied the smart-PLS to test the study's hypotheses. The results revealed that trained human resources, technology adoption, and international standards positively impact the improvement of accounting and auditing activities in the agricultural sector. The findings also indicated that the agricultural institutional support significantly moderates the linkage of trained human resources, technology adoption, international standards, and improved accounting and auditing activities in the agricultural sector.Nguyen Van Hoa (University of Kinh Bac (UKB)), Nguyen Thi Hanh Duyen (Vinh University), Vu Ngoc Huyen (Viet Nam National University of Agriculture (VNUA)), Hoang Vu Quang (Researcher at Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPSARD)), Nguyen Van Huong (Hung Yen University of Technology and Education (UTEHY)), Nguyen Thi Cam Tu (National Economics University (NEU)), Bui Thi Minh Nguyet (Vietnam National University of Forestry (VNUF))Includes bibliographical references


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    Bach Long Vi island is an offshore district in the centre of the Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam and administratively belongs to Hai Phong city. The island surrounded by abundant marine ecosystems with high biodiversity is one of 16 marine protected areas approved by the Prime Minister of Vietnam on 26/5/2010 according to the Decision No.742/QD-TTg. Currently, in addition to the main service of economic activities as fishery logistics, Bach Long Vi island still remains the wild features with beautiful scenery, fresh air and the diversity of marine species that are suitable for the development of eco-tourism and resorts. Although tourism at present is not developed yet, its potentials are promising. Deploying zone travel cost method (ZTCM), tourism potentials based on ecosystem services of Bach Long Vi island were estimated at 5.4 billion VND (Vietnamese currency). The value can be much higher if the infrastructure of the island is improved and the island is accessible more easily. Tourism potential valuation and identification of the advantages of the island strongly support tourism planning in the future.Đảo Bạch Long Vĩ là đảo xa bờ nhất của Việt Nam trong vịnh Bắc Bộ và về mặt hành chính là một huyện đảo trực thuộc thành phố Hải Phòng. Đảo có hệ sinh thái biển bao quanh khá phong phú, đa dạng sinh học cao, là một trong số 16 khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên biển Việt Nam đã được Thủ tướng chính phủ phê duyệt lựa chọn vào ngày 26/5/2010 theo Quyết định số 742/QĐ-TTg. Hiện nay, ngoài hoạt động kinh tế dịch vụ chính là hậu cần nghề cá, huyện đảo Bạch Long Vĩ vẫn giữ nguyên được nét hoang sơ với cảnh quan đẹp, không khí trong lành và sự đa dạng của các loài hải sản thích hợp với phát triển du lịch sinh thái, nghỉ dưỡng. Mặc dù hiện tại du lịch chưa phát triển ở vùng đảo, tuy nhiên tiềm năng du lịch rất lớn. Bằng phương pháp tính chi phí du lịch theo vùng (ZTCM), giá trị tiềm năng du lịch trên nền tảng các dịch vụ hệ sinh thái của đảo Bạch Long Vĩ được ước tính là 5,4 tỷ đồng/năm. Giá trị này còn cao hơn nhiều nếu hạ tầng cơ sở của đảo và khả năng đi lại thuận tiện. Ước tính giá trị tiềm năng du lịch và xác định cụ thể những yếu tố thuận lợi giúp khu vực này phát triển tốt du lịch trong tương lai

    Automated Extraction of Tree Adjoining Grammars from a Treebank for Vietnamese

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a system that automatically extracts lexicalized tree adjoining grammars (LTAG) fromtreebanks.We first discuss in detail extraction algorithms and compare themto previous works. We then report the first LTAG extraction result for Vietnamese, using a recently released Vietnamese treebank. The implementation of an open source and language independent system for automatic extraction of LTAG grammars is also discussed

    Une étude de cas pour l'étiquetage morpho-syntaxique de textes vietnamiens

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    Colloque avec actes sans comité de lecture. nationale.National audienceDans cet article, nous discutons de la construction des jeux d'étiquettes pour l'analyse morpho-syntaxique du vietnamien, en prenant en compte les spécificités linguistiques de cette langue. Cette construction est inspirée du modèle MULTEXT(*) dans le but de s'orienter vers les applications multilingues ainsi que la réutilisabilité des jeux d'étiquettes. Nous allons finalement décrire une expérimentation sur l'étiquetage lexical des textes vietnamiens en utilisant QTAG (Mason et Tufis, 1998), un étiqueteur probabiliste indépendant des langues. || This paper discusses part of speech (POS) tagset construction for Vietnamese by considering linguistic specificities of this language. We take into account the schema as defined in the MULTEXT(*) model, so as to account for possible multilingual applicat